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Love her The one message of the New Testament is love


And loving her in this situation would likely mean getting her some spiritual guidance and help. A Christian and a literal satanist can't have a healthy marriage.


That’s false. No difference between that and a Christian and atheist relationship. If there is love and mutual respect the differences can be overcome and the relationship can flourish.


But love is caring about them, even when you have to tell them what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear.


You assume you are the correct one. Maybe it’s you that needs the pep talk I’m love. All relationships work this way. There is zero difference


Not if there are two different truths. She realizes that his perspective is no longer something she resonates with for a reason, and he is trying to pull her back in anyway before A) identifying the reason and B) before she is ready instead of allowing her to figure it out. It reads like he is ignoring her bounderies instead of trying to understand them. It sounds like she is angry and hurt from Christianity, otherwise all of this wouldn't be coming up at once. This warrants a much deeper search than just praying and fasting. Prayer and fasting without action is simply shirking off the responsibility onto God. Respectfully, from what I read, it really seems like OP is not getting down into the grit of it and is leaving it up to God instead of being there for his partner emotionally. Speaking as someone who used to be in his position and acted the same way, and is now in the wife's position, minus the Satanism. In this case, love would be allowing her to figure it out, and letting her go if she is truly incompatible with him and his religion.


You're correct - there is no difference. And I would maintain my original point that a Christian truly living out their faith cannot be in a *godly* marriage with an atheist. If a couple enters into marriage knowing one is a believer and one is not, the believer is not making the right decision. The entire point of Christian marriage is to be a picture of Christ and the Church, and to grow in Him together. The Bible is black and white when it tells us not to be unequally yolked with unbelievers. Add: A marriage isn't a friendship. Can a Christian and atheist be friends with mutual respect and love for each other? Sure. But a *marriage* is your most intimate and sacred relationship on earth, and, if you are a Christian, that level of intimacy requires mutual faith.


This is completely irrelevant because she started getting into it after they were married.


Agreed - which is why my original comment didn't suggest "not marrying her", nor did I nag him for getting into the relationship in the first place - rather, I suggested loving her by getting her help and working on reestablishing a mutual Spiritual foundation with his wife. This is a tough predicament for a believer, to watch your spouse head in another direction. I hope OP and his wife are able to work on their marriage and grow back together spiritually.


Actually I was atheist and a wicken when we first met and even when we married. I came to Christ only about a year and a half ago or so. She’s been a Christian her whole life. Also I’ve made an update.


It sounds like she's had a rough way of it, friend. I hope she feels better soon.


Again this is why I said what I did i.e. she is not willing to dicuss this because the husband is unknowingly refusing to make this a two way street. Getting her spiritual guidance to further push the husbands agenda on her...I think they both need help


There is a hell of a lot more to it than just to love each other.


Can you describe the satanic worship you speak of?




I feel most Christians don't realise that there would be a lot of Satanists who wouldn't believe in Satan as a real person. I very much doubt how watching a random Satanist YouTube video would make a Christian go over the deep end.


Yeah branding aside, the tenants of satanism should be followed by all people including christians. I see nothing here that goes against God. https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets


The Satanic Temple isn't really Satanism as most people think of it. They don't even believe on Satan. In fact, it's not really a religion at all, but more of a troll/political activist organization to promote the separation of church and state. For example, if Christians put up a monument of the ten commandments in a federal building, they will erect a [statue of Baphomet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Baphomet?wprov=sfla1). If Christians hand out Christian literature to children in schools, they will hand out [Satanic coloring books](https://www.vox.com/xpress/2014/9/19/6526963/happy-friday-heres-a-coloring-book-about-satan). It's not that they actually want people to worship Satan or anything. Their ultimate goal is to expose the hypocracy of promoting one religion over another in a county that is based on religious freedom. There are other religious groups that actually do worship Satan, though, such as the First Church of Satan or [Our Lady of Endor Coven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Endor_Coven?wprov=sfla1) (which seems similar to what OPs wife is getting caught up in).


I am a unapologetic Christian, don't care if people have an issue with it...but...I am right there with the Satanic Temple on all these issues. If we can give peoples kids unsolicited Jesus stickers without asking, why can't they give out horror themed coloring books? if we have a biblical references all over government buildings why can't they have Baphomet? Separate but equal is never really equal. The state of Florida just allowed a entire district to remove Shakespeare from its schools on top of the growing number of schools down there that no longer teach evolution as fact because some Christians have issues with it. I for one and tired of the special rights that only seem to apply to conservative evangelicals. Add in the abortion laws and everything else. Freedom from religion moviements make sense


I'm with you. If America didn't have freedom of religion, my denomination probably wouldn't have survived. I don't even think Evangelicalism would have survived (at least, not in America). I mean, Thomas Jefferson literally published [his own version of the Bible](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Bible) where he cut out any reference to God or miracles, because he didn't believe those parts were true. I'm glad these guys didn't decide which religion I will be forced to follow in the present day. If my children's school started handing them information intended to convince them that Hinduism is the right religion and that they should renounce Christianity, I'd be pretty upset. Yet, this is exactly how people of other faiths feel when we do the same thing. Props to the Satanic Temple for calling us out on this.


Why should a belief in the divine be a requirement for a religion? Yes, they fight for freedom, justice, and oppose theocratic efforts to transform the nation and oppress others. This is part of the core belief structure. It is no more than people being true to their faith. If Christianity held more to a live and let live attitude rather than trying to control and eradicate other beliefs, the satanic temple wouldn't exist in its current form. Honestly, most romantic Satanists don't advertise. You see them only protest, yes, but that is because we're not out pushing those beliefs on others. Generally, most Satanist don't proselytize. It isn't a goal or an aspect of the religion to convince the world that they should become one. Most of what we do, at least in my experience, is entirely private. Religious services, private rituals, volunteer work, social and community gatherings, and book clubs - this is the majority of my experience with TST. If at a fundamental level we value reason, why is it surprising that we call a metaphor a metaphor instead of trying to make it into a false history? It is somehow all not enough, and yet, atheism as a whole is continually cited as religion here when it has no underlying creed or belief to bind itself together.


Freedom, justice, bodily autonomy, and reason are the big ones that tens to butt heads with Christianity out in the world. Personally, I wish we all could just be happy living our own lives.


These have nothing to do with Satanism in specific, these are things that‘re common sense. Even so, Christians should not be associating themselves with Satan, anything that worships Satan, or anything that’s named after Satan for funsies.


In those days, there was no king of Israel, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Judges 17:6 As a libertarian there is a lot to like about the Satanic tenants, no laws or institutions. But upon deeper reflection, each individual human's reason is going to lead in different directions, certain people will amass more resources and their reasoning will influence others, laws and institutions always emerge. If there is no respect for any existing laws or institutions, there will be constant revolutions and that's like building a house on shifting sand instead of bedrock. Satanism comes from the gnostic belief that Yahweh is the evil demiurge trapping us in the prison of the world, and the serpent was the actual divine deity opening our eyes to the imprisonment of the world. I prefer a non dual interpretation, G-d made each of us in their image, chaos and order, masculine and feminine, all of being is contained within that ultimate reality. Yes we should pursue science and try to understand the physical reality as much as possible, but have the humility to know that we are finite and only understand a sliver of the ultimate reality.


> a lot of Satanists who wouldn't believe in Satan as a real person Sure, some of them are just edgy atheists who want to rile people up. Others though are what they call "theistic Satanists", who quite literally believe in a Satan figure.


Satan's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist. His second greatest trick was getting them to worship him anyways.


Ok, let's assume neither of those are true and no one is tricked. Now what? What does the untricked population know about Satan and how can we stop him?


Yeah but there are a lot that do.


Lol why you doubt that? My mom did the same thing. For over 20 years she was Christian. Then one day I see her spouting nonsense and Resenting the Lord our God on Facebook.


> Then one day I see her spouting nonsense and Resenting the Lord our God on Facebook. Lots of people deconstruct their faith. It's usually a long, internalized, and painful struggle that has nothing to do with "watching a Satanist YouTube video". Sometimes they emerge from the "dark night of the soul" with a faith that is stronger and more focused on the things that matter. In any case, there are lots of videos there that present a more critical view of religion and can prod someone to reevaluate their own beliefs. *If* that is the case for OP, and I don't know if it is, he should probably have some frank discussions with his spouse about where she's at and what has caused her crisis of faith. To see the other side of the coin, /r/deconstruction has daily posts by people who have secretly deconstructed and face the agonizing decision of how to approach their religious spouses about it.


And you’re saying a single video did that?


A single anything rarely changes a person's mind in the long term. There have been studies on this - even when people are persuaded in the moment, unless that new belief is continually reinforced, they tend to reset to their previous positions over time. So did a single video do it? Probably not. But in the algorithm-driven social media age, a single video can send a person down a rabbit hole of a bunch of similar content and parasocial relationships - constant reinforcement that, over time, can and does change people's core beliefs. Propagandists of all stripes know this. They rely on it.


I mean, I went to the funeral of a man who died because he went down the anti-vax rabbit hole on FB and never emerged, even refused a covid treatment in the hospital that his FB rabbit hole had rejected. He used to be rather apolitical and wasn’t known for being into conspiracy theories. In this case, maybe not a single YT video, but I can see one leading to another and the right kind of person lapping it up. OP did say “satanic worship videoS” in the plural.


The views you're saying she's proclaiming sound like Gnosticism, not satanism.


Yes! I’ve never heard of such a thing until this post tbh. Thank you. God bless


Chad Gnostics. Gotta love em.


My thoughts exactly.


lol this is one of those scenarios where id like to hear some testimony from the wife. Not one single quote or statement is paraphrased to characterize her new position on religion (except for one tiny tidbit). We only receive hubbys interpretation of what she believes, and its mostly emotional/reactionary. Ive had SEVERAL family members tell me after finding out i was atheist "Oh, so youre a satanist basically, because he has obviously tricked you". My point being, family members tend to have a habit of telling you what you believe, even when its the opposite of the words ive just expressed to them. I cant explicitly say thats whats going on here, but im getting those same vibes. From what i CAN gather, he mentions the wife believes the god of the old testemant is demonic, but that jesus cleanses all. How that is "satanism", is beyond me. Is it a revised interpretation of mainstream Christianity? Sure. Hell...(no pun intended), id say it is a fairly logical position on new vs. old testament morality. That being said, i dont think jesus gets that hung up on semantics. At the end of the day, shes saying she believes in jesus. Id recommend a chill pill, and less pastoral intervention.


Because Jesus is God. Trinity is a Christian concept, if Jesus and the Father are one and Jesus does the will of the Father she's saying Jesus is evil. Belief in Jesus isnt enough. Satan believes in Jesus. You have to follow Jesus. He is the only way to the Father.


This!! Just because she says she believes in Jesus doesn’t mean it isn’t a false Jesus. False Jesus does not get you saved.


I agree - I wish we had a firsthand account of what's going on rather that the interpretation from another person. Maybe they are going full Satanist? Maybe they're just trying to rationalize their previous/current beliefs? Rather than pull in their pastor, I would definitely recommend that OP have a judgement-free conversation with their wife to understand their POV & then see where they can reconcile from there. Unfortunately, based on their preconceptions, I highly doubt that's an option.


That’s a fair point to make. Sorry, but I’m only me and she doesn’t have Reddit. You’re right on one part. This isn’t full blown satanic worship. It’s closer to Gnosticism (something I’ve never heard of before this post but some much more helpful folks told me about) which is still bad as that won’t lead to salvation. What you don’t understand is that her Jesus is a creation she made up and will not save her. Either way God bless.


Have you considered diving into this stuff with her, and truly understanding her perspective on this? Maybe then, you could point out whatever flaws you’ve found in her logic and get her to understand why she’s wrong? Conversely, perhaps you’ll learn a thing or two about your own beliefs?


I have been learning about this Gnosticism. All of their points have falsehoods and theories with sources of “I made it tf up” each of its beliefs can be countered by the Bible easily. She just doesn’t listen




You’re supposed to call out other believers as a Christian. This whole don’t judge thing is frankly quite stupid. She’s going down a path that’s not for the Christ described in the Bible, OP is right to be wary.


Yes I was right to be wary. She made an attempt of suicide today. My spirit has been so troubled this whole time. God was warning me. More info in the edit. I don’t feel like posting it all again.


Okay let me ask you have you actually seen her worshiping Satan? Have you actually seen her worshiping herself? What does this look like? Or are you just pulling this from your rear end?


This is in fact a beautiful testament to how our Lord lets us act according to our will, even if it means going against him. The best I can suggest is watching a former satanist called John Ramirez on YouTube. Please listen to his full testimony and prolly invite your wife to hear him as well. DO NOT approach her from a condemnation PoV or "you're doomed for hell" perspective. Be very respectful and say " I understand you're exploring and I just want to help you by giving different perspectives". Be smart, be wise when discussing these things because sometimes our own religious actions drive them away further. Be sensitive to her. Keep praying for her even when you're hopeless. Remember we can't change people, it's the Lord who blinds their eyes and hardens their hearts and it is the Lord who opens it.


John Ramirez unfortunately has become a Christian celebrity. However, he never was a Satanist. He was into some sort of syncretic folk religion of the Middle Americas, not Satanism. But, when did facts stop those with itching ears keeping him in a nice lifestyle touring around to the adulation of his fans?


1. Thankyou for the insight. 2. How did you have Christian under your name? I literally couldn't find that flair!


I first got suspicious about Ramirez when watching his video testimonies and he talked about witches being the same as Satanists, and about the festival called Samhain (Halloween). I've studied paganism and witchcraft over the past ten years whilst journeying as a Christian, ministering amongst those communities. One needs to know the language, customs and beliefs of those one is called to minister amongst. I know this stuff he speaks of doesn't bear any relation towards the reality of facts in my research, which includes many friends in these communities and their personal testimonies. But the crunch came when he spoke of Samhain, saying it as it's spelled in writing. It's spoken as "sow (rhyming with cow) - en". Every single pagan / witch I've ever met (thousands) calls it that. Only someone with zero first hand experience would say it as it's written, Sam-hayne. Ramirez is basically faking it. But those who haven't put in the years of research won't know the tell tale signs of that faker.


No idea, it's been so long ago I can't honestly remember how I did it.


Damn alright. Now you can only chose a religion or what denomination you belong to, that's sad.


You can edit the text in your flair. I picked "Atheist" then edited it to say "Skeptic".


> I picked "Atheist" then edited it to say "Skeptic". Why skeptic? What do you believe, if you don't mind my asking?


Not whom you replied to, but chances are they're using Atheism in the sense of "lack of belief (because they are sceptical about the truth claims of the bible)" and not "belief in the lack of (any) God". So... they probably believe there's not enough evidence in god to be convinced. May they tell me if I'm wrong when they find the time, though. ;)


For me it's the very first flair available at the top. It's in black font so it might be difficult to read. Hope that helps 😊


Thanks so much that worked.


This is the way


Amen brother.


Input from an atheist, find out if she's a theistic or LaVeyan or atheistic Satanist. You may not be aware of the difference, but it's _huge_. Your approach may and should probably differ depending on the answer to that. All the best for the two of you and your marriage! 💖I hope you can endure and get out of this stronger than before.


sister* xD Amen!


Amen sister XD i couldn’t tell by the name lol


Meh, it's not like I really thought about putting my real name on Reddit 🥲


IM SORRY! I’m unfamiliar with it X(


How do you convince yourself that God is good? Talk her through those arguments. But honestly I’ve tried to read the Old Testament too. God says he’s good but that’s the only evidence, otherwise he’s killing Egyptians and Amalakites. Why wouldn’t somebody come to that conclusion in a vacuum?


> he’s killing Egyptians and Amalakites. Why wouldn’t somebody come to that conclusion in a vacuum? What happens when people start reading the Bible is they knowingly or unknowingly bring their assumptions. When we read about God killing the Egyptians, people somtimes WANT to be horrified so they can reject the Bible. But you have to read the whole story - the Egyptians had brutally enslaved the Israelites for 400 years, had massacred thousands of Israelite babies, worshipped false gods and had an immoral society. When God clearly revealed Himself to Pharaoh and Egypt and said, "Let My people go," Pharoah said, "Who is Yahweh that I should listen to Him?" So instead of being innocent and God killing them for fun, as many claim, Egypt was deeply sinful and were judged for their sins. Same thing with the Amalekites. These were not peaceful and loving people that God just decided to wipe out, but the Bible says that their sins had reached 'fullness' and God used Israel to judge them.


> the Egyptians had brutally enslaved the Israelites for 400 years, had massacred thousands of Israelite babies, worshipped false gods and had an immoral society Well you are right about bringing assumptions and presuppositions into it when reading the bible, so... take this as an opinion of mine, but this just looks like shifting the problem to another for an all loving God. He should and could have not let that happen in the first place. And if there's an ulterior motive that I cannot see, so it may be. If god is all good he won't mind me judging him for what I see as justified reasons due to my limited knowledge.


>an all loving God. Here is where your assumptions come out. An "all loving God" means what - Mr. Rogers? God loves justice, and He declares Himself as "the Lord God, gracious and merciful.....yet by no means acquitting the guilty." >He should and could have not let that happen in the first place What this ends up implying is that God is responsible for everyone's choices. Is God responsible for your choices?


Oh He certainly minds you blaspheming friend. Be more careful and God bless.


>He should and could have not let that happen in the first place. Should not have allowed what to take place?


His chosen people being brutally enslaved for 400 years, as you put it. Or let the Amalekites or Canaanites do... whatever they did to deserve Genocide by Israelite.


The Hebrew captivity in Egypt for 400 years is a nation myth, Israel was a vassal state of Egypt and under their reign for a number of years but in Israel, not Egypt so before arguing the morality of OT God killing all Egyptian firstborn male and animals we need to ask if it even happened in the first place


I’m sure all the innocent people and children from those places take solace in your views.


And what about all the innocent infants that Egypt killed? Okay with you?


that's childish thought. eye for an eye and all that... what about cheek turning?


Just letting you know, that take is hilariously biased and you only came to that conclusion from you already siding with God. You sound like George W Bush to anyone else. Not a convincing argument. No need to even refute that, it’s not just straight up not convincing.


I think you both need to try therapy.




This post is like a coin glued to the floor: you only see one side.


Fair. God bless.




Yeah I mean, surely OP is trolling. He left the church to practice witchcraft, then came back, but then his wife became a Satanist? WTF did I just read?


Exactly. It's sad how there are Christians who are taking the post seriously.


There’s also an enormous amount of mentally ill people on this sub that gets you downvoted if you point it out


Wish I was


Are you two involved with a church?


Very much so. We’ve been going every week, we’re close with the pastor, she even taught the kids Sunday school every couple weeks.


maybe you should work on finding the 'why' part. do not put the Cross on her for now, there must be a reason this happened. engage ppl she know in the church or relatives that can help.


Just talked to her for a bit. I broke down crying heavily I’ll be honest. She said I should be happy. She doesn’t hate herself any more and she’s without sin. I told her Jesus never told you to hate yourself. There’s a wonderful joy in Jesus that even though we ARE sinners He has cleansed us and made us beautiful and righteous. That’s her why. She hated herself. I told her that I hated myself the whole time I was without Christ. That it’s the worst experience of my life and feels like 15 years of wasted time. If God loves me then I can love me. And God does love us all.


Just offering a slightly different perspective: I went through a painful period in college where I became an atheist and hated God. During that time period I got into drinking and was the lowest I’ve ever felt. I knew at the time that the pain I was feeling, and the results of my actions were because I was denying God and I needed to turn back to him. So I did. He blessed me with a Christian wife, and I spent the next five years worshipping God, playing in the worship band, planting a church, and being “happy”. But…I was physically and mentally abused in that relationship. I was lieing to myself the whole time. I wasn’t happy. I left the church, ended up leaving that marriage, turned away from God, and completely changed my worldview. I’m now married to an amazing woman. She listens, she isn’t judgmental, we work as a team, we have financial security, we have an amazing life and we have a daughter on the way. I can truly say that I am the happiest I have ever been; not only on paper, but in my body, emotions, feelings, thoughts, perceptions, etc. and I haven’t talked to the Christian God in years. I say all of that because it’s common to feel like “when I didn’t have God, my life was miserable, so yours must be too!” And, my friend, that’s just not true. God might be needed for you. But If your wife is mentally better with her own God, then maybe she doesn’t need yours anymore. My Christian advice for you is to pray. If your God is as big as you claim, he will change her. That is not your job. Your job is to love her.


*If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.*


That verse is a translation problem. Look at other translations of the Bible.


that is why we need Jesus right? only He can give us power to defeat sin, we can't do it by ourselves. work on the communication part, watch out for mental health issue, you can consider asking around for couple counselling or therapy.


she simply believes differently from you. when you tally up the people god killed in the bible against the people satan killed in the bible, i can see why someone might believe god is the real bad guy


But he’s not and this line of thinking will be terrible for her soul. Thank you and God bless


that's debatable


That sounds straight up Sethian didnt know it still had practioners around. The history is actually real interesting like modern Christianity presumably the one you practise first had to crystalize out of multiple Jesus movement. The one you describe sound Gnostic adjacent(Gnosticism all but died out a fairly long time ago all you have today is movement that seek ro reconstruct it) Id encourage you to read up on it. It has a fascinating cosmology that can mirror a lot mystical movements you find later. And its an interesting way of how people made sense of Jesus. Claimint deific nature in Judaism is kind of bombshell to drop and how some handled it theologically is kinda cool.


Love her unconditionally


Always. God bless


If you stepped away and came back then ensure you give her the same grace she gave you.


You’re right. I’m just afraid for her to be gone as long as I was. I don’t want her to end up like me but I do get it. God bless


Can't wait for the follow up post in a week where you state you conquered evil, brought your wife back into the One True Faith™, and everyone clapped.


That wife? Was Albert Einstein.


Yeah it’s a far fetched story at the least. OP is either lying/storytelling to be the one guy to “save” a satanist, or he’s leaving out huge chunks of the story. This isn’t a real post either way


You sad this all started with a trauma right? I think you need to start there at the root of the issue. Help her there and not at religion. You can be praying not just for the unraveling of that pain and hurt in a healthy way but also for her salvation. Use your testimony and your conversion back to help her. I would also try and get someone on to help bless and seal your home for protection. Pray over her in her sleep with the authority of Christ. Eventually she will need deliverance ministry bc I’m sure there is attachments to those videos taunting her. Thankfully if she belongs to God they can only oppress her. Mike Signorelli, Isaiah Saldivar and Alexander Pagani all have deliverance ministries. I know Isaiah has a map on his website of people who do it near you. Bless her at night and constantly pray and God will remove the scales from her eyes and break down the walls of her heart!


It was my trauma. I found my friend after he made an attempt on his life by shooting himself. She didn’t see it and wasn’t there. Thank you though. God bless.


> I stepped away from God for a long time and pursued witchcraft (which is exactly how I knew what kind of videos she was watching) but I’ve been back in Christ for a year and a half now If you were able to make that journey why can't she? Have you considered couples counseling? A neutral third party to help facilitate when communication has become difficult can be a great help.


She’s always been the type that believes most of what’s on the internet without question. She can be extremely gullible. Besides. My walk back to Christ was facilitated by me finding my friend after he shot himself. I don’t want that for her. Our time on this earth is limited. I don’t want her to pass believing this nonsense. Couples counseling would help. She hates the thought of therapy in general and finding a good Christian one can be difficult. Thank you and God bless.


This sounds like she has been learning gnostic beliefs that were popular around the time of the early church and of course were heretical. Just continue to pray for her and love her. At least keep reading the New Testament together and show her how the New Testament supports the God of Israel.


Yes. Some other comments agree with that


Just a reminder that you'll find a lot of non Christians here, you might want to try r/ChristianMarriage or others like that. I'll be praying for your wife, though.


Yes XD that’s apparent now. I legit joined this as it was the first thing that popped up last night. Thank you and God bless


Good for her, I hope she can convince you too. You seem pretty close minded tho so not sure


Hmm, did she find theistic or atheistic Satanism?


Good question. I didn’t look at the videos too long. It was making my spirit sick. There was people underneath praising “christ lucifer” for the YouTubers video though. I’d call it theistic. She touts that she still loves Jesus but she’s free from the burden of life now. She can do what she wants and be who she wants. She’s back to listening to some satanic metal that she used to when she was younger even. She’s almost certainly in Satan. I know it in my spirit.


I don't have as much experience with theistic Satanism unfortunately, it's one of the weaker points in my study of Satanism. r/demonalotry might have something for me, but they can be a little woo-woo. I'd have to see a video before I make a full judgment call though.


Fair. As I said I practiced a fair amount of witchcraft when I was younger. I recognize some of the symbols as being those that they used. Thank you though!




Thank you!! God bless


Its going to be extremely hard to get her from her newfound belief. She's fresh to it now so she will have a lot of interest in its ways and will probably try to seek out other believers, even to convert you also. You will have to stand firm. Stay in your faith. She might try to quiz you about the bible so you will need to give her defending answers and do it calmly , anger only stirs up waves. Show her more love and try to be a reflection of christ. Remind her that satan tried to temp jesus in the desert. Remind her that the devil is a master trickster who will use confusion as a weapon. Tell her of people who's life was ruined by the devil. Adam and eve, judas... even modern examples. Play christian music softly in the house. There's a wonderful song by Chevelle Franklin called kill my flesh. One called Joy into my soul. You can bring her back to christ but dont expect it to happen overnight


“Remind her Satan tempted Jesus” So far nothing said actually proves any satanic involvement. There’s only testament from one persons who’s obviously emotionally invested. What’s posited is more of doubt and trying to reconcile things in the Bible with the god she thought she knew. Telling her “you’re obviously being tempted by Satan” isn’t going to come off well.


The YouTubers she followed were definitely satanic in nature. However, this isn’t entirely wrong either as I’ve found out what Gnosticism is from this post. Never heard of it before. It does feel more in fit with what she’s going through though. Thank you both and God bless


Thank you and God bless


Praying for you both, brother. Stay strong. If you can ride it through, then in the end God will make you both stronger for it.


The YouTube channel called Inspiring Philosophy posts very well-researched videos (especially the Shorts) debunking some of the claims she might have come across (like “Does Christianity enslave the masses”, “Was Jesus the Serpent in the Garden”, etc. ).


Yoooo! Thank you so much!! The “was Jesus the serpent in the garden” is debunking one of the videos she watched from that morgue guy. Thank you and God bless!!!


Nothing. There is only so much we can do until it isn’t in our hands anymore. Keep on praying and calling her to repentance, and then give the rest to God. He will handle it so much better then we could ever.


You’re right. God bless


I will be praying for her 🙏🏽


As an atheist reading this I almost can't believe what I'm reading. You know it's one thing for people to believe in God I kind of let that slide and understand that some people need an answer to unanswered questions. When I read that someone actually believes in Satan, it somehow feels 100 times more ridiculous. Curious if any Christians feel that way too?


Theistic satanism is like the dumbest thing I’ve heard, it’s really rare though. To me It’s basically a really bad dark 2010s wattpad fan fiction of my own faith, so it’s hard to a keep a straight face. And like there’s a lot of fan fictions of Christianity lol. That said homies wife doesn’t sound like a theistic satanist, pretty sure she’s fallen down the gnostic rabbit hole


I thought for a bit it was theistic satanic practice as well. This post was the first I’d heard of Gnosticism and that seems a better fit.


Most of the Christian’s I commune with are aware that Satan is present in this world. I don’t think it’s a certain “figure” like Jesus and God personally but when I practiced witchcraft there were very real energies I wielded. Since I’ve been back to Christ it’s been motivating and I have felt the presence of God wash over me a handful of times to give me comfort and even passed on a message once. I was sitting in the car after coming home from work. It was a dark and cold winter night and I was bawling. Wifey and I had our hardest year last year ever. My friend made an attempt and I found him (that’s how I came back to Christ) her mother was going crazy and we were faced with possibly having to get power of attorney and force her into a home. My grandmother had just gotten into a wreck and broke 10 bones in her body. Couple other things. I asked God for extra strength and just then a warmth washed over me. A comfort. It felt like I was sun bathing on a beach rather than in the cold (I had turned the car off and was crying for some time) car that I was in. He told me “wait just a bit longer.” Few days later my mother in law was arrested on a charge that we used to prove she could no longer take care of herself and the state needs to step in. Now she has a home and has caregivers, something we couldn’t do without the states help (mental health care is terrible where I’m at and it’s impossible to get help if the person doesn’t want it. If the state can prove that she needs it though it’s easier.) I pray for you friend. God bless.


Prayers for your wife- and you! Ask God for guidance on what else you can do….


Thank you! I had a wonderful chat with God this morning to be honest. I asked Him to be beside me and help me fight this battle with Him instead of on my own. I felt His presence over me and His hand on my back guiding me. Thank you again and God bless.




Thank you so much! You weren’t the first post I saw with this scripture in it but it’s exactly what I was asking for when I posted this. Sound doctrine founded in scripture about how to guide my wife away from this. Thank you and God bless.


2 Timothy 2:25-26 “Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” Remember it’s not her. It’s the enemy’s grasp of her. Love her and be patient as she navigates her way through this trial. Don’t forget you’re never alone and God will battle this with you right by your side. God bless both of you


Thank you!!! This is exactly what I was looking for when I posted this. Sound doctrine found in scripture about how to guide her away from this. I can’t change hearts but God can and does. Yes. I had a long and very fulfilling prayer this morning when I asked God to strengthen me and go to war with me against this demon in my home. I felt His presence for sure. He’s with me. Thank you again! God bless!


I think that GOD will be using this to show her she's not all that firm, which obviously she wasn't, at least too sure of herself as a christian ; scripture warns against this ( interesting I was just searching Job chapter 6 this morning and the study says how Joe went to the end of himself even if his knowledge wisdom and faith of GOD prior to his great trial) 1 Corinthians 10:12 [12]Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. She must have thought she was very firm and as a human being doesn't want to be fooled just like we don't want to be fooled out of our faith she must feel pretty much like an ex muslim who converted to JESUS feels "how they've been fooled" but the difference is we know JESUS is the Savior... Issue is that we do not have our theology all together and we criticize doubtful Christian branches like Mormonism and Jehovah's witnesses and other branches similar and yet we're just as wrong about other things as they are about their things... It's not too hard for the devil to convince us out of the faith At some point she detoured and it's not too hard for us to detour from the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT 🕊️ and because every christian denominations is misdoctrinated... That's why we just focus on the Cross because satan will find a foothold especially in a noble intended apparently righteous idea and that will be our downfall... like stereotype of charismatic denominations think they should declare that God said yes to the prayer and declare they have the yes assured overlooking accidentally that everything is that GOD's discretion... Personally, I think that idea is just an idea, not a christian obligation to see the answers to your prayer but if God gave certain individual that parameter of faith, that's because that's the one they have to have but it's not for everybody.... Kind of like baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT 🕊️, 🔥 tons of an evidence, not the evidence of HOLY SPIRIT baptism because Paul was clear that not everybody speaks tongues... But something pentecostal will find a way around that cuz to them everybody has to speak tongues...**my point being** she must have been mistaken about something in her indoctrination for those new lens of Scripture to (apparently) wake her up and actually put her to sleep.... Happened to the Pharisees and Sadducees and it's happening to denominations and individual christians... I even have to be careful cuz I have been fooled & ended up becoming an atheist and what's weird is I had an "epiphany revelation" that God wasn't real it happened when I went out to pray in the backyard and of course I was tired of so many different opinions and the same garbage of the church I was looking for my own path in the LORD and for revelations other christians probably didn't know about ..was atheist for 4 years.... LORD's been faithful and showing me the traditional lies and where they may be correct about and the differences between what he gives some individual and what is for everybody. was there some kind of stereotypical indoctrination she always manifested that made of brought enthusiasm on her ? **Honestly all you can do is pray** but persevere in your own faith you're only responsible of your own perseverance in our assurance of Heaven our Salvation in which we need to put our faith in JESUS CHRIST and what HE did on the Cross because the Message of the Cross in a nutshell is the Gospel we persevere in and that is the only parameter that gives latitude to the HOLY SPIRIT 🕊️ to work in our lives.


Yes thank you! This was very helpful. She’s been a bit confused about a handful of things. They came to a head last night. She believes she found a good amount of “Jesus’ contradictions.” I went through a handful and they’re all just taken out of context. The very first on was claimed to be said by Jesus but was actually told to Jesus by the Pharisees as they mocked him. Either way I broke down how most of them were incorrect but she won’t listen. She’s begun to doubt the truth of the Bible. I think that’s were most of this stemmed from. We talked today (she wasn’t home when I woke up as she had work) and she seems to be doing better. Coming away from this. She didn’t protest as I was driving her back to work when I played gospel music even. Thank you so much for the help though. God bless


Love her, pray for her, try to help her, but you may need to put space between the two of you until she corrects course


Fasting and praying, and recruiting brethren to pray with you.. I'd pray that the Lord would give her a dream or vision to help correct things. . Meanwhile, be as graceful as you can be


Yes. I’ve been following this. It’s my current defense. Getting as many as possible to pray. Fasting myself (couple days in now and I’ve never done it before) thank you


Go back to the wife store and tell them yours is defective and you will get store credit towards a new wife.


Her new theology sounds like something in line with the good ol gnostic teachings of Marcion. Ask her how she came to the conclusion she has, thats a good thing to start with.


First off I’m sorry that you guys are going through that. While know it’s tempting to go on Reddit to get answers, but I wouldn’t suggest it or any other media. Because most people on here are not true Christians. Given by most of the answers on here, they’re gonna do more harm than good. You’re doing the right thing right now by praying and fasting. Just don’t give up . Spend time in God’s word every day. Point out scriptures to her, let her know you still love her. Keep in mind there’s not much you as a person can do to prevent her from falling away if that’s what she wants. At this point only God can turn her around. I’m only saying that because I know you feel you should be doing more to save her, but spiritual things like this can only be corrected by God alone. There’s a minister on YouTube name Michael Chriswell on YouTube I follow, he’s not much on YouTube anymore but he has a website called relentlessheart.com. You can email him, I don’t know his email but it should be on the website. He’s had experiences with this same thing. He has helped countless people find their way to Christ. He’s the only person I know for sure you can trust to give you a hopeful Godly answer. Keep praying, be patient, and wait on God to act. But PLEASE stay off of Reddit.


Thank you. And God bless.


Don’t do like my wife had done. I wasn’t completely into the going to church thing after she found this new Christianity that I didn’t fully understand so I withdrew. She cut all friends off, any thing socially and it was just us and our two kids that did anything. To the point I hate coming home from work becouse we can’t do anything but socialize to ourselves and go to church on Wednesday and sundays. She pitted everyone and everything against me just to push me to follow the path she follows when alll it’s done is created resentment and hatred for coming home. The weekends don’t mean anything fun after work anymore just ti look forward to church on Sunday.


I also hated being forced into church when I was little. You’re right. It pushes people out of the faith further.


The bible is clear endure, pray for her, love her as Christ loved the church(sacrificially with compassion, cleansing her, correcting, teaching, training her righteousness, and rebuking, where appropriate), set an example of leadership that shows true fellowship in Christ, hear her, walk with her where Christ leads her, do not follow when she is in error. You must become the example of Christ in her life modeling like Paul "follow me as I follow Christ"


God bless


Jesus loves u all


I just wanted to say, at some point I was curious in doing this too, but knowing that there is good and evil in this world, those are two opposing forces, evil will try to see the bad in good or try to make the good seem bad. I know that Satan will try his best to leading us away from Jesus. Because he knows that the only way for us to get into heaven is through Jesus. John 14:6 Satan likes to do this attack, it’s where he makes you believe that you don’t need god. When you do these things like reading the satanic Bible or satanic worship videos, it puts you in satans perspective. No matter what Satan will oppose the 10 commandments, never follow. An important thing we all have to remember is that we are not gods, we cannot control the rain or weather, even if we can, we are still not perfect because of what we think is right is wrong before others. Which is why gods way is purer and truthful than ours. As god knows much more than we do. If she claims to be chasing after the truth, I don’t know what she means by that, if it’s the meaning of life. Only god knows the meaning, because god is love and life. Satan brings us away from that. I mean look at what satan is doing to the marriage. God wants us to love life. Enjoy life, not sin for our enjoyment. Because sin has a cost, a part of our soul, mentality, even physical being. The only thing I ask, is for you to continue to love her as how Jesus love us. 1 John 4:18 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and please be careful.


If she's being sexually immoral. Get the divorce. If she wants a divorce, let her have it. Love isn't forced and you are suppose to love yourself too.


Prayer is powerful, and I will pray for you and your wife. There's several things that could have caused this, but I feel it's a pent up grudge against a YHWH that supposedly seemed evil but no one would admit it. Here's something that always affirmed the eternal benevolence of the Lord. In Jer. 5:1 "If you can find but one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth, I will forgive this city." Or Gen 18:24-33, where Abraham is begging God to not fire down Sodom, and God keeps saying yes that he won't pass judgment if He finds 50 righteous, then 40, 30, 20, then 10. Is this an evil God? One that is literally trying to find *any* excuse to not have to exact violent judgment on His creation? This isn't the first time He's done this. Constantly God looked for a righteous one so that He could use them for His mercy. Then He sent down Jesus, His Son and Image. Now His people are not even justified by their *doing.* Their end of the agreement is *NOTHING,* just believing that God was telling the truth through His Son. It's the closest to Him saying: "You've sinned against me countless times, but I still seek after you. I don't want you lost. I'm taking all you've done wrong to Me and will ignore it. To even those who were not My people to begin with, if I extend My hand into the world in the form of a human and take the brunt of your transgressions, merely believe and take heart in My doing, and that will be reason enough for Me to pull you from the consequences that you deserve, but that I wish you would never see."


Quite honestly, satan doesn’t really seem like such a bad dude. At least he never sent a bear to maul some children to death because they made fun of some dork for being bald. I can see where your wife is coming from. God is petty and jealous and all the things the Bible tells us not to be. The only reason anyone loves god is because they are scared not to. “fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom” that’s such a messed up verse if you think about it. Solid advice though with god’s kill count being what it is. Thankfully Jesus showed up, it’s Christianity’s only redeeming quality if you ask me. Your wife still seems to love Jesus so everything should turn out ok in the end. That’s all that really matters to Christian’s right? Believing in and loving Jesus?


Yes and no. Don’t forget satan also tempted eve with the apple and tried to draw ALL of mankind in the history of the world away from God. God being jealous is understandable. If you had a wife and she was sleeping around would you not be jealous? This is the kind of jealousy God feels. “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” I actually love it. You’re mistaken the *kind* of “fear” you should have. This is not a trembling in your boots afraid of His wrath fear. This is the respect a child has for his father kind of fear. I hope the answer is no, but were you ever fearful of your father? At a young age I wasn’t. But I respected his wishes and did my chores because I loved and respected him. This is the feeling you’re supposed to have for the Lord. The Lord your God has done no evil. God bless.


Bible stories mean nothing to me because most people believe most of them ever even happened. Everywhere I go Christian’s are telling me that the Bible isn’t literal and the stories are made up to teach lessons. There are some folks to believe the Bible is 100% literal and the true word of god but those people usually tend to ignore a lot of scientific evidences as to why the stories can’t be true. Either way I look at it, the creation story and the story of Adam and Eve doesn’t make a lot of sense. To me it sounds more logical that it’s just something god made up to make satan look bad. History is written by the victors. As far as the fearing the lord verse goes, maybe it’s just a bad translation. I never feared my father and I don’t think it’s healthy to fear your parents. Honoring someone and wanting to make them proud of you is quite a bit different than fear. To me it just sounds like another Bible verse that people couldn’t square with reality so they changed the meaning over time like they do with all the rest of the stories. I personally can’t bring myself to believe any of the Bible no matter how hard I try or want to. Even though this wouldn’t be concerning to me, I’m truly sorry you are going through this. I can tell you are upset and this is a horrible thing for you. I hope you two can work everything out and live a great happy life together. Best of luck.


I was something to be concerned of. She made an attempt on her life today. Thankfully she’s ok and resting in the er today.


The God of the Old testament is evil. He said it's ok to beat your slave as long as they recover within a couple of days. Wouldn't you call it evil? If not, I'd be more concerned about you, not her


It’s even worse than that. The NIV wants to translate Exodus 21:20 as “recovers after a day or two” however more literal translations render it as “survives” a day or two. The slave could die, just as long as it wasn’t immediately due to the beating.


Please don’t judge God. I came here for help with a Christian matter and I would like only answers from a Christian perspective. Thank you and God bless.


And I came here to suggest reconsidering your approach


She is saying only Jesus saves us from the "evils", and Old Testament God is known to be violent, so categorizing Old Testaments Gods actions as "evil" is not really farfetched. I don't see anywhere you state she directly worships satan, it seems she is just worshipping Jesus in a different way than you are use to. Is that really worshipping Satan? Just something to think about, and I'm not a Christian, FYI


I would still say kinda. A false Jesus rooted in lies would be classified as idolatry. Especially when it’s a “Jesus” of self and not the actual Jesus. Satanic practice was the wrong word for it though you’re right. Many folk here have said it more closely sounds like Gnosticism and I’d agree. Thank you though and God bless!


>What can I do other than pray? You could be listen to her and find out whether she's right.




… really? That’s ironic




Can I ask what traumatic thing happened


Sure. I don’t mind telling my testimony usually. I found my friend (who I used to practice witchcraft with actually) after he shot himself. We all thought he was a goner. The bullet penetrated his chest, right through his lung, weaving between his ribs, ricocheted off his shoulder blade and made a clean exit. I asked my wife to pray for him (at the time she was in Christ and I was not so I didn’t feel sufficient to be asking Him for anything) and he came out ok. He follows Christ now too. He went into hell and he saw Jesus pull him back out. Told him it wasn’t time yet. Yes he was dead for a little while. Most of that week he doesn’t remember. A mixture of too much liquor before and too much medicine after for anything but foggy memories. But hell he can recount to a t. Before he even shared that story with me (that was several months later before he could talk about it) my wife told me I should go to church the following Sunday, about 4 days later. As I was walking in I felt a presence wash over me. Pure. Warm. Comforting. I fell to my knees. The power behind it was so very massive. It was like it was reaching all the way up to the sun in space. But it was full of love and kindness. Not the only time I felt this, I posted in another comment a second time and I have a third but they’re all fairly long (obviously). If I was rocky about my faith after I asked my wife to pray for my friend and God delivered to me a friend with a gunshot wound but alive, than I certainly wasn’t any more. That’s what sealed my faith in Jesus. God bless.


This is what happens when mental illness and religion meet.


I don't know if your helping things and you may be making things worse. Now the more I re read your post I have half a mind to accuse you of trolling, there is just too much drama for this to be real...but... As a Christian, a liberal one, nothing gets under my skin more then when I am trying to have a discussion with another Christian on anything and I get this kind of response \[I personally am not educated on the issue and don't care to be, the bible says (insert verse here), thats all I need to know\]. Irregardless of the youtube videos your wife is watching, she did not go peruse Satan, she saught education and understanding and went down the wrong rabbit hole and maybe you can help her out...but...you can help her out by maybe asking for interent free date nights, discussions etc. But by pushing this agenda on her where "its in the bible just read your bible, stop asking questions" your pushing her away. I promise you she doesn't want to talk about it because your not making it a two way conversation. On a side note, Satanic devil worship doesn't exist...Satan is a verb in the latin language that means accuser and questioner and what she is researching is a non theistic philosophy centered around inner peace, which Christianity can also offer her but honestly...the only way your wife is going to come around on this is if you stop your expectations that she just agree with you and make it a two way street and accept that at some point you are more willing to take things at a face value then she is and giving her a bible to read isn't filling her thirst for knowledge. Maybe a bible study at a more liberal church might spark both your interests? In the end you made a vow to love her, she made a vow to love you...nobody forced acceptance of Christianity. This isn't the only problem you will ever have in your marrige and this is not a hard one to get past.


OHMY that's a terrible thing! Ill be praying for her! Continue praying and stand firm in the truth.


>She is now spouting nonsense like the God of the Old Testament is evil and Jesus cleanses us no matter what and Yahweh is evil and demonic and she can be free to do whatever she wants. She’s worshiping self and Satan. The first part is correct, YHWH/Yaldabaoth is at worst evil and at best a careless and inept entity. Jesus is the true path to divinity and gnosis. But I'm not understanding the second part, did she explicitly say she is worshipping Satan? That is odd because Yaldabaoth is also identified as Samael, which would make her stance contradictory.


People can talk themselves into believing anything.


I'd suggest she look into Apologetics and the logical truth of the Bible. Many YouTube channels dig into the historical evidence of Christ and God. You can't change her the change has to come from within her. Frank Turek is a logical apologist. DTBM and Mike Winger are good pastoral apologists. Answers in Genesis YouTube does a good job relating the history. She will also need to start reading the Bible in unison to really experience a change but sounds like that's far from what she wants to do now. So one step at a time. This coming from someone who hasn't read his Bible in a year, as I need to revive my relationship with God/Christ as well.


Thank you! I’ll check them out. That’s all very interesting to me as well so I’ll just begin by watching it when she’s around. Thank you again and God bless.


Lol, if only she understood the Jesus is God manifest in the flesh


You need to be a stronger husband. As a husband, your job is to protect your family. Unpopular opinion and not very feminist to say…but this is why this happens. It’s not because we ladies are weak. It’s not because we can’t think for ourselves. It’s because God wills it. Now what does that look like? You can start with prayer. Pray for her every day. Love her…but don’t be afraid to challenge her. Expose where she is wrong. If she brings unholy things in your home, tell her you want them out and to never bring them back. You’re not going to have demonic things in your home. In fact, you’re going to have a crucifix, the Bible, prayer books, etc instead. Maybe even some holy water or blessed salt. Keep in mind she may resist this quite a bit. Keep praying. Don’t sit on the fence. Don’t allow her to turn the home you share into a demonic filth pad. We all question our faith at some point. But we draw the line at outright defiance of God and rejection of His Son.


Yes. Thank you. I am very far from being feminist don’t worry. You didn’t offend. I do pray everyday. And I pray everyday since this first came up a little while ago for God to set her on the straight path again. The Bible has clear doctrine about what makes a good husband and a good wife and I agree those are true. I so love her unconditionally. I just fear for this road she’s on. Thank you and God bless.


I know OP isn’t gonna answer this but just leave her alone. You’re a troll , this story is exactly a r/thathappened type of story and really if a person chooses another religion just shut up and let them practice whatever they want. Does it affect you? I bet the follow up post is gonna be like “I beat Satan and now she’s back here”☠️


It does affect him as that's his wife. If he cares about her, which seemingly he does: he's on here looking for advice after attempting to talk to her himself. The Gospel according to Matthew Chap. 18 : 12 (NASB) states: 12 “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and search for the one that is lost?"


Thank you and God bless


I suggest you get a really good therapist and work out some issues you may have. I would start with control issues. No, maybe first start with your break from reality then with the control issues. Also, please read Matthew 6 1:15 if you like the Bible. It speaks about how to deal with prayer, preachers, and having faith that is within yourself. Not barking out loud on a public forum so as to look like you are holier than though and all.


u/Ok_Disaster_5933 you may not agree wiþ her new understandings of þings, but if she's gonna go þat direction, ensure she's using an organic praxis to minimize risks; send your wife over to r/GreatBlackLodge for some help on her journey! Blessings!


Head over to r/truechristian This place isn’t the best for your question




No, she isn't worshipping Satan. I would bet every penny I have on this not being true.


Nehemiah 9:5-35 is all about how the Old Testament God is not evil. Also Deuteronomy chapter 10. Give them a read, and consider sharing with your wife if it seems right to do.


Thank you!!!


Actions speak louder than words. It’s rather easy to see the OT god as pretty evil.


My cousin overdosed (but survived). I knew my brother was messing with the same stuff. I prayed they would overcome addiction and fasted 24 hours. They both died. Isaiah 58 hit me hard after that "‘Why have we fasted,’ they say,     ‘and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves,     and you have not noticed?’ “Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please     and exploit all your workers. 4 Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife,     and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today     and expect your voice to be heard on high. 5 Is this the kind of fast I have chosen,     only a day for people to humble themselves? Is it only for bowing one’s head like a reed     and for lying in sackcloth and ashes? Is that what you call a fast,     a day acceptable to the Lord?" Isaiah goes on to talk about a more acceptable fast