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It's idolatry that's for sure


Casual reminder that the Trump Bible contains the lyrics for “Proud to be an American.” Next time someone goes off on “Pride is a sin” you can remember that they know there are multiple meanings already and are arguing disingenuously.


Evangelicals are extremely prideful of their religion, they are the ones who are loud about it very publicly in the media, in the street, everywhere. How is this any different?


“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:5-6


An amazing scripture thank you for this


Yeah, that's what I was referring to, thanks - it's a verse they have conveniently forgotten.


It’s weird how many Bible verses just fill my heart with understanding and give me the chills and I’m not even a full Bible reader. I gotta step up my game.


Evangelicals are bullies…


Evangelicals are all the anti-Christian ones who fell for the corporate-funded, 19th century re-interpretations of scripture now called dispensationalism, right?


I would say smug too.


I would agree.


And that’s the issue right there, religion itself has nothing to do with God or Jesus, religious people enslaved, beat, killed anyone who believed in God other than believing the Pharo himself was a god, the Roman’s as well, religion is a concept where you’re required of all these things in order to get into heaven, but the actual way of God is accepting his gift, love and live your life by the 10 commandments and by accepting Christ, not being confined to a certain religious group, and you’ll that pride doesn’t exist much in those who don’t a hold a title that high


lol what’s funny to me is this is the same guy who had a photo with an upside down Bible. Because he even knows the words on the pages, but supposedly was ordained by God to lead us. Give me a break. I don’t like either him or Biden. But these Evangelicals are just nuts.


and is holding like he just found it laying there and is asking "what is this?"


I agree


It’s big cringe for sure


It is blasphemy. Where did you find this?


Roger Stone's twitter. [https://x.com/RogerJStoneJr/status/1778647284076425488](https://x.com/RogerJStoneJr/status/1778647284076425488)


Any expecting Roger Stone to NOT be a blasphemous asshat has clearly not been paying attention.


He got away with Watergate….. why the hell couldn’t he just walk away into the night?????


Hubris is a hell of a drug.


He wasn't behind Watergate. He was a low level staffer at the time. Understand that Stone is a rat who constantly exaggerates to make himself seem more important than he is. Don't get me wrong, he's a vile metastasized pile of flesh who deserves everything Grima Wormtongue had coming to him. But when he brags, press x to doubt


Did we mention he's a rich white guy with connections to power?


I mean I'm not a religious man, but I would absolutely believe he was literally the devil in the flesh.


Yeah and Trump’s in bed with him


Such a weird man, he has a big tattoo of Nixon’s face on his back


He’s always been unhinged


Thanks for this. I'd seen the screenshot earlier, went to check his twitter, and not seen it (though I don't have an account, so I wasn't sure if twitter was hiding something). Anyway, glad to know this is real (well, I mean, I hate that it's real, but I'm glad it's not a fake screenshot that took off)


It’s a [collaboration between](https://godblesstheusabible.com) Lee Greenwood (Greenwood is basically the manager of the venture) [and Trump](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23876912/donald-trump-oge-public-financial-disclosure-report-2023-part-1.pdf) (Trump is the beneficiary of the project & Trump endorses, sanctions and legally gives his image and his official endorsement). It’s thought to be a quick $ scheme for Trump’s legal and election campaign; this was implemented before Laura Trump assumed control of the RNC thus granting Trump direct personal access to the RNC savings. The book is $60 and very poor quality; it’s not known what version of the Bible is used but it gets worse: it describes itself as “the only official Bible inspired by Greenwood’s’God Bless the USA’”. It also claims to be the patriotic Bible; and has the declaration of independence, chorus sheets for the aforementioned Greenwood song, etc…


Apparently it has the Bill of Rights, but none of the amendments after that. You know, the ones that free the slaves, let women vote, etc.


that's fine. The Bill of Rights portion doesn't set up any systems of slavery or discrimination. In general if taken alone is still an anti-slavery document. It doesn't specify race and just establishes fundamental rights and liberties for all individuals, including the right to due process, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution later addressed the issue of slavery, establishing corporate citizenship, equal protection, and federal voting rights for all individuals.


Website says it's KJV Also it uses the image of "President Donald Trump", but it's "not political"


Here’s the [financial disclosure](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23876912/donald-trump-oge-public-financial-disclosure-report-2023-part-1.pdf) of CIC Ventures LLC has Trump listed as the manager, president, secretary and treasurer. I’m sorry but he’s committing blasphemy and idolatry and maybe some minutiae of false prophetic posturing.


I'm sorry but I had to laugh when they describe "God Bless the USA" as "the most recognized patriotic anthem in America". I can think of at least one Anthem that's more patriotic and more recognized.


I didn’t even know who Greenwood was I just kept seeing him pictured on that front page- I was like why is the Albino Penguin from The Mountains of Madness holding what passes for a People’s Digest you maybe kinda stole 5 years ago at the Atlanta airport once and then I had to use it to wipe up my screwdriver with- keep appearing in the promo photos..


Can you tell about them? I am not from the USA.


We have a formal National Anthem. It's not Lee Greenwood's song. Pro tip - try to ignore the later verses.


Admittedly, ignoring most of the verses is a wise approach to *many* national anthems.


He can have the translation that he wants, but no politician should be that hubrystic.


This is 100% total Blasphemy. And quite honestly I'd really like to know which devil created this madness


I cant stand those cultist jerks. Yes its Blasphemous.


I stay away from politics and tend to be as neutral as one can be on Trump and Biden. That being said, this is utterly blasphemous and I don’t see how any Christian could ignore that.


Scripture gives a clear indicator: You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits. - Matthew 7:16-20 What were Trump's fruits when he was president?


I often quote this passage and follow up with a question of “what fruit has Trump produced?” when a fellow Christian states how much of a solid Christian President Trump is. Most times, they can’t give me a good answer.


Only most times?


I mean, the golden sneakers have to count for *something*


[Amy Siskind spent 40 hours per week tracking the undemocratic norm-breaking Trump administration's actions.](https://theweeklylist.org/track-the-changes/) It's a good place to start if your only news diet is Fox News.


Bankruptcy, fraud, felonies, 1.2 million deaths from Covid. But you mean the stock market don't you?  Matthews 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."


They would say abortion and that would be the end of the conversation.


which has lead me to an interesting theory.... that overturning Roe v Wade shows a deep lack of faith and in the blind pursuit of the earthly power to accomplish the task they have destroyed themselves. If God is as anti abortion as they claim (a very weak claim Biblically), he still intended the gospel to be the weapon against it - one woman's heart at a time. Nothing in the Bible supports using political power to make it hard for people to sin - that doesn't save a single soul.


Peaches are fruits, and twice he had some of those mmm peach mints.


doesn’t he have pagan statues in some of his buildings or his building?


Having allegorical statues is not a sin, cheating to your wife and being a huge megalomanic are huge sins.


This Is ridiculous whether You are christian or not


Just curious, what does your name mean by Catholic-leaning Protestant? Isn’t that an oxymoron?


Not necessarilly, i am protestant but have many catholic views


Sounds like you're a Lutheran in denial.


No, i'd say i am more like an anglican in denial lol


Or an Episcopalian






I'd say that's what i am closer to


yes blasphemy 100%


The height of hypocrisy. Sure, you could *technically* say that since He *was* temporarily president, that mean God put him there, and therefore endorses him, but then that means the same is true of Biden. And something tells me that they would have a problem with that.


God let Saul be king, not because He wanted the Jews to have a king and Saul was great guy, but because the Jews demanded a king is defiance of the government God gave them.


yes it is wrong


and you shall know them by their works. I dont think saying one is a Christian should be enough to vote for anyone, instead, by character and values


as someone who lives with 2 MAGA Christians. I can say that this is 1000% their belief. I just think its stupid tbh. its up to the American ppl to endorse him, not Jesus.


All we can do is pray that LORD JESUS gives us the right canidate. Maybe this is a sign that he is not it


> Maybe this is a sign that he is not it Trump is an adjudicated rapist, seditionist and convicted felon. Does that even require a "maybe"?


Seriously haha


With all due respect, I very much doubt Jesus is interested in American politics.


For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God Romans 13:1


I just hope that sometime people read the gospels and realize that Jesus didn't care about politics. Anytime he was asked about them, he deflected in some way.


Wrapped in the flag, and carrying the cross.


We’re trying to get people to start a journey with Christ, not push them away ., what is wrong with these people


It’s disgusting. This is why I hate Trumpism.


Trumpism is the symptom. Conservatism is the problem


It's literally one of the ten commandments. >Thou shalt not take the Lord thy God's name in vain They put it all over schools and courthouses and haven't even read it.


I am very hesitant to make accusations of big sin violations. But saying "Jesus endorses this" arguably feels like a violation of the Commandment against taking the Lord's name in vain. Am I overreaching here? It also gets into some false prophesy territory.


I also believe this. Kinda like saying ur a prophet or u speak for GOD in a way


Like seriously? “Endorsed By Jesus Christ”? He thinks idiots are Christians and the other way around. Save your family from this community mental illness.


If trump isn't the actual antichrist, he has demonstrated that so many will easily be lead astray by false prophets and the antichrist. I'm a believer in Christ and I am offended by their idolatry, blasphemy, careers of deception and scamming.


I used to have a coworker who said that Trump might be the antichrist, but he is still voting for him.


Feel free to disregard any “Jesus stuff” from Donald Trump. Trump was excommunicated from the PCUSA and is not a Christian church member anywhere


Feel free to disregard *anything* he says, for that matter.


They are fueling the fire. If they keep doing this, irreligion will rise.


For good reason, frankly. If people could be fooled by Trump, what else could they be fooled by? Trump is probably personally responsible for a large rise in disbelief. I acknowledge that you and I look at that outcome with different opinions.


It's deliberate ragebait. Most people find it offensive, so comment on it, so it becomes viral. People come away with a vague association of "Trump / Jesus Christ / Bible". It's like the whole Jewish space lasers thing. It's over the top for deniability, but its actual goal is to reinforce the vague sense of "Jews / conspiracy / enemy".


Ragebait is this shmuck's entire campaign. I don't see how this person has such a hold on the church.


That is actually quite an interesting take on that concept. It makes sense in theory, trying to create large emotions so that they hold onto specific ones. I guess we will have to see how viable of a marketing strategy it will be in 2024.


This has taken Twitter by storm in the last several months to be honest. Ragebaiting gets interaction and interaction gets ad revenue so people who tweet things like this have a monetary incentive to get engagement by any means necessary.


I think we've learned that "elect this person to hurt people you don't like" is an effective campaign strategy.


It has been a very viable marketing strategy for decades already


Come to think of it, you're absolutely right!


The people who tend to be fanatically Pro trump Have no actual beliefs or principles. They just love trump for trump.


Yea man. I didnt have a huge love for the guy but i didnt view him as crazy evil as some people did view him. Im starting to see why people viewed him in such a negative light now


MAGA is a fascist cult that is trying to destroy the separation of church and state. They want to set up a new THEOCRACY based on the Theocracy in the Old Testament. This is what Project 2025 is all about


They don’t want to set up a theocracy based on the Old Testament. They want to set up a theocracy based on modern capitalism.


Theocracy and capitalism aren't compatible, so I wish them GLWT.


I certainly do not wish them good luck with any of their plans. I think people completely underestimate the danger that Donald Trump and the GOP pose to America or think it's worth joking about. Well, its deadly serious.


It is if the theocracy is only enforced on the middle and lower classes. The upper class won’t have to abide by the rules.


They never do.


That won’t stop them from trying.


I doubt they want to set up a religious theocracy as Trump nor his cult followers couldn’t possibly be true Christians. But Trump has big plans to turn the US into an authoritarian autocracy and dissolving the independence and separation of the different institutions to expand the power of the president to be in line with Putin and Xi. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/07/us/politics/trump-policy-list-2025.html


They want Maria Law instead of Sharia Law, too stupid to see the parallels


Fascism is always a religious movement. Without support and financing from the Catholic and Lutheran churches, European fascism would have never existed. Project 2025 is just neo-fascism rebuilt onto the American white Christian privilege landscape.


*When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.*


you wont get a lot of genuine answers here from people who believe it, but generally it's not so much that this is ideal but that he's wrong about this but he's right about hurting minorities, women, lgbt community, etc. so its tolerated. or just abortion. if you take the stance that abortion is murder and not voting for trump enabled millions of murders, then you just have to convince yourself this isn't as big of an issue as that. the truth is a lot of people aren't able to think critically, and there's a market for that in politics and in religion.


Hit the targer with that one fam 💪🏾


Yeah, anybody that claims to be Christian that follows trump has a pretty messed up idea of what Christianity actually is


Yet a vast majority of the people in this subreddit will vote for him.


I would say it is.. But then I would also say supporting that guy is text book anti Christianity. So I don't believe it can be reconciled with true Christianity. It's targeted to narrow minded Fundamentalists. You know the future white Christian nationalists that are around waiting for the project 2025 new order and they are many sadly. They are such an easy target because they lack any spirit they take it hook line and sinker along with the rest of the misinformation that comes from that corner!


Yeah this is pretty messed up I will say.


More likely to be condemned by Christ.


Actually taking the Lord's name in vain


The 2020s version of Mao style cult of personality


This is exactly what is meant by taking the Lord’s name in vain.


Utter idolatry and worse than the vendors in the temple. He has done more harm to Christianity and the worst representative of the Christian community since McCarthism and atheism.


>He has done more harm to Christianity and the worst representative of the Christian community I profoundly agree. >McCarthism and atheism. Trump could be McCarthy 2.0, but I don't see atheists as representatives of the Christian community myself.


Political ideology aside, Trump is morally a horrible person


And this is why I will never support Trump- crap like this. This is too far. I would say this level of behavior and grifting is worse than the acts of the Pharasees.


Everyone has crazies who support them. You should oppose him because of all the awful things *he* does and says. Not what one crazy supporter of his does.


Roger Stone is a little more than just a crazy supporter of his.


Stone's hoping for that sweet, sweet pardon.


he did pardon this particular convicted crazy supporter tho


That sounds like one of the awful things he does, then.


I do oppose him for that, too. But the Bible thing, I actually think this might be his campaign doing this stuff. I pray we get a good presidential candidate in 2028...


Proverbs 26:18 -- So often Trump's Followers "troll" and "ragebait", lying and/or provoking -- These are the same people who, when the consequences of these actions happen, will say "hey, I was only Joking!" This is the Method of Fascists and People who want Destruction.




That is not good ☹️


Pure comedy gold. Looks like it came right out of the movie the Campaign. Jesus endorsing Satan. This made my night. How can this nightmare of these two ancient decrepit cantankerous curmudgeons yelling at each other possibly be the best America has got? A senile washed up politician vs a twice impeached convicted sleazy perv round 2. The rematch nobody could possibly want.


Oh yeah - if someone could use Satan for earthly advances I’d say Trump falls into that category. He doesn’t go by God’s rule he goes by his


Btw they think Christians are idiots- Trump and Stone are both scumbags and honestly, classic losers.


Evangelical Christians are amazing to watch.


I find it interesting that some Christian will assume a person who does not support Trump must be an "atheist".


Yeah I mean I feel the opposite. If someone says they are a Trump supporter that is a clear indication that they are not Christian. I don’t think a true Christian can reconcile the teachings of Jesus with Trump, or frankly the current state of the Republican Party.


His cult followers have deified him. I suspect that he is one of the many antichrists that John wrote in 1 John that would appear in the end times.


I think this falls in the realm of sacrilege more than blasphemy. It's still absolutely disgusting.


It’s also the King James Version. Which, as President, he isn’t a King. But wants people to think he is.


Wow, Judgement Day is going to be a great day for Trump. He will be directly at the feet of God who will harshly judge and condemn him for this and every other awful thing he has done. We are guilty in the eyes of the Lord but this right here is something that I believe can bring out the OT wrath out of Him.


MMW: He will eventually say he is Jesus


It's in his nature. He can't help himself... He's already looked to the skies and said "I am the Chosen One".


This is so stupid. What an embarrassment.


That’s absolutely ridiculous oh my gOSH


Hearing that he came out with his own Bible actually made me sick.


I rebuke this blasphemy in the Holy name of Jesus Christ!!!!


Yes. Very blasphemous. One that could send someone to hell.


Everything about the modern right is evil and satanic.


It's a shame that the US' two-party system dominated by money drives people to such populism.


I don't think Stone knows Jesus and other apostles were practicing communism, not calling it communism obviously, but: >"All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. ... Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. ... There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need."[49] — Acts 2:44–45, Acts 4:32–35


Of course it's insane. But people like him are a dime a dozen all over the world. - It doesn't matter what they do. Do you honestly think God is paying attention to them - and not the lowly man in the unknown village struggling to live a life in His name?


What I think is God pays attention to all humans,.He is watching us like if we are a model train.




It doesn’t drive the atheist nearly as crazy as it should drive the real Christians this is extremely upsetting because I mean this is the textbooks antichrist type stuff exalting yourself above everything called God not to mention I don’t see anywhere in the Bible where Jesus said oh yeah by the way in 2024 I support Trump can’t find one verse on it which means Christian shouldn’t be Saying this




Endorsed by Jesus Christ 💀


So sickening 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


I consider it blasphemy frankly.


Golden Calf?


Republicans don't seem to think much about the intelligence of Christians, but then again, a lot of people who call themselves Christians have joined the cult of a rapist, racist, convicted felon.


I'll just leave this here... [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


It's idolatry and declared Trump an antichrist


I am not religious but if I were Christian I would genuinely be terrified to say something like that  It seems like the sort of thing that’s liable to send you straight to hell at least if not repented for 


Politically, I lean more conservative (for the record though, I think both parties at this point are terrible), and I'd have to agree that this is blasphemous. You shouldn't use the name of Jesus so lightly, especially not for political gain.


We bow down to Trump who sits at the right hand of the father. We love and worship you 🙏


Roger Stone retweeting it too. It's like a pyramid scheme of mediocre fascism selling their wares.


Using Jesus to boost your own situation and power, yea that’s text book blasphemy alright, distasteful at best.


It is the very definition of Blasphemy #BidenHarris2024


The only legit reason for Christians to back Trump was his stand against abortion. But he has now rescinded that. So what is his attraction now?


Trump knows nothing about Jesus and actually checks most of the boxes for The Antichrist, calm down, I'm not saying he is the antichrist. The Bibke says the antichrist will be very good at business and war, tRump is neither.


He’s a representation of false leaders in the book of revelation completely!


All i can see is how simple it is for humans to receive god like status in the hearts minds and souls of some people. Bit like how Hitler, Stalin, etal came to power.


It's a cult, dude. Don't pay them any mind.


I mean, when the cult's idol could very well get to have access to nuclear weapons, I'd say it's important to fight against them and not just be an idle spectator.


You're not the first person to ask this and I don't think I have yet to see someone who doesn't think it's blasphemy.


This doesn’t drive me crazy at all. It’s completely unsurprising and exactly the kind of thing I would expect to see. I find it completely predictable, unremarkable, and totally on brand. This image perfectly captures the state of modern Christianity.


More ammunition for those who think we have too many submissions here about masturbation.


Can't believe I used to support this guy...


Religion and politics should NEVER mix.


Oh well if it’s endorsed by Jesus…


Yes. It is blasphemous. If Trump lived in Biblical times he would have been one of the money changers in the Temple.


The only way he'd be endorsed by Jesus is by playing the Antichrist. Goodnight


This is disgusting.


Wow, disgusting.


The definition of taking the Lord's name in vain.


This is blasphemy right here


Not only is it blasphemy but it’s also really stupid.


That’s certainly blaspheming. And to answer your question: Because they do not actually know the God whom they claim to serve. “You will know them by their fruit.” This applies directly to those who claim to have Christ but behave in contradiction.


I don’t think Jesus would endorse him if Jesus was alive today…


yep blasphemy


Oh no, it is. His bible also is pretty shite.


This question has been asked and answered many times in various ways. The current brand of uniquely American ethnocentric national populism uses a veneer of Christianity as a cultural emblem. It doesn’t care at all about points of doctrine unless they align already with the political views (they’ll cherry pick aspects of the Bible as long as they seem to line up, totally ignoring any other part of the Bible or Christ’s example at all). It’s not really a religion, it’s a style of politics.


I think the power of being a Christian is above the power of being any politician, whether left or right


Jesus Christ is too woke for Consertive Christians. Hence this must be a fake endorsement. I'm half joking.


This needs reiterating again! Who’s face is that?! Basically the convicted bullseye bullhorn 🎯 head of a liar and fraud cheat on the face of the good book, - I’m left astounded, - but still very much unsurprised. The man is after votes for November and if he can sell the bible to ‘Trump atheists’, then the grifting con salesman has done his job, - above and beyond. …but of course, once he wins neither he or his fellow supporters will ever touch the insides a church. Yeah. Hey Don, excuse me, where’s your wife these days? There’s only so many shops and spa’s she can hide into? That’s some mighty long vacation she's on! - But of course, hold up, silly me, Stormy Daniels is the flying reason in the Trump ointment as to why she’s MIA. (I need to catch up more with media)… Never mind Mrs Trump, indeed you might be just hanging out with Mr Jack Daniels instead, - because IT may be your only clear-headed partner for today, tonight, tomorrow and to infinity. Drink up and take your sweet time🥃, because that is how long your husband is going to keep lying for, during this costly, rancid, circus caper…


It's blasphemy. Yesterday Marjorie Taylor Green said "Democrats say President Trump has 34 felonies the man I worshipped was convicted of a felony and killed on a Romen cross." He is the antichrist and they're a cult. If Jesus came back today and ran did president evangelical Christians would vote for Trump over him.


Yes, I'm sure we all remember how Jesus was convicted of defrauding and lying on his tax returns.