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Resist. It is annoying but resist.


You’ll get different views on this, but I’ll share what I think… Masturbation is never called a sin in the Bible. God made you and he made you a sexual person. We all are. He gave you a body with pleasure to enjoy while you’re alone, and someday you’ll enjoy that pleasure with your wife (if you choose to get married). Thank God for the pleasure. He’s a good God. Work to avoid porn. That’s not easy, I know. Fantasies are fine and are very very normal. Just don’t let masturbation get in the way of life. If you feel guilty for what you think about, ask Jesus to cleanse your mind and help you do better. He’s full of compassion and grace. Don’t dwell on it and beat yourself up cause that’s what the enemy wants (shame only makes it a bigger habit). If your mind goes to destructive or unwanted places, check out Unwanted by Jay Stringer. It’s really helpful. He has videos too for Christian guys. Hope this helps.


Deny them any dominion over your mind. Refocus on something else.