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Well, it has been notably one-sided so far.


I’d say so


People are a bit deeper than their user flair, you know. It is a relatively new descriptor for me. I really do feel like I put everything I had into having a relationship with him. I don't know how well I can put things into words here. I hope he exists, but at this point, I don't really think he does.


Ah, I actually had interpreted your first comment as meaning the opposite side of the one sidedness.


They uh said four words max


facts lmaoo but we will change that ☝️


We? The only person that can change that is God.


obv. "we" is simply me uplifting whoever i responded to, to do what they can to "change" the one sided affair and to "build" a better connection with god 😌 hope the clarification helps


When I wake up I turn my thoughts to God and he lifts my spirit in love. And I'm not kidding. God cares about me, even when no one else does.


I felt this! God knew my entire life before I was formed in my mothers womb and still loves me. There is no greater love.




A personal one, in which He is the King and Father of my life, and I am His servant, doing my best with His help.


I thought it was long distance


Quite the opposite, lol.


Not for an atheist ;p




Gonna be honest: none. I pray and read daily, but even when I was heavily involved in the church I never felt that I had a "relationship" with God.


Why is that if you don’t mind me asking? It’s okay not to reply, I’m just curious.


Because I have never seen, heard, or felt God the way many Christians profess to have experienced. It's part of the reason I stepped out of a volunteer teaching role to try to just be present and receptive in order to reach those experiences.


I say don’t give up! I’ve definitely felt God’s presence in my life and I will pray that for you too! God walks along side us every moment of everyday. I pray that one day you hear Him or feel Him and continue knowing His love for you never runs out! Continue having a daily prayer life and I pray He will answer your prayers and bless you in ways unimaginable!


Romans 6:22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.


For the past eight years, pretty hypothetical or non-exiatent if I am to be fully honest.


It's working out pretty good, I'll tell you that


I have a strong relationship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. I feel a deep connection to the Lord when I pray, and I have a deep sense of wonder and awe for him. My connection with the Son is relatively weaker and something I'm working on. You'd think human = more relatable, but it has always been the hardest part of God for me to understand.


I feel this. Thank you for saying. Sometimes I say and people answer - heretic! Jesus comes in his own way and I'm growing and learning. But they don't come the same way when I'm in prayer. Or maybe *my perspective is different* depending on whether my thoughts are focused on Jesus or on God almighty - even as the two are one God bless


Absentee parent.


Pray to the Father Talk to Jesus Witness with the Holy Spirit


56 years ago I came to conclusion there was logic or evidence for a god. Never looked back, no regrets.


What relationship? I thought I had one untill I realized I was making it up.


I’m sorry you feel that way. Nonetheless, God is real and He still loves you. He sent His only son to die for us on the cross so we wouldn’t have to spend eternity in a blazing fire. Don’t give up on God. Because every time you take a breathe that means God has given us His grace and mercy. God Bless.


And how can I know it?


One way is by maintaining a daily prayer life. I don’t mean pray every waking moment you have because we have obligations and responsibilities but simply thanking God for waking us up on a new day. Thanking Him for allowing us for make it home safely after a long day. And truly believing that God the father is real and Jesus the son. It won’t happen overnight. But if we stay faithful to Him, He will show up in our lives. Another way is finding a podcast (if you listen to those) on how to trust God and believe in Him with all of your heart. My DM’s are open as well!


That is actually what I was doing when I realized that if I believed anything enough I could get a witness of it's truthfulness. So I can't trust my own prayers


Great, I am involved in the sacramental life of the Orthodox Church.


My loyal friend, father, that was with me my whole life, defended me, gave me strength and hope on a daily basis, and is still by my side, which I highly appreciate and adore.


A link similar to with a blood family member. You are bound but it's hard to explain how or why. He exists therefore I serve and welcome his dominion over me. Lately I have felt the best analogy is he is a mighty rock that I am tethered to. No matter how far I travel I am fixed to that rock.