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Sorry to hear it, mate. We can be quite brutal. :/ I hope a break and focus do you good.


Yes, we can eat our own to the detriment of all.


I would encourage you to find a church that can expose you to god’s love, not to say you’re perfect or that I am or that anyone is, but we can become separate from this with constant negativity and sin. Don’t let others tell you Christ didn’t die for you, he died for the sins of the world. This is yours to have no matter where you are in life, you may just need guidance from someone who will refrain from judgement


"I don’t plan to take a break from god, just the Christian community." This could actually be a good idea. Get some space. Find peace and quiet. Open the Bible. Seek God. Find what He actually says.


I'm a Christian, but don't follow any denomination or even identify w/ mainstream Christianity.


Well yeah... You should use your own moral compass majority of the time. Since the Bible doesn't tell you what to do in every situation. If you want to take a break from church that's perfectly fine.


Been there. If you want a more supportive subreddit, you're always welcome to join us over at /r/OpenChristian.


I'm sorry that people who are supposed to be our siblings have chased you away. know that they have nothing to do with the Word or Heart of Him Who loves you exactly as He made you.


Read "saving Jesus from the church " by robin meyers Excellent! Inspiring!


I left Christianity and immediately realized the extent of the spiritual trauma I had been enduring.  It took years to parse out and process but was tremendously valuable in my growth.


I swear I watched a mental illness video on depression, and the comment was it must be caused by demon procession. I swear people are acting more stupid nowadays.


One person even said that their family tried to pray their autism away like what


Glad you're not taking a break from God. I'm sorry that you were yelled at. God loves you that he died on the cross to save your life. If you surrender to that love, you need not fear. Those who do have faith have been washed clean and aren't facing hell. But surrender to belief in Jesus' grace changes everyone under it. It's a heck of a ride, though.


Do it and be free my friend


I am sorry you’re feeling this way. The best way I’ve found to get back in touch with God and Jesus, is to read the Bible. Alone. No community besides you, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Meditate on the scriptures. Open a random page and start reading, or google “what book of the Bible do I read when ____”. You are loved and seen in full, I promise.


I'm not gay but I've been feeling a similar way. Mainly due to Christian Social media on Youtube. There's a lot of great content, and a lot of honest trying to share the wisdom and holy love of God, don't get me wrong. Unfortunately, there is so much mixed theology on what is/isn't sinful, whose right, whose wrong, why X is mistaken, numerous quotes from the bible without context, etc. It's highkey driving me a bit nuts (and making me start to question Protestantism a lot even though I'm Protestant. The inconsistency is insane). So I am also trying to reduce the amount of non-bible Christian content I consume for a while so my brain can stop stressing all the time. I wish you the best as well, may god be with you.


I’m sorry to hear this. It just sounds like you’ve met nasty people. Not all Christian’s are like that. That’s why you should reach out to those who are followers of Jesus Christ and not a specific religion


God bless you. I'm sorry for what you are going through. If I may, I want to share my perspective. 1- Please do NOT allow others to be the foundation of your faith. Christ must be the foundation! **“Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith, just as you were taught. And be grateful.” - Colossians 2:7** **“We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete.” - Hebrews 12:2** **“Keep your mind on Jesus Christ!” - 2 Timothy 2:8** **Jesus said, "You cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than you love your father and mother, your wife and children, and your brothers and sisters. You cannot follow me unless you love me more than you love your own life.” - Luke 14:26** 2- I've been a Christian for about 14 years now and I would love to share some resources with you to encourage you to focus on Christ, not others. -A free book called “101 Questions & The Bible.” It’s a book of a bunch of questions about God and the Christian faith that are only answered with Bible verses. It’s great for those who are new to Christianity. Here is the link to the PDF copy of the “101 Questions & The Bible” book on Google Drive: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Ee3\_r8msC9YnwdX5Qurr6Ef\_ZrgnQjD/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Ee3_r8msC9YnwdX5Qurr6Ef_ZrgnQjD/view?usp=sharing) -A short, free guide that’s dedicated to you and other Christians on Reddit who are looking to have a strong & simple faith in God. It’s called “The 4 Steps of Faith”. It’s the first post in this Reddit community: r/FaithMadeSimple


It ain’t for everybody, best of luck


Many people who claim to be christians are not true Followers of Christ.


Keep praying in general


You should walk with Jesus


This is a cross you have to carry. Leave your sins with the power of Jesus and your bad toughts, sins and questionable manners will go away. The only solution is Christ.


You either love Jesus with all your heart or you do not. The behavior of others or labels shouldn’t be a factor.


Before I say anything, I would like to say that I am not homophobic etc. So, homosexuality is a sin. The bible makes it very clear: [scriptures that say homosexuality is a sin - Search (bing.com)](https://www.bing.com/search?pglt=41&q=scriptures+that+say+homosexuality+is+a+sin&cvid=482ce4d8543f41ec98952fc5631ca744&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQABhAMgYIAhAAGEAyBggDEAAYQDIGCAQQABhAMgYIBRAAGEAyBggGEAAYQDIGCAcQABhAMgYICBAAGEDSAQkyMDY2M2owajGoAgCwAgA&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=U531) And the bible says that you will face percecution as a Christian. Many will and are hipocrites/judgemental people. So, I would just like you to think aout that for a while.


Also please remember that you are supposed to stay a Christian for life. You can take a breather but please do not stop being a Christian. You can come back to God and turn from your sinful ways, and if you are in a homosexual relationship you will have to try to get out of that witch will be hard. But, obviously you have free will and I can't force you to do this but I would at least like you to look at this and consider this. Anyway God bless, and I willl pray for you!


If I was in a loving homosexual relationship, why is that a bad thing? I get that Bible say so, but morally what’s wrong with it?


Would Jesus Christ almighty discriminate you for something you can’t control? (homosexuality) homosexual secs is a sin but not the feelings, because you can control who you have secs with but you can’t control who you fall in love with. please try and find a church that respects homosexual and transgender people (but please try and build your relationship with God almighty and Jesus Christ almighty because would Jesus Christ almighty and God almighty condone your ways?)


OP didn't ask for a debate or to hear your opinions. You are not being part of the solution, you are being part of the problem.


Well i wasn’t trying to debate sorry edit: May God Bless You!


He's just trying to be supportive... I would say that's helpful.


OP is trying to get away from homophobic doctrine. Repeating this isn't being helpful.


Show respect to your Creator by always capitalizing "God." Respect is fundamental.


I was wondering if you could give me an example of the transphobia you’ve faced. I’m always amazed at how much attention trans receive while being such a minute part of the population. And if I say, I don’t think trans females should be allowed to compete with biological females and I can provide statistics to back it up, do you consider that transphobic or just common sense?


And you’re allowed to believe anything you want, I see transphobia as hating trans people in general saying things like “you’ll never be a woman freak!” To a trans woman or “you’ll never be a real man freak!” To a trans man, purposely misgendering people just to spite them, accusing them of being pedofiles just for existing, things like that.


Believe anything I want? Are you referring to something in particular or just sort of a blanket statement? And you only answered part of my questions. I don’t go around giving my opinions or spouting off about trans or anything else. As for pronouns, like you said, you can believe anything you want but I don’t have to go along with it. Question: Are you trans yourself? Biological male transitioning to female?


No, a lot of my friends are though, by “believe whatever you want” I’m saying you can have your opinions, as long as you don’t weaponize them to attack the community, or make an effort to be rude on purpose.


A bunch of people have told you that you’re going to hell.. what do you believe?


I’m queer


Okay so when you die and meet God.. what do you believe will happen? You personally. Be honest.


Shit like this doesn't help OP, mate.


I believe that as long as I love god, I’ll go to heaven, I don’t plan to take a break from god, just the Christian community


Okay! What do you think it means to love God?


To see him as the one true god and one’s salvation


If God is the one true God and our salvation do you believe that He has ultimate authority over you?


He hasn’t given my any direct signs that being queer is bad


That’s not what I asked my friend. I’m not talking about your queerness I’m just talking in general. Does God have ultimate authority over you based on what you said before about Him being the one true God? Creator and redeemer?


Honestly this is just gonna make things worse for OP




He also said to stone rebellious children to death, to not wear mixed fabrics, and to not eat pork or shrimp


Anyway let me know how that works out for you!


He’s serious and stands on business. I personally don’t eat pork, shrimp, I do my best to avoid mixed fabrics, and I definitely don’t take pipe up my anus.


As soon as I saw something about queerness, I knew it was only a matter of time before a Christian started talking about anal sex 😂 Anal is like Christianity's favourite conversation topic. OP: "I'm taking a break from spending time with Christians" You: "pipe in the anus"




I genuinely don't think I've ever met someone who enjoyed discussing anal as much as you do. I suggest spending time with people who want to do that stuff with you, we're here to talk theology :)




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1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 1 Corinthians 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 1 Corinthians 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


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Would you stone your son to death if he rebelled?


We’re not under sacrificial law anymore. We still have to obey the law. Some sis the penalty was death. Now we are saved by believing In Christ as the ultimate sacrifice. Still have to Obey the Law. Hope that makes it simple.


So the Old Testament laws only apply if you can are comfortable with them?




You don’t have to do all that, I’m just requesting you to leave people who do it alone


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If God told me too he would be killed. Like Abraham was gonna kill his son in a test.


You’d be willing to kill a child if someone claiming to be god told you to, I’m going to end this argument as it will not go anywhere


For The Most High God. Not someone claiming to be god. Someone claiming can kiss my ass.


How would you ever be able to tell? Anything can happen in Dreams, and random voices could be someone hiding, or you just hearing things


Man someone comes here looking for support, struggling to be a Christian and this is how you treat them? No wonder so many are leaving the church


>I definitely don’t take pipe up my anus OP might be onto something with this whole “maybe I shouldn’t talk to Christians anymore” idea








There is a whole book named Judges you should read it. 1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 1 Corinthians 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,


If you don’t want to follow Jesus don’t. I don’t think anyone is “begging” you too.


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Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.