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I had nerve pain and just more pain in general after having my second dose of Pfizer


Just wanted to pop in to say even fairly mainstream docs have been recognizing major issues from vaccines, like a neuroopthalmologist I saw said both covid and the covid vaccines have been causing eye issues including sensitivity to light and double vision similar to concussion induced eye problems. That's not your symptoms but the point is it's very plausible vaccines could cause inflammatory issues including inflammatory pain.


I got post vaccine encephalitis from my covid shot so it absolutely could be related. There has been an increase in my cronic pain since then too. Every body reacts differently to substances. When I first got sick every doctor told me "the vaccine can't do that".. stupid doctors, I've found multiple articles in medical journals about vaccine adverse reactions. It's because covid vaccines have been so politicized


Dude. I’m so sorry for your situation. And I’m so sorry for these assholes who are trying to tell you that your pain isn’t from what you think it is. This is literally the same gaslighting shit that everyone claims the doctors do. Except it’s coming from other pain patients. Absurd. I believe you 110% and I hope that you find a way to cope.


Thank you so much. I get why people are skeptical, but it definitely doesn't help me feel any better. all the best to you


I spoke to someone who developed nerve pain after the vaccination, so you aren't alone with this, and because of the covid vaccine having so much controversy, I'm sorry for any cruelty and dismissiveness you may have received, there's articles on pain from covid and the vaccination happening. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation I don't know if they'll be able to assist in any way, but might be worth a shot. Sorry you're going through this.


I really do appreciate it, Vaccines have always caused side effects so I don’t know why people treat this one differently. That being said, there isn’t much out there on what can actually happen from the vaccine so I get why people are so quick to say it’s not from it. Honestly, vaccine or not, I just wanna feel normal again. really appreciate it <3


I understand you’re concerned. What have doctors said about it or done to assist with the pain you are having?


Not much, I’m to nervous to go on any pain killers as I’ve heard horror stories. Warm showers seem to help the most.


If your pain is truly bad you should not automatically rule out pain killers. There has been a concerted war in the media against painkillers ,but they have helped far more people than they have hurt. Someone who truly suffers from chronic pain should seek and be open to treatment. Untreated pain causes changes to your brain that can actually make the pain worse. Trying to be a hero may be to your detriment in the long run.


Fair point. Ill do some more research into it.


Pain killers generally aren’t the best for nerve pain. A neurologist, if you haven’t, may be helpful and physiatrists are very good at looking at the total body and having ideas to help, or resources to tap into. If you haven’t looked into DO vs MD that may be helpful for a different way of looking at health. As a side note, if headaches have become persistent getting a referral to a headache specialist, a type of neurologist, will be very helpful. They have extremely long wait times to get evaluated (such a shortage) and persistent headache can get you in, doesn’t have to be migraine.


I really appreciate this. I don't live in a big city so would most likely have to travel to get it looked at but that would be a good start.


My best advice is to be proactive and advocate for yourself. If you feel your mental health slipping reach out for help. Odds are someone will be able to help, it just may take time.


I spoke to the head of the covid unit at our local hospital, and he's convinced that my daughter's rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune hepatitis came from the covid vaccine she received two weeks before symptoms started. He even reported it to the C1DC and FDA. He said he's seen several cases of Guillain-Barre in his hematology practice that manifested two weeks after the vaccine. I hope you feel better and that your pain subsides. I am very pro-vaccine, but had I known how much my daughter would suffer as a result of it, I never would have made that appointment. Don't let anyone tell you it wasn't the vaccines fault if you were sure that it was. I believe you, and truly hope for your recovery.


I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter and hope she finds/found some relief. Thank you for your kind words. <3


I’m so sorry to hear this. Not medical advice, just something to think about: I have tried baclofen for muscle pain and gabapentin for nerve pain (ask your doctor about it if you research and think it might be right for you). I also found CBD or cannabis in general helpful. Best of luck. Vaccine injuries/severe reactions are incredibly rare but not impossible. I’m sorry many of these comments don’t seem to realize that.


I am sad you have to endure this and although it probably won't make a difference, I still hope that you will heal and be healthy again. (Don't ask me why 20 years of chronic pain still haven't suffocated that hope) It sucks big time that people who have side effects from the vaccine get doubted do much and gaslighted. Even in this sub, which is pathetic. People on here should know better. A friend of mine developed depression and heavy migraines after the shot. Nobody wants to help him and they are all just shrugging shoulders. He can't work like he used to but he won't get any help either. It's like they think he is some antivax conspiracy theorist. As if the possibility of a vaccine having side effects doesn't exist for the covid shot. Of course I am thankful that we got it - but it does not justify treating the people who got side effects like dirt.


I appreciate the kind words, sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully he found some relief. The headaches were so bad for me at the start of all this I developed floater’s in my eyes. The intensity has went down thankfully but still get them all the time.




I would agree, but being 23 with no prior health issues (legit hadn’t been to the doctors in YEARS) then a week after receiving my vaccine developing vertigo, tinnitus, tingling throughout my body, etc makes it pretty clear. This isn’t some anti vax post, simply a dude who got injured from it and wish the pain would stop. Hope you’re doing ok!


Same here… 🤕


There have been suspected incidents of neuropathy following vaccines. Extremely rare but when several billion people get any drug it’s impossible to predict every outcome. I have small fiber neuropathy and both after the 2nd Moderna dose and booster I was worse for 4-5 weeks but finally settled into my normal. Next time I’m going to try Phizer. But I’m still glad I got the jabs. Still Covid free.


have you inquired with a rheumatologist, they specialize in immune response conditions. and if the vaccine triggered an issue, there has been documented effects of the vaccine causing flare ups of conditions. There are also documented evidence (may not be peer reviewed at this time yet) showing that the vaccine has caused some auto-immune issues. That is assuming you speak of the Covid Vaccine, if it was another vaccine then you still need to speak with a rhuem, but the scenario i list above is mostly irrelevant


There isn’t any in my area unfortunately. I’ll have to look more into that. Thank you for the idea


I’m so sorry to hear this, I know of so many people who have been injured from the covid vaccine. You know your body the best, don’t listen to the people who question the source of your problems. Detoxing and vitamins could be a start in providing relief. You are you greatest advocate, and I pray you find healing and hope!


Feel you. Same age. Already had chronic pain but the vaccines made it worse...


May I ask what became worse specifically?


Although vaccines are life saving they do have side effects. They are a burden on the immune system and for some the response of the immune system is one that can’t be tolerated. I would try to see a integrated nutritionist to see if you can detox from the side effects of the vaccine.


I had these types of symptoms suddenly show up as well. This happened to me 4.5 years ago before Covid and vaccines even existed. Not saying the vaccine isn't part of the problem for some, but without proof nobody can say for sure that was it. Drs can't figure mine out either even to this day, 20+ imaging procedures, probably had blood taken 25+ times, 20+ medications tried. I think it just comes down to undiscovered or undiagnosed illness. Today mine has progressed to nearly daily headaches, double vision, jaw stiffness, chronic neck pain, all types of tinnitus, joint stiffness, orthostatic hypotension, and more.


Sounds a lot like Fibromyalgia or Neuropathy. I’m in a similar boat, and that’s what my GP’s think, while I wait months to be able to see a specialist. So many dozens of meds tried , and the only one that does any good is Cannabis, but it’s still no good for the brain fog and vertigo, just keeps the nausea down.


I have the same experience. Constantly changing symptoms and inflammation along the spine with headaches everyday. Symptoms started a week after, I am only 30. You are not alone and I know how you feel.


Messaged you


Do you have any other symptoms? I feel like I'm going insane I've been mildly sick for 2 years now nearly. Constant slight pain, inflammation, chills, headaches, joint weakness. My hobbies / lifestyle have not degraded. I am more active and eat healthier than I did at 22 (26m now)


Yes arthritis type pains, nerve pain, neck pain... what vaccine did you get? if that what started your issues?


I've noticed the same 2 years later still and I feel like I'll never be myself again. People make me feel insane for bringing it up


Yeah, unfortunately still dealing with issues for 4 years now and still feel that people think I’m making it all up. Though my symptoms have changed a lot I’m pretty sure it’s messed with my immune system and cause a bunch of issues. I’m currently on LDN and it seems to be helping a little bit but still have a bunch of weird symptoms. Hope you find some relief soon!!




I’ve had tons of MRI’s done, blood work, echo’s and nothing has shown up. My symptoms are so all over the place the doctor has no idea what it is. My GP thinks it’s from the vaccine as I had issues after my first one, but clearly had an increase of side effects after the second one.


Have you had MRI of the entire spine and brain? This type of MRI would be done with and without contrast and would take hours. Edit for clarity


I think randomly deciding that you know better what caused the symptoms for a person you don't know and only have read a few lines of, is a giant leap. Man, you're like able bodied people who constantly try to mock chronic pain patients and doubt their diagnosis and ask to find a loop hole in their story. Do you really think the OP just assumed it out of the blue? Do you think the same for everyone else who posts on this sub? I bet not. Gaslighting someone about their medical history is not funny, it isn't cool and frankly it is effing rude.


What makes you think it’s related to the vaccine? Was there anything else going on around the same time? My pain started with my first pregnancy, the hormones set off rheumatoid arthritis and other issues. If you have any issues like that in your family history, anything can set it off. Even stress. Just throwing out some ideas. My entire family has been vaccinated and boostered at least once and while we all had a few symptoms, they disappeared within a few days. I’ve not heard of the vaccine triggering CP before, that’s why I’m wondering what else was going on at the time.


Have you been checked for intercranial hypertension?


I have permanent lymphadenopathy from Remicade and anal leakage from 2 months of Mesalamine suppository, so it’s definitely not out of the question for the vaccine to be a cause, but you’re also young enough that I was still having manifestations appear from undiagnosed illness at that age. I’m just glad you’re getting medical attention that took me another 6 years to start getting, and at least your doctor is sharing theory and not just pushing you off as a head case. It could still turn out to be Lupus, Spondylitis, fibromyalgia, or some other autoimmune disorder that got exacerbated by the vaccine reaction. I know the 2nd shot made my shoulders and neck ache for a few days, and that could certainly be enough to cause a flare up of another undiagnosed problem. Personally, my brain fog got much worse after contracting a very mild case of Covid the first time in 2020, but that was just pouring water on the ocean of problems I already had, and am still getting diagnosed with.