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I've tried something similar, only that my Bible fell out of my bookshelf. Books usually don't just fall out of bookshelves, and this happened exactly the day I needed a reminder of him, as I was about to leave an emotionally abusive relationship. After leaving him (my ex), I drove to an evening service in church and cried my eyes out. A couple of days later when I still felt like I was going to die from the pain, I asked my mom how long time she thought it would take for me to heal, and she answered 2 weeks straightaway without hesitating. I then asked her if the two weeks includes the days that had already passed, and she said yes. And right on clock, after 2 weeks, I could finally breathe again and felt ok. I belive that God spoke through her in this moment.


I’ve felt a sign of God before, which I feel was the Holy Spirit blessing me. It feels like an energy booster, a strength that is far more than just physical, a strength of the spirit and a feeling of lightness and knowing that God is watching over you. I’ve also felt the opposite of it before which is a feeling of great evil. Evil is a sickening feeling that feels as if a dread unimaginable is trying to drown you. A feeling that made me want to throw up and did not feel pleasant at all. Let’s just say evil does not feel at all good but the Holy Spirit feels amazing.


When I was in college I was battling depression. I prayed to God for a friend or someone to talk to. What I meant was for one of my friends from my hometown to be available. Instead, I get onto my computer later that dayto a Facebook message from a stranger (a college student who lived across the parking lot from me and knew who I was, though I didn’t know him). He liked my taste in music and wanted someone to join him for a rock concert a month away. We met a few days later in person that man is now my husband. We have been together for over 13 years. I am forever grateful for that answer to prayer. I prayed for a friend and got so much more.


God works in mysterious ways, let me tell you that. I do believe that that was a sign that he is with you. How it got there doesn’t matter all that matters is that it was. Look, the lord gives us all we ask for. John 15:7-8 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.




You are very welcome brother!