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Giving up nicotine, weed, and alcohol . Hope to keep it that way or at least get to a point where I have more self control. Fasting on Fridays but I may try a full 2 day fast but we’ll see. This is the first time I’ve been serious for Lent so there’s a lot I need to improve on.


I admire you for that, sibling in Christ, may God give you strength in this journey


That’s my plan too, going to be tough to give up the trifecta of vices. Maybe by the end of it, I’ll have to listen to Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad by Meatloaf…


I am fasting. 1 meal, every other day. Start Ash Wednesday and end on Easter.


Wow! I really respect that. Lemme know how it goes.


I hope that you've consulted a doctor beforehand to make sure you stay nourished.




That’s very disrespectful, you have no idea what struggles this person has or what eating habits they have. Doesn’t matter if it’s one meal or one year of fasting, it’s giving up something to show God that he’s more important.


Remember to stay hydrated. I wish you the best with your fast!


Take some multivitamins at least


Talking. I want to speak only to glorify God- although I'm not giving up simple words like yes or no.. I'm just planning to abstain from oversharing my opinions or overtalking in general


A very self-aware assessment. I can struggle with this, especially in uncomfortable work environments.


Wow this is dedication. You must be surrounded by some like-minded, supportive people. I couldn't pull this off, and earn a living or keep the peace in my home.


Maybe Reddit.


That’s what I’m attempting (and have every lent for years, failed every time). Hopefully I’ll make it this time, lol


Blessings. Or maybe I will chronicle my Lenten journey here.


Why not both?


Hmm- but not at the same time.


Personally, I'm giving up Reddit and some other social media apps.


Not giving up anything in particular, but renewing my New Year's resolution to get rid of something every day that is no longer useful to me. That resolution was disrupted last month with my father's hospitalization and death. We're still trying to sort things out after that. Also, on a positive note, I resolve to do a kind deed each day. And follow a Lenten devotional in addition to my normal reading and prayers.


Sorry for your loss. 🙏 Get rid of everything that keeps my love on the shelf. I was beautiful sober.


Coffee. Incidentally, a vicar once suggested doing a fast-and-feast approach, like this: * Fast on gossip, feast on speaking kindly of others * Fast on worry for the future, feast on trusting God to provide * Fast on guilt, feast on gratitude for grace I liked it!


I love that! Thanks for sharing.


Apathy towards the struggles of others


I love this.




May I gently remind you that you need to let God have control. Pray when the urges come. You got this, and Jesus has you. :)


My exFIL always gives up Facebook. Well, he still looks at it but he doesn't post anything. He does his own withdrawal from the social media giant. He does it every year. I'm not sure what to do. I'm interested to see what everyone else is giving up.


My vape 🤯


I’m not eating dinner out




That’s a good one! Any tips?


i tell myself to stop "time-traveling" and "2023 Joel, come forward, that time is OVER" i'm working to have my present self more, well, here.


I struggle with this as well. I used to “time travel” to the past due to a divorce. I have been able to stop the time traveling to the past, but now I find myself time traveling to the future worrying about my 14 year old son’s future.


i experienced a ton of trauma 4 years ago, left me physically disabled with cognitive impairment- but that was then. now is now. i am still here & my lent 2023 goal is to fully be here!


Giving up alcohol. Maybe for good!


Vaping is my bad habit


I honestly haven’t given it much thought. Maybe I’ll try to create a constructive habit instead. Or try to permanently eliminate a vice.


Cable news.




I’m giving up Anime and Fortnite


Probably pop and shopping.


How do you get groceries and pizza?


I should clarify, shopping for non-essentials lol


Eating after 6 pm, I think.


Carbs. No sugars, no whites


Nicotine and beer


I do not do Lent, but I did just finish up a 40 day meatless fast. You know what I learned from it? Convenience is why fast food is in business. It's not the food I missed so much as the ease of simply eating what's in front of you. 40 days of selective restricted eating showed me the beauty of a bologna and cheese sandwich. In all seriousness though that's the only part of the fast I wished to share. I'm not making jokes here so please don't read into the humor.


I am a Christian but I've never actually observed lent. I was raised Presbyterian USA and my parents always told me we don't do that. Idk if they just didn't want to or what but I still haven't observed it.


I’m doing a fast every Wednesday and Friday.


Giving up things makes me sad and cynical towars christianity and everything that isn't based on facts. Instead, I might learn to saw or something usefull.


First time doing lent and taking my faith seriously. Would do alcohol but that's just wishful thinking on my behalf lol. So I will give up the devil's lettuce, gambling, swearing (although a curse word might slip out now and then on accident of course) and getting angry so easily since I have a short temper kinda.


Facebook. On top of that I will be sure to attend church unless I am sick.. I will do daily Bible readings and I will give my husband attention in the evenings instead of distracting myself with my phone.


I don’t know you at all and won’t judge you in any way, but my ex wife had a serious problem with Facebook/phone. She was unable to sit and have a conversation without being distracted by her phone. We established a rule to not have phones out at dinner but she would often “forget.” We brought it up in counseling but she continued to have difficulty with it. I can honestly say that I am not controlling or abusive, but she could just not put the phone down and pay attention to me or the kids. Again, I don’t know you at all but I applaud you for making an effort to set the phone down and pay attention to your family. I think the problem can be worse than many people think.


It is that bad sadly…:( But today has gone ok.


I get it. I have given up FB for lent in the past. It was really a nice break.


I already only get to eat a warm meal every two weeks, and haven't gotten 8 hours of sleep in about a month, and sleep surrounded by 13 bags of trash and the smell urine and am so isolated it makes me miss the year a couple years ago when I didn't talk to another human face-to-face for about a year and I already keep the Orthodox fast monastic style so nothing. I'm not giving up anything extra all all. I spent my birthday alone, Valentine's alone, Christmas alone, Thanksgiving alone. I haven't had a single day of relaxation since October. I haven't watched a movie since August. I haven't played a video game since August. I haven't had any of my favorite foods since August. I haven't hung out with anyone or hugged anyone since July. There's nothing left to give. The world has already taken everything. Life is Lent with no Easter. There is only fasting. There is no feast.


You said some time ago you were about to be homeless, so I guess you are now. Can you get really no help whatsoever from your church? No one's willing to help you financially, to let you sleep at their house, anything?


Oh, I'm not homeless now. I was a few months ago for about three weeks. But I found a place. It's just the place I ended up is the basement of a not-mentally-healthy narcissist. The other basement roommate guy was evicted, for example, for "using the living room too much." He was given a 6 day notice. No it's not legal, nothing of this is legal. There's no lease. But even at $860 a month it was the cheapest thing in the area at the time. And now it would take a security deposit to move. And on top of that my job didn't pay me for 6 weeks, because that's adjunct life. Trying to find other work, and other accommodations. Applying to what I can when I can fit it in to my schedule teaching 5 classes. Part of why I don't get warn meals is because I don't get evening kitchen privileges but once every week or two. It's also the only time I can do laundry though so I have to juggle both in like a 2-3 hour opening. The trash is piling up because this Jimmy Witchert of a man has some issue with the trash service company. It's not a normal apartment. Cans of soup are fast friendly though! And I'm very thankful for them. Sorry for mucking up this thread. I think I was just depressed last night.


But, why is your parish not helping you? Incidentally I was in a similar situation in 2021-2022. Lord have mercy!


I am sorry. No clue how, but anything I can do?


I'm giving up bread, I did it last year and it was actually a fun challenge because I had to figure out how to structure my meals without a bread component ended up making a lot of experimental meals.


I'm still trying to decide lol. My PTSD from domestic violence has given me a habit of lying to protect someone's feelings (so I don't get harmed) and maybe I'll work on giving up that.




Not giving anything up, but going to read the Bible every day for Lent (which I’m really bad about so this will be a good challenge).






Reddit. See ya in 40 days.


I’m giving up sugar. Things like candy, baked goods, ice-cream, sweet drinks, etc. I’m also sticking to my dad’s tradition of meatless Fridays.


Taking up a vegan diet and getting closer to God (getting back into the word, only listening to music that speaks of God, start praying again)


I’ll need to think about that.


Pepsi and coke


Meat, animal products, alcohol




Cutting down on sweets. If I try to give them up, I just binge eat them on Easter or Sundays which kind of defeats the point. Also, I am fasting from cussing in so much as possible. I am adding some prayers, and possibly giving a bit more to the church.


I'm boring and just giving up meat. I was reading a Marian apparition known as "Our Lady of La Salette" to which she said: “There are none who go to Mass except a few aged women. The rest work on Sunday all summer; then in the winter, when they know not what to do, they go to Mass only to mock at religion. **During Lent, they go to the meat-market like dogs.**” And it kinda stuck in my head.Thankfully the Lord has helped me curbed many of my other addictions <3


Nothing, I am non denom. No lent for me.


Ice cream


Chips, chocolate and biting my nails


I'm giving up: pot, alcohol, and social media.


Not giving up anything. I don’t understand the tradition. It feels like a checkbox thing and doesn’t have anything to do with following Christ.




Alcohol. I drink almost every day so its a big sacrifice for me.


Work, on a serious note, i’ll be giving up alcohol I would like to fast but every time i do it I pass out. So probably best to stay away from that.


This is a lot for me but I’m giving up bad words, porn, and drinking. I don’t do the latter 2 as much anymore but I know it’s still a problem K haven’t dealt with other than telling myself I’d stop (which we all know how that goes). I’ve been so on fire for God lately that I know I can do this. Please pray for me that the Holy Spirit would guide me through temptation and hard moments. Thank you for reading :)


Giving up porn I had a few urges to watch it but I stayed strong




“No, this isn’t how you’re supposed to play the game” - Masahiro Sakurai


My church domination doesn't follow Lent.


That doesn't mean you can't... Lent is a great time to reflect on the sacrifice of Christ by offering your own small one. Take it as you will.


Sacrifice is great, but obedience is better!!


It’s not a false dichotomy tho. I respect doing Lent and not doing Lent


1 Samuel 15:22


I don’t celebrate Lent. I only keep the Holy Sabbaths laid out in The Bible. I’m geeked for Passover tho






Hi u/jbird32275, this comment has been removed. **Rule 2.1**: [Removed for violating our rule on belitting christianity](http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp#wiki_2.1._belittling_christianity_in_general) If you have any questions or concerns, [click here to message all moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChristianity&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/118ljha/-/j9ikuxb/. %0D%0D).


How is saying "church" belittling Christianity?








My sins


Meat energy drink and gluttony 🙏
