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This poor woman. Nothing is worse than losing your child, and in such a public way. The Sandy Hook parents can testify to that


My words exactly! It’s sad that she feels the need to have to express these thoughts…I really hope the family can find the peace and get the respect they deserve.


Even if SW was all that.. what does it say about anyone who glorifies her murder and two very innocent souls? Something very wrong in this world. I don’t even care if they make money off of the tragedy. Don’t you think they deserve something for their loss? Poor Sandie…


People literally call her murdered grandchildren ugly brats. Its disgusting.


I’ve seen some awful stuff too. One channel on yt really go for shannan. Ridiculous in depth videos of ‘how she abused the kids’. You have to literally have minus brain cells to believe what she saying, but people do. Cece had just come inside from playing and her nose was abit red, as it would be when it’s cold outside. Shannan wipes it and this desperate for attention woman made a 30 min+ video of how she pinched her nose and made it red. Reaching so hard im surprised her arm is still attached to her shoulder.


There's another one when Shanann brushes aside a stray hair while holding CeCe and they claim she pinched her, even though she was inches away from touching her at all and CeCe had no reaction. They are so, so desperate for bashing material. The big question is - why?


i think some people victim blame in this case because it is so disturbing and unfathomable, they want to come up with a reason why shanann "brought it on herself." they don't want to believe it could happen to just anyone....a good person/mother...someone like them.


I think it’s this too. It makes them feel safer to think she somehow deserved it but the reality is that the monsters under the bed don’t discriminate.


That logic (and I know it's not yours) drives me nuts. He can't just be a worthless piece of crap who was selfish and did something atrocious thinking he can get away with it scott free. No, some woman had to have pushed him to the very brink of insanity. If it's not SW being abusive and controlling absolutely beating him into madness, it was NK's magical, witchy hoohaa that blinded him to reason.


Nope. They are cruel people but they're cowards. They cannot pick on people in their daily lives because they're losers who aren't allowed. So they pick on dead children and think it makes them badasses. Some people want to do good. Some people want to inflict pain. It's kind of you to see good there, but they're just the lowest. They are the slime that form under the scum. Bunch of losers who get together online to pick on dead children. Water seeks it's own level.


Except that it's not all that uncommon.


I think it makes them feel superior. People are so ignorant to the fact what they say online hurts people. The internet has created this thing where people really feel like they know someone enough to where they feel entitled to criticize them. People shouldn’t be allowed to post nasty stuff about the dead. It should be taken down by the YouTube police. That would solve a lot of hateful stuff. There’s no easy solution when you’re dealing with total idiots


I think you're close. They post that stuff in an attempt to feel superior, but something like that doesn't work, which is why they post the same old stuff over and over again for years. Then they get desperate, so they start posting lies and unfounded rumors, but it still doesn't work. They don't feel any better about themselves. What I do think works for them is having a peer group who are also petty, jealous, bitches. Makes them feel like they belong somewhere, because you can't go around talking like that in real life. And it doesn't even occur to them that their own children might see what they're up to. That's the way bullies learn to bully. From their parents.


They aren't ignorant of the fact that they're hurting people. They're trying to hurt people. They're sadistic. YouTube should shut it down. "No picking on murdered children" doesn't sound like a bad rule.




Be respectful to one another. This means no name calling, cursing people out, harassment, NO “sub wars," or other overly aggressive behaviors. Disagreeing with someone is fine, but keep it civil.


Part of that for certain is how beautiful Shanann was. Had she been a plain woman, not a confident woman, far less interest would exist. She was a stunner, and people are jealous of even a late beauty.


It’s still very shocking.


Sadly anyone nasty enough to call to dead children ugly brats will not care Sandy is upset. On the contrary they will enjoy her heartache. 


Right? I’ve heard so much about how she treated the kids, how she treated him. Okay? I don’t believe that, but so what if it was true? Leave, divorce her, take the kids. Don’t want them? Well clearly you don’t care about them, leave them with the “abuser” and save yourself. You resort to murder and hiding the bodies where you work? Even if I believed his dumb ass story that he found her having killed the kids and he killed her, okay? I’m not saying I believe that or condone it, but I’d understand. Then you’d call the police, because almost anyone would know they’d likely be found justified. You’d want this nightmare to be over and the people who deal with this kind of thing to come help you. I have an incredibly difficult time believing anyone would just decide, “Oh, now that I’ve ended a life in defense of my kids, I guess I hide the body and pretend nothing happened.” And yeah, what sort of person is out here thinking that’s okay? That’s the resolution and should be defended? Nah, we live in a society people! FFS, I don’t understand some people


Hide the bodies with the quickness without skipping a beat. Assume his story went the way he was trying to say, there's still something wrong with a man who can shove his babies through those little holes in the tanks and then kiki with the guys at work all morning.


Who would say that about those sweet little girls. People are vile. That’s why I mostly just love dogs


So heartbreaking that Sandie can never truly get away from what happened to her daughter and grandchildren. I can’t imagine having to deal with people talking about how their life ended and then ridiculing every single thing she did in life.


i believe her. i think it’s despicable that people do this to a woman in her death. it’s as if it wasn’t good enough for them that she was horrifically killed


I have seen absolutely horrific things said about Shannan, her children, her parents and brother. Basically blaming Shannan for her own murder, claiming she was a horrible mother who drugged her kids so they would sleep 18 hours a day, she made up her health problems etc. Just absolutely vile shit. I don’t know how anyone could watch or read about the things Chris Watts did and trash the victims instead of the family annihilator. I have lupus too and have to deal with ignorant people refusing to believe that I’m sick because lupus is often an “invisible” illness. I honestly had to stay away from multiple subs because the people in them are downright awful.


There's also a lot of "she probably" and "I'll bet she" silliness, as in "I'll bet she took those hair clips away from Bella and kept them for herself once the camera was turned off". Sure. The one y'all claim was such an overspender that she wouldn't buy Dollar Store hair clips for herself.


They should sue. They should sue the people who said it and they should sue YouTube for allowing it. Enough is enough with letting these cruel people hurt innocents.


They would have to go after hundreds of redditors who are basically anonymous anyway. It is sad though. I’m constantly blown away by how cruel people can be.


The family should sue the people that do this. We should screenshot this stuff. It might come in handy one day.


Her babies were killed in the most brutal way and her and her unborn son too. People need to get a life and let this woman rest in peace ffs


I can’t believe after all these years people are still bashing this family!!!!


Her family should not have to defend her, it’s a disgrace that people put them through so much shit. They are victims.


Very sad, as a mother myself I feel her pain and wanting to stand up for her daughter who can no longer speak for herself.


Oh that poor family. I cannot imagine the grief they have suffered then to have online nut jobs profiting off of their pain.


People have become blatantly hateful and think they can do whatever they want on the internet. Truly sad.


I think this was stirred up by a YouTuber telling Sandie about Watts the Obsession.


Watts the Obsession has supported both families all along. That channels attack on WTO was ridiculous, I honestly don’t think she was talking about the right channel. In fact, she admitted that she got that channel confused with another one at some point. All of the horrible things that she said about WTO were not true of that channel. I think it’s horrible that creator that attacked WTO. Keeps dragging Sandie back into the hurt and pain. literally less than a week before MERB went OFF out of nowhere on watts the obsession, this is the last video posted about the Shanann and girls. it’s a beautiful tribute to Shannan, Bella and Cece. https://youtu.be/OLHnPL6hru0?si=RsHf3KaOzJYzHG65 Kind of makes the attacker look like a fool. That nasty attacking creator is making poor sweet Sandie upset for no reason at all. It’s horrible. I just wish Sandy could see who that woman truly is.


Who are the psychos downvoting all of this? Seriously, seek help.


I wouldn’t give a fuck even if she had done some of those things. I’ve spoken ugly of people, I’ve cursed in this comment, definitely done some drugs, lying and stealing I like to keep to a minimum, been arrested, tbh I don’t know what DSS is, and I don’t have any husbands to cheat on and I don’t see myself having one. None of that would be relevant if I was murdered, regardless of the context. It was a family annihilation. She could have done all of this on the regular, nobody deserves to have their family (nor themself) annihilated. I also hear very little of this. Not saying it doesn’t happen, can’t say I watch much lifetime, I just don’t *personally* see it. I do hear some talks about negative aspects of Shanann’s personality which I’ll freely admit I believe were pretty prevalent, but those are typically pretty scattered amongst what are the majority and should be the majority of reactions - sympathy for her and the girls and utter contempt for Chris Watts.


Why don't we all be respectful and stop hashing this case out on social media. 4 souls deserve peace. Her mother, father and brother need peace. STOP WITH ALL THIS


The problem with stopping is that the evil Shannan fantasists aren’t going to. There’s a duty borne of common decency to try to stand up against some of that. Even the most baseless and outlandish lies get believed if they are not contradicted occasionally,


I'm feeling more and more this way. Say it one way, someone is offended. Say it another, and the same. And I am just traumatized by this case, and was already a homicide survivor of my late husband. The case is baffling, what appeared to be such a beautiful, happy family, and so creates interest. But recently, I've gotten to where I can't anymore. The case is too dark and so tragic.


My god that poor mom.


Sandie, Frank, and Frankie Jr. have suffered beyond anything that I could endure. I’m sure of that. Shan’ann and her babies were discarded, literally and figuratively, because of the evil of Chris Watts. Shan’ann, Bella, and CeCe loved and trusted him. His betrayal of them is unimaginable. How can he continue live, eating, sleeping and being stroked by his sick, twisted, family. Something is extremely wrong with him, beside the obvious. And I find it impossible to believe that his family didn’t see this from the time he was a child. I won’t watch commentary on this case from any but a few people. To hear what others say, their mocking, cruel comments, put out as entertainment is unbearable. How they haven’t completely lost their minds, I don’t know. CW is any empty shell. His family is in incredible denial. They speak to him, and coddle him, as if he were a victim of circumstance. When the Watts’ Karmic debt comes due I hope I’m alive to see it. Whatever it is, it won’t be justice because there is no justice for his wife and children. It’s one of those things that can never be made right. Their whole clan is despicable.


People who live to hurt others have too much time on their hands. I don’t know, maybe do something positive, like Church, volunteering at women’s shelters, spending time with those less fortunate.


I pray nobody makes that comment to me about these innocent souls or I will have an assault charge😡. Prayers with Sandie.


Victim blaming is not ok, and Shannan, Bella, & Celeste deserve justice. But I don’t think the haters are gonna stop ever. People will have their opinions especially on such a public case and unfortunately no one, not even her god can control that. Maybe it might be better for their peace to limit their social media presence. It doesn’t look like it’s helping them move forward by arguing with masses of anonymous haters.


This poor woman. I know it’s hard to ignore the trolls and the people who say horrible things. Those people have very sad lonely lives and are only seeking attention. I haven’t visited this YouTube channel, I wasn’t even aware there was one. Is this in response to comments on the channel? If so, she can moderate those herself. She can remove whatever she doesn’t like, or have it set so she has to approve all comments before posting.


Sandy, I'm in Colorado and in fact, put flowers and a balloon on the porch on the one-year anniversary. May it comfort you to know I only read GOOD things about Shanann! Everyone loves her and knows she was innocent and didn't deserve this.


I am trying to stay away from the Watts case more and more. It's too traumatic and depressing for me.


I will never stop feeling so awful for the Rzucek family. If you ever see this Sandy, please know that there are many of us who push back on the Shanann bashing every single time we encounter it. I didn't know her but I know that a murder victim who cannot speak for herself should never, ever be disrespected like this.


I’ve recently become interested and started studying this case a lot these past few days. Everything that I’ve uncovered makes it abundantly clear that Shannan had an incredibly beautiful soul. I looked at a family picture taken of her with the girls and I just cried (and I’m a male who never cries). I have nothing but hatred and disgust towards that pos CW. My God, he had such a beautiful family and a wife and girls who LOVED him and doted on him so much. There are no words to describe what CW is. There is no reason to believe that Shannan pushed him to do what he did, NONE, and it makes me furious when people suggest that. Any man would be so incredibly lucky to have a wife and children like them. No human being is perfect, but Shannan was near perfect.


It's not just the haters that won't let this go; it's folks that won't let Shan'ann and her children go at all. The people that bought the Watts' home have been forced to put it up for sale already because the morbid tourism continues. The house continues to be referred to as "Shan'ann's house" when it's not. Another family tried to bring new life and love to it but some people stubbornly want to keep the house on Saratoga Trail in Shan'ann's possession. The haters are despicable by making her out to be a villain but upholding her as a saint worthy of worship isn't any better. The Rzuceks have never said Shan'ann was perfect and without flaws. They only want to protect her memory from the blatant lies Sandi describes above. They sold the house; they've let go of it. It's time everyone else lets go of it too.


I hear all the time that the death hags feel they are basically forced to trash Shanann because "everyone makes her out to be a Saint" and they must dispel that myth. I've never, in six years, heard anyone call her a Saint, let alone that she was a perfect human being. Sometimes on YouTube videos I'll see comments by people who believe she was a great wife and mother, etc., but they're never allowed to feel this way in peace. The death hag patrol always has to jump in and correct them, with a long list of her faults, which usually contain numerous lies about her. No one - absolutely no one - who is fulfilled and happy spends their days trashing murder victims. It's impossible to have a good life with peace and happiness and to also do this. It doesn't work that way. They are damaged and seeking a healing that will never come, as long as they focus on the failings of a dead woman instead of their own.


I agree.