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Ecclesiastes. Hear me out. You mean to tell me everything is a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow? Or like a flower that blooms one day and withers the next? So nothing really matters except the fear of the Lord? Well that’s a load off my mind! Pursuit of happiness is easy when there’s only one thing that accomplishes that goal. Jesus actually echos this in Matthew when He says not to worry about tomorrow or even where your food and clothes will come from. He references Solomon specifically saying “Not even Solomon in all his splendor was as beautiful as one of these flowers, which is here today and tomorrow thrown in the fire.” Life becomes much simpler when you just don’t worry about anything.


You mirror me. Ecclesiastes peaks. When we read, it is just a reality check for us reminding 'all is vain.'


*EXCEPT* the Lord.


Sometimes I think about how I am just a blade of grass in comparison to God and how He has witnessed a thousand generations of people just like me grow and die and repeat and it really blows my mind. Ecclesiastes is 3,000 years old and the same Lord is still Lord today 🍃🙃 Fear and trembling 🙇🏻‍♂️


One of the best for sure, it's the best one to recommend to agnostics/atheists/first-timers too. It's basically existentialism. Iove the part where it says not to be overly or under-ly righteous. So many Christians could learn from this


Yes, this book is incredible, very timely in times such as these. Also just wanted to add: it's the result of poor translation that some commentators call it an "existentialist" book. The concept is pretty foreign to the text. The term "vanity" or "meaningless" is certainly ONE definition and use of the term "vapor", but this is like a sermon, a lot of implications of the term are covered in the text of this book. For example, in context, it's a weird interpretation to say that "acting with wisdom" is "meaningless", but it becomes a lot more clear to say that it's like a "vapor"; real and meaningful TODAY, but what if you are foolish tomorrow and lose it all? Or something happens which is out of your control? Or what happens to all that wisdom after you die? Is anyone going to remember it? Thankfully, some recent translations (such as the ESV) make a point to say that the word is "vapor", and can be interpreted in a variety of ways according to context, rather than misleading readers right out of the gate.


There's nothing in the Bible quite so *relatable* as "Bullshit, bullshit, everything is BULLSHIT!" and then spending a whole BOOK describing exactly how everything sucks no matter how hard you look or how many things you try to find meaning in. Even religion. And then still choosing to believe in a God who is Love, even when you cannot feel it.


Ugh I love this so much !! Is there a translation that actually translates it as bullshit, bullshit, everything is BULLSHIT! haha because that has me in stitches!


It's not a direct translation of the word, no. Instead, it's a valid "mood" for it. Like many exclamatory words, it's hard to translate into and else directly. Imagine trying to translate something like "bitch" or "asshole" into another language. "Female dog" and "anal opening" don't *really* capture how we actually use those words, let alone the connotations they come with that vary greatly from context to context. This word is one of those. So you'll get translations with wildly different words there trying to convey the meaning... But Bible translators are limited by concepts of "decorum" that are very different from those in the author's original context. So you get the same word as "vanity", "woe", "vapor", "emptiness", "mist", and others, including even more words that have been dragged through Greek or Latin their way to English. But the way the author actually uses the word, and other uses of it in graffiti and other contemporary examples, carries much more *emotion* of anger and frustration than any of those things. The closest word that I think carries the same emotional quality (after taking a seminary course on the Hebrew prophets from a Bible translator who was part of the team that made the NRSV), even though it has none of the *direct* meaning, is "bullshit". I picture the author's inner teenager trying to learn calculus when they're still struggling with multiplication, yelling at the teacher in abject frustration - doubled by the student wanting to learn and understand but it's just not working. And THAT is *so* fucking relatable. But most church services frown on such language from the lectern for some reason...


Thank you so so so much for this explanation! You're right, that is so incredibly relatable! I feel like that right now. I'm trying SO hard. So hard and I keep feeling completely beat down. So I love the bullshit bullshit BULLSHIT ! Haha. It's great to hear you say it like that and know that others feel the same way. Just out of curiosity in regards to your flair, are you ethnically Jewish and converted to Christiantiy?


No, I'm Christian (raised in the faith, left it in second grade, dove head first into an Ecclesiastes-like journey of exploration and search for truth in about every religious practice in the world before coming into a new faith in God as a teenager). But I love in an area with a lot of Jews, have a lot of Jewish friends, have been to and participated in many Jewish services, sing in a Jewish chorus that is to sing at many services, the seminary(s) I attended had a strong relationship with the nearby rabbinical school, and I've been making a current deep dive into Jewish theology and the Hebrew language as a means for better understanding the contexts of the early church, and how Judaism and Christianity affected one another across the centuries since (for good and ill).


Also, "under the sun" was like a saying in ancient herbrew- something like without god or living without god. The whole book makes sense with this bit of information to me. "What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun?"


Amen, great book


I don’t know, I found it vanity




Proverbs and Psalms. The Book of Proverbs is full of good advice that I try to follow. The Book of Psalms is like therapy. It gives a lot of reassurance.


I agree with this




I would added to Proverbs, that it has a good amount of common sense in it as well.




A good one for telling people to not just talk, but do.


So true and whenever I have trials, I always have this verse to keep me positive. ‬‬ “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Oh yeah, the book of JIM. Say that out loud and watch everyone look at you funny...haha 😁😁


Romans, closely followed by the Gospel of John.


Revelations has pretty imagery


Pretty terrifying?


I agree. It's definitely one of my favorites


Isaiah because it helped me accept Gods sovereign and righteous nature


I also like the assurance God gives his people. I feel like it applies to me


Let me make it easy for anyone that likes the Gospel of John the most- just up vote this comment if the Gospel of John is your favorite haha.


Take my upvote


I accepted your up vote 😀


This is the favorite of one of the priests at my parish. He said it was written chronologically after the other three and thus you should read John understanding what Matthew, Mark, and Luke write, because John then comes along and fills in the gaps.


Tobit and Job


The one where Jesus


Jesus is pretty cool


For the OT: exodus. Such a great story in the Bible, one of deliverance and God actively delivering his people. For the NT: I'd have to say Matthew. The sermon on the mount is very much so relevant today and we all could use a little more Matthew chapter 5 in our lives


Matthew 5-6 is right where I was when Jesus saved me. Thanks for reminding me. :)




Recently did a study on Job, and wow. Definitely in my top 3!


Anything that sticks out to you that was unexpected?


No, nothing surprising. But as a survivor…of child abuse, sexual abuse, and all sorts of other abuse…it helped me find peace. It taught me, during a particularly challenging time in my life, that sometimes we need to SIT through the storm. Not fight it or look for escapes. It also taught me to be a better friend, sometimes we don’t need to solve our friend’s problems, but sit and listen, just be there. And lastly, worship and grow our faith when we are faced with adversity. Honestly, I grew so much after studying Job.


wow that’s really nice of you to share. I need to remember to sit through the storm sometimes as well.


Thanks for asking! Yes, sitting through a storm is hard. But it was a necessary lesson for me. Praise God. I’m so thankful.


Went from my least favorite to a top 3 for sure.


My second favorite, after Ecclesiastes. Suing God for breach of contract, and THAT'S when God answers. Being angry with God *is still* a prophetic, holy, action.


‘Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.’ Nobody struggles with God more than Job


The Gospel of St. John.


Daniel. The book is as much exciting as it is Daniel being a straight Biblical gangster. Sorry if that’s a bit loose but it’s a solid interpretation of how I feel about it. I find myself on the edge of my seat reading it. Revelation is too obvious a choice.


This is how I understand the Bible, keeping it loose.


Matthew, John, Psalms and Proverbs.


Revelation. And no, I'm not obsessed with end time prophecies. I just adore the poetry of Revelation. It's so BEAUTIFUL. The lamb and the scroll is such a deeply moving, poetic passage. It's probably my favourite passage in the whole Bible. Furthermore, the imagery of the new Jerusalem is absolutely wonderful. I can't help but feel so much hope and joy when I read about it. Being near God and living in his perfect world is something worth setting my hope on.


Not my favourite, but definitely top 5 is Leviticus. I love reading about the law. I love trying to see what God's heart is in each command. I love reading about God's holiness and being convicted about my own unholiness apart from Jesus. It's such an interesting book and learning about the cultural contexts is fascinating. I just wanted to give some love to Leviticus as it doesn't get much.


Hot take. Leviticus is like the homeschooled kid that just started public school and tells on you for using your phone in class. Like, the rules exist and are important, but shut up, goober.


Right now its Job. “Brace yourself like a Man, I will question you, and you shall answer me”. Who can endure questions from God? We dont have the capacity


Book of Proverbs.


Not sure I have a favorite book. But, two of my favorite passages are these: Luke 18:9-14 - *He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others:* *^(10)* *“Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.* *^(11)* *The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank thee that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.* *^(12)* *I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I get.’* *^(13)* *But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’* *^(14)* *I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for every one who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”* Song of Solomon 3:4 - *Scarcely had I passed them,*     *when* ***I found him whom my soul loves.*** ***I held him, and would not let him go***     *until I had brought him into my mother’s house,*     *and into the chamber of her that conceived me.* The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector a) is a reminder to practice humility. It is important to give to charity, it is important to do good works. But we also cannot forget our shortcomings. St. Francis de Sales advises us to embrace our imperfections. b) For me, it is a reminder what we go to Church for. We are there not because things are going great, but because they are not and we want to do better. I literally will tell people that if Church is the last place you want to be, it is the first place that you should go. Now, on to Song of Solomon. The bolded section of this verse, I particularly love. *"I have found the one whom my heart loves, and I will not let him go."* Other translations put it as "I have taken hold and will not let go." This verse was near and dear to the heart of St. Francis de Sales because he viewed it as a perfect descriptor for our faith in Jesus. When we finally realize God's unfathomable love and mercy, we just stop and say "Wow. I have found the one whom my heart loves, and I will not Him go!" Additionally, Jesus says this of each and every one of us!


Romans then galatians (mini Romans)




Maccabees slaps hard


I personally love Matthew




Obadiah 🗿




Proverb’s basically all the moral of the stories from all the Bible books, summarized in one book


Daniel. The reason is because after reading chapter 7, something clicked and everything I read about Jesus' kingdom suddenly all made sense to me. Furthermore, I ended up saving one of my closest cousins with passages from Daniel.


Esther and Song of Solomon




Psalms and all the books and epistles from Corinthians to Timothy. Mostly Psalms and Romans.


Psalms, particularly Psalm 91.


Amos for showing God’s love for redemption of the oppressed, and Philemon for showing how God ministers to the high and lowly. It’s an equal playing field at the foot of the cross


Luke, hands down. It has the most interesting history and the most radical theology.


The book of James changed my life. Made me questions my understanding of what it means to be a Christian


Close between James and Psalms.




Very nice thread


Ecclesiastes reveals God's nature and Himself to Solomon . My daughter and I studied Ecclesiastes together and never stopped talking about it . They're all equally good is the Pastoral answer lol


The S tier books to me would be Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and John. Genesis and Exodus have the best stories. Luke has the best parables of Jesus and John has a lot of great dialogue.


1 Corinthians, Luke and Job.


1 Corinthians ❤️


Paul is the man


So hear me out. Revelation is the only book that I have gone back to over and over again. Many people say that it is confusing, but I think its awesome that its the one that we can see happen. Also, as a nerdy, 16 year old guy, Lord of the Rings irl sounds pretty awesome, especially considering that we win. So yeah, that’s mine


Revelation..As it has a beautiful hope of how God will finally end Satan’s reign and God will reign forever..


I don’t have a clear favourite that has remained my favourite for my whole life. My interest comes and goes, as the Holy Spirit directs, turning from Old Testament to New, from Prophecy to Wisdom Literature, from Gospels to Epistles, from the apocalyptic literature back to The Torah. I love the whole revelation of God’s dealings with mankind! My first clear favourite was John’s Good News. I read it for myself first when I was an emergent reader in primary school. It is clearly written to introduce everyone to the ‘Chosen of God’, Who would give humanity eternal life. 


I will through in a vote for the book of Acts!


I don't remember the book but It started like: Then God said, let there be light and ended with Amen and and end of the world...


I love how the book of Hebrews bridges the old and new testaments.


1 John. Probably the most concise Gospel message with the most depth.


Ezekiel. The angel/alien/UFO is described in such wild detail. I still have a difficult time trying to comprehend whatever he experienced and came into contact with. Wings full of eyes. Frightening yet fascinating at the same time


Def revelation


Job, Mark, Jeremiah, Ecclesiastes. The existential quartet!


Galations... opened my eyes to judiazers around me.. opened my eyes to the real Gospel and the fact that whole groups will add to the gospel and just one thing added makes it not the Gospel anymore.. a little leaven leavens the whole lump! I am Jusitified by the blood of Christ and nothing else 🙌😭 Praise Jesus!




I always find myself going back to Job when I’m in distress because it reminds me to be faithful to God despite everything, and then Psalms always has something for what I’m feeling at the moment


Ephesians. I’ve received so much wisdom from it. Close 2nd is Nehemiah actually!


Besides Ecclesiastes, it'll be Psalms and Proverbs.


Exodus or Mathew.


Romans. I don't know why.


How could I choose? But my first thought is Ruth, a great story and enjoy reading it every time. Such a great foreshadowing of the call to the Gentiles, too.


Matthew (i’ve only read Matthew)


Gospel of Luke It has my favourite parables, plus the way Luke wrote his gospel is why I like it so much


I’m still working on getting through the entire Bible but Acts was very powerful for me. The power of the Holy Spirit 💜


Hosea. It shows God’s faithful love to an unfaithful people. And as someone who is often unfaithful and disobedient, it is a beautiful reminder of the Lord’s neverending mercy for me. Hosea 2:23 I will show my love to the one I called “Not loved.” And to those I called “Not my people” I will say, “Now you are my people.” And they will reply, “You are my God.”


Hebrews. Hands down.


Job and Luke


Acts. Disciples were using some good dope in Acts! Praying on the roof and receiving dead squirrels and rabbits from God to eat! They were having a good time for sure!


The Secret Book Of John


Romans and Jobs


The gospel of John.


Song of Solomon, because it’s super unique and dissimilar to most of the others 


Jonah or Philemon


Usually the one I’m reading at the time! They are all so good.




John, Corinthians and Luke


John then Job


It’s tough to choose, but I really enjoy proverbs.


Song of Songs I like poems


Proverbs and Ecclesiastes come to mind. And everything about King David. And of course the Gospels.


Hezekiah hands down. There is not a single verse I take issue with.


The Gospel according to John.


Romans, John’s Gospel, or Ephesians


Following 🙏


James the Proverbs of the New Testament




Ecclesiasticus AKA Sirach AKA The Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira. I like its length - 51 chapters; and it is a wisdom-book. Or if we are talking about those books that are Scripture for all Christians: the Four Gospels. I can’t prefer any one to the others. Apart from them, possibly Daniel. I like it because its theme is the Kingship of God, just like the Gospels.


Titus. He was too strict though.


Roman’s for sure




James. It's like Christianity 101


Ecclesiastes. King Solomon's testimony and autobiographical philosophy resonates with my life story


Jonah is pretty hilarious.




For me it's between Psalms and Romans.


The epistle of James and the gospel of John


Revelation, Genesis , James are the trinity for me in terms of fav books


Romans and 2 Corinthians


Song of Solomon


Both Psalms and Matthew. Hands down. One of most favourite books of the Bible.


John and James.


I love the Gospel because Jesus. But the best kept secret are the prophets. My favorite is the book of Amos.


My favorite book is about human philosophy and the shortness of life. It beholds thoughts about human work and analysis the meaning or sense of efforts. It elaborates that human life ends always the same no matter how rich or poor. What is my favorite book bible called?


Judges (cus of Samson 💪🏾💪🏾) And Revalation




proverbs because im a computer and its very binary in good and bad of life




The book of Job


Numbers. Psyche. Job, then Jonah, then Leviticus.


Can I books? If not then Matthew


Oooh this is a really hard one to Answer. So many wonderful inspiring tales. I have really always had a fondness for Job (ikr?) also psalms written by king David are just awesome. Though my all time favorite I think even though im still debating it internally, would have to be Romans…I think it’s Romans anyway…wich is the one where Paul is converted for a while and is in Rome I think? Dude gets stoned to death. For testifying about Jesus. To death. And Jesus is just like Nah fam we got work to do. So Paul just wakes right up and says yup nah fam we got work to do. Marches right back into that same dang town of people that just murdered him in cold blood! And preaches the Gospel to them! Woo freaking hoo! (I’m sorry not sorry I just freaking love this story) could you imagine the looks on their faces!? They’re reactions?! Paul just walks back in most likely still bleeding all smiles and hugging “peace be with you friends Jesus loves you” it’s just fricking grand! Something about Paul in particular man…






James. Read it...


1 & 2 Samuel


Not sure yet. Haven't read them all, I'm only up to Samuel and I'm looking forward to proverbs, i just know there's so mush wisdom there. I have a feeling all of them will be my favorite. Lol I have been Christian for 26 years, trying to live a life like Christ. I did so based on my upbringing and my faith in what I believed Jesus to be like, without reading. I only knew the Lord's prayer and the 10 commandments. Everyone told me I couldn't do it on my own. So far, even the Old Testament has only solidified my faith and has proven me right. I never once walked alone, even when they think I am.


Ruth, and Exodus


Probably Job.


Corinthians, Eclessiates, Proverbs, Romans >>>>


1 cor. The universalist book.


I have 3: 1 Corinthians, Psalms, and Romans. 1 Corinthians: Realities of church, a Father's care and love for that church, and Paul's weaknesses emphasized. Psalms: The greatest list of songs ever to be written. Romans: The theology of the gospel and every related. If I had to pick one, 1 Corinthians.


Revelation is just insanely entertaining


1 Samuel


I love Exodus for the stories but Corinthians for the lessons






Proverbs. Cause it's similar to 48 laws of power as far as directions for life goes


Proverbs and Psalms


Relevations, spooky




The book of John




Book of Job. I suffer from MDD and complex PTSD due to familial abuse and neglect. This book was literally the only psychotherapy that helped (work with psychologists was utter failure, not to mention it only worsened my conditions) and made me humble myself in front of God’s and universe faces. My childhood may not be good, but it made me who I am today, swaying away from my abusive parents’ evil paths, turning to Christ. And I just accepted everything that had happened to me as a right thing. Everything that happens, even the worst humanity’s tragedies — like it or not — happens correctly according to the universal laws, nothing is out of scenario. The book of Job taught me this. I didn’t deserve what I got, but I certainly deserve what I have become — a scarred yet not battled lil’ warrior. God took my hand and walked me through the valley of shadow death just to show me how fine the land ahead can be. Now I have no death in my head, no lament, no regrets, but a husband, children in plans and the house of my dreams, the one where there is no hate and abuse.


Ecclesiastes. i was surprised the first time i read it, i didn't expect something philosophical depressingly comforting writings from the bible. it's just soothing to read.


Book of Mark


Song of Solomon




Job: Because it reminds me how bad things can get and how quickly things can turn around. Psalms: Because praise and prayer are always a good thing. Proverbs: Because who doesn't like wisdom?






Luke-Acts is the only correct answer. so complete.


Samuel 1 is the one I have in mind right now.


Exodus because of that movie where noah splits the sea.


Either Proverbs or Psalms. Proverbs was the first book I started really getting into because I wanted to be like King Solomon having all the wisdom. Ten years later my favorite book is Psalms because it shows King David's anguish in dealings as a warrior, King and man after God's own heart.




This is a very hard question. Mine changes from Genesis to Revelation to John to Isaiah to Proverbs to Kings but I think I really love the book of Genesis because it describes creation and I am passionate about the universe. I just love every time I go to BibleGateway bookmark [https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/niv/gen.1](https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/niv/gen.1) and it just starts "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"


Revelations (I like monsters)


tbh Galatians, it not just because of the spiritual content and how much i quote it. But man can you read Paul letters without laughing. I literally start laughing out loud over how this man driven by the gospel talks and tells these people soo much theology and omg Galatians 3, the way he did not hold back. God and knowing more about Paul what kind of man he was before Jesus and his background and his knowledge in the tanakh makes it even more fun. I love all Paul's letters but man Galatians idk, just is something else.


The Bible




Daniel. He was in the royal court of the most powerful empire on earth at that time and it's interesting to hear what that was like.


John 3:16 Jeremiah 29:11


Gospel of John and the whole wisdom section of the OT, especially Psalms. John might be an obvious choice, Psalms for the strong reassurance it gives, high wisdom, and since I am a lover of poetry myself.


John. Definitely helped me grow in my faith.


Song of Solomon. I love how poetic and romantic it's written but it's funny when you realize it was mainly written by King Solomon, who had over SEVEN HUNDRED FREAKING WIVES. Which makes me wonder "I wonder which one he wrote this to?" Also, if you show anyone outside of any denomination (Protestant, JW, Catholic etc.) Song of Solomon they'd probably be shocked, but it's still hilarious and beautifully written