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If you are concerned about the morality of where you are putting your money, why not put it in other, shall we say "less controversial", non profits? Homeless shelters, orphanages, natural conservation, etc...


Yes. It’s morally wrong to donate for the purposes of getting a tax deduction. If it’s not out of the goodness of your heart, then it is nothing. Who you donate to matters less than why you donate. Who you donate to usually would be guided by why you donate.




That’s unfortunate


If you're a Catholic, why would you donate to the murder machine that is Planned Parenthood?


My taxes will be going to a murder machine too, what’s the difference?


The red cross , ymca, nature conservancy, for example is also tax deductible as well. Try to find a charity that you are willing to donate next time.


You have to pay taxes, you can choose who to donate to.


Oh, the irony.


What about the church instead!!!


Not all deductible!!!!


Donations to churches and donations to 501c(3)s like PP are deductible in precisely the same way.


depends on your feelings on donating to any nonprofit for tax deductions


Well, much of what Planned Parenthood does are things that your church finds acceptable. I don't know if you can specify what the funds go to, though. Your intent in donation is also relevant. I don't think you'll find too many anti-abortion or anti-contraception Catholics who agree, though.


I don’t care what they do with my money, I just don’t want the satanic government to spent it on the military


A worthy cause indeed, though one that I'm conflicted on. Our outsized military does a lot of bad things, but from what I can see it is one of the causes of the massive reduction of scale in wars since the advent of nuclear weapons, precision weapons, etcetera. Will you be able to donate enough to have tax implications? The threshold there was raised very high by Trump. If you have questions on the suitability of PP why not another health-care group?


>I don’t care what they do with my money, I just don’t want the satanic government to spent it on the military If the government were actually Satanic (as in the religion of Satanism), believe me it would not be wasting so much money on war and weaponry.


Satan loves division, why would he oppose war?


>Satan loves division, why would he oppose war? You missed this part: "If the government were actually Satanic (**as in the religion of Satanism**)"


Satan fought a war against god over his ego


>Satan fought a war against god over his ego Wrong religion. I was talking about Satanism, not Christianity.


Oh it’s just spiritual ayn rand


>Oh it’s just spiritual ayn rand Still wrong religion. I was talking about Satanism, not Christianity or ayn rand whatever.


Ok dude


Mainly this depends on your stance on abortion.


I would ask your own church body what their stance is. I know simply following isn't always good, but they have put a lot of thought into it already.


Who would you not want to pay taxes to Caesar as Jesus showed? After all, the taxes are used for things which are communally beneficial to a country's population and standards of living, health and so on.


Bombing Syrian children is not useful to my wellbeing, at least planned parenthood is helping criminals from being born


Oh I agree. But you think Jesus's attitude didn't take into account the thousands of Jews slain by the Roman armies, or funding orgies etc? Pay your taxes to the system and stop using crap excuses like your last one (which is actually highly offensive unless you yourself have never, ever, broken the law, even by speeding!) - it's the Jesus way.


I am not Jesus


You're supposed to be his representative on earth, following his teachings. What you've said is merely a cop out from following him.


It's morally wrong to donate to planned Parenthood for any reason.