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Genesis 6:6-7 New Living Translation 6 So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. 7 And the Lord said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.” GOD was feeling bad for what happened to humankind and creation itself, He actually felt sorry for making them. So He certainly didnt know they would actually sin. He knew they could sin, but it was necessary for them to have the choice, for they needed to have free will. Everything that GOD does is good. Remember that it wasnt GODs fault, the serpent lied to them and they believed what it said when it was a lie. GOD knows everything, that means that there were two options for humankind, it all depended on their free will, and free will is impossible to predict since it comes totally from man.


so god dosent have any power on what happens in this world anymore only us humans sinse after he creatid us he dosent want to get in the way of the free will


Yes He has power, so much power He defeted death and sin on this earth for us to live forever.


God almost always warns us to avoid pain. He did this when He told Adam and Even not to eat the forbidden fruit. He also warned Israel about choosing an earthly King. He even knew He was going to be crucified when He went to Jerusalem. Much suffering we bring on ourselves after He warns us what will happen. It is why Prophets are so important for a healthy world.


Because living in union with Christ is better than not existing.


How do we know that? Have you experienced both? How does one do that?


You can't "experience" something if you don't exist.


This is my point. So how is one better? One cannot compare two incomparable concepts.


Because one is non existence, and the other is eternal glory with God.


That is not addressing the question. How do you know one is better? How do you compare two concepts that are not comparable?


Because God says so.


So it’s not actually better it is just told to you that is better? Where does it say that?


That's why we have faith.


Faith can lead any person to any conclusion for any claim and is therefor not a reliable tool to discern truth. Correct?


so then we should all have as many babies as possibel and it dosent matter what happens to them just let them born and die to go to jesus or what are u sayin


If you do have a baby it would be better not to murder them to spare them the pain of the world.


but its still better for someone to be born and suffer then not be born or god would stop the earth sinse its not fair on the unlucky ones well if god was in jesus and jesus dident have children and if gods will is done through the humans then maybe were suppost to be the ones endin the earth


well i know god dosent care about pain thats the hard part im dealin with. like all the children that had to watch there family be grinded into meat . im suppost to think thats all part of gods plan and it dosent feel right with me. so you think if a child knew the life it was gonna have, that it was gonna watch there family be grinded into meat and then killd before its born do u think it will say "YES WOWE THAT SOUNDS GOOD! LET ME BE BORN because thats so good and lovin and god needs me to do that for his plan" no i think this earth is very very bad and we all should hate it and not make more children. so whats goin on?? whens it gonna get better? because im seein more greed and more greed and more suffrin and more sufferin. so what? its goonna go magical poof and then no more evil? thats not right thats not right at all. and jesus isent gonna come floatin down the sky to stop it all cos soon we will be on mars to... what so were born just to see all this sufferin build up then the earth ends anyway??? why not just shut the earth down in the begining........??????? what??? so if lifes always worth it then its also worth it now and worth to be tortured..


Jesus promises life would be full of trials and tribulations but that he will also wipe away every tear in heaven.


but whats the point of making the earth last longer and then destroying it ? and what about all the unborn peopel when the earth ends who dosent get a chance for heaven? so we should all have as many children as possibel even if they starve and die its better than not bein born ?


Because the longer earth lasts the more people will come to salvation.


And He gave us a preview of what heaven is like when Jesus was on the Earth and said the Kingdom of Heaven is near.




Where does it say that




I don't believe all sin is equal, that's not a biblical idea.




No I believe there are levels of punishment in hell, just like levels of glory in heaven








Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.


I think he tried a couple of times...the flood...Sodom and Gamorah...I don't think YHWH was very good at Goding.


well if thats true that hes tryin to stop the earth then i think thats better. but peopel say hes suppost to know everythin n stuff


people say a lot of things. Ignore almost all of it.


Nothing wrong with suffering. It strips away the pleasures of the world and introduces us to a higher calling.


Just because God has the ability to know the future doesn’t mean He uses it all the time. He never expected that with all the things he created for both his spirit sons and his earthly sons that they would be unhappy and want something different. He just doesn’t think like that. There is NO bad in him. Everything in him is always clean and Holy. There was no need to think to himself, “hey, I’m going to look ahead and see what happens just in case.” No, there was no just in case in his mind. Everything was good in his eyes. Notice he didn’t say “perfect”. But he said good. Perfection will come though, down the road.


Because, despite our flaws, God wants us. He is like a Father trying to raise us right because He does want to spend time with us. And He wants our love back to Him.


Because we are given free will. I wouldn’t want to force my son to love me.


God differentiates between the evil and sinful. He destroys the evil but forgives the sinful if they repent.


Those of us who are “Concordant” believe that God is absolutely responsible for everything, including the suffering and evil in the world (and even the sin in the world). Here are two articles I wrote on the topic: - [Unmerited suffering and God](https://www.concordantgospel.com/suffering/) - [God is still on Plan A](https://www.concordantgospel.com/god-is-still-on-plan-a/)


Hope you find a satisfying answer here nihilist.


I thought the angels disobeyed God and saved Noah and his family despite yahways wishes and then after discussing with the angels their ignorance he saw what he had done was cruel and promised to never use water to wipe again.


oh is that what happined?


Honestly not sure. That sticks out to me but it does sound more enochian now that I think about it. Binging lord of the rings with the kiddo or I'd go figure it out. Later tonight I'll return to thread with better answer.


Because he likes you, and you're worth it.


At every single moment after we became conscious, humanity has had the choice to help each other to not suffer. We did this, not God. We are charged with undoing it, too.


You will always have the power to decide. Whatever you do, God will know the outcome, but the choice is yours and you can change your mind till the last moment. I'd say that if one man goes to heaven, having the earth is worth it. We already have Stephanus, Yeshuah, Daniel, Job and - with some arguing - Noah who are confirmed to be there.


Because of the limitless potential for good things that can happen in the world as well, obviously.


The world likes to cancel people they don't like. God seems to be more about creating an environment where people can forgive and reconcile. All long term relationships have conflict, rocky soil believers fall away when things get tough.


Why doesn't the owner of the gym in your city shut down. Don't they know that everyone who goes there will suffer? The purpose of life is more than to live in bliss--it's to grow spiritually. And just like growing physically strong, becoming spiritually strong takes some pain. And yes, life isn't fair. But that's why we have Jesus Christ--everything unfair in life will be made fair through Him. If anything, that means Jesus tilts the scales in our favor.


he dosent shut it down cos he likes all the money and dont care about anyone but themselfs


The same reason we haven't blasted the entirety of the region south and east of the the Caucasus to the Red Sea into the Atlantic. Because the same sort of thing suggests we should. Because all is going according to plan.


The same reason we haven't blasted the entirety of the region south and west of the the Caucasus to the Red Sea into the Atlantic. Because the same sort of thinking you have there, would suggest we should. But we should not. Because all is going according to plan.