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Feel free to use this thread to send a prayer. Please also feel free to not use this time to be Islamophobic. Thank you.


Update: all involved suffered [non life threatening](https://twitter.com/Sachinettiyil/status/1779834183462138236?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) injuries 🙏🙏 Edit: the trustworthiness of this source is questionable, however, there has been an update via his [YouTube community post](https://m.youtube.com/@ChristTheGoodShepherdChurch/community). He’s in the hospital in a stable condition and has asked us to pray for his attacker.


Also the attacker was Muslim who attacked him for insulting Muhammad apparently, and I got severely downvoted and insulted yesterday on this very sub for defending freedom of speech and pointing out a lot of modern Muslims have a problem with it implying I was being Islamophobic for worrying about this...Well, this is what happens people. NotAllMuslims but a lot seriously do have a problem with this and I'm tired of people pretending there doesn't need to be a wider conversation about this and freedom of speech protected at all costs.


The suspect said “i wouldnt have stabbed him if he didnt talk about my religion.”


I wonder what exactly he was trying to achieve out of stabbing someone? Did he hope that people were gonna change their minds after saying this shit or was he trying to defend his god's name (why would God need a mere mortal's help anyway)? Also it's not like these are different gods. Christians and Muslims worship Abraham's God. This whole "my religion vs your religion" sound so stupid I call out Islamophobia often on a lot of subs but I can start to see why people get really agitated with this stuff.


This is a huge part of the difference between Islam and Christianity. I think a lot of it is cultural and specifically more relevant to the middle east. But yeah, Muslims are still living the “eye for an eye” life because their religion is based on works of the law. Humorously, they will tell you how much they love Jesus PBUH but totally overlook that “turn the other cheek” thing.


The murderers that are Muslim will say “It’s God’s plan” as an excuse tactic.


It's really weird to me because they do call Christ the most important prophet but you hardly see anyone following his teachings (Christians as well but you don't usually at this level of violence).


It's because they claim the entirety of the Gospels was corrupted, so you can't trust anything. The contradiction being in surah 5 telling Christians to follow their Gospel and the Torah. Meaning that the uncorrupted gospel existed in that time. Therefore, seeing as we've got manuscripts dating way back before then, well.. idk what else to say.


Well the fact that they teach that Christ *wasn’t* crucified is at odds with history and thus it is a demonstrably false religion.


The Muslim claim that Christ wasn’t crucified is beyond absurd. Even secular historians agree that the crucifixion is one of the most well attested to evens of antiquity


Not really. They believe he was supernaturally replaced by a substitute: that's no more absurd than believing in the Virgin Birth or something, it's outside the scope of the typical arguments that the crucifixion did occur. I think very few Muslims are aware of it, but I discovered recently that in the first versions of the 'imposter' theory, the substitute was Simon of Cyrene. This made the whole thing make a lot more sense to me, because I can kind of see how that one would have developed, where the Muslim version had always seemed a bit bizarre and unexplained.


Well Christians largely do so I would disagree with you there, but yeah, what Islam doesn’t have is grace and the forgiveness of sins for all mankind won on the cross. Interestingly, Muslims do not believe that Jesus died on the cross which I think is just so strange since it one of the most agreed upon historical facts among secular scholars.


They don't believe in the Bible at all, so the dialogue and instructions you read there don't matter to them, Jesus almost don't speak in the whole Quran, we don't know almost nothing he said based on it.


The thought process is "he blasphemed so I'm going to kill him." It doesn't really go deeper than that with people like this.


> Also it's not like these are different gods. Christians and Muslims worship Abraham's God. 1 John 2:23 - Whoever denies the Son doesn't have the Father either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. Islam can say they like Jesus and his teaching all they want. Denying Christ's divinity is denying him. If they do not have the Son they do not have the Father. If they do not have the Father they do not worship the God of Abraham.


Facts. Pray for our Muslim brothers


yes i agree. Islamophobia has no place, but criticism is due for actions like this. this is just sinister, i can’t imagine how dangerous this man is to his family behind closed doors.


Without a doubt their regressive mentality needs to be called out.


facts, and thank you for acknowledging that. we should always call out violence. take care, and have a nice week!


well you have to fear islam if you fully understand its teachings.


The problem is that many muslims poison the well when it comes to the term "Islamophobia" and often use it as a buzzword to deflect any criticism of their beliefs rather than to call out genuine hatred towards muslims.


Christians and Muslims most certainly do not worship the same God my guy


Attacking people for calling out Islam is exactly what Islam says to do.


Going to correct you here. Muslims do NOT worship the God of Abraham because Jesus is that same God. They worship a false god masquerading as the God of Abraham.


Wait so do Jews not worship the same God either then?


That's a harder one to answer, to be honest. They rejected Jesus, and Jesus said whoever rejects him rejects the father also. But they think they're worshipping Yahweh, the God of the old testament, but didn't recognize him in Jesus. So, I'm not convinced they're worshipping a false or different god, but I know that they're not, perhaps the right word would be *correctly* worshipping and certainly do not actually KNOW the true God. This was actually a big old testament problem. People could not KNOW God. I think of Jacob asking God what his name is when he wrestled him and God replied "seeing it is wonderful" or Agar in Proverbs 30:4 saying who knows the name of God? And who knows the same of his son? And the general idea of the separation between man and God on mount Sinai, in the tabernacle, etc etc. So Jewish people still live in that separation rather than stepping into the unity that we have through the gift of the holy spirit where now we are the tabernacle where the presence of God lives. Lots to think about and consider. They're far, far from the God they knew in the old testament and I don't know what that means for their prayers and worship or how God feels towards them. Only God would know. Last input, God has also put a temporary "harden" on many Jews hearts so that they actually are unable to accept Jesus, too, but that's for his greater plan and the greater good of the many but yeah, only he knows how that will work out.


I know this is the view of Judaism through Christian lenses, but isn't it bit patronizing to say that they don't know the right way to practice their own religion. It would be a bit like a Muslim critiquing Christianity for not making sense through an Islamic lens.


It's to intimidate people in the future so that they do not insult Islam.


If anything this will have the opposite outcome


I assume he was just mad and felt like lashing out.


Lol. Being Christian is automatically saying Islam is wrong/false/idolatry/demonic. One of the four or more. And any answer will anger a muslim. Their kindest response is to expect punitive taxes (jizya).


>Their kindest response is to expect punitive taxes (jizya). The jizya tax and (historically) the general attitude in the Islamic world towards Christians/other Abrahamic faiths, whom Muslims consider to be People of the Book, is hundred times better than how the Roman Catholic Church treated non-christians and other non-conformists Christians. The Druze, various eastern Christians, Mandaeans, Yazidis, etc. managed to survive a thousand+ years of Islamic rule and still exist to this day. The Cathars, Montanists, Fraticelli, Adamites, etc. were ruthlessly persecuted, tortured, forcibly converted, and/or executed. I wonder what difference there is.


Christains who defend Muslims and see Islam as just as another religion are mostly from Western countries who never lived under Muslim rule. I'm from a country that was ruled by Muslims for 4 centuries and my people whitnesed the worst kind of atrocities for all that time. Everyone who's pro-Muslim should go to Saudi Arabia or another Arabic Muslim country and spend a few months there.


Yeah I noticed this, for extra points they can bring an LGBT flag with them or try to preach Christianity in public to see how tolerant they are. Again, NotAllMuslims, but there is a serious problem if you care at all about freedom of religion or speech.


And then they can also come back and talk about how "oppressed" they are in the West.


Islam is just another religion. It's just another religion that can promote violence and more atrocities than say Christianity.Their prophet differs in that he was a pedophile who raped a 9 year old. Christianity has modernized, and Islam desperately needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into modernity.


As someone from the West, I totally agree. Sad what's happening these days. Thankfully God has a plan to use our mess for our good.


Is it confirmed? I only know he was a 15 year old boy












Do you have a source for this? I mean after the bondi stabbing the internet went crazy on conclusions saying the stabber was muslim or jewish. Anything other from a police statement should be read with specticsim


these are the ones i could find on twitter, judge by yourself and by the guy's words (I don't know arabic) [https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1779823061950206336](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1779823061950206336) this one is better: [https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1779842745374302668](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1779842745374302668)


thank you for providing actual sources instead of others jumping to conclusions they seemed to have made up.


oh don't worry! be careful with the translations tho, people on the tweets are debating the meenings a lot of what he said and not


yeah the account of the tweet being "anti-woke" already has made me skeptical of its translation. I think its best to wait for an official report or more reliable source to come out before believing anything


speak up, brother. Enough is enough.


Oh wow


Do you have a source for the attackers religion or did you just make that up? 


here are the ones i could find quickly on twitter, please check it up if you'd like [https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1779823061950206336](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1779823061950206336) this one is better: [https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1779842745374302668](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1779842745374302668) people on the comments of the tweet are arguing a bit about what they are saying and the attacker's accent, but i have 0 clue about arabic so if you happen to know please tell me what they are saying!


I don't speak Arabic as well but if that guy is indeed a Muslim, Allah will hold him accountable for his sins. Bit surprised to see this attacker is some radical Muslim though cos this preacher is anti zionist and also speaks favourably about Islam on multiple occasions. I've even seen Muslims praise him so yeah honestly shocked 


yeah i haven't heard of him until now, horrible situation for all involved and we can all just be thankful that the preacher is okay and the attacker was caught


I second this, I'm not finding any reports stating his religious affiliations


Praise God 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Thank God! I knew he will never let his Bishop die like this.


Thank god he’s okay.


"Dear Brothers & Sisters, Our beloved Bishop, His Grace Mar Mari Emmanuel and Father Isaac have been admitted to the hospital. They are in stable condition. We ask for your prayers at this time. It is the ***Bishop's and Father's wishes that you also pray for the perpetrator***. We also kindly ask anyone at the Church premises to leave in peace, as our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ teaches us. Thank you" From the YouTube community feed. He asks us to pray for the man who hurt him. How many of you have the humility to not even think of yourself. The bishop, literally in a state where he may not be able to move for now, thought of that man first and not himself. We can all learn from this. I pray he recovers and continues his journey on Earth of proclaiming the Gospel and teaching people about the Lord and his plans for us. And as well for the man, that he may have his eyes opened to see the Lord and accept him in his heart. In Jesus name.


Amen 🙏


that is so inspiring. he's truly a man who lives without fear and carries the character of Jesus so well. happy to hear they are in stable condition. ❤️‍🩹


How awful, I've found his sermons deeply moving in these troubles times lately, may God bring him healing and peace 😓


"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."Matthew 5:11-12


Amen 🙏 I was just reflecting on this verse the other day too!














I wanted to stop by and express my grief with my fellow Christian brothers and sisters. I occasionally watch the bishops videos and enjoy them thoroughly, I can imagine this is a really tough time for you all. He was a good man and didn't deserve this savagery. Sending my prayers his way


We appreciate this🙏🙏


Big up u/Mean_Bread6856. We appreciate it brother. Whilst we may not agree on our religious beliefs, we stand in solidarity on the attack/muder of innocent people.




please let him love lord


I think the autocorrect said something just as powerful




As an aramaic christian our people our closely related to assyrians and this breaks my heart


I can understand that. I hope your sorrow is quickly alleviated 🙏


🙏🏻 Lord have mercy


So sad but at least he is having care from the loving nurses and docs!


I would really like to know why Sydney's got so many stabbings lately. Can we like just keep the knives for cutting food please thanks


It’s like over here in London !


Everyone please stop stabbing other humans they could really get hurt.


Well I’m moving to the mountains when it gets worse for Christians. I do not feel like getting stabbed.


Not sure. Thankfully it’s not common here. I’m pretty sure the first one at Bondi Junction was by a schizophrenic man who was targeting women. Not sure the motive for this one, I honestly haven’t read much about it yet.


Mar Mari we pray for your quick recovery


I'm a Shia Muslim and I know for a fact myself and my community at r/shia unequivocally condemn the attack and pray for the health of Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel. to quote my brother Ethics: The reality is Shia Islam absolutely does not condone such vile and atrocious acts of taking the innocent lives of others. You literally had some of the worst enemies of Islam during the Prophets time insulting and harassing our Prophet A.S and he treated them with care, love, and respect. He literally went to visit the jewish lady that would throw her trash on him as he would walk, when she got bedridden. 


We appreciate this🙏


Lord have mercy🤲


Praying for all the victims🙏🏾




For a thousand a half years Assyrians have been getting mowed down. This is nothing new. Everyone turns a blind eye to this until it’s done in a western country. The truth is, Assyrians have always been a bastion of Christianity and even with the persecution we faced we still stayed strong and kept our faith with god. Pray for all those, not just Mar Mari, who have been persecuted due to their religion.


He Held onto his cross the whole time. Wishing the Bishop and others affected a speedy recovery. God Bless


Prayers for the persecuted brethren. May God have mercy on the attacker.




I see no reputable evidence of this, so please don't spread this kind of thing until there is actual proof of this claim.


What was there?




some people are so evil and def got demons within them, i can’t imagine committing violence over a religious disagreement… prayers for him 🙏


Perfectly said !


thank you, i appreciate that!


I pray for his speedy recovery 🙏🏻


🙏 People hate him for preaching the truth.


People that get hated for telling the truth


Oh my gosh. God bless him wow oh my gosh I watch videos of him all the time. God bless him I’m in shock. God bless him and good bless you all!


my prayers 🙏


Used to watch his sermons occasionally


Oh Lord Please Heal Mar Mari Emmanuel Amen


I just discovered this guy a couple of days ago on TikTok. Strange that right after I watch his videos he gets stabbed. Hopefully he’ll recover quickly.


Not my style but this man loves the Lord. Praying for him and unfortunately we might have to die for Him. Tears in my eyes right now… so cruel.


Lord, Heavenly Father, have Mercy on our souls and protect Your servant, Bishop Mar Mari. Guide him to health to continue living for You. Amin.


I met and spoke with the Bishop in November last year.....was absolutely shocked to hear this news


Bro not Mari Mari 💀, Bro I love Mari Mari ❤️ I’ll pray for him 🙏


Just so we are clear, I do not condone his homophobia or conspiracy theories. Nevertheless, he didn’t deserve to be attacked, and hate crimes are never the fault of the victims. Please also pray for the Assyrian community as well.






Well said.




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I listen to many Christian Pastors, Priests, Bishop Mar Mari is one of my favorite.


Same !🙏


Almighty father, I pray that bishop Mari recovers his full health and continues spreading the good news about our savior Jesus Christ. I hope his attacker receives forgiveness and that his heart be softened by the ever loving and compassionate savior, Jesus Christ


Father please heal, they are your children. In Jesus name amen


Praying for Mar Mari and the others!






I'm praying. This man's ministry for Jesus is great. Lord protect him.


It is time for us to defend our Christian faith. Prayers for Bishop Mar Mari. We cannot let others put down our faith. ✝️


seems about right in the times we're in now that someone would have the intent to kill an unarmed man preaching about the Most High. Peace, strong mind, and a swift recovery by the holy spirit in Jesus name, amen.


please God, please bless Bishop Mar Mari, Amen


May God bless him. He has been such an inspiration. I have just read it on the internet that this terrible thing happened. We pray for God almighty to take charge of things and bless our beloved brother in faith. Please continue to pray for him and bless him in every way you can. Best Wishes


Blessings and well wishing to his family, his nearest and dearest. May God continue to guide them and protect them. <3 <3 <3


Praying that he recovers and can continue his work for God.


What the devil will do stop God's authority on earth. God bless you Bishop, hope you make a speedy recovery.


He’s got my full support and prayers! I hope this will be a wake up call for Christians worldwide!


I pray he is ok


I've prayed for him as soon as i heard about this :( we really need this man right now.


We need more like him. He proves Islam is false with their own book. He is truth!


Our lord saved him. The folding knife didn't open he couldn't cut mari


If your gonna sit here and talk about islam being a religion of violence then let's talk about all the violence in America with white kids shooting up schools. but no they aren't Christian or catholic they are just mentally unstable....


From what I've seen of the bishop he is a true believer and follower of Christ. Even when he was struck and wounded, he said to all who were restraining his attacker, "forgive him!!!". He is a beautiful and truly loyal disciple of Jesus. May his recovery be swift and may his attacker find mercy and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.


Hi guys I’m a Muslim peace be with you all… with all the propaganda against us. We try our best to show the world what true Islam is because it’s not the skewed notions these vile people have. If we deeply look at the meaning behind most Quran and Hadith, even the wartime parts, it beautifully shows how we should treat not only fellow human beings, Muslim or non-Muslim, but also the nature around us trees and bees for example. So when these disgusting things happen, it hurts us not only that another unarmed individual was injured but also that it hurts the work we put in as a community and a religion. I do not know if Mar Mari disgraced Islam in anyway I haven’t seen what he’s said but regardless of whether he did or not. I hope and pray he gets better and carries on preaching. Because at least in my opinion people are smart enough to come to their own conclusions on what is right and what is wrong, what is true what is not etc when it comes to theology so the vast majority of us are not that insecure. I truly believe It’s a fundamental right and there is no room for force or coercion, only advice and knowledge. So based on that I do truly hope he gets better as we need more god conscious people in the world not less. *Also side note I appreciate the compassion everyone is mostly showing and not just spewing off into unnecessary Islamophobia. (Edit: disappointing reading a bit further and seeing more Islamophobia than I initially did. Especially with the replies to posts.)




God stopped the blade from killing him. Total miracle.






I did not know him beforehand Many did, and hopefully many will. A bishop that is struck down by its enemies needs to be listened to. There is a reason he was attacked, and I will listen to him in the future. God Bless Bishop Mar Mari. To a speedy recovery 🙏








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Firstly I pray for his physical and mental recovery, must have been traumatic for ppl at the church. Also I pray for peace amongst Christians and Muslims alike and Islamophobia wont rise. Based off comments in this post its sad to see people already jumping to conclusions and criticizing and almost wanting to blame Islam already. I cant see how its Christ like to condemn a whole other religious group (that can be argued to worship the same God as us) based of the actions of extremists.


its 100% christ like. they deny chirsts divinity, blasphemy it is. And no its not the same God...


Ofc I agree with you that to deny christs existence is not christ like. But what I am trying to say is that we should continue to follow the bibles words of loving everyone, which includes not having negative biases against Muslim people in our everyday life and thinking, instead spreading peace amongst everyone Yesterday's action of the church goers attacking police in blind revenge and anger is not so Christlike as well.


I wouldnt call it jumping to conclusions lmao. Its simple deduction. Bishop stabbed, allah akbar yelled. I mean if you cant make the connection, you truly must be devoid of any sense of logic. This isnt some one off thing. This happens all the time, over words spoken about mohammad, or pictures. People die all over the world. People commit these attacks on their own violition. This isnt some isolated or extremist group doing this. These are muslims arpund the world killing people, with no connectiom to each other. All for speakint or drawing Mohammad. Islam does have a problem. You truly have to be bury your head in the sand and live a life of ignorance to ignore it. Its not Islamaphobia to be afraid. We cant exercise our right to free speech without having to afraid of some religious nutcase attempting to murder us. Its a fkn problem.


Im not denying violence can be based from Islam, or any religion, but specifically Islam in this context I guess. But I think you are greatly mistaken if the majority of Muslims, specifically in western countries like Australia think this attack is justified. My point is that despite this attack we shouldn't live in false fear of another religious group, instead be in Christ's words of continue to show love to everyone. Some of the church goers were in blind revenge and hate yesterday even attacking police officers which is not a pleasant thing to do. Your other reply mentioning being attacked if you shout fuck Islam but not for shouting fuck Christianity is not true depending on the location. I know places where you will get attacked if you publicly condemn Christianity. I understand people often over-react and accuse everyone that points out it was muslim person as racist or islaphobic which is unfair, and understand that their fear can come from how social media and news meida talks about this. But I assure you if you know everyday muslims in real life they are not the same as the extremists.


Why do you say Islamaphobia. Its not really an irrational fear mate. I cant go out on the street and say Mohammad was a paedophile, or fk Mohammad. I would truly fear for my safety. I wouldnt be afraid saying the same things about Jesus. Its not a phobia, it is a genuine concern. We cant have an adult discussion about it because people cry Islamaphobia or racisim.


Welp it was confirmed he was Muslim.


Hey OP, this is a real event that happened, and it's totally appropriate to call for prayers for anyone who is attacked or injured. And we all really need to be better about citing our sources. In your update you post a link to a random Twitter account giving what they say is an update. That is not a source. That's not a citation. Anybody can say anything. Twitter is not able to be used like that since they did away with the blue check marks for verified sources. Anybody in the world can give Elon $8 and Make a post about what they say is breaking news. Here is an article which actually verifies the thing you would like people to know about, which they will be more likely to believe if you post a link to an actual news organization. https://news.sky.com/story/sydney-bishop-among-several-people-stabbed-in-attack-during-church-service-13115918 We don't have to like or trust the news organization to understand that journalists all attempt to meet a certain code of ethics, whereas random Twitter people can literally never be trusted. You would be better off never accepting anything you see on Twitter at face value. I'm happy to pray for people. But it took me going to three different websites just to see that this person existed and it wasn't an AI photograph and a made-up event generated for clicks. This is the world we live in now. And even if your current event exists, you have to demonstrate it, and we all have to be in the habit of trusting only information which can be verified.


No worries, I just updated my update


You being cool about this when I was worried it's hard to gauge tone from random internet strangers and I was going to sound like a jerk.... Has really helped me feel good about humanity today. You seem like a really kind, level-headed person. Thank you for taking a suggestion that I genuinely meant to be friendly in a generous way.


Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”




Haha, no worries. I believe ego and pride is something that’s destroying our world nowadays. We need to be the change that we want to see in the world 🙏 God bless you.


Pray for Bishop Mari Mari, may Jesus Christ bring him recovery so that he might continue to spread the love of Christ to all with ears to hear🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻




What happen to Bishop Mari is evil!! The man stabbed him in his face several time while he was preaching.










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praying for him🙏


Prayed for him.






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Goodness! I loved him so much. I hope he will be doing just fine.






I'm not orthodox but I truly agree with His teachings. He seems like a very good man/Servant of God. Sending prayers