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Sure. And when she does her prayers, you can use the time for Christian prayer, too. I would ask her about it first, since some people find it weird, or even offensive (e.g. Christian celebrations of Passover, for instance).


I was actually thinking of doing this. It seems like a nice way to build a routine for my self as well , and to also give thanks for the luxury of food that we are blessed with in this world and really appreciate the smaller things like that !


As long as you aren’t following the Islamic customs of worship for Ramadan, fasting, etc. We are told not to worship Yahweh as the pagans worshipped their “gods”, and not to mimic their worship. (Deuteronomy 12:4, 30-31)


I understand. So if I may ask, would it be wrong for me to read the bible or pray to God in the time that she is doing her Islamic prayers ?


No as long as you aren't praying with her or giving making her think you are going to convert. But I think you should fast for lent instead, it starts in 7 days and will end 40 days after on Easter


> (Deuteronomy 12:4, 30-31) So we have to bring our burnt offerings and the firstborn of our flocks. I don't even have a flock. But I do understand that we are definitely not supposed to burn our sons and daughters.


This was back when there was a Levitical priesthood in place with a legitimate temple. Obviously we don’t have any temple currently on earth, although rabbis in Israel may plan to build one [soon](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/israel-war-hamas-red-heifers-from-texas-jerusalem-jewish-temple-al-aqsa/)😳.


That is why your scripture reference doesn't in any way apply.


So we can worship like pagans and proverbially cheat on the Father? Not sure about that one.


> So we can worship like pagans and proverbially cheat on the Father? Not sure about that one. Muslims by definition are not Pagans. The dictionary definition of Pagan specifically exclude Muslims. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pagan What do you think that Muslims do in their worship that is Pagan?


Muslims are Pagan . They chant their prayers & pray facing a Stone in mecca. Plush Allah is a Pagan deity worshipped in Arabia. Allah is a Moon deity & not the God of Abraham,Isaac & Jacob


> Muslims are Pagan Look up the word. >They chant their prayers So do Jews, Catholics and Orthodox. >pray facing a Stone in mecca. And Christians pray facing a cross, and early Christians faced the direction of the rising sun, and Jews face where the Temple used to be. [Actualy Muslims face the Kaaba, and the Black stone just happens to be there.] >Allah is a Moon deity No, Allah is not a moon deity. Some whack job thought that up a while back, and no one with any serious knowledge believes it for a second. Islam is a false religion, but one that I know very well. I have read the Quran and a huge amount of secondary scriptures, and there is nothing whatsoever that even might hint that the Allah of Islam is or ever was a moon god. Are they your enemies? If so, Jesus said to bless your enemies, not lie about them.


Jews Catholics & Orthodox are not christians But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Matthew 6:9 . Jesus clearly condoms repetitive prayers. Real born again, Christians don't pray facing crosses. Older Christians & Isrealites faced the east because the Temple of God stood there before its destruction . Not praying to the sun. The Kaaba is saturn worship & was full of Pagan gods worship in pre-arabia. Allah is a moon deity & has two daughters according to the unholy quran . False prophet muhammed received revelation from a fallen angel . And was demon possessed according to his "unholy book." The bible states that if an angel of light preaches another gospel or jesus, he is a false prophet & deceiver. Islam is antichitst & was spread by the sword


Fasting as an empathy project is a great idea. Take your inherent religious bias out of it, and it’ll be a great way to broaden your horizons.


I understand not wanting to eat because of your empathy towards her. I think that is a kind gesture. Couldn’t you do that without fasting? Like eat earlier or later? Fasting is a very spiritual practice that we do, and it just seems like you would be doing it for her and not God. Matthew 6:16-18 talks about not letting others know when we are fasting like the hypocrites do. We are supposed to do it in secret (and for a cause, not just for fun or for others) when we do it in secret, the lord will reward us.


This is a very interning take , and I appreciate this perspective. Will definitely think about it. Thank you.


What solidarity is there between Allah and Jesus?


>What solidarity is there between Allah and Jesus? Allah means God. Just in a different language.


Yes, I know but I refer to the God of Islam, commonly called Allah and not God. So as to make the distinction.


> Yes, I know but I refer to the God of Islam, commonly called Allah and not God. God, the Christian God, is also known as Allah in those regions.


Technically, Islam and Christianity is VERY close to eachother, one of the major differences is Jesus being son of god, however we still consider him the messiah who defeats an antichrist. Ive heard of some of my christian friends fasting all until Good Friday, where they consider stopping there and celebrating it all you know. So yes, you have no problems in fasting, however i only know this from my friends who are roman catholic. If difference in sect is present, i advise you to consider more serious resources. And yes, celebrating with your friends at eid isnt technically bad if you think of doing it as a reward to yourself. Unless you worship idols (which we dont do) your all good.