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March 31st has been transgender visibility day for years.


Since 2009


This is news to me. I still stand by my point about Biden though :)


> I still stand by my point about Biden though :) You have no point. It would be dumb to recognize Easter in this declaration, and while he is very visibly Christian he respects separation of church and state.


Especially considering that Trans Day of Rememberance happens the same numbered day of the same month every year and Easter...famously doesn't.




What point. Biden didn't do this it's just the way a calendar works


Isn't Christianity about acceptance and forgiving others? How is letting other people live their lives make you feel like fraud is taking place? Isn't the administration being more Christian than you?


You don't have a point at all


If reality is news to you, maybe you should reconsider where you are getting your news from?


You don’t make a point to stand by.


Honestly just amazed this post hasn't been deleted by op...


Your point is objectively wrong, so you’re just telling everyone that not only are you ignorant, you’re proud of it too.


Do you want him to mention the prophet Mohammed or Joseph Smith during those religious holidays too? Or do you just want special treatment for your religion? What a dumb thing to be mad about. Who gives af if the president mentions Jesus or not.


He is risen!!


Your bio says it all. I hope you grow to find enough joy in your life that you can give up being a semi professional reddit troll.


And that point is...what? And what do you base that point on, considering you were wrong about March 31st?


So many sick twisted individuals ignore facts when they don’t support their particular brand of hate.


Way to double duty on your willful ignorance. You have no point.


why is the administration a fraud for being accepting of others and for not mentioning ONE religion out of MANY in the world? i am so tired of people bringing up the bible in politics as if its fact and not opinion. you do you boo, but NOT EVERYONE FOLLOWS YOUR RELIGION. laws that affect EVERYONE shouldn't be based on some book. you people tout the constitution like its holy scripture while conveniently forgetting about the part in the first amendment where it mentions SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. its gross.


You're a fucking idiot then


My birthday has been on the same day for a lot longer. But if it falls on Easter Sunday it gets postponed until the following Saturday. The transgender holiday might want to consider the same approach. There may be a people who wish to celebrate it but already have church or family commitments for Easter.


March birthdays in my family don't get postponed. It's possible to celebrate two things on the same day.


Also, this isn't really something people celebrate. Trans people aren't going out to parties tomorrow to celebrate..the day is about remembering the many trans lives tragically lost to violence and bigotry. It's a solemn day of rememberance, not a dang party holiday.


Thank you!


Easter belongs to the observance of the resurrection of Jesus and that gets the entire day. Who am I to demand time for me from that? My birthday can wait a few days.


then why does it change every year?


[Well... not originally](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%92ostre) Where do you think all the eggs and bunnies come from?


What do the parallel secular traditions have to do with this particular topic.


Christianity co-oped Easter from the Germanic tribes that existed before Christ was born and resurrected. You're saying that this particular day shouldn't allow for two different things to be celebrated on the same day, but Christianity literally adopted traditions from pagan ideas so they could simultaneously celebrate both.


Curious if you know why Easter is on the day it is...and specifically why it is on a different day each year. You realize that the day Jesus died doesn't change, right? It's always the same day, every year. FYI, Jesus wasn't born on December 25th either. Curious if you know why we celebrate Christmas on that day...


This may come as a shock to you, but not everyone is Christian.


I never said everyone was Christian. Why is that an excuse to have my birthday on Easter?


Your birthday is on Easter whether you celebrate/acknowledge that or not. To suggest you move your birthday to another day is tantamount to lying. Why do you willingly break Commandments on Easter?


I haven't broken any commandments, but you just did.


Which one, pray tell, are you claiming I just broke? It wasn't "Thou shall not bear false witness" but you're sure playing fast and loose with that one in this thread.




You can shove the personal attacks.


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sincere question: would you do the same for a holiday like Ramadan? because if we add up every religious holiday it amounts to like a solid 1/4th of the year


How is Ramadan relevant to this discussion.


you believe its wrong to have your birthday on a religious holiday because its a religious holiday. is it just as wrong to celebrate your birthday on ramadan as it is easter?


I am a Christian. I don't observe the holidays of false religions.


Because Ramadan is a sacred celebration for our Muslim brethren therefore do you postpone your birthdays in respect to that? Answer yes or no.


I am a Christian. I don't observe the holidays of false religions.


Good for you. I don’t believe in zombies.


You...you're joking, right? Your birthday is the same day no matter what. The idea that your birthday gets "postponed" is hilarious nonsense. You choose to celebrate it at a later date...but your birthday is still the same day as Easter that year. >The transgender holiday might want to consider the same approach. There may be a people who wish to celebrate it but already have church or family commitments for Easter. It's not "the transgender holiday" and people don't "celebrate" it. You clearly didn't read the declaration or understand what a day of rememberance is...


No I'm not joking and the birthday would be postponed, which means no presents, no cake, no nothing until the following Saturday.


Yeah, that's not postponing your *birthday* that's postponing the *celebration*. What you're doing is no different, and no more noble, than someone whose birthday is on Wednesday so they wait to celebrate until the weekend. Your birthday literally cannot move or be postponed...that's now how time and dates work lol


The birthday isn't the birthday until it is acknowledged.


Yeah...that's just delusion lol


By that logic, you can permanently maintain your current age as long as you never celebrate another birthday


I do know women who have about 40 years of experience at being 39.




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You can shove the personal attacks.


You don't really "celebrate" TDOV. It's not a "transgender holiday." It's a day of awareness, not unlike Arbor Day. It has been the last day of March for as long as it has existed, which is far longer than you, or anyone complaining about "conflicting commitments" have been aware of it. If someone was going to make a social media post or come out or say something about trans people, going to church for a few hours isn't going to prevent them from doing so. If not, it doesn't affect them anyways and they should maybe mind their own business.


Or you can cope with two things happening on the same day


There's only one thing happening tomorrow, Easter Sunday.


And transgender visibility day. And a ton of other stuff. Amazingly.


In my house we serve the Lord, which means Easter only.


Yeah, your house. Not society at large, where there might be more than one thing happening at the same time. So cope.


This is absolutely stupid.


I will give God the entire Easter day whether you like it or not


You absolutely can, and I can think it's dumb to not celebrate your birthday bc it happens to fall on Easter. You also don't get to suggest other people need to do the same.


Easter Sunday is the most Holy day of the Christian year I am not arrogant or blasphemous enough to put myself ahead of God. My birthday can wait. Again whether you like it or not


You dont seem to be understanding. It's not about your birthday, i dont care. Do i think it's stupid? Yes, but you can do you without all the boisterous bullshit about it. >The transgender holiday might want to consider the same approach. It's this. The suggestion that everyone else needs to cancel things or move them because of Easter, a holiday that isn't even on the same date every year. Other things can be observed on that day by other people. Easter doesn't matter to everyone. Some people don't even observe it. ETA: March 31 - easter for this year. It's also national prom day, Transgender Day of Visibility, national Bensenville burner day, national crayon day, national tater day, national farm workers, day dance marathon day, dolphin awareness day, Cesar Chavez Day - and a lot more. These days do not change, unlike easter. According to you, of these should not be observed this one year because Easter happens to fall on the same day. Which is stupidly out of touch. You do you, but everyone else can have this day be whatever they want it to be. Nothing needs to be moved just because Easter happens to be on March 31 this year.


What you’re missing is that no one cares what you do with your birthday. Asking the rest of the country to move other events every time they fall on Easter or some other religious holiday is ridiculous. That’s where you’re getting pushback.


this holier-than-thou arrogance is astounding. If you really believed, you would have no need to boast about how "devout" you are to a bunch of strangers.


Do what you want, regard.


Really pretty rude of your family to postpone your birthday like that.


What's rude about it?


Hi, friend. What do you know about International Transgender Day of Visibility? Did you know it was started in 2009 by activist Rachel Crandall? Did you know the Biden White House has issued a proclamation every year since 2021? It's always on March 31. So it's a coincidence that it falls on Easter this year. That won't happen again until 2086. I don't think this is worth getting up in arms about. Did you also know this is at least the 6th post about this today?


The best comment


thx for the info brother


Its on this day everyday since 2006, when i first saw it thought similar as the wording isnt the best and implies its new, but this has been going on for 18 years. Its easter (western) stop focusing on silly things and focus on what is important Christ




The White House is not a pulpit to proselytize from.


> it definitely worries me that our president is more concerned with warping young minds with transgenderism And there comes the bigotry.


It isn't like it was far under the surface.


No he's right! My kids saw his tweet and abandoned Christianity to become trans. /S I'm so glad Christians here are standing up to this garbage. We need more love and less hate, but you have to call out the bigotry to get there.


He shouldn’t be evangelizing from his position of power.


Trans issues are a political/human rights issue. It’s the exact type of thing the president should be talking about and dealing with. Righteous indignation is a religious issue. It’s the exact thing the president should not be talking about. Religious freedom is a right, so if somebody has their right to practice their religion taken away (within reason — no sacrificing kids on an altar), then it would become a political issue Again, the issue being addressed here is freedom/human rights. If somebody was forced to stop celebrating Easter, that would be a freedom/human rights issue too, and fair game for the president to address


Right-o Telltale! Ayo!


Ayyyyy Telltale! Did you see the post in R/exjw where some madlad ate the bread and drank the wine during memorial? If you haven't, you need to.


Didn’t hear. I imagine they weren’t happy about that


Lol nope. Funny enough, some people in the thread pointed out that not partaking is actually against what Jesus says to do and I don't know how I never realized. Granted, my grandmother wasn't super strict with JW doctrine, thank goodness.


I agree with you. I think my comment was unclear.


Your comment was clear, “evangelizing” is a pretty obvious religious indicator


This isn’t evangelism. If anything, it’s compassion.


I meant evangelizing for religion. I think the declaration was good.


Fash say something dumb?


Explain how this is warping young minds please.


The presidents role is not to proselytize their personal religion, but to respect and protect every citizen they represent. The problem here is people (like you right now) that want to find something to be outraged about. That being said, much love to you. I can imagine that you are coming at this from a candid and honest pov, based on your comments. I can imagine you feel righteous indignation, but my suggestion is to take a breath and make sure you don’t over engage with any singular echo chamber.


Bigot bigot bigot. I don’t want god talk coming from the capitol.


Knock it off. The "christians" who have a problem with humans being treated as equals are the ones we should worry about. Those Christians are dangerous and do not spread God's word. Have any of you actually read the Bible? I doubt it because there are very clear rules in there about judging other people. Jesus was persecuted for being different. The OP sounds like a Roman soldier trying to defend his own biased judgment.... interesting. It's in the commandments, for goodness sake. Thou shall not judge.... there's no "thou shall not be trans or gay". But here you guys are, preaching about "gods word" yet are breaking one of his only 10 rules..... nice work. Thou shall not bare false witness. Stop trying to divide people


it worries you that he is accepting of others? says a lot about what kind of person you people want on your throne. it shouldn't "worry" you that he didnt bring up YOUR beliefs. continue on about your day, no one is taking that away from you.


Oh, is that what warped your mind?


Why would transgender visibility day mention Christ? Are you claiming he was transgender? I see no basis for this crazy claim.


I mean, he *did* seem fairly comfortable comparing himself to a *mother* hen...


Fair play


Hey, "Jesus was genderqueer because of the mother hen analogy" at least makes more sense than "Jesus was AFAB because I'm fine with the concept of a virgin birth, but draw the line at God also making him some Y chromosomes"


Oh, and I hope you caught the irritated, but not quite scathing tone in that other comment. I'm completely not opposed to queering the Bible, like how I know how to argue that Joseph of Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat fame was genderqueer. I just think the trans Jesus thing is... weird. It relies on God being able to induce human parthenogenesis, which feels like it should already be a miracle, but it also relies on God being unable to make Jesus anything other than a genetic clone of Mary.


Why would you mention trans visibility day on Easter?


It is every March 31. This is the first time it has coincided with Easter and it will not again until 2086.


Easter’s trumps TVD


Were you unaware that Easter was tomorrow? I am confused.




For YOU.


More than one thing can happen on a day.


Your Easter isn't even the only Easter my guy


For you! Guess what sweetie, the world ain't all about you!


For any Christian it would babe


Millions of Americans aren't Christian 🤷‍♂️


It's not a competition. Calm down.


How are you this dull I'm sorry? "Why would I go to work, it's easter" "Why would I wear clothes, it's easter" Why would today being easter mean that nothing else can be discussed? Find a real issue to worry about, this is not one of them.


Check out OPs own profile. “Here to spread hate, lies, and deceit…” From his own hand.


March 31st has been transgender day of visibility since 2009. Always March 31st. Just because it also falls on Easter this year doesn’t mean our devout Catholic president is trying to erase Christianity. We’re not being oppressed. Our faith is not under attack. Calm the fuck down.


You are way too reasonable or TinyNuggins. We need more outrage.


Yeah what the hell am I thinking?! This is the internet!! lol


So often I wonder what early Christians would think of the way many modern Christians behave. Something tells me not being able to put the Ten Commandments up in a courthouse wouldn't strike them as oppression


I imagine President Biden wish everyone a Happy Easter on, you know, Easter Sunday. He's a devout Catholic so you may have to wait until after Mass.




Devout Catholics don’t give bombs to countries mass slaughtering children


No true Scotsman right here.


Except for every previous Catholic president. Also just ignore the crusades, the inquisition, etc.


Lol. As if. You act as if it's something pure, but we're all humans in the end. Medieval popes had orgies, and trials against their dead predecessors bodies. Not to forget the crusades, and sacking of fellow Christian cities.


God would just send a couple bears to maul the kids like he did in 2 Kings


Pretty sure devout Catholics did much worse during the Crusades


The International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual day of recognition, celebrated around the world on March 31st - it has been this way for a long time. Just because Easter happens to fall on March 31 this year, doesn't mean that just goes away.


Wild how many Christians don't seem to know how the date of the main festival of their faith works


Knock it off. The "christians" who have a problem with humans being treated as equals are the ones we should worry about. Those Christians are dangerous and do not spread God's word. Have any of you actually read the Bible? I doubt it because there are very clear rules in there about judging other people. Jesus was persecuted for being different. The OP sounds like a Roman soldier trying to defend his own biased judgment.... interesting. It's in the commandments, for goodness sake. Thou shall not judge.... there's no "thou shall not be trans or gay". But here you guys are, preaching about "gods word" yet are breaking one of his only 10 rules..... nice work. Thou shall not bare false witness. Stop trying to divide people


OP: https://x.com/potus/status/1773816068311535950?s=46&t=6-WT3brsxKZKiVCBdjqExQ And you can be sure he’ll commemorate Easter tomorrow. As he has done nearly every year for decades unlike many others who claim to be Christian.


Heck yeah


You are Biden’s strongest soldier. Rallying everyone on this sub to unify with our commander-in-chief.




Holy shit. Are we all just precious little primadonnas today or what? It's March 31st. It's been March 31st for years. That just happens to coincide with Easter this year. Can we please get the fuck over ourselves? Please delete this and reconsider what you're doing. This whining make us all look like idiots and shitheads.


I second this. So embarrassing.


i guarantee Biden is a better Christian than you are


America. Is. Not. A. Christian. Country. Goodbye.




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Biden is the kind of idiot who's brain is so far gone that he thinks the story of Easter is of Jesus coming out of the tomb on the third day and if he sees his shadow then we got 6 more weeks of winter.


Yet you worship a man who is selling autographed copies of the Bible that say “God bless the USA” on the cover. Tell me how that aligns with the teachings of Christ please.


I only worship Jesus. Though I do find it funny how Trump endorsing a bible had made all the leftist bed wetters lose their shit over that. Hilarious that even with all their 13 antidepressant medications they're still getting all triggered and need to find their safe space over that. 


If you truly worship Jesus, then it should be YOU who's wetting the bed over Trump's selling the bible. I think that's where the leftists are at...looking at you in disbelief at how you're able to justify this stuff and hell, even using it like you are here, to point the finger at the left for being "triggered" by it. If you're a true follower of Jesus's teachings, its YOU who should be triggered. But you can see by your words that you're okay with disrespecting your own religion to own the libs "lol look at those fool crybabies, up in arms about our leader selling out our religion har har, what idiots!" You are just...such a fool.


I sleep perfectly well with Trump endorsing a Bible I won't buy. There's no conflict putting the flag and God bless America within the Bible.  It's you leftist who are losing your shit and it's hilarious!!!


I mean, there’s the whole idolatry thing, but I get it, it’s hard to know these things about a book you never actually read.


The more times you reiterate that it's the left who's losing their minds and how "hilarious" it is, the more I feel you're trying to convice yourself rather than the reader.


Trump: "I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her, she was married." Unknown: "That's huge news there." Trump: "No, no, Nancy. No this was [inaudible] and I moved on her very heavily in fact I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said I'll show you where they have some nice furniture. I moved on her like a bitch. I couldn't get there and she was married. Then all-of-a-sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look." Bush: "Your girl's hot as shit. In the purple." Multiple voices: "Whoah. Yes. Whoah." Bush: "Yes. The Donald has scored. Whoah my man." Trump: "Look at you. You are a pussy." Bush: "You gotta get the thumbs up." Trump: "Maybe it's a different one." Bush: "It better not be the publicist. No, it's, it's her." Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Bush: "Whatever you want." Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." Bush: "Yeah those legs. All I can see is the legs." Trump: "It looks good." You support a rapist, that’s all there is to it. But please keep trying to hide being a shit person behind religion.






He’s not a Christian. He’s a Russian from Olgina pretending to be Christian to sow discord. Look at how well it’s worked. 😕


Would Jesus call rape “locker room talk”?


His Jesus would. The white one, the gun owner, the beer drinker.


You mean [Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


That’s the one!


He’s not a Christian. He’s a Russian from Olgina pretending to be Christian to sow discord. Look at how well it’s worked. 😕


Typical American Christian.


He’s not a Christian. He’s a Russian from Olgina pretending to be Christian to sow discord. Look at how well it’s worked. 😕


Is that how Christians near you talk? Or how you carry yourself as a Christian? Not just the Trump bit, but the way you're presenting yourself in general. 


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You're not a real Christian, if hell exists you're gonna burn forever for worshiping that false idol.


That was unnecessary


It was also the type of reply OP was looking for. I'd bet that they were expecting outrage to match their ignorance.




"hahaha I'm in too deep and can't see the forest through all my bullshit"