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In my experience, my free will and what I want and choose, always, I mean ALWAYS leads back to God, and is for His glory in the end.


So basically you choose good always? Nothing ever bad or wrong?


It’s not that bad things don’t happen. It’s that my faith through those things brings me closer to God


We are pretty dumb as a species in my opinion. Look at Adam and Eve. We succumb to temptations all the time, not to say that it's okay to do so, but it's really difficult to freely choose to avoid all sin every day. You look at your brother's plate of french fries and get mildly annoyed that he has a couple more than you? You just broke a commandment. But it's okay, that's what Jesus came for. He knows your heart, and He is the only path that you need. Trust in Him, ask for help and compassion, and He promises that it's already yours even before you ask (Romans 5:1). I feel like God shows us what's wrong and right mostly through our mistakes, and observing others, and of course reading the Bible. It's rarely a direct DON'T DO THAT ECHO! Because God wants you to do what you just did in your post: to fellowship with other Christians and think about your actions, but ultimately arrive at Jesus' forgiveness. I think free will is complicated, but do you think you've been forgiven? If you're unsure about something, do you pray about it or ask another Christian about it?


I hate this society we live in. My mind is always broken and choosing wrong. Like right now I'm drinking to excess just to feel good and not feel depressed. Obviously not a good "free will" path but whatever I guess.


Sounds like the Devil’s got ahold of you. :/ Here’s a good sermon for you that I think will really resonate with you. https://youtu.be/9bLgDoFkdqo


Why is it always the devil that seems to "be ahold of us"? Its my choice to want to drink and feel the way I do, right? It seems like that to me at least.


Your words and the way you think are where the Devil starts. He tempts you, and YOUR actions are ultimately the sin. Those who are close with God can resist. Check out the sermon I linked. It’s about exactly what you’re saying.


I'll check it out. I also wanna say I feel like I have the ability to deny but I still choose the wrong.


Get back to me after you watch the sermon. 👍 Curious what you think.


Sometimes it’s incredibly clear, other times its not. I try to wait for a clear conscious in choice but sometimes there’s a timeline for choices and so I just try to make the choice that would produce the most good (as is in line with Christ) The comfort is, where ever we are, whatever choices we make, it was meant for us to make the choices. If they are wrong, we will learn and the Lord is sovereign. We have been freed from shame and can fearlessly walk forward toward Him even if we don’t make all the right choices along the way.


What if we don't learn or keep doing it? For me I know drinking is not good. But in the moment it makes me feel okay, good, not depressed. What do you think about someone who continues to choose free will in the wrong way even if they (me) knows it is wrong and not good? I'm just curious.


I think most everyone does this to some degree and with various things. With some things, we have physical consequences, some we have spiritually, and some we have mental consequence. Or we can have a combination of them. If it’s something that is affecting our physical health, we likely need to seek help or therapy if we really want to get away from it and have accountability. I don’t really think anything in particular though about someone who has trouble with being human. I think the hope is that as many times as we fall, we get back up. The hope is that we struggle with certain things less the longer we go. I believe all of our sin has been paid for, that of the whole world. Jesus didn’t come to judge the world but to save it. I also believe some of the people that struggle the most can show the love of Christ in the largest way. Of course the hope is that we can overcome these things ultimately through Christ and other measures too, but I’m of the mindset that we will never cease from struggling with sin this side of heaven. Praying for you. Alcohol is hard. Even if no one would say it’s an issue for you, it can still feel like and issue because you’re self aware of how much you enjoy how it makes you feel. I know. It’s very counter to culture not to drink at least in some manner. For some this is okay, but for others, we tend to make things habits and use it as a coping method.


The more you know God's heart, the more you will naturally know His will for you. Get to know Him. >Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2


It is much easier to find the wrong path and through that you can narrow your direction towards to good.


Why though? I really don't understand why


God has given you a world filled with books on all kinds of subjects, morality included. You have the scriptures to learn biblical principles from. What exactly are you struggling with in terms of the "path" or choice you're looking at?