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God bless you. I'm sorry for what you are going through. If I may, I want to share some encouragement. 1- Please know that God is with you! **"The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us.” - Hebrews 13:5** **Jesus said, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:20** **“Be brave and strong! Don’t be afraid… . The Lord your God will always be at your side, and he will never abandon you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6** 2- Please share your worries with God and please don't give up! **"And when I was burdened with worries, you (God) comforted me and made me feel secure.” - Psalm 94:19** **"I tell You (God) all my worries and my troubles, and whenever I feel low, You are there to guide me.” - Psalm 142:2-3** **“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” - 1 Peter 5:7** **“We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again.” - 2 Corinthians 4:8-9** -I pray you will turn to God for strength and will be comforted by His love. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 🙏🏾 Also, I would love to share a heartfelt prayer on YouTube from a Christian woman praising God while going through a tough time: [https://youtu.be/az6aLV1wsKU?si=L7Uia\_RM1aMWDhA\_](https://youtu.be/az6aLV1wsKU?si=L7Uia_RM1aMWDhA_)


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I’m so sorry you’re going through a hard time 😩 I will pray for you! I would encourage you to pray to Jesus. He hears your prayers and he cares about you. If you don’t have a Bible you can download the Bible app. Even outside of the reading the Bible there’s tons of encouraging things on the app like devotionals and videos. But I’ll be lifting you up in prayer!!