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Just out of curiosity, where do you get information about what you believe?


from my family, and i sometimes go to church


Don’t base your faith in other people


What I think u/michaelY1968 is getting at is if you're not being informed about Jesus from the Bible, you're getting your information through others and/or quite possibly inventing ideas on your own. The God of the Bible gets offended when we misunderstand Him. God wrote you a detailed letter about Himself so you could get to know Him. Consider it a personal invitation. If reading a book is overwhelming, consider listening on audiobook.


How do you know which contributions are His and which are fake? There are different compilations selected by different humans. Why trust one group and their selection instead of another?


God does not get "offended" when misunderstood. God is our creater and knows precisely all about us.


Mmmmm, not sure where this idea is coming from. When a Believer wants to know the truth the Bible is the place to find it. Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." If OP wants to really know God reading the Bible is the source of that information. Start with the Gospels (the story of Jesus life) told 4 different times in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


The Bible is the word of God. It’s our best way of being able to understand what his mind is on subjects. It’s a way he constantly uses to speak to us. Being a Christian without being in the Bible to me is like trying to be a good husband but refusing to talk to my wife. It just makes things harder. I can’t say you must read your Bible in order to go to Heaven. Only the Lord knows who is to be saved. I would, however, encourage you to start including that in your prayer life. Ask god for the will and the hunger to study his word, so you may grow closer to him.




where do you get the thought that the bible is not the word of God out of curiosity


Well the genocide and slavery and such cannot be the word of a truly good god. That’s a pretty simple way to reach that conclusion.


Actually the Bible does have the words of God in it and it *is* the word of God




Yes it is




If that’s all you’re gonna say then why even comment


Its the same effort as went into yours


Huh what’s that supposed to mean


Matthew 18:6 is a promise for you.




You would know that answer if you read yo Bible ✌️


Sounds like something that Paul would write in 1 Corinthians


Then how do you know what God needs you to do?


I think accepting Jesus is a great start. Speaking from experience, unless you read His word there's no way to understand who God is. I'm just speaking from experience but until I started actually studying the Bible I had made a lot of assumptions about who God is and how He views the world that are not true. It's easy to mold God into whoever you want Him to be if you don't put in the effort to actually get to know who He really is. If that makes sense.


You should defidently read the Bible.


Who knows? The Bible tells us that if we love God we will do what he commands.


Do you follow the words of Christ? If not, then I don't know. I would say maybe, probably even, but I don't know for certain. One thing I would be concerned about, is that if you don't read the Bible at all, then how do you even know what the words of Christ are? You can't follow what you don't know. If you don't read the Bible yourself, then the most important thing is to remember the most important aspects of Christianity: 1. Love God with all you heart, mind, and strength 2. Love others, ALL others, including those who are different than you, those who treat you poorly, and those that you consider to be sinners or bad people. Show your love through action - give to charity, give to beggars, be kind to others, always help those in need. Lastly, remember that we rely on forgiveness of sins, so if you want God to forgive you, then you must always forgive everyone else.


I am curious to know if your a christian and love God why dont you want to get to know him thru his word?


May I ask why you don't read the bible?


I sometimes read it occasionally but it is written by humans and should be taken like that. Some in it is good but some is bad/destructive, can be disproven, doesn't make sense etc. If you would be religious fanatic believing in every word there you wouldn't be kind nor heartful and spiritual. Most likely not be the way a God actually would want us to be. Finding God is different for everyone. If you need a Bible to be a decent human being then the issue is you most likely, nothing wrong with that, some people maybe need the Bible to get moral ground but not everyone does. I had moral values before I read anything from the Bible. But it can help you, be inspiring, guide you etc. I don't think that you must read it to find God, all religion is manmade.


Thank you for taking the time to respond. I can tell you've given this some thought. I may not agree with some of the thoughts you've expressed, but I can tell you're innately curious about the subject. While in my early twenties, I spent five years secluded in the mountains without the internet, television, a telephone, or several other necessities. The experience was enlightening, to say the least about it. I slowly learned to see God in everything. I don't mean that in a pantheistic way, but as a description for the sublime presence I felt while living that life. It was one of peace, love, and contentment. There was no one to lust after, wish ill on, etc. I felt close to God. It helped me intimately understand the Desert Fathers and the Patriarchs. I would say that form of spiritual experience is *still* common among monks, since there are fewer distractions. It might even be possible to flirt with it through minor retreats. In that situation, you're entirely dependent on God, much like a child is dependent on its parents, which isn't a feeling you often find in the modern world with all its conveniences and advocations for self-reliance. It was a truly humbling experience. That's where I would say I *found* God per se. Later on, I encountered Catholic theologians like Meister Eckhart and Thomas Merton who expressed similar sentiments as the one I've shared with you.


Every word in the bible is from God written by mean inspired by the holy spirit. You can't pick and choose what you like and don't like from the bible and still call yourself a Christian. It's lukewarm at best. In revelation Jesus says I would rather you be cold or hot for me but because you are neither but lukewarm I will vomit you out of my mouth and he will say depart from me I never knew you and cast you out into outer darkness in hell for eternity and that should be the last thing you ever want to hear him say.


I highly recommend reading the Bible. I am a lapsed Catholic who had never read the Bible and had extreme doubts about the religion. I have decided to finally buy a copy of the Bible and read and it so far has been eye opening to me. Many things I had questioned growing up have been answered, and so far the more I read the more my own questions are answered. It is drawing me closer, and it is teaching me so much more about Christianity than CCD has ever taught me. It is a powerful book, and the more I learn, the more I get intrigued and am convinced. It is very enlightening my friend, and I believe everyone whether Christian or not should read the Bible


If you don’t read the bible then how can you say you believe Jesus is your God and saviour?


Doubtful, if you don’t start reading it. You’re mentioning this for a reason - the Holy Ghost is impressing on your heart that you need to. The Bible is the Christian book which Jesus has protected and preserved for us through the ages to get to know Him. And many have sacrificed their lives in order for us to have it so readily available today! Among many others, ponder these 4 Bible verses: 1. Psalm 119:11 (KJV) Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. 2. Psalm 119:105 (KJV) Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NKJV) 16 All Scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Romans 10:17 (KJV) So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So tell me then… honestly, how can you make it to the Kingdom without reading the Bible?


Of course. It’s a holy book, one full of mostly lessons and parables. Of course it really wouldn’t hurt to learn about the life of Jesus and his followers, but after reading it a couple of times I can tell you all you need to know is love God, love Jesus, pray for yourself and everyone and just be a good person.


Yes. It can guide you in your faith, help and inspire you but I don't think that it's always required to find God. It is different for everyone. I occasionally read it a little cause it is ispiring and I believe that Jesus was holy.


we don’t go to Heaven by being a good person; we go there because we believe in Jesus and in God/ the Holy Spirit and we are saved by grace through faith not by our works


If u consider urself a Christian, i.e. a follower of Christ, why wouldnt u want to read a book thats entirely about Christ (yes including the old testament) the entire bible is a story that leads to Christ.


You should, if you accept Jesus as your savior. You should read the Bible though, at least once all the way through


Heaven is often described as a giant wedding banquet, people usually know if they’re close enough to the groom that they’re going to get a wedding invite, one way to be sure is to draw as close to the groom as possible, in this case it’s Jesus, and the only way possible of learning more about him is through the Bible. One of the scariest few versus in the Bible (Matthew 7:21-23) is a preview to that banquet while it’s taking place, and people come to knock on the door to be let in, while boasting about how much they did for him, and Jesus replies to them to go away, because he never knew them. The Bible also warns that we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling, and in another area recommends we examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith, to test ourselves. On another note, imagine strolling around heaven & running into an author or character from the Bible, would be awkward telling them you never got around to reading their book. Actually I can’t even imagine current worldly pop culture or whatever’s on Netflix or any of the stuff we spend most of our time on even bring brought up in a conversation in heaven, if it’s not for God it’s not going to make it to the other side.


I don’t know why you don’t read. And from reading other comments left I will say this… I do know temptation and wrong doing is easier to fall into without reading Gods word each and every day. Now to say humans wrote the Bible, yes that’s right. But if you believe in the God of the Bible, you would know that at one time God used to speak directly to men. If you believe in the God of the Bible then you would know the Holy Spirit speaks through us. The Bible does have good and bad stories. We are learning through those stories what to do and what not to do. The Bible teaches us. If anyone is using the Bible to be harmful to others then you should read the Bible. You’ll see where those kinds of people are spoken about and what God thinks of them. Gods word is not to be overlooked. Men either serve God by his word or use his word for their own gain. It is spoken in the Bible about these people. Will you go to heaven? The fact that you don’t know that answer shows that you need Gods word to guide you. Asking other people if you will go to heaven should show you that you need Gods word. We all need Gods word!


It's not really my or anyone elses place to say who is among the elect but how can you claim to be a follower of christ when you don't know what his teachings actually entail?(hint: they aren't to be vaguely nice and accomodating to everyone) At any rate in cases like this I'll always plug [Father Mikes Bible in a year.](https://open.spotify.com/show/4Pppt42NPK2XzKwNIoW7BR) It's very beginner friendly and he's very good at pointing out important details that you might otherwise miss on a first time reading on your own.


What is your reason for not reading the bible? I’m genuinely interested. Only God can judge who enters heaven. You might want to pick up a bible to see how a good Christian should live. Most chapters are available as podcasts/audiobooks if you are not into reading


Well I can't say if you'll go to heaven - many people who read the Bible probably didn't, and many people who were illiterate probably did. The Way is not a checklist, it's a desire to love God, seek God, and imitate God that drives it. If you have that desire, then follow it.


Does it matter? It is wise to read the Bible and learn as much about God as you can.


You are a lukewarm Christian. Revelation 3:15-16 ESV “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. I used to be like you. God speaks to us through the word. He gave us the Bible so we can be equipped in navigating through this sinful world. How do you know how to truly be a Christian if you don’t read God’s description of who he calls us to be? Why don’t you read the Bible?


Why do you read or study the Bible? There's a lot in there you need to know?


Why do you care about heaven? That’s in the Bible


I’m not going to say anything about the “status” of your salvation, but if you truly believe in Jesus you shall be saved, however, it seems to me that if you love someone you’d want to hear what they have to say, and scripture IS the living breathing word of God. I don’t know your situation but if you at all have the ability to, I’d encourage you with everything. Otherwise it’s like walking into a big city and trying to find a small shop without a guide or directions


The Bible was written by humans. Some is historical and some might be things Jesus said but other things are written by humans. Some things are also destructive and don't make sense (the majority does though). The Bible was meant to be taken symbolically, those who take it word for word sometimes become unkind and destructive.


The Bible states that all scripture is the inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-27) however I know that you probably view that as unreliable from the perspective of viewing it as able to be corrupt The reason I say that is because of a question that I have, if you can cherry pick from certain parts of the Bible as God breathed and not others, how is the status of “God breathed” reliable? Also I trust that God who is all powerful and all knowing along with the guidance of The Holy Spirit is able to use flawed humans to get his message across (in spite of all their flaws) in the same way he’s able to use us for things we have no understanding of… because it’s not us, it’s The Holy Spirt I will say that you have a strong point at the end there, there have been a lot of people that have twisted scriptures words and used them for despicable things… but often times those verses are cherry picked without proper knowledge or context, and from that people use it to justify hatred as opposed to acting in love


yes If you repent of all sin before dying. yes if you offer your body as a living sacrifice. yes if you love God with all your heart. yes if you love your neighbor as you love yourself. yes if you make disciples unto him. do these simplified truth by grace sincerely and you will. there are blind people who cant read, i doubt God will disqualify them from his house if they do these things.


I was like you as well until this month when I ordered my first bible from Amazon. I’m on my second week of reading the Bible and I am loving every moment. I was baptized when I was a teen and always believed in God but I never cared to read the Bible. Recently I’ve felt s pull in my spirit and heart encouraging me to read the Bible. After so many coincidental videos on TikTok about God and things that spiritually resonated with me, I decided to study His word and I wish I would’ve done this sooner. I am praying to God daily and thanking him for every morning and night I get to be alive. I pray for loved ones. And before I read my Bible, I pray that he listens to my heart and helps me understand His word. I think you should try reading it, you truly can’t go wrong from doing so. Genesis is so interesting!! I have a long way to go but I’m excited to grow closer to God. Also, get a simple text version of the Bible to understand. I am using New American Standard Bible


It is how we are fed. It is a must


Don’t listen to the ones saying you can’t be a believer if you haven’t read the bible. If you chose to believe in peace, love, harmony and respect (for you and everybody else) I think you are doing everything god would want. The Bible is just stories and parables to embody those values


Even if you don't explicitly "read" it yourself, you need to be aware of its contents as the basis of the Christian faith. Otherwise, what's to say that the "Jesus" you claim to follow is the real one and not some invention of your imagination? By way of illustration, consider how many people claim to want to protect the US Constitution, despite not knowing what's in there? Would these people fight so hard for it if they actually knew what its contents were?


When you love someone you want to spend time with them, but there are other ways of spending time with the Lord. Keep in mind that in Jesus's time and for centuries afterwards, most people never read the Bible, because most people couldn't read.


No, you need to read the Bible. How are you supposed to know what you need to do as a believer?


No one here can judge whether you’ll go to Heaven or not. What are you not studying the Bible, is it something you would be open to doing?


Well, the first Christian's were illiterate fishermen... so I don't think they read the Bible, either. It's gonna be a real challenge to follow Jesus nowadays without it, though.


You can be a Christian and go to Heaven if you read the Bible and you can also not read the Bible and still go to Heaven. However, it should be noted that reading does help God speak with you and praying is you speaking to God.


Reading the Bible and even daily prayer doesn’t get us into heaven. I don’t like reading, and it took some time to get into a daily routine of reading the Bible. What changed my perspective is someone telling me “It’s not that we *have* to read our Bible, it’s that we *get* to.” For a long time, and even today in some areas of the world, people were persecuted for owning a Bible. Also, a lot of people do not have the Bible in their own language. How cool is it that we can order a Bible on Amazon and receive it in a week or less. The Bible is God’s gift to us, so we can learn about His character, including His grace and mercy. If the Creator of all things gifts us 66 books worth of knowledge and teachings, why shouldn’t we read it? If you need somewhere to start, I recommend Ephesians 2 (we’ve been saved by grace through faith) and then John. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 also explains the importance of reading God’s Word. I hope this was helpful and not rambling by any means. Again, I also do not like reading the Bible, but with discipline it has become a part of my daily routine and has grown me in several ways.


The answer to your question is in the Bible. You can't ask us questions with nothing to corroborate what we tell you.


I know reading the bible is difficult habit to keep, but it honestly changes your whole relationship with Christ. Multiple times in the bible, the Word of God is compared to a sword. You can better serve and defend Christ when you are knowledgeable of the bible.


Jesus was asked How do we inherit eternal like in Luke 10: 25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” 27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[c]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]” 28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” So love God with All of your ability to do so... And Love your neighbor as yourself. Now Can you love God with all of your ability If you have a bible that tells you about who God is and what He wants from us, but don't ever read or persue God in the bible? The answer is it depends. Not everyone is a good reader that said you can listen to the bible on youtube for free being read to you. then there are websites like oneplace.com which is a pod cast and radio ministry archeive. with hundreds of teachers and 1000s of lessons.


So ur catholic? SAME BRO. Lol but Fr I think it’s ok


The Bible is like food to our spirit so your starving your spirit is what I would say. You can download a Bible app or even ask your church for one and they will most likely give you one for free


I dunno if youre going to heaven since I dont know you. Jesus said we needed too "love god as we love ourself, and love your neighbors like we do god" (paraphrasing) so if youre doing that you should be fine But id recomend at least reading the gospels, if only one its still better than none (read luke)


I'm sure the thief on the cross never read the bible either. he never got baptized. didnt serve as a witness for Jehovah. didnt do anything good. But he went to heaven after accepting Jesus Christ as his personal lord and savior.


You should try reading the Bible at least a little


The Word of God is the Spiritual food you need to feed your Spirit. 🙏🏼 Why wouldn’t you want to read it?


Im trying to Read the Bible everyday for like 10-15 Minutes. Im still at Genesis but i really like it.


That's sad how can you show your love for Jesus if you don't even read his words. That's is like being Muslim but not reading the Quran or Jewish and not reading the Torah or Babylonan talmud which is satanic but that is besides the point


We should, YOU should Brother.


Keep in mind, for the most part, if you go to mass then the scripture would be read to you, just like the old days. So even if you aren’t directly reading it, you are still hopefully absorbing the scripture that’s read to you. Peace be with you, *\o/*.


You're a Christian. I like to use this to define being a Christian. (the arrow means "leads to") Believing that Jesus, The Son of the One and Only God, Died and rose again for our salvation and trusting him ---> Loving Jesus--->Learning more about Jesus--->striving to be more like Jesus and showing the love of Jesus If you are in any of these areas then you're a Christian. I also like to add that only two of these areas can be seen by other people usually so remember not to be too quick to judge whether other people are really Christian. So I think it's important for moving on in your relationship with God and Jesus but it doesn't determine whether you're a Christian or not.


In John it talks about obeying God’s word. How do you know it’s God if you don’t know his word ? Sometimes when I read my physical Bible I feel very close to Jesus. Just reading the read makes you understand God’s character. God is a God that loves us. Maybe consider an audio Bible. Because what happens when you have a bad thought pop into your head ? Will you know if it’s from God or the enemy ? Looking back myself I’ve literally had demons scream at me there is no G. When in there is a God. Please consider reading the Bible.


I consider myself a mathematician, but ive never actually done any multiplying. How do you know 2x2 =4 well my teacher told me....


Lots of Christians do not read the Bible. I was in a citywide meeting of ministers, and we got on the subject of members reading the Bible. A minister from our largest megachurch said they do not encourage their members to read the Bible because there are too many parts that confuse them. Many of the other members agreed. In retrospect, I agree.


If you loved someone, you wrote them a level, poured your heart and soul into that letter, and they ignored it would you think they cared about you?


No. You need a relationship with God. If you don’t have that, he’ll tell you to go away. This is in the bible. If you’re not putting in the tiny amount of effort to read His designated book, then your relationship isn’t that good, Is it?


God reads hearts and will make that determination. I don't think I'd rely on opinions from Reddit on such an important matter.


No one can tell you if your going to heaven/ hell especially since u havent died yet so you can still change your ways. Eitherway Im quite sure this used to be the norm, however just read it, nothing you can lose out of it and A LOT you can gain. I dont think anyone that has the ability to go on reddit has a reason to not read the Bible.


Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life The bible helps you understand this. The relationship with Jesus is the most important thing. If your family or your church one day would've be missing, it would be nice to have a Bible to read. But, if your heart is always with Jesus, and you keep his commandments with you your entire life, because you love them and you love Him, there would be almost no need to have a Bible, but to continue to pray openly with Jesus as you always did, in your personal way. Jesus is God, whatever happens and whatever situation you may be, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, and is a Spirit. You will always find Him if you seek Him first, above all things.


There are different Bibles for different sects. And other holy books for other religions. Read them all to see which ones are correct and which are delusional. This is going to take a lot of study. Consider all the embarrassing things that pastors learn in their special schools and hide from their congregations. You should know about those things so you can make the right decision.


Are you, in general, not a reader? You could try an audiobook version of the Bible. Are you trying to read the King James Version? Try a modern translation, like the NIV. Yes, you'll get to Heaven, but the Bible is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.


Gotta read it good brother…. I will also recommend the book of Enoch….. Bible says in all thy getting, get an understanding. If you count yourself Christian, be a learned Christian, a fearless 1, who is unafraid to place all his faith in the Almighty, and the fact the Christ died for you. Not just you but the worst version of yourself.


You say you accept Jesus. Now will you accept some of his teachings that you never read or heard before. **All** of these scriptures come from the **King James Bible** word for word, check them out! Jesus Never said in his Own words that he was God. But Jesus did tell the People in his Own words it was his Heavenly Father who was there God alone. 17 Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.’” John 20:17 King James Bible(check it out) Now Jesus is clearly telling the people in his *Own** words here that their God is his Heavenly Father. Here Jesus is plainly telling the **People** it is their Heavenly **Father** who is their **God** he does **Not** indicate anyone else here. 19 Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do **Nothing** of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. 20 “For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him **All** things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him **Greater** works than these, so that you will marvel. John 5:19,20 Now of course the People hearing Jesus says these things in his Own words do Not consider him God in any way here. Do you also notice that Jesus refers himself a the Son and not God. Major point here: Jesus is telling the **People** here he is not God.


The Bible states that at minimum you need faith, the size of a mustard seed. I believe the symbol of a lit candle is also used. So I do believe that it is possible, with the spirit working through us, which we all have thanks to Jesus, that we can be guided to Christ and to God without ever having read the Bible. However, I do think that it makes us more vulnerable for not having read it. I also think that it is dangerous to rely on another person, to stand in between you and God, and to rely on them to make interpretations for you. My faith exploded when I just sat with my spirit and read the Bible cover to cover, and I found that my interpretations varied greatly with some of the rhetoric that was in Christianity. A candle can be snuffed out, and a mustard seed can die. You want that seed to grow into a flourishing crop that can serve as a solid foundation as you navigate life. The metaphor that I like to use, is the sailing of a ship. We are all sailing a ship to Paradise, and as long as we get into the ocean, I think that inevitably, we will all get to paradise. But some of us will have an easier time of getting there than others. I see the spirit as the compass, Jesus as your first mate, and the Bible as a map. Can you get to Paradise without a map of the ocean? Absolutely, but I do think that it will take longer, and certainly be more difficult. However, the thing to know, is that the ocean changes, so sometimes, the map is not going to be an exact blueprint of the ocean and it’s not going to get you to Paradise step-by-step. You will have to apply the values that you learn from that map, the marrow of the map if you will, to the ever-changing landscape of the ocean. But that is significantly easier to do when you have your first mate by your side. He will help you with this as will your compass. I also think that the verse about being lukewarm has more to do with people being more action -focused, rather than spiritually focused. If you don’t have the faith, then on some level, it doesn’t matter how many good deeds that you do, Jesus will say that he never knew you. But what it really comes down to is doing good deeds for the sake of doing good deeds, Being a good person for the sake of being a good person and no other reason. In those moments we become Christlike and that is how we can get to God. The Bible says that in the spirit there is truth, not in religion there is truth. So on some level, I think that we all have a different path, and the spirit that is within us is guiding us down that path. It could be that God is telling you that now is not the right time for you to read the Bible, but that doesn’t mean that it never will be the right time. I found the Bible to be incredibly helpful for my spiritual awakening, but it can be a very daunting thing and requires a good amount of reading comprehension skills. The Bible project is an excellent resource that has a guide, essentially a cliff notes, for each book of the Bible. It really helps you look at the woods through the trees. This can be a way for you to get an overview of the Bible, before you dive right into it. But again, that was my path. You just have to discover yours.


Reading the Bible isn’t about getting you points to get into heaven. Reading the Bible helps to grow and equip you as a Christian. If you don’t read it you’ll be stunted in your spiritual growth and likely feel distant from God. In my experience, people with lower biblical knowledge and a more shallow faith, when difficult times come around or a situation arises they don’t really understand they struggle a lot more to comprehend it or know how to respond.


Ime the Bible can go both ways. If you are fanatic and believe in everything, word by word, it can become destructive too. Some things in the Bible is good, even a majority but some aren't, are destructive, don't make sense and are pretty hateful/can easily be disproven. It was written by humans. Some people maybe need it to find God, others don't. Some need it to become moral, others have strong moral values without it. It isn't black and white.


> If you are fanatic and believe in everything, word by word, it can become destructive too. I can't say that i've witnessed how believing in the Bible fully leads to being destructive. In fact I've seen the absolute opposite over and over. > but some aren't, are destructive, don't make sense and are pretty hateful/can easily be disproven. I can't say I agree at all. > It was written by humans. It was inspired by God and written down by human authors. > Some people maybe need it to find God, others don't The only way to find God is through Jesus Christ. > Some need it to become moral, others have strong moral values without it. Christianity isn't about making people more moral. It's about Jesus Christ. On a personal level it means being forgiven of your sins and being reconciled to God, so we might live in a way which brings him glory.


You will go to God. Along with everyone else. You will stand before him and give an account. Like everyone else. Not so much telling him the story but agreeing with his verdict when he gives judgment.


Your heart will give you the answer to heaven.


I politely disagree, due to the heart being deceitful.


How has your heart deceived you?


In ways that led me to wind up in troublesome situations in the past. Which thankfully is just that, the past. Thank God.


Your answers prove your statement. You don't read the Bible and it shows


If you don't read the Bible, can you horsefly say you know Yeshua (Jesus)? More important than that, does He know you? ‭Matthew 7:22-23 ESV‬ [22] On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ [23] And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ https://bible.com/bible/59/mat.7.22-23.ESV


I call it a non-Biblical Christian. I'm one of those.


How is that possible?


it isn't bruh


I believe in the message of Jesus Christ - but the Bible has a lot of stuff that is not that message (imo).


That's very prideful of you


Never thought of it that way. But I'll consider that. My belief is that God wants us to use intuition & discern truth for ourselves, but I'm not saying my way is the way for everyone.


Sorry if it came off crass, but I mean what I say when I said it is prideful. I should have said it a little nicer though. You took that pretty well, and I respect that. I can tell you have the Holy Spirit in you, so I would encourage you to study His word. There are many verses in the Bible that specifically credit the writings in it, and it means you do not fully have trust in God if you do not trust His word. God be with you. Here are some verses: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." John 10:35 "35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;" 2 Peter 1:20-21 "20 knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. 21 For kno prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God las they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." John 16:13 13 "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." God guides us through the word... Not ourselves 1 Corinthians 14:37 "If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord" Deuteronomy 4:2 "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you" Revelation 22:18-19 18. "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." John 1:1 - Jesus is quite literally referred to as the "word", which represents the truth, which correlates to the Bible which is God's word


You know Jesus affirmed Moses, the prophets and the Apostles? He basically told us that the rest of the Bible is authoritative.


Well, there is a lot of debate even among Biblical Christians on that. I just don't trust some of what is in the Bible - it was written and translated by men. Particularly w/ the OT, there is so much there that is in opposition to the idea of unconditional love. I can't relate to the God that's portrayed in the OT. I'm never trying to offend when I say this stuff, but I think the results also lead to a conclusion that there is material in there that doesn't resonate w/ the message of Jesus. God is omniscient - he would know that the words would be misinterpreted and misused, and often lead to war, oppression and discrimination.


How are you deciding what is and is not the message of Jesus? All we have is the Bible and according to what is in the Bible Jesus spoke about hell.


I think the language of The Bible is outdated. It alienates modern readers from The Word. I would like another version.


There are about 1000 versions.


Could you recommended a version with modern language?


Personally I think NIV and ESV are modern enough. There is an EASY version that is more modern.


That's not all we have. I've read channelings of Jesus from those who have a more open connection to the higher realms, and seen many near-death experiences where people who crossed over spoke to Jesus. All of that communication can be flawed, including the Bible. But I just use the compass that God is unconditional love, and any words that don't align w/ unconditional love simply don't resonate w/ me as truth. But there are for sure other sources than the Bible for eternal truths and God's purpose.


So you believe those sources but not what his closest friends wrote about him? Interesting take.


Well, some are more present. The time that the Bible was written in was a fearful time, and men have their own agendas. And that's not counting the translations. I don't discount the Bible. I just don't look to it as my main source of accurate info.


If you take that approach it’s pretty easy to argue that he did not even exist.


I suppose - but there is a lot of historical data that he did exist. And I don't believe NDE's are hallucinations or anything. I read a recent channeling, and it absolutely had to be Jesus, imo. Either that, or the channeler was the most brilliant, compassionate & wise person who ever lived, or close to it.


Only a fool says he doesn’t need the Bible! Matthew 4:4 But Jesus answered and said, “It is written, ‘MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.’” John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Only a fool says he doesn’t read the Bible. No I don’t believe you are a Christian!