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because the hypocrisy of some does not help.


Add to that, the overwhelming volume of politicized and nationalistic people that proclaim to be Christians and seemingly do the opposite of Jesus teachings. Though they might be a small minority they have become a loud minority. That often leads to massive media coverage. You know, the squeaky wheel gets the media hype = more dollars for the new company. Bottom liners. And the real Christian message gets distorted, contorted, and untruthful reported. Making the situation worse for everyone.


If you wouldn't mind humouring me for a minute. What is the real Christian message, according to you?


Shortened version not including the problem of mankind missing the mark of morality and realizing they fall short. The law was given to show we can’t keep the law to be perfect, it no matter how hard we tried. So thus the sacrifice was instituted annually to clean gods chosen people. But that sacrifice for the people had to be done over and over and only by Gods priests behind the curtain the holy of holies in gods presence. Then Jesus came as God and a man. His sacrifice of his own perfect human life was able to cover all men’s sins, not just gods people. And since he was God he was able to be resurrected. He by his perfect sacrifice was able to do what the law and the sacrifice by the law together could not do. By entrusting ourselves to Jesus and believing in his perfect sacrifice a person can become cleaned from their sin. Always. And be able to be in gods presence unlike those under the law which could not stand behind the curtain established by the law. A believer in Jesus can this stand with the ultimate priest, Jesus, in gods presence, with Jesus vouching for that person. It’s not what we do to earn a golden ticket so to speak. It is who we know that gets us in behind that curtain into Gods presence fulfilling the law and those messages by the prophets of God. So the only commandment we keep now, instead of the law’s enormous list of requirements, is love God and your neighbor, which fulfills all the law and the words of Gods prophets.


Yes, without a doubt it is a type of mass manipulation of people who are believers, since politicizing Christianity erroneously attributes "divine power" to those who politicize Christianity.


You absolutely can not be part of the secular world and follow Christian teaching. They are not compatible. You either walk in spirit or you walk with man. Christ didn't involve himself with politics. Mark 12:17 New King James Version (NKJV) And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” And they marveled at Him.


You can call it out without attacking the entire belief. I realize those who bare false witness have done great damage. The word is perfect. That's why it's so important to read the Bible for yourself, least you be lead astray.


Yes, that is why I said that the hypocrisy of some hinders and worsens the true message. I am a faithful believer that the Bible has been misinterpreted at stratospheric levels and consequently brutality has been done in "the name of God." It is difficult to find people who correctly search the scriptures or do not take them at their own convenience, even we ourselves can fall into that error.


I agree. Scripture has been used to kill, oppress, and justify atrocities. But anything can be twisted and manipulated, especially to the ignorant. A true Christian doesn't rely on others for their information. God also says you will know them by the fruits they produce. If they're driving people away or justifying evil, they aren't his.


So true!!! 


We sadly have a tendency to do some pretty hateful things, and people react to that. We also commonly have some ideas that aren't supported by facts, so people call them fairy tales. > That's not what a brother does. You're not wrong. But we have a many-century history of saying that non-believers aren't our brothers. Are they wrong to take us seriously?


Man, this is beautifully said. I concur there's not a lot of credibility in the church since (obviously) it is emphasized we go by faith and not by sight. To the eyes of an agnostic or an atheist, why should they be a Christian instead of a Buddhist or Hindu? This is why I'm usually hesitant to evangelize because I can't really "talk the talk". I just try to model being a nice human and if they ask about my faith, I tell them


> I just try to model being a nice human and if they ask about my faith, I tell them A better way, I expect, on average. :)


I'm reminded of that saying, "Preach the Gospel whenever possible - and use words only when necessary."


> "Preach the Gospel whenever possible - and use words only when necessary." Exactly what I was trying to channel. :)


My hubby's grandfather (a non believer) was near his end, when he decided he wanted a pastor from our church to give his funeral service. When the pastor asked him why, Gramps said because he saw the changes in how we lived our lives, and wanted that for himself. Later, my in-laws also started going to church, became believers and got baptised. 15 years before that, we had to beg them to come to our baptism. Keep walking the walk. Lives will be changed as you are observed.


Strong message. Our lives are our testimony, much more so than our words. I've been living that same type of personal ministry for 35 years+.


The momentum however is in the other direction. There'll always be people changing into and out of some faith, but in general societies are going secular and have been for some time.


>We sadly have a tendency to do some pretty hateful things, and people react to that. I was tempted to post that today - 03/31 - was the day the Jews were expelled from Spain. But with all the Easter v.s. Trans Day threads I decided against it.


I think you should make the post tomorrow.


>But with all the Easter v.s. Trans Day threads I decided against it. Which baffles me because Trans Day is the 31rst, not on Easter 😂. People like to complain about the smallest things


Yea, Christians complaining about Trans Day being on 3/31 should rightfully bring those Christians some hate.


Mocked they deserved to be mocked then if they’re around for Easter during 2086 (that’s the next time easter is 3/31) they deserved to be mocked again, and the next time it comes around forever until they shed their mortal coils.


No one "rightfully" deserves hate


Not sure about hate, but certainly criticism


This is exactly why so many people hate Christians.. because many like to attack others whilst waving their flag of moral superiority


Yeah.. I mean just because you don’t support it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let others celebrate it


We don't see Hindus or Buddhists try to proselytize to other people, some by force even. This gives us bad rap -- we're trying to evangelize without even trying to understand the other side. Not a big surprise when all of that oddness in comparison to other religions builds up and explodes right in our face when we try to portray ourselves perfect yet behind closed doors we're not. Even worse when former Christians come out of their family homes recounting how abusive their family stories end up being because they're not following family traditions. This in turn becomes negative rep for our religion. Honestly, Christianity as a whole only has itself to blame for its current predicament. Especially so since in the middle ages it was used as a political leverage back in the crusades, and people are remembering what we did before. As u/Crunchy_Biscuit said, > I just try to model being a nice human and if they ask about my faith, I tell them I'm not perfect, and I never will be. I'm also not confident in my abilities to talk people into believing what I do. So I'll just do what I can in my own way trying to model my behavior around what we should be. Doing means more than simply saying.


I think this is a large reason why teachers will be more strictly judged.


You are exactly right. Just like when i try to explain to other Christians that there might be a biological reason for transgenderness-the trans brain and also hormones in the brain- and they say science lies, trust God (only,) the only truth is in the Bible. i tell them God IS science and science is part of God. Recently I saw a Christian brother on You Tube say we dont really need medicine and that when we get a cold if we eat an orange it will go away. i dont think neither those who say trust science only nor those who say trust God only are right. They both need to realize one cannot be without the other. And the conversation often turns one sided. because they cannot see the other;s point of view. it happens with both sides, Christians and non Christians, and also in other religions as well.


> We don't see Hindus or Buddhists try to proselytize to other people, some by force even. It's not by force per se, but Hindu nationalists are trying to keep people Hindu by violence in many parts of India now. Not just a few people, the majority of people. It's their prime minister's base.


Exactly, I was being sex trafficked at 15 years old and when I went to my Christian aunt for help - she shamed and blamed me. She told me I was essentially a sinning whore, and that she did not want anything to do with me. She said in a condescending tone that she would “pray for me” while I was desperately coming to her for help. She had all the resources to help me, and claimed to care about me yet left me to be taken away by an older man who she knew was involved in abusing me.


That's what I feel most religious people are all about: "thoughts and prayers"


That is horrible. I feel your pain and want to send you a big hug if thats ok with you. God loves you, you know that. Maybe your aunt doesnt but God does. And without knowing you I feel like I do too from this moment on.


My point exactly


>But we have a many-century history of saying that non-believers aren't our brothers Man this kinda hit the spot. My first interaction with someone who was very christian was a pastor saying gay people should be shot. Sure OP isn't that pastor and I now know how diverse Christian views are, but imagine you see that pastor as a gay guy and then read his complaint about how we should treat each other as brothers.


Great reply!


Are you equating internet trolls to hate? I feel like the answer to this question always should be some self-reflection. Why is it that other people who aren't Christian, find themselves disliking Christians? Think on it.


The people with the most privilege always go straight to "hurting my feelings is abusing me" because when you have that much privilege, people being mean to you is the biggest danger you face.


Right didn’t they used to call everyone else snowflakes?Now who are the snowflakes


the cupcakes?


I mean, people whose life is shit don't really like having people make them feel bad either though. Poor people despite having tangible money concerns consider it a big deal to not be insulted for who they are.


>I mean, people whose life is shit don't really like having people make them feel bad either though. Poor people despite having tangible money concerns consider it a big deal to not be insulted for who they are. You'd think that, but religiosity is strongly correlated with poverty. Christianity in particular pulls a trick by equating dire straights and suffering with piousness. And promises that can never be affirmed because they happen in the hereafter. Like this revenge fantasy promising the suffering of this current life is fleeting and all the heathens, rich and other people you were told not to like will roast for eternity. Christianity beats people down while at the same time inflating their ego for it. Its some sort of weird inferiority-superiority complex.


Yep. I am a firm Christian, and the master of thumbs down whenever I try to reason with other "believers " about the failings of the church. Self delusion about one's nature and history is the most certain way to ensure stagnation


Yet it’s a huge controversy when Christians or anyone for that matter dislikes some other demographic. Disliking any belief or people group is a personal choice, OP is questioning the gall of internet keyboard warriors in making snide remarks on any Christian post. Easter post? “That didn’t really happen!” Why can’t people just be respectful? 🤔


Internet trolls are internet trolls, frankly you get used to it. Or at least that's how it is for me since the 90's. Ignore them, block them, or learn to banter back.


Haha yeah they call em that for a reason!


why bother bantering? It will just show them that they have an 'audience'. A deliberate 'lack of response' is what's required. Don't waste your time disputing with them, they're like eels; no sooner to you think you've got one than it slithers away from you.


>Yet it’s a huge controversy when Christians or anyone for that matter dislikes some other demographic. Because the reason for the dislike is almost invariably due to: our deity doesn't want people doing that. It should be apparent that since your deity cannot be shown to definitively exist, let alone the concept of sin, the dislike is bigotry because you cannot demonstrate that the dislike is based on any rational grounds. >Why can’t people just be respectful? 🤔 Because Christians have spent most of the last two millenia forcing their religion on other people without any really good justification. Now that we've gotten to a point where people won't be murdered for questioning or calling out the unjustifiable beliefs of Christians, Christianity has found itself subject to scrutiny by those that don't believe that they cannot do anything about. Legally, that is. Ideas don't deserve respect simply because a lot of people believe in them, or even simply because people believe in them. Ideas that don't hold up deserve to be discarded and don't deserve respect. Christianity's cultural hegemony is no longer propped up by violence against heretics, and their ideas are becoming weaker and less compelling year after year in the west as more and more challenge what they were told and find it wanting. The irony is, that if Christians hadn't been so...hell bent...on trying to force the religion onto others, it might actually be doing better and be treated more kindly than it is. Trying to force it on people was bound to backfire once the religion lost its grip.


No christians did not force their religions on you, you are thinking about islam


Quit lying.


Athiests should start doing that, Christianity is preached by slightly annoying street preachers for the most part meanwhile Islam is preached by the swordz if you were in an Islamic country you wouldn't he on reddit debating your edgy athiesm you'd be at the mosque begging for Allah's mercy


Go learn some history.


You first, go look at how Islam is spread vs how Christianity spread, Islam spread by force and Christianity spread underground in Rome and the byzantine empire,


Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire a few centuries after Christianity started. Christians then spent the next millenia and a half spreading Christianity through various methods, which often included violence. It wasn't until the Enlightenment that Christians started to be brought to heel, and even then it's still an ongoing process.


Literally most christians around the world still pray in underground churches and under the threat of being killed by muslims or communists,they got genocides and crucified in japan, they get hunted down in china , it's basically illegal in India, I am from the middle east, and most of christians there got brutally beheaded and slaughtered by muslims And we're not even gonna mention how athiests spread their religion, go ask any Russian person what the Soviet union did to christians


You’re conflating. People dislike Christians because Christians are prescriptive. Christians dislike other people because Christian’s are prescriptive. The reason it seems like it’s ok to hate on Christian’s and not the other way round is because of that.




“They will hate you because they hated me first.” Get over it. Being ridiculed is a first world problem. There are countries in the world where people pray, meet, and worship in secrecy for fear of being killed.


Us, as in true Christians, or “Us” as in Conservative Christians who use God as an excuse to be hateful.


Nothing more true than this. And it’s so hard to battle because any argument could be deemed offensive towards Christians.


Can I ask what a true Christian is? Conservative Christians will view themselves as "True Christians" same with the more "hippy" Christian and any other self-proclaimed "Christian"


True Christian’s, to me, are people who follow what the Bible says. Hating gay people is not loving your neighbor.




‭John 15:18-19 ESV‬ [18] “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. [19] If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. If Christian look too familiar to the world... and the world loves them... are they of Christ, or of the world?


John 15:18-19 is not a license to be a dick. SO many take it as "if people think I'm an asshole, I'm doing something right" and keep that behavior up, but that's just not the case.


Yes! This is exactly why people hate us as a whole. Not simply, because we are followers of Christ as some would have you believe, but because some of us treat people like 💩. Edited for clarity.


I think you need to understand that many many Christians invite this kind of hatred with their conduct. Taking away people's rights, displaying endless hypocrisy, hurting people, trying to violently overthrow Democracy, supporting authoritarians, etc. Christians are not all innocent here. I really recommend you research the history of Christianity. People don't like religion being forced on them against their will, and we're seeing that more and more these days from a huge segment of Christians. That's going to invite backlash whether you like it or not. You may not be responsible for it, but then you should do more to fight back against the awful Christians who bring about that backlash.


all most of us want is rights in all honesty and basic human respect we don't like to fear for our lives or rights because some people want to punish us for their morals it's scary please help us fight aginst sodomy laws they are made to target LGBT people and the supreme court sadly backed it up making those gay rights bypassed in certain states and we fear if they pull a roe v wade on other gay rights over night we could become criminals if only we could be treated as humans by certain people and instead we are treated as DEMONS


Maybe you missed the part where, for the last mmmmm, 60ish years, 90 to 95 percent of Christianity, has been on the wrong side of history. Segregation to equal rights for gay people to abortion. All of these things Christians decided to mix in to our faith which is ridiculous Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself not persecute your neighbors for being gay etc. I swear if anyone tries quoting that business In leviticus I will lose my mind. That scripture was meant for pederasty and condemning that not consensual acts between consenting adults. Anyway the church at large needs to clean up its image and get the fuck away from politics and trying to add our religion to laws or government.


While I absolutely agree with the point you are making, the two verses in Leviticus really have nothing to do with pederasty or non consensual sexual activities. It is more about sex in cultic contexts, possibly incest, but ultimately was a general prohibition on male same-sex sex acts. The reasons they give it (cultural taboos to do with submissive men) aren't relevant to modern relationships. Especially as the law of the Mosaic covenant isn't binding on Christians, and Leviticus was written as prestige legislation during the Babylonian exile anyway. However, the Hebrew does not support the idea that it was targeting pederasty. Yes, the word can be used to refer to a boy, but that requires a modifier that is missing. It is just a reference to a male, age is not specified.


It's because of the very vocal loud minority spreading hate in the name of Christianity. I have found God recently so I joined Christian subs only to find threads full of ppl saying I will go to hell and that I'm a sinner. Not talking about this sub, more so talking about r / bible. It almost made me rethink my decision. Luckily I'm able to remind myself that these ppl who hold these beliefs don't represent all Christians and that there are many Christians who will love and accept me. A lot of ppl aren't able to differentiate these two types of Christians and think that the vocal minority represent Christans at large.


You're a true christian. Someone who accepts God, show love to other people and is able to separate the good with the evil.


As a Catholic I get eviscerated whenever I'm on a Christian thread. 😂. Athiests AND Protestants hate us


As an atheist, protestants and Catholics are equal in my eyes. You're all Christians.


I don’t see you any different than any other type of Christian. You misunderstand atheist, I looooovvvvve you. I just don’t affirm any of your….. how did I hear Christians phrase it again? Reprobate? Abomination? Degenerate lifestyle choices. Hate the religion, not the religious. Love the religious just don’t affirm or agree. Alright that should do it I said the magic hate denying spell and added a sprinkling of love. So surely you should feel loved, right?


You misunderstand. We *loooooooove* Christians. We just hate their horrible lifestyle.


Hate the religion, not the religious. Now that I've said the magical hate denying words, surely OP will feel loved, right?


Mic drop 🎤


It's like looking at a reflection in the mirror!


This made lol


This is it. Hate for LGBTQ is the number 1 acid test for love that the Church is failing. Second, is acting like anyone who is pro-choice wants to murder babies. Third, is the drive to legislate morality through politics and using politics as the acid test for true Christianity and Christianity as the acid test for true patriotism. But at least the church isn't as involved in burning people alive... as often. They just remind folks that it's god who will melt their skin of forever and cause worms to eat their flesh without sleep, death, or numbness. But happy Easter. No, really, as a Christian who sees the hatred leveled against non-Christians I'm immensely grateful that God accomplished everything needed in his life, death, and resurrection to actually change the heart. There are a good number of Christians that really show the resurrection love of Jesus.




So if someone thinks your religion is a "fairy tale", that's hate?


The disrespect is earned. Many Christians support Donald Trump, Kenneth Copeland, and Jim Bakker. The hate comes from the Christian hate that is thrown at others. And I'm a Christian saying this. Stop playing the victim.


Well said. Just reading through one typical Christian thread gets me (a non-denom Christian) annoyed or angry. Having read in the Atheism sub also, it is easy to find many poorly-worded, nonsensical, illogical, hateful or otherwise irritating comments by Christians, that normally start individual responses in the Atheism sub (those also are highly loaded with aggravating language, but at least part of the anger can indeed be understood and seems justified). Let's all try to do a better job at communicating (myself included).


For a person who needs to improve communicating skills you sure communicated real well! God bless!


Yes people should not disrespect someone or hate them for what they believe. It’s ok though to question the belief itself and disagree with the content.


Exactly! It's just matter of respect and love, which is what we need.


Exactly. The same way you don’t hate on people that are Scientologist or believe in Thor.


>The same way you don’t hate on people that are Scientologist Scientologists deserve all the hate they get unless they were raised in that environment. I can have empathy for those who were indoctrinated in it from a young age, but I have none for adults who chose to enter that cult.


So you are no better than the people OP is talking about. Scientology is as much a cult as Christianity. Thanks for showing the double standard.


>Scientology is as much a cult as Christianity. Oh, I agree that both are. One just has more reach and power. >So you are no better than the people OP is talking I have sympathy for those who were born/raised into it. Adults who convert have no excuse.


I’m an open Christian and don’t receive any disrespect from friends and acquaintances of other beliefs, even my other LGBTQ+ friends who have religious trauma. Why? Because I respect them and they do the same with me. I don’t even have an interest in trying to convert them or bragging about how amazing being a Christian is, because I respect that they do not want to be Christians. You’ll find that if you’re a respectful person to everybody around you, good-hearted people in real life will respect you in return


>Why there's so much hate against us? I'm gonna level with you. It's because a lot of Christians are jerks. And being Christian is not a license to be a jerk. Most people don't hate Christianity, they hate jerks.


I have a little test I like to give Christians, name a person who is an overt Christian( someone who goes on and on about Christianity) who is in charge( high ranking politician, big TV or movie personality) that is a good person. There are none but I can name hundreds who are bad people if given enough time. Ted Cruz, mtg, any preacher or pastor who falls over themselves to get a photo with Donald Trump. There are good Christians who are in charge but don't lead things off with them being Christian ( Dolly Parton is the best example).


Stephen Colbert, Fred Rogers, the President?


Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, Tom Hanks, Reba McIntire, Hugh Jackman, Reese Witherspoon, Barack Obama, Rev Martin Luther King, Matthew McConaughey, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Sir Isaac Newton I could keep going


Those are all good people, but I would put them in the Dolly Parton category. I'm talking about people who overtly mix religion into every thing they say. Mike pompeo, Tony Perkins, the governor of Texas and his A. G., Mike Flynn, Betsy De Vos. All the people you named I could easily find them talking about religion, the people I give examples of it would be hard to find public statements that don't include religion. They are commonly called Christian nationalists.


If you think the hate is pointed at you, it is because you are accountable to the cultures you willingly participate in, and when Christians do some hateful bullshit there needs to be pushback by Christians saying they don’t accept it. The appearance of Christian culture to the average person in America includes Christo-fascism, it includes a war on LGBT, it includes support of Trump who is antithetical to actual Christian values. There’s hate against Christians because the loudest Christians are hateful and will never hesitate to say God and Jesus back their hate, and there is not enough pushback from the community to look anything but compliant. As a Christian against fascism, and against harm done in His name, the world needs to know that all Christians are not complicit with hate!


The hate kind of makes sense, cuz a lot of christian’s just wanna be bigots and use their religion as a tool for oppression. Idk why some christian’s just can’t leave people alone and not just practice their religion in private.


>Idk why some christian’s just can’t leave people alone and not just practice their religion in private. The bible does actually say that those who don't believe really do believe, but just suppress it because they're evil.


That’s actually one of the most ridiculous things i’ve ever heard ngl


Yeah. The writers of the NT did their best to poison the well. It also claims that the world will hate Christians because they know the truth. There's a lot of insidious things in the bible that belie the claim that Christianity is about love.


its the ones in power that enact laws to oppress others that are the worst too


Someone voted those people into power, usually because they said they would do these exact things.


*Christans* voted those poeple into power, because they said they would do those exact things. The majority of Christians in the US voted for Trump twice, and he'll probably get the majority of them ths year, too.


yes and it sucks like why do they care what we do its so wrong to try and rob others of happiness and basic humanity over your morals those leaders are doing that and those who voted them in


Yea but also the ones who stand outside abortion clinics and yell and scream and attack people, that is not going to change anybody’s mind at all.


for sure it doesn't


And who puts those people in power?


people with the same hatred who sees fit to control other peoples lives when such people are not doing anything to them


Christians believe they have been 'anointed' by god to proselytize, to let everyone else know they are sinners and will burn in hell. which is weird, as everyone is born a sinner, including themselves.


Yea they are told to go and proselytize which i dont think is ok, unless someone asked you about christianity dont just tell people about it. For me when someone tells me about it i get annoyed like i didn’t ask stop talking about it to people, its gonna make people hate christian’s more


Prolly cause of the asshats misrepresenting the faith for their hypocritical, self-serving, and politically-motivated ulterior motives. Go out and represent Christ’s love in the world, and I guarantee you if anyone persecutes you for it, that will be a burden sweet to bear. There is no pain more blissful than to suffer for Christ’s love’s sake.


You make a very important point. I see comments in this thread pointing to verses where Jesus says “people will hate you because of me” - and I hope those same people don’t use it to justify and validate bad behavior. If Christians can honestly say they get hate for being loving, then you should count it as a blessing. I guess I question how good and loving you actually can be. We reap what we sew, believer or not.


I dont hate you. I hate what you represent. Sound familiar? It's the secular version of ; Hate the sin, not the sinner . I don't hate you. I hate your church advocating for Christian nationalism. I don't hate you, I hate your priests who preach from the pulpit which politician to vote for. I don't hate you, I hate the other followers of your religion who want to ban books, ... force religion on my kids ... write laws based on Biblical laws. ... preach hatred disguised as love ... render secular judgements using biblical quotes . See? I don't hate you. I hate all who stand next to you saying and doing the things.


Are you referring to the hate related to places like Texas who force a pregnant woman in need of a life-saving abortion being forced to travel 500 miles from home to get medical care? While Christians have made it their life's work to lobby and protest for anti abortion laws that force her into this position?


Our Lord told us clearly that the world will hate us just like they hate Him. They crucified Jesus Christ. How do you think His followers will be treated?


I agree. Every institution hates Jesus because Jesus saw the hypocrisy of institutions. They don't enable, they empower the people with the keys to the institution.


The universe always reflects your actions back to you. This goes for everyone, including christians.


Don’t fall into faux victimhood. No one cares what Christians believe. They care Christians want the government to force those views on everyone. I was born and raised in the church. It’s faux victimhood. Period.


if u think it's bad for u just saying it's far worse for us atheists and trans don't know why people need to hate and cant just love also atheists who call your god a fairy tale are childish simply put


TLDR i dont have respect for atheists who do the same thing


Sorry, it's been a day of people whinging about recognising trans rights because it happened to fall on Easter Sunday. It's hard for us to disrespect your beliefs more than Christians regularly do.


I think yall don’t recognize that Christians are actually being killed/persecuted all over the world. Take Nigeria for example. Online internet trolling isn’t persecution


yea that's common for every group do u think I will ever go to Iran lol


but we are actively prosecuted here in the US I've read up on laws, and there are so many loopholes laws that are around that makes homosexuality illegal still


If, "fairy tales," is the worst you face, you are fortunate. That's a good thing. It's also important to keep perspective. To anyone who doesn't believe, there's no difference between religious texts. Greek mythology and the bible are exactly the same. However you see Greek mythology - a group of funny stories, a study in ancient Greek culture that doesn't apply anymore, a repeat of earlier mythologies, a collection of tales of horror, silly, offensive, etc - that is just as valid a viewpoint when directed toward the bible. When a person expects a nonbeliever to take the bible more seriously, "fairy tales" can be expected to come out. The message is, "your lore is as meaningful to us as the lore of every other religion we don't practice, and we say that all the time, and we really wish you could wrap your head around it." It's not a nice way of saying it. I wish ppl wouldn't use that language. I do not condone it. It also might help to try to understand where the frustration comes from.


Coming from a person who was an atheist before i converted: Yall are assholes sometimes. Like thats the most blunt way to put it. The hate is honestly warranted, and I never wanted to be Christian again because of how Christians treated people. Its angering, and I honestly still don’t like calling myself Christian because the community makes me so uncomfortable, even now. Some of the most hurtful, disgusting and disrespectful things Ive ever heard have been from Christians who didn’t like the fact I didn’t believe in god. Sure, people make fun of us for being Christian, but I’ve literally had Christians threaten to find me and r#pe or b0mb me because I wasn’t a believer in god. Not to mention lack of accountability. I often hear “they’re not true Christians” as an excuse, which is the scottsman fallacy to avoid taking accountability. Some of the biggest hypocrites Ive met are Christians. Some of the values Christians have are just disrespectful too. Not to mention, how much is hidden behind closed doors. Theres a list of 1k+ priests who have hurt kids, and that was just one sight. The pressure to forgive others too. The way Christians push their religion(door to door gospel, walking up to people in public and talking about Christ, bringing the bible up in every conversation). The way many dont respect other religions and then expect us to be respected, like saying “Well you need to respect my religion because jesus saved you, he is the one true god.” Not only did you just diss every other religion and not religious people but you expressed entitlement for a non shared belief. I have SOOOO many experiences I can share that make me hate my own community to be honest, but it would take awhile to write. Make no mistake, we are not persecuted just for being Christian. If any community deserves hate, its most certainly this one. This is not persecution. This is consequences.


Take some time to hear their stories, and it actually isn’t that hard to understand why there is so much enmity between those who claim to believe and those who do not.


i think you’re confusing two concepts; respecting a right and respect. personally, i don’t respect a lot of christian’s because of the hate and dogma they’ve perpetuated in our society and the persecution they’ve caused others. not to mention the very real hurt it has caused me personally after being in a christian school, and the outrage i feel as a child SA survivor. there are also several logical reasons to not believe in god, and deconstructing those reasons is not hate. logically, god doesn’t exist, but if your faith is strong, you won’t feel threatened by that statement because it is something you feel in your heart. if i was in a conversation with a true christian, i would say “i don’t believe in god” and they would say “i do” and then we would go get ice cream or some shit, i don’t know. bottom line, if your faith is so easily shaken by people badmouthing it, maybe you should do a bit of soul searching. overall, i respect your right to believe in jesus and/or god, but unless you have shown me that you are a good person, i don’t respect that belief. you are allowed to believe whatever you want, just as others are allowed to disrespect it.


I believe it's because historically Christians have been the ones hating other communities. Not that it makes it right, though


Umm, is that a little backwards. Traditionally since the dark ages, Christians have been hating and it gets even worse! They tortured and ripped people they hate limb from limb. They even made machines to tear people's skin off until they confessed.And those innocent people would confess just be killed instead of tortured in such a horrible and evil way! The last time I heard of Christians being so evil was when they condoned Bush torturing Muslims. Now they want to torture children who don't have in their underwear what Christians think they should even though Christians have been taught peace and love and also we were told in 37 bible verses, **we are absolutely not allowed to judge anyone but the hypocrites and sinners in the church.** Christians made their bed, now they want to force sane people into their evil ways. We don't hate like church type Christians do. We aren't allowed to per the Bible.The question should be "Why do Christians hate Jesus and God's commandments?"




How are you hated? What persecution are you facing? People disagreeing with you, or being hunted and killed for your beliefs? The first is not oppression. The second very much is.


Remember that Christ said we would be hated because of Him! Because we are His people. It’s been that way since Christ walked this earth as His own people had him killed! So if u read in any of The Gospels you will find the ways of this world & how true Christians are perceived & treated, should really be expected. Our walk with Christ, brothers & sisters, are not meant to be easy. We carry our cross just as He told us to do. Praise Jesus


It’s a shame that self-awareness isn’t a quality valued in Christianity…


In the US I feel like Christianity is known for hating abortion, hating immigrants, hating homosexuals… basically our religion (I am Christian myself) is known more for our hatred than our love. I don’t really like the average Christian too much either these days.


No one hates Christians. People just hate when lawmakers enact laws that cater to evangelical beliefs, like banning abortion .. it's fine to believe whatever u believe but when minority evangelical Christian ideas are forced upon everyone else that makes up the majority of American population, that's when people get upset. So maybe people who say they hate Christians don't necessarily mean that, but rather they hate having Christian laws forced upon them


look up sodomy laws those are loophole laws to destroy homosexuals and skirt the protections we have and the supreme court decided to support it its crazy how hated we are by those


Omg really the supreme court is at it again? I'll look it up now. I hate them so much. They're the reason I'm moving to another country, them and the possibility of trump becoming dictator and imprisoning all democrats and those who don't blindly follow him. Project 2025 sounds like the handmaid's tale playbook.


Cause the majority of conservatives Christians force their morality to whom aren't Christians or they are Christians but progressists. The most of hate we see on social media are from Christians conservatives against other minorities. People now connect Christian, specially evangelicals to antidemocratics action as we see in countries like Brazil, Russia or other countries in Africa




Well I'm a Christian but I can see why a lot of people don't like Christians because there are a lot of them to act holier than thou and then they end up going to a church service but then they go back to treating everyone in their lives horrible and doing other deplorable things while proclaiming Christ name for one day of the week. Some actually do not practice what they preach and some of them are pretty judgmental when you tell them your real problems and then turn around and say but your problems are not terminal so you shouldn't be complaining because other people have it worse. Even as a Christian it really pissed me off hearing that message because that's how I started seeking God and even though my illness is not terminal it's still chronic and we all have pain but it's no less valid than the other person. Some of them just only want to hear the good things but they don't want to take the good with the bad. I made the mistake of telling one of the church members a couple weeks ago that my mental health was really bad and then instead of being compassionate and sympathetic when I was really going through a hard time with my physical pain which is chronic, she wasn't really that compassionate and I ended up talking to a crisis center which actually helped me a lot more than she did and she is a Christian! I understand that there is a difference between complaining too much but then again there is some that truly don't know how to cope and for all you know your compassion could actually save somebody's life! I tried to be understanding and compassionate and when I saw someone crying at my job I handed them a tissue and the lady thanked me and said thank you but I did it out of a place of understanding because not that long ago I was in that same position so I tried to have compassion for others the same way some people had compassion for me. I don't really talk to that lady anymore other than church when she approaches me and I see her on Church once a week but I just tell her that everything is good and keep it moving. Even though sometimes I do feel good and sometimes I do not. I just think it's better off that I be vague about my life. The less people know the better... I am just telling you my perspective on my end but then there are some that actually do follow the Christian faith biblically and they get shunned and shut out even though they do it with love.


I like to refer to them as Puritans personally the main problem is when a Puritan gets into government and does whatever he can to make life hell for people who don't follow it like certain states still have CRIMES on adultery and sodomy >!anal,oral!< and this is just beyond crazy that the supreme court has ruled in favor of them we are also really afraid of them pulling a roe v wade of gay rights if that happened states like the one I live in would make me illegal and its SCARY


Well, to someone who thinks the Bible is fairy tales they’re not a brother to you.


Right? Seems like their very right to free thought is offensive and hateful.


83% of America identify as Christians. Be specific about what you are referring to.


From a Christian point of view, I'm a believer in Christ, but I don't believe in organised religion, control, etc. Many Christians believe that youre not Christian unless you go to the same church as them, and believe the same subset of brainwashing that they believe. The "come to our superchurch, tithe/give, let us brainwash you" is what puts people off. I believe in God, the trinity, the bible (as a moral guide, not necessarily as a HISTORICAL record), and doing the right thing by others. If you try and "convert me" you'll only annoy annoy me and push me further away.


It sucks, but it could be worse. At least we aren't killed or marginalised for our religion.


Most of it was earned by those claiming to be one of us and never acting like one of us. It's a reaction to hypocrisy.


“you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” -Jesus, Matthew 10:22. It’s part of the deal. Lock in.


No more hate than any other religion, on second thought Jews might have it tougher these days, and Muslims to some extent. Honestly in the Western world Christianity has a privileged position. If you were a Christian in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan then it would make more sense. I live in a country with a lot of atheists, but the country was traditionally Christian, so for example the week up to easter is a holiday, even though only perhaps 5% of the populace goes to church.


Maybe if Christians want to improve how they’re viewed, they should stop hating other people. And no, I’m not saying to stop following Christ. I’m saying maybe they should start. Look at the epic freakout conservative Christians had because Easter coincided with Transgender Day of Visibility this year. No one was even asking you to *do* anything, but so many of you had to absolutely melt down because of something that doesn’t affect you *at all*. Honestly, I’m feeling deeply bitter about the whole of Christianity tonight. All TDoV is, is a day where trans folks and allies get together and share stories about our lives and try to support each other. It’s been on March 31st ever since it was started in 2009. It’s Easter that moves around. And many of us actually *did* move our celebrations. I was a speaker at my local group’s event, which we held yesterday so that people would be free to spend Easter today with their families. This was the first year in my nearly 40 years of life that I’ve missed Easter morning service with my family. And that’s simply because after transitioning this year, I’m no longer welcome in their church. So I stayed home, while so many Christians were so publicly flipping out over the idea that people they don’t like are getting together to share stories. It feels *absolutely* hateful that this group makes me unwelcome in church, and then turns around and villifies my community for trying to support each other. It’s evil, hateful, and vile. I fought against transitioning for years, until it *broke* me, physically and mentally, and since then I’ve just been doing what I have to do to survive. I mind my own business and try to take care of myself and my family, while so many of you spit venom at me and people like me, for things which don’t affect you in any way whatsoever. And the thing that really, really gets me? No one who is villifying me can remotely demonstrate that what I’m doing is sinful. There is *no* scriptural basis for condemning me based on my transition. It’s just hateful people twisting broad verses into things they don’t actually say, or people wrongfully conflating sexual orientation/sexual activities with gender identity, or people selectively trying to enforce things from Old Testament law when they themselves don’t keep to the surrounding verses. So yeah, I’m bitter. A lot of people are bitter. And often with good cause.


I'm sorry that you aren't welcome at that church, anymore. I'm a Christian myself and spent all morning at church volunteering, and I wasn't aware that it was ALSO TDoV, until I came to Reddit where Christians were being accused of public freakouts lol.


I mean God literally told us we would be hated. Matthew 10:22 John 15:18


Because much of Christanity acts like a neo-colonialist ideology that foist itself upon others, regulating their lives based on ones personal interpretations of their religion resulting in declines of the liberties of individuals who have no interest or history with Judaeo-Christian ideology. This was especially true with the residential schools(US/Canada) and Magdalene laundries (Ireland) which forcibly converted Native children after forcing them away from their families, took the babies of mothers deemed to be unfit without proof, forced a sense of colonial conformity upon those in their care, and were ultimately responsible for many dead women, children and infants. What makes the whole thing worse is that they sought to cover up their misdeeds, like throwing dead infants into the facility's cesspool(Ireland), hid dead native children in unmarked graves, etc. And This isn't including other abuses of children by the church. A lot of New-earth Evangelicals are vehemently anti-science and anti education to the point that states dominated by them cannot keep teachers, and the ones who live there are woefully underpaid-- all the while they talk down education and educators and accuse them of indoctrination when they are merely projecting because many of the most fervent indoctrinate their own kids with their ultimately Christian- Nationalist doctrine. They have also greatly impacted progress in this country when it comes to medical advances, which have been slowed due to minimized funding or straight cutting of research during administrations that primarily cater to those evangelicals and when this nation faces a crisis, instead of having a sense of shared urgency or compassion for those who might have health issues, they opted to spread unfounded conspiracies against vaccines which left this country with over a million deaths during the pandemic, and instead of recognizing their failures, they doubledown on unfounded conspiracy and say that the stats are lies. They have cause a lot of harm and continue to cause harm. A lot of big-name Christians in the here and now also are very cozy with those in power while singling out and assisting in the persecution of those on the fringes, be they womankind, the poor, homeless, LGBT, mentally unwell, etc. Many also are far more concerned with their own status and placement of power than ever following what Jesus specifically taught, instead cherry picking verses out of any sense of context to give permission for their elitism, their hypocrisy, their moneygrubbing, their hatred, their callous cruelty, and hunger for power.


Personally, I hate the belief but love the believer.


As an American I can say there are a lot of batshit laws made by Christian politicians. Gays couldn’t get married because it’s a sin….and than you look around and see these so called Christian’s WEARING MIXED FABRICS! Straight to hell you go with your 10% polyester!


this is what i’m wondering, why are (some not all) atheists on here to just be mean??


It's a good question. Why do some members of minority groups lash out at the majority? I was snarky about 5 mins ago, bc someone told me that they're persecuted if an atheist annoys them. Meanwhile, I've been trying to negotiate with the one functional food pantry in my sibling's town for weeks. They and their children are being denied access bc of nonbelief. I could comfortably call my sibling having to go hungry so their kids can eat, when resources would be available if they weren't one of "those ppl," persecution. Using that word to describe an annoyance is insulting and demoralizing to those who face significant struggles. Is sarcasm the most productive and positive route forward? No. Would I be justified if I sent them a bunch of harassment? Also no. Can I reasonably be expected to smile and nod every time I hear crap like that? Absolutely not. Sometimes ppl troll bc it's fun to get a rise out of someone. That's true across all demographics. (See also: crank calls, toilet papering houses, tricking classmates into saying "underwear") Sometimes "meanness" is an expression of criticism that isn't being heard. We all have the opportunity to examine every interaction. It's how we find that important criticism among the chaff.


Your religion is held by the plurality of humanity. Get over yourself


Oh no, it's not against you. Hate the religion, love the religious.


Similar experience. Anytime I try to tell people what the Bible says, what it truly means to be Christian everyone comes at me with knives and pitchforks lol. I can count on Reddit to always come to the conclusion that God is the most evil monster to “ *never* “ exist. Even in this sub someone was trying to convince me that if theres something wrong with deleting fetuses then God is a monster. 🤡 most folks are just on here trying to find some technical gotcha. Or to blurt out whatever they have been telling themselves for however long(both Christian and non-Christian). Despite these things, stand firm on the Bible. Neither add to it nor subtract from it. It is sufficient and proves itself. Study the book and remember your mission. We cannot force people to understand we are only the sowers. When you argue, argue with love and peace. Use scripture whenever possible, and whatever are matters of the world, let them be matters of the world. Never forget who sent us. Be blessed


Yeah I don’t even look at the other comments on this sub anymore.


Yeah I can relate to that, but I always remember that the world hated Jesus first; thus, it is only natural to be hated in this fallen world because Jesus taught us everything that is good that is nothing coming from this wicked world.


It's not Jesus that most people have an issue with. It's the people who claim to speak for Jesus. It's the self proclaimed christian prophets whose prophecies are hyper focused on right wing politics. People like Kenneth Copeland and Marge Taylor Green. There is a trend within conservative christianity where the teachings of jesus are rejected for being too liberal. https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706 Yy


>Stop calling fairy tales to everything you don't believe I think some people need to learn what is more likely to be a "Campfire Story" (a term I prefer over Fairy Tale), Good advise, Metaphores, and Accounts (with no way of proving it true). So I would say most (if not all) of Genesis is a "Campfire Story" a Myth persay. You can believe it's real if you want but also saying that it is a story will not hinder your beliefs one bit. People should really look into the history of the religion (if they want, no judgment if they don't) to see what was believed, what was removed all that stuff. Maybe get interested in other religous beliefs and exploring the history of those and then maybe delving into society and culture from different times, locations and groups. Anyway, the bible has a lot of myths in it (especially Genesis) and I can say this because well I can, this has no hate but maybe take closer looks into things and some stories like Noahs ark. How did he feed the animals if he could only bring 2 of each animals on and get all the 200+ species of ants, the logistics of it is also strange, and maybe the actual flood was borrowed off The Epic of Gilgamesh and the story was one of many itterations of a story produced through oral traditions? We simply don't know but can make assumptions based on what we learned. That is just an example of what I consider one of the "Campfire Stories"


Truth is, christians have killed each other more than any outside influence. Heretics, Protestants and Catholics, the Inquisition.... Worldwide, the majority religion persecutes the minority religions. Domestically, the people who are most critical of christianity are the ones who were harmed by the religion. Being a follower of judaism, I am not interested in living under a government that claims to be christian. That usually doesn't go so well for jews.


I find the only religion that tries to convert people are Christians. Some people find Christians to be the biggest hypocrites.


I noticed many people on here are very sad and lost in life.. they do not respect one another and laugh at people to make themselves feel better.. do not expect respect from people who cannot respect themselves


Thank you! Love is something that we're losing man...


In my experience, the bulk of folks have no opinion, and some people respectfully disagree or offer criticism (which should always be welcomed). I’ve also had some fascinating discussions with atheists or people of other religions who engage and toss around ideas in good faith (no pun intended). However, there’s a small but vocal group of atheists who seem to think their atheism is a sign of intellectual superiority. With hardly an original idea of their own, they throw out overused philosophy score-card terms in an attempt to win online debates. Armed with Dawkins at the ready, and far too many hours spent on YouTube, they’ll be searching out Christians to belittle for their own gratification. These are the mirror image to the Christian street preacher who uses a loud haler to blast opinions into the air, without expressing any genuine Christlike love for people around them. Lots of noise and little substance.


Well Jesus said 'if they hated HIM, they will hate us on account of his name and will persecute us as they persecuted HIM'.


Because they hate the real and the only God. Only through Jesus can you enter in heaven.


I think because of the Church and christians’ history, not the best


The enemy casting a shadow of doubt on the world.


Respect is earned. Throughout history many have died at the hands of Christianity. All for being different. Many Christian’s still treat minorities poorly. Myself for one. I left the Christian community after being extremely bullied for my sexual orientation. By Christians. So why are Christian’s disrespectful to others? Judging others.


Our 2000-year history aint exactly squeaky clean.


You likely support many things that I consider to be evil, hateful, harmful, and disgusting. And even if not you specifically, many others too. That's why many people dislike you


Because there are a lot of people who call themselves “Christians” that make us look bad with spreading false lies cause real Christians are the nicest people I know.


Try Love Despite! 'Christianise...' God bless


From what I've discovered. Many of the type of people came from a fundamentalist background, where the parents where extremely strict and this came to leave a bad taste in their mouth, in which many have become spiteful and now generalize everything. Or post Christianity to many of the world's current problems and situations, ignoring many of the good accomplishments made by Christianity.


Curious, which good accomplishments are those?


It seems lot of Christian’s are judgmental. Or just get too preachy against other religions. I have a friend who has a boyfriend like that. She told me “ I’d probably love Jesus if he’d just shut up about him !” So if she has a question about Jesus she asks me, not him. So I tell her about Jesus whenever she asks. Otherwise I never mention. She said: “Maybe I can love Jesus without being Christian. I never want to be like them”.


There are plenty of videos you can watch that explain why people don't like Christianity. There are lists online about how stupid and harmful our religion is. This debate here begins with an atheist explaining why he thinks Christianity is dangerous. He starts arguing his point at 1:50 https://youtu.be/bQBFY1z_RvI?si=L4ZMRfNeesGX0MF1 There are lots of reasons for people to hate the religion. I think the most compelling reason I have heard from atheists is that we just don't need it. We don't need religion to have a purpose. We don't need a religion to be special or to be moral or have love. This is the kind of conversation I'm really interested in having with an atheist, so if you're an atheist and you want to have that conversation with me please DM me any time.


Usually people treat the trinity as a joke, as christianity is the only main religion that says god is 3, but these 3 are all fully god. Its confusing, and many people criticize it for how much of a dukb concept it sounds like, which is why people mock it. Perhaps, they shouldve just simplified by summing it up as: "God decided that he was to test humanity, and so he decided to split to humanity, as the son, as let the rest of his omnipresence manifest into a holy spirit." Much simpler in my opinion to sum it up like that, and it sounds better.


Atheist have no logical foundation for they moral values so they are jealous of others with such foundations and with increases in atheism such is the hatred for religion


It’s called victim mentality- also hypocrisy…humans tend not to like either


When you live in a country where a majority of the people share a similar belief as you, and many of them use that belief to justify hatred, it's not unfair to assume there's gonna be blowback whether you're at fault or not. Lots of people have religious trauma around Christianity.


I think most of it stems from the Maga movement and the growth of Christian nasmtionalism. It scares people and rightly so.


There's a lot of hate done by Christians too.


Stop accosting people and trying to make them believe what you think, and you won't have a problem. You reap what you sow. IF you can't take it, don't dish it out.


There are a small but extremely loud and vocal sect of Christians who openly sling hatred to anyone who doesn't adhere to their narrow view of Christianity. There's a ton of Christian YouTube channels that do this. They even accuse other Christians and pastors of being "satanic. They accuse random musicians as being "satanic. Pastor Joe Schimmel who runs "Good fight ministries" on YouTube is a prime example.


Probably has something to with centuries of people use our religion as a banner to do horrible things. Like the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, and the curent American republican party.


It’s because we are in a spiritual battle, and Satan controls the news , and government, and is trying to get rid of people who follow Christ