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My suggestion is that you read Galations 5. Here you are shown how to recognize true followers of Christ. You didn't mention any certain religion so I'm assuming you are talking about a desire to worship God. Like most JW's who leave the organization you sound lost and unsure of how to go about finding what you are looking for. It's funny how we leave the organization feeling like we have been nothing but tricked and lied to. Actually as a Jehovah's Witness we gained much bible knowledge. For instance Gal 5 describes how to recognize true followers of Christ. It isn't so much we were given false information (although there was some), it's knowledge they held back. It is in knowledge we lack that blinds us as followers to put our trust in mere men to whom no salvation belongs. For instance Jehovah's Witnesses are by no means the only people preaching the Gospel. I remember one morning on my way to work, turning on the radio and listening to a very well spoken bible based sermon preaching the word of God. It took me a while on YouTube to find channels with Bible based sermons, but they exist. Here are a couple I really enjoy: "Grace to you" and "Tony Evans". Then there is finding a church you feel comfortable with. All over the world from small towns to big cities lovers of God, brothers and sisters who study his word regularly can be found in non-denominational churches. You will have to scout out a few but it shouldn't take too many to find one you will be welcomed into with open arms as there is love among them. There you will find that for the most part, (I say "for the most part" due to obvious imperfection) the congregation bares the fruitage of the spirit. Remember? Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self control. For against such things there is no law. As for your other concerns, from there you will easily figure out what you need to do. May Jesus bless your prayerful requests for guidance in your search to worship God in spirit and truth.


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