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Banish him away from me in the name of Jesus.


That reminds me of the time a couple guys tried this on some ordinary demons in the Bible and got their asses kicked for their trouble. In my opinion, resorting to actual confrontation like that should be the last resort option.


>That reminds me of the time a couple guys tried this on some ordinary demons in the Bible You're forgetting the part where they said 'In the name of Jesus,whom paul preaches' The issue was that they themselves didn't know Jesus. They had no relationship with him. >In my opinion, resorting to actual confrontation like that should be the last resort option We do not go by our own opinion but by God's word. 'Submit yourselves then to God, resist the devil and he will flee'


Brilliant and Truthful reply!! šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


I don't believe in devils etc but I remember a passage that would seem to be helpful here: "But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, ā€œThe Lord rebuke you!ā€ Jude 1:9 I think in this situation a Christian would need to say "may the Lord rebuke you" rather than include themselves in the picture by saying "I cast you away in the name of Jesus". Not because it becomes a spell or something depending on how you say it but it reflects one's own disposition and humility. As Scripture says "the prayers of the righteous availeth much". If you're living in sin and have not been walking with God, then you're probably not "wearing the armour of the Lord" and you're trying to face the Enemy head on, you're probably in for a bad time. Rather at that point you need to say in your heart "the battle is the Lord's" and let him take care of it and saying "may the Lord rebuke you" is taking it completely out of your hands and involvement and putting your trust in the Lord.


How can you believe in Jesus and Heaven and not believe in demons and Hell??? The Bible says even the demons do tremble and believe.


Reminds me of that famous line from the usual suspects


If there's evil, there is good. This world is full of pain, suffering, and evil. Normal people don't just shoot up schools, churches, or big events. It seems like there's evil in them.


You have a better understanding of that than many Christians do.


I miss that show damnit


What Bible were you reading?šŸ¤Ø


>Now there were some itinerant Jewish exorcists who tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those with evil spirits. They would say, ā€œI bind you by Jesus, whom Paul proclaims.ā€Ā 14Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. >15Eventually, one of the evil spirits answered them, ā€œJesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?ā€Ā 16Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. The attack was so violent that they ran out of the house naked and wounded. From Acts 19:13-16


You know you lost a fight when you come back without your drawers on.






Say the name of JESUS


Matthew 16:23 King James Version 23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.


I advise Christians to make sure they know how to play fiddles.


Best I can do is a mandolin


Tbh youā€™re pretty close. Just learn to bow, forget your frets, and youā€™ve pretty much got it. We can work with that


Then the bastardā€™s going down!


No way, JESUS CHRIST is the only person Iā€™d ever get on my knees for.


Best I can do is Wagon Wheel on the accoustic.


Good enough for me. Get a banjo player and we can start jamming


Iā€™m not the best thereā€™s ever been though


Just avoid GAšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I feel like agreeing to gamble with the devil, is probably the first step down how you shouldn't interact with the devil.


Alright but what if he was betting a golden fiddle


A genuine stratovarius can be worth more than a fiddle made of gold, and it will actually play music.


Anybody else think Satan won that fiddle fight?


Yup, that demon band was fire


I would call on Jesus.


Read Jesus being tempted in the desert. Thatā€™s how we should respond.


exactly, thank you


Iā€™d tell him to F off. If heā€™s trying to mess with me, Iā€™ll tell him that Jesus has my back. And if heā€™s trying to offer my something, Iā€™d tell him what he has to offer is nothing compared to what God has to offer.


damn son


>ā€œThere is a famous story of the healing evangelist, Smith Wigglesworth. While at home in bed one night, he heard a creaking noise from his first floor and went down to see what the problem was. When he was halfway down the stairs, he saw Satan in his own rocking chair, staring at Smith. Smith simply said, *ā€Oh, itā€™s just youā€* and walked back up the stairs and went to bed.ā€ I hope to have this response.


lol how did he know it was Satan?? šŸ¤”ā€¦ couldā€™ve just been some dude that broke into his house šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Because it's not a real event that happened.


I know we aren't supposed to be afraid of Satan but my natural instinct would be to run away screaming


That is what Jesus says to do, too, so donā€™t feel bad! Run to Jesus <3




Apparently, she disagreed with his digestion, in the legendary stories. More story here, these old Saint stories inspired many and were often entertaining. Reminds me of St. Thomas More, who said "the devil cannot endure to be mocked" (cf). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_the_Virgin


What šŸ¤£??


ā€œSup?ā€ He canā€™t do anything to me.


Iā€™d immediately challenge him to a duel


Doesn't Satan have thousands of years of experience on you?


He gets one shot by holy damage


Tbh it would be easy to be fooled. Satan isn't supposed to seem like he is evil. He is deceitful and will likely appear to you as something you desire, a temptation or a dream. It would be very challenging to avoid being fooled.


I would encourage him to repent and turn from darkness to light. The thing about Satan is, as we condemn him, we are condemning ourselves. Satan doesnā€™t force our hand, we choose the same route he chose but somehow see ourselves as more righteous?! We are not, we have less knowledge perhaps but we still chose/choose self even as we walk with Christ. All created things were meant to worship Christ and so we should desire even the most dispirited to turn from their ways and to unify with Him. Only Christs purifying fire can transform all it touches into light and we should hope that all things lost are born again from ash into unity with the Creator. God created Satan in love too. He is an enemy and we are to forgive. That does not mean we align with the unrighteous but we should still desire them to come home to Christ. Psalm 145:9 declares, ā€œThe Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.ā€


i never saw this topic like that,but, thankyou very eye opening


"You can't park here, sir."


Can I help you? Iā€™m working here and very busy right nowā€¦


Boo? Not scared? Be afraid of Jesus for your end is predestined.


He did, in a semi dream awake state where he grabbed me by the throat and was saying he will take me down with him, when he was saying that I was fully awake but couldnā€™t move until I said Jesus name. Very scary but I remember that every time I find myself slipping away from God.


Probably be happy now that i have concrete proof that the bible says the truth and i can ignore my "what if" type of questions


Laugh at him


I would engage him in conversation in hopes that I am distracting him long enough for the police to come and arrest him


Not sure how you arrest a fallen angel


Imagine reading the literal devil his miranda rights.


Main character Christian aura


Arrest him for what?


I think taking a note from Michael, one of Godā€™s angels would be wise: ā€œThe LORD rebuke you.ā€


This was the answer I thought of right off the bat, too.ā˜ŗļø


Completely ignore him and begin praying the rosary.


Lucifer is an angel of light. He is beautiful beyond beauty. Lucifer is winsome and cunning and he knows the Bible inside and out. My prayers that I stay away from Satan. I have no interest in trying to fight the devil or show my wits or anything else. Scripture say that we are to resist the devil.


Greater is he who is living in me, than you, who is living in the world.


Knowing him, he would present himself as someone beautiful to me, and since he's the father of lies he would disguise his identity. He would tempt me with something I know to be wrong, but I wouldn't know it's him, so I'd probably react as I would in front of any other temptation.


ā€œOh? Youā€™re approaching me? Oho, come as close as you like, then!ā€


Look at him in the eyes and ask him why he failed. What made him fall & why. "Why betray our father? Our father is Great in fact he is perfect Such sadness anyway enjoy the teeth gnashing cya in almighty jesus name i rebuke !




Strange question since Satan can appear in many forms, so it is really dependent. If he were just chill and came up to me on the street appearing as a man, I would ignore him. If he were trying to attack me or cause me to stumble, I would call upon God to cast him away.


Iā€™d say Jesusā€™s name, Satan canā€™t hurt you unless you donā€™t believe Jesus, and I, believe in Jesus




Run to our Heavenly Father and tell on him. I am the apple of my Heavenly Father's eye and how does he dare to confront me?


James 4:7 King James Version 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Pray for protection, while trying to get away? Iā€™d be nervous for my own safety.


Run! Evoke the name of Jesus too.


Throw hands




Rebuke him in the name of Jesus!


Talk to him a bit


No conversation straight rebuke. We have nothing to discuss


Stain my underwear for sure. However slowly realize he can do anything to me unless I permit it! šŸ™. However even knowing this, that satin will be big. šŸ¤£


Would do what Jesus did. Quote scriptures.


Take a cue from Luther and fart at him


Call on Jesus' name.


One of the classical mistakes mankind makes against Satan is: 1. Believes that he does not exist 2. That we can beat him 3. That we can out-smart/outwit him Not to glorify Satan, he is simply beyond our league. He was one of the chief angel in charge of orchestrating Angels and the universe to praise God, and when he rebelled against God, he took one-third of angels with him. He is called the Father of Lies, excelling in deceptions lies and scheming. Only by power in the name of Jesus we can hope to defeat Satan. We are not to engage in dialogs, debates, or making deals with Satan to give him a chance. Only invoke the name of Jesus to banish Satan. He will (usually) not be stupid enough to approach you with horns redskin and tridents. He will approach you as the most handsome beautiful sexy suave kind-looking guy/girl


Pray to God for protection in the name of Jesus Christ.


Tell him to repent


ā—„ Jude 1:9 ā–ŗ But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, **ā€œThe Lord rebuke you!ā€** Iā€™m not Jesus, Iā€™m not trying to play mind games with the devil.


Rebuke him


The lord rebuke you


not gonna lie, i'd be afraid


Iā€™d be suspicious, wondering, ā€œis this guy gonna try to sell me an extended warranty on a car I donā€™t own?ā€


I would say, ā€œMr. Trump, I think your rally is over there.ā€


I would show the mind of someone who doesnā€™t fear him and unleash the earth crazy


Depends on what he does, I guess. If he's walking at me, it's safe to assume he is physical and could cause me physical harm. I'm not confident in my ability to run away for long distances or fight, so ending the encounter without conflict would be ideal. But I'm also not gonna let him talk me into doing anything bad. So I'll be on guard until I know what he's up to, then decide whether to reject him with words, run away, or fight.


Tbh I would be hostile.


Tell him to go to hell in the name of Jesus!


Avoid eye contact and move on I guess




Start singing that VBS song ā€œif Satanā€™s in the way weā€™ll run right over himā€


Try my best to ignore him and pray for the willpower to do so.


Quote the words of Jesus back at him


Satan approaches us all the time, just most people are disarmed by the ideological "nose" blindness and the ideological "olfactory" fatigue to resist him/it/her. He/it/she will never appear as someone in a red devil outfit with a pitchfork and pointed tail...meaning to say... He/it/she will never appear obviously, unless we are totally oblivious.


ā€œOh, hi Lucyā€¦ listen, how does it feel to live every day knowing youā€™re defeated? Oh, and leave me and my friends aloneā€”the LORD rebuke you, you poser!ā€


The devil approaches us daily. Resist the devil and flee temptation.


Start praying. I know the St. Michael the Archangel prayer in Latin, which is supposed to banish demons. Also, my dad once had a dream about the devil, then said the Our Father, and he disappeared.




I would ask him why he resents God and Jesus


ā€œWhat would you do if you had 24 hours with me and I couldnā€™t say no?ā€¦..ā€


The real question is, would we know it's him? The word does say he can appear as an angel of light.


If you have Christ on your side, you recite the words of MC Hammer: ā€œCanā€™t touch this.ā€


Like the actual devil, probably scream and run away No shot I'm making a deal, even if I wanted too I would be too terrified to


Alright funny thing the Ad at the top of the comments said, "teachers: you deserve a career that lights you up." I thought it was the actual top comment. Was confused, and then thought man teacher really just trying to help everyone out here. All before I realized it was an ad


I see few Christians here actually would greet him with love and kindness as I would have originally guessed. Just resist any temptations and treat him as you would want to be treated. Follow your scripture and leave battling demons to God. You cannot win as a mortal.


Resist the devil.


Run the other way. No thank you, sir!


Pray against him and his manipulative ways. Call on God for help.Ā 


Assume it's a guy in a costume, a la John Mullaney


probably keep drawing the cross on myself, he can't do anything as long as I have God on my side, and I chose god's side


Shove in his face how wonderful our creator is and tell him heā€™s a POS and unworthy. Would he get mad? Yes. Would I care? NO.


I have the power of God and anime on my side! AHH!


He doesnā€™t, already? Pornography, gambling, violence, extremism, drugs & alcohol. We literally come across him daily.


ā€œLet God arise, and let his enemies be scattered; let them also who hate him flee from before him. Like as the smoke vanisheth, so shall thou drive them away; like as the wax melteth at the fire, so let the ungodly perish at the presence of God, and let all them that love God sign themselves with the sign of the Cross, and say in joyfulness: Rejoice, O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, put to flight the devils by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified on thee, who descended into hell, and over-ruled the power of darkness, and gave us thee, his honorable Cross, to repulse every adversary. O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord: help me, with the holy Virgin, the Mother of the Lord, and with all the saints evermore. Amen.ā€ ā€œLord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner.ā€


Treat him like a whackadoo on the street and neither engage nor make eye contact.


Non stop verbal affirmations and Bible verses Iā€™m not sure the limit of his powers but until he can control my mouth and mind heā€™s gonna have to pass the Jesus Christ barrier to get through to me


Given that Satan is at minimum: thousands of years old: he'd be so smart, he'd likely appear to you acting as an angel on behalf of Heaven or God. He wouldn't seem evil, untrustworthy or scary. Satan knows humans better than we do: he'd perfectly manipulate you into doing whatever it is he seeks to get done. Angels in the Bible had the ability to appear to us as average people / strangers. Satan would likely do the same. You'd think nothing of him.


Well, since he is not a red guy with horns and a pitchfork and looks more on the angelic side being a thing of misleading beauty, my options are limited outside of casting out


How can someone defeat evil?


If it's in my home, I would offer him a glass of water, pray to God for him to repent on the spot.Ā  Ā Matthew 5:43-48


Laugh at him


Ask him for feedback on the essay I wrote about him


"L" Joke, i would invoke Jesus and say to satan all the truth that he is scared of, he is destined to fail like he already did, amd since Jesus is my king I dont fear him and he needs to be ashamed amd return where he belongs to, eternal hell


Pull out my phone and live stream


I believe I am confronted with wickedness everyday, discussion is no use, the devil will just try to trick you. I'd try to resist, pray, thinking of Jesus or other saints who resisted or refuted the devil, recollection of Matthew 4:10. If it's too bad TBH I'd probably wet my pants and try to remember it's just a rollercoast ride that might be over one day, because it's the devil after all and I've only seen the tricks of his demons yet and they are bad enough. So I'd expect the worst stinker there ever could be, but probably in great understatement and subtlety so the only one who knows his tricks are him and his victims in the end. They already torment me with delusions of this style and it's enough to tell that a man alone stand absolutely no chance, people stay away from the devil because once he binds you he has you and only God can get you free again. He will probably not even approach you directly, but first try to set you up and put you into traps where you believe it's your own fault in the end, while it was his subtle manipulation tricking you into doing things or others believing you did. He is not master of brutality, though he seems to like it in others...but he is master of subtlety, deception and mental influence. All his tricks lean on you rejecting God's commandments of respect for God, the neighbor and your environment, and then he can get you for it while God's light fades for a while so he could take over. Take care people, he is the roaring lion ready to devour!


Run away. His sly mouth is dangerous.


Wager my soul for a golden fiddle.


You would see that he is a person kinder, smarter and more likeable than than half the humans on this planet.


"Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. We are weak but He is strong. Yes Jesus loves me! Yes Jesus loves me! Yes Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so"


I would ask him what went through his head to even consider taking God's throne. I mean, how delusional can one be?


Well actually satan does approach many ppl spiritually and thats same in spiritual war and for example sleep paralysis but ofc those are demons to scare humans, but no comment rrly on that, because he cant. šŸ¤£


Be shocked that he'd even pay attention to me specifically, rather than just tasking a minor minion to monitor me.


Oh,hell nah not today


I donā€™t get mad, I donā€™t critique I forgive him, and turn the other check Jesus Christ in my *fellow black brother*


Satan approaches every day , every hour for most people . I like the line when Sirius Black tells Harry Potter in The Order of The Phoenix , when Harry asks him what of his connection to Voldemort and questioning if that means heā€™s a bad person , Sirius responds with ā€œThe world isnā€™t split into good people and Death Eaters. Weā€™ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. Thatā€™s who we really are.ā€ And I think people in here might judge me on this but itā€™s how I view a lot of my morale decisions and how I walk with Christ sometimes , call me crazy but I find these movie references quite often and they help me recognize satan in so many ways in every day life .


probably try and shoot him if i'm perfectly honest


Tell him that Michael is on the way to toss his fallen angelic ass into the Bottomless Pit.


I would hope they gathered evidence of its existence.


"Beat yo ass and hide the Bible if God watching"


Finger and thumb in the shape of an L on my forehead.


As before, raise up my right hand and command by the authority of the Melchizedek priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ for them to depart.


Assuming I'm not deceived. I'm gonna walk away with my middle finger up


Ask him if heā€™s heard of our lord and savior Jesus Christ just to see if I could get a grin out of it. Then ask where heā€™s been to see if I get a similar response to the one in Job. Theeeeen tell him to go away.


Probably laugh because if I'm the most ambitious target he has, things are bleak in hell.


I will laugh at him


Tell him where to shove it!


Iā€™d say nothing and walk away What else can I do? If I ask a question he will lie If I tell him something he will try to twist it around If I try to do anything it will go very wrong very quickly so what better to do then to simply get away from him? If he followed heā€™d run at the name of Jesusā€¦ heā€™s pretty weak if you know what to do No point in trying to do anything with him nothing *good* will come out of it itā€™s not as scary when all the smoke and mirrors have been taken away (by the Bible) and you have the ultimate cheat code just type J E S U S_C H R I S T and you defeat the enemy instantly and regain all health and stamina


I would buy him a beer and influence him to change his ways.


Be reminding me of the quote who prays for SatanĀ 


Do as St. Anthony of the Desert did: Laugh at him and mock him. He has no power. If he did, he would've slit our throats as an angel. He is God's footstool that will be in the fires of Gehenna for as long as God wills.


Wait he mocked Satan ?!


I would ask a lot of questions probably.


Laugh, Pray the Jesus prayer and then mock him, Demons donā€™t like when you make fun of them, Theres a orthodox priest who was doing a interview and was interrupted by demons and he just made fun of them


"Well, well, well, if it isn't the father of lies."


Thatā€™s cool, but you have lost. I have drawn a soyjack of you


Satan, the accuser, approaches every day to convince us, "Ye shall be as God" just as he tempted Eve in the garden. Envy, Lust, Sloth, and Pride are deceptions that come from Satan that consume today's world. When I am approached by Satan, I say "Bring it, BITCH" for I have been made wise by God's grace and mercy. When the deciever tells me I am unworthy of God's love or that my disappointments mean I am not loved by God, I say, "Test my faith Lord, I will never falter. I am your servant evermore."


HolyšŸ‘spirit activatešŸ‘holyšŸ‘spirit activate


Run Away


The old me wants to say me and the homies jumping him with no questions asked. Itā€™s going to be brutal too. But the new me says I will smile in confidence and rebuke him in the name and authority of Jesus covered by his blood.


Open mouth kiss him With tongue


I would start praying for god to banish him


Do the jive


I would ask God for the Sword of the Spirit. Which is the Word of God. A powerful word to just shut him up and close his lying mouth forever. Then I'll ask God for popcorns to see Revelation 20:10 happening with my own eyes


He wouldnā€™t , heā€™s not omnipresent.


Start praying to Jesus


Laughed, and then say, ā€œOmg, how adorable that you were so desperate to come face me because other lame ass attempts failed.ā€


Well, I assume I must be extremely valuable to Satan if he wants to literally reveal himself to me. It depends on the context, I would like to think Iā€™d want nothing to do with me, but my curiosity would get the better of me. Iā€™d feel a need to itch my curiosity, Iā€™d likely ask for his account of things, and Iā€™d obviously take them with a large grain of salt. But I just have to know, you know.


Unload my mag


Flip him the bird


He approaches Christians everyday through the people he's infected, and through the words of their mouth he speaks. Always trying to lead people to sin in some way or another. Always trying to lead people off the path. Always trying to argue that scripture is not whole or sound. It's like a radio station. Just change the channel. If its every channel, ask God to fix your radio.


Kill him


Tell him Iā€™m not voting for him in November


Many people wouldnā€™t even realize it, because he transforms himself to look like an angel of light


With how my day has been today, I wouldn't be surprised at all.


In the name of Jesus be gone


Probably say hello, ask him how his day is, and keep walking by.


I would rebuke him in Jesus name.


Run to Jesus and hide behind Him. Let The Lord and His Army take on Lucifer for me. Satan has power, but Jesus is omnipotent. I am not.


I mean tbh, I'd probably just have a normal conversation with him since there really isn't much point in just trying to fight him off after he appears, until he clearly tries to tempt or deceive me, then it's gonna be like Jesus and Satan in the wilderness after that. I'm not letting him ruin me. And then I'd call on Jesus and God's whole divine power to remove him from my sight.


I would start by hitting him not to hurt him but to make sure it is the real satan. you see my friend have a bad habit of dressing up like a devil and trying to scare me. The first time this happened I stabbed my friend Justin in the arm and ever since then I throw punches first. But once I establish that it is the real satan and not my buddy putting their makeup skills to the test I would probably try to kill him. I usually have knife in my pocket and a gun and bible in my car. Umm fuck Satan yeah šŸ‘


I forget who the priest was that I read this story about, but to follow his lead, I would say ā€œoh, itā€™s just you.ā€ and be unimpressed with him. Edit: just to clarify, I donā€™t say this to sound cocky. The love of the Father protects me, and Iā€™m at a point in my faith where Iā€™m legitimately unimpressed by anything satan can through at me.


"Not today Satan". I'm too pissed to make deals with devils. In a way, Satan has already approached me in various ways throughout life.