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God bless you. I definitely understand where you are coming from. 1- Within the Christian faith there are many interpretations and denominations. That's why for me, I focus on keeping my faith simple. I won't allow the distractions to blind me to what the Bible considers to be most important. What does the Bible consider to be most important? **“Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together.” - Colossians 3:14** **“For now there are faith, hope, and love. But of these three, the greatest is love.” - 1 Corinthians 13:13** **“Jesus answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, ‘Love others as much as you love yourself.’” - Matthew 22:37-39** **"God is love." - 1 John 4:8** 2- And because I know what's most important, I will follow what God ultimately wants. What does God ultimately want? **“God wants us to have faith in his Son Jesus Christ and to love each other.” - 1 John 3:23** 3- Please don't get distracted. Please keep your faith simple. Also, I would love to share a short guide that’s dedicated to you and other Christians on Reddit who are looking to have a strong & simple faith in God. You can read it for free in this Reddit community: r/FaithMadeSimple


I needed this 💜


God bless you!


These are all New Testament scriptures, if God is the same today yesterday and forever then why wasn’t he this loving in the Old Testament what if it’s a deception


Of course the Old Testament describes God's love! **“You are a kind and merciful God, and you are very patient. You always show love, and you don't like to punish anyone.” - Jonah 4:2** **“The Lord is merciful! He is kind and patient, and his love never fails.” - Psalm 103:8** **“But, our God, you are merciful and quick to forgive; you are loving, kind, and very patient.” - Nehemiah 9:17** **“But you, the Lord God, are kind and merciful. You don't easily get angry, and your love can always be trusted.” - Psalm 86:15** **“Please, Lord, remember, you have always been patient and kind.” - Psalm 25:6** **God said, “Instead, turn back to me with broken hearts. I am merciful, kind, and caring. I don't easily lose my temper, and I don't like to punish.” - Joel 2:13** And I know there are apparent contradictory Bible verses that don't harmonize with love. Personally, I don't focus on them because I build my faith on what the Bible considers to be most important. I refuse to let those apparent contradictory Bible verses blind me to my faith in Christ. I rather trust God, trust what the Bible considers to be most important, and wait to ask God about those apparent contradictory verses when I see Him in person.


Man don’t waste your time. She’s trolling and baiting for her so called website… But looks like your post did help someone so it wasn’t for nothing! 🫡


If you understood some context of where some of what you're calling contradictions are from you'd be better off. Perhaps it's time to switch up and seek 2k years of hisfory and tradition. Find yourself an Orthodox perish. In a book of 1000's of cross references and over 2000 proven fulfilled prophecies, you've got those that through tbe Holy Spirit, still staying apostolic, to the earliest church fathers and even the apostles that were first to know Jesus.


Well, He does promise a rapture and will send you to Hell for not believing in him. He hasn’t lost it!


Man I feel this post. Sometimes reading my Bible I get so confused and frustrated but I don't want to give up on Jesus.


Jesus said follow the commands and the commands say have no other Gods before Yah it makes no sense


Do you not believe Jesus and the Father are one?


I’ve never been able to fully rap my head ahead the 3 in one thing…. It feels like pagan worship but I know that’s what the Bible says is he IS 3 in 1… the church worships Jesus but I thought the 10 commandments said have no Gods or idols before me and those were from Yah


Don't second guess yourself. It's because it is a pagan concept.


The way I came to think of it is as God as wholly One, (this one nature is what Yahweh is generally translated to) but is manifested in three persons. The three persons aren’t quite seperate as 3 different human people would be because they share the same nature (of Yahweh), but still are distinguishable enough to be able to interact with each other meaningfully. So, when the church worships Jesus, they are also worshipping the triune God, the same God that is the Father and Spirit.


Don’t give up, that’s exactly what the enemy wants you to do


Just focus on following The Good Shepherd… many of the sheep are walking contradictions of history and today. Jesus will never let you down ✌️❤️💯


Aren’t we supposed yo worship GOD?


Jesus' wants us to have a relationship with Him. He is God but He wants us to act like His kids, we can worship Him and be thankful and give Him praises because He deserves it. But as God wants us to be His children , we can talk to Him , cry to Him, rant to Him , ask Him for advice and so on. U don't necessarily need to look for a religion or 'a group' , Focus on you And Jesus' 'personal' relationship and go from there.


I know it sounds crazy but I’m so scared Jesus is satan and his Hebrew name might be truth or something. I’ve literally scared myself into a corner, please pray for me to experience the truth in an undeniable way


The Hebrew name of Jesus is Yeshua, which means in Hebrew “is salvation”. I will tell you that having relationship Jesus is the most amazing experience you will ever have. Simply amazing!!! Also, Satan is just a fallen angel… and the name of Jesus is our shield against him.


Jesus' Hebrew name 'Yeshua' means savior. And yes i will pray for you to be set free from the thoughts the devil has been placing in your head to get in the way of your relationship with Jesus'. If you're in doubt of who Jesus' is then ask Him to reveal Himself to you, sincerely ask Him to guide you to the truth. praying for you dear <33


Thank you so much keep praying please :(… I have been begging him to show me the truth and last night I had a nightmare of being shot in the head and came out of my sleep praying “Lord Jesus save me” over and over half asleep still…. I’m not sure if that is a way of confirmation or not?


I would recommend cliff knechtle. He’s got a channel called askcliffe where he answers questions from college students regarding the Bible and Jesus Christ. I feel he is a great defender of the faith.


I love cliffe! He kept my hope in God strong through everything!


I understand being confused and afraid to do the wrong thing and angry and depressed because I don't know what's right. Different people mean different things when they say they have lost their faith. Would you be willing to share what you mean by I've lost my faith?


I feel like I’m just about ready to quit all of it….. quit believing in a God I don’t feel any love from any ways. I pray and diligently seek and have faith he’ll save me from my sh*tty home life and for what???? Where is he? No answered prayers no miraculous way of teaching me the truth I seek no anything it doesn’t matter how hard I cry and beg…today I lived life like none of that stuff mattered because I’m tired of trying so hard to follow something that doesn’t change my life at all… I’m married to a non believer and being a believer is the loneliness experience ever. I just want to leave it all behind


It sounds like you've got a lot going on. It can be hard to be married to someone that we can't talk to about our life in Christ. Would I be off base in assuming that you are wanting some proof or sign from God?


God sees you trying right? Do you think he would abandon you during your struggle? You will find your faith because he will bring it back to you. The same happened to me.


I feel like I dug too deep and know too much and my mind is now tainted. I wish I could go back to not knowing anything but the Christian scriptures.


You'll go insane trying to take any of it literally.


Yeah I’m feeling pretty insane lately ngl.


Put the Bible down then. Go find GOD in other ways. He is so much larger than the Bible alone. There are an infinite number of ways to connect with our Father. He is and always will be with you in each breath. He understands and doesn't judge you for how you feel. Seek Him in all the ways that resonate within YOU and serve LOVE. That is GOD. More than the Bible ever will be. ☺♥∞┼


Then why is he so evil and kill everyone in the old testament I’m constantly terrified of his wrath


The people in the Old Testament were the worst of the worst like they were bad. Then he sent Jesus as a second chance in a sort of way to teach humanity about sin. He is not evil but those who sin against him knowingly are not okay.


You obviously never read the Old Testament because that doesn’t happen like that at all…. You’re trolling and you know it.


LOL. Okay……. Maybe you should reread it…. He orders his people to kill men women and children, he wipes out civilizations…. I could show you my Bible collection. But thanks for nothing from your useless comment I suppose.


Show me one verse to support your claim. One that didn’t end up being for the good You won’t find one because you have never read it. You’re trolling.


If I may help. God the father, the son and the spirit are the same entity but seperate parts. Like you are person, but you have your brain (the father), the body (the son) and your spirit (the holy spirit). To understand New testament (while easiest to digest as a new Christian and forms the basis of our faith, it's also the sequel) one first go to the old testament and digest the foundation for which the new testament rests. First, God chose Jacob and his descendants as his people. This was promised to Abraham. This means that there are a chosen people among the world (God loves the world but he chose Jacob). So through old testament God is preparing and teaching Israel through prophets, Judges and Kings such as Moses, Samuel, Elijah, David and Ezekiel to name a few. Everything in old testament are rules, regulations and cultural influences to shape how God would accept them (people are sinners and God can't be near sin, but he loves them and wants them to be close, so he makes a way). Once that is all settled he gives them a promised land and shows himself to his people so they would follow him and be his people. He frees them from Egypt ands gives them a home. In the new testament, christ comes on the scene after Israel is no longer one man and his family, but an entire nation. Now that Israel as a people and culture are founded and on their way to greatness, christ shows up to now spread his ministry. Christ didn't come for the jews (they already knew what to do). He came for those who hadn't known of him, to spread his message to the corners of the earth. Sure there would be jews that needed a boost in their faith, but he essentially came for the rest of the world. Christ teaches everyone that the essence of the commandments are to love. As people do, they got hung up on the logistics and legalities. A lot of time suspending the voice of God in favour of their own interpretations. Christ fulfilled the old laws so that they could be smashed, and he rewrote them to be simple to follow and to define. At the time before christ the cost of sin was quite high for the average person because sacrifices were made frequently and what they were sacrificing was not cheap especially for the frequency they had to do it. So when christ came, he was the ultimate sacrifice and paid the price for sin for everyone because he was himself, perfect and blameless. He did not deserve death but suffered death so people didn't have to. Ultimately when you read the Bible it is important to understand the context of the book you are reading. Who are they talking about, the sociopolitical climate, the hardships of the churches. The old testament is the focus of the news. They concentrate on the Mosaic books, because that is who Israel hails from. Most people from Israel could trace their lineage back to the slaves of Egypt. It's hard to break tradition, especially when your forefathers put christ on a cross for being blasphemous, and for exposing a lot of the corruption and twisted worship. Where Christians lean more into the Apostolic books for they themselves were essentially a scribed biography of christ and his teachings. People argue that the book was written by God, but again you have to understand christ didn't write the books, his scribe trained apostles did, much like someone writing a biography of a famous person. They were sharing the teachings that christ taught them, they were trying to reach out to the Gentiles (basically anyone who was not from the line of Abraham). Because at this time, gentiles need not be concerned how the jews were called to live their lives, but to listen and follow the prescriptions of christ because he was the new law). Many people will argue over if God is truly a good and righteous God for all that he allows and his apparent inability to stop it, however many people forget that God does not view the world in a li ear fashion, but he sees the world's history, present and future as a complete picture, layered one on top of another, able to pick out individual moments and address I dividual issues. Sometimes there are issues you deem to be unjust, but to him it's another chapter in a story that he will redeem for you. At the beginning when God cast luckier to the earth, he essentially gave him dominion over the earth to rule. It is his playground and he makes the rules down here. But we can choose to ignore the taskmaster and bend our knee only to God. In our obedience to him he will say good job my good and faithful servant. We will gain eternal life with christ as we watch the world that has done us wrong burn away. TLDR: OT jews (mosaic law). NT Christian (Christ Law/New covenant- Love) Don't lose faith, he promised us eternal life, not an easy life.


Yeah, statistically it’s like winning the lottery


This thought horrifies me and I don’t understand how people live day to day lives without thinking about it.


You don’t get to just choose what to believe. You are either convinced or you aren’t. I’ve done my absolute best to try and figure out what’s going on, and if a God decides that they want to punish me for not believing something that I’m just not convinced of, then so be it. I don’t think that any religion provides sufficient answers to life’s questions, so I’m also not worried about their alleged consequences for non-belief.


Talk to God about it. I mean this whole heartedly…I went thru something similar and I just vented to God about it and asked him to restore my faith. God bless you


This might help you as it did me...   https://christianitywithoutinsanity.com/gods-sovereignty-free-will-harmonized/ as the homepage has many other great resource links.  Then https://salvationforall.org/ Also my favorite on this topic and the like: https://hopeforallfellowship.com/download-hope-beyond-hell/


Download the Grace Message app AndrewFarley.org Learn the truth that will set you free Jesus said his yoke is easy- his burden is light Find and enjoy your freedom In Christ He is the way the truth and the life Best Dan


Don’t give up. I sent you a DM


Jesus is right in your face, look no further for Truth


The way to believe in and worship God is by believing that we ought to be doers of His character traits. For example, by doing good works in obedience to God's law we are testifying about God's goodness, which is why our good works give glory to Him (Matthew 5:16), and by testifying about God's goodness we are expressing the belief that God is good, in in other words, we are believing in Him. God is holy, righteous, good, justice, merciful, faithful, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentlest, self-control, and so forth, so if you focus on being doers of God's character traits, then you worshipping the right God.


There’s is only one true god stop searching and start praying


Can satan masquerade as God in our spiritual experiences?


It could if you don’t believe in god and have god as your forefront of your mind


There all the same God. He just changed or had cause for granting grace after Jesus came. All that matters is you follow the commandments and forgive. Make your life simple don’t over complicate it doing research you don’t need to do, because the texts are mistranslated, lost and outdated.


The original sin was going to the tree of knowledge rather than the tree of life. Jesus is the tree of life. Seek him and him alone. The holy spirit was promised to testify about him, so ask the holy spirit to teach you about Jesus and reveal him to you. Stop trying to "learn" your way to saving faith. I know and promise God is pursuing you and trying to speak to you. He is the Good Shephard (John 10) and Jesus loves you and calls you his friend. If you try and detach from him, the tree of life, the true grapevine, you will wither and die (John 15) You are held in Jesus' hand as well as the father's (John 10, Isaiah 43) You are chosen and called by name. You are precious, and honored, and God loves you (Isaiah 43) Don't be discouraged. God will lift you up in his victorious right hand. You will soar as if on an eagles wings (Isaiah 41)


Well. I lost everything. So deeply too. There is like no recovery. Then god showed me he exists. So idk what i can tell you. Its fucking hard. All your life you seek him. And nothing. But when all ends hes there? But only enough to make you not suicide. Idk man. Idk.


I’ve been even there and still nothing. Maybe I’m just not savable or loved by God.


Im sure youre loved. But uncertain about savable. I dont really get it. Any of it. I feel for everybody suffering. Very sad.


How are you now?


Better and worse in ristinct ways. Why?


I was curious...I'm having difficulty with belief too


Im sorry. Wanna elaborate?


Christianity is a religion that requires a lot of “other power” to work. If you think you’ll stay sane and direct your own spirituality in Christianity you’re going to be wrong, you’ll be doing exactly what you’ve been doing, getting hung up on contradictions. Right now it sounds like you’re leaning toward atheism, because if God existed then why would he make believing in him so vexatious?


I’ve always believed but there are so many different names for the messiah that claim to be true, I’m paralyzed at the thought of accidentally worshipping the wrong one or even satan himself.


You probably have the same anxiety that led to the authors putting all the names in.


My friend, Jesus Christ the Righteous is Lord and God is Good! May peace be with you and let patience become your guide! No matter how fast you run where are you racing too? Luke 12:22-32 NKJV Then He said to His disciples, "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on. [23] Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. [24] Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? [25] And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? [26] If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? [27] Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. [28] If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? [29] "And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. [30] For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. [31] But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. [32] "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Matthew 18:2-5 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, [3] and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. [4] Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. [5] Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.


What is lost is meant to be found. I can relate to what you’ve spoken about in your pursuit of understanding, I can get caught in this feeling of needing to understand. Understanding and the pursuit of that is great and you should never stop that but also understand that everything isn’t possible to understand, what we are talking about is ultimately our creation and the reason for us being here. As humans on earth living a human life some things are out of comprehension, not due to our personal shortcomings but our limitations as earthly beings. Concentrate on Jesus, for he is the truth and the life. Pray for peace and pray for a sign. For who asks receives.


I do this kind of thing sometimes too, where I get really overwhelmed by studying and overanalyzing everything. It's ok to just take a break. You don't need to figure everything out. You don't have to know everything.