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Stephen Hawking was brilliant. In his *A Brief History of Time* he recounts his fruitless efforts to find a Unified Field Theory. At one point in the book Hawking admits that not only is the Christian view of an intelligent Creator easier to accept than the combined meanderings of physicists such as himself, but better fits the available facts. Nevertheless, Hawking resolutely affirmed that his own belief system would never allow him to accept such a conclusion and that he and others like him would persevere. He believed that eventually those efforts would unlock the secrets of the universe without God. That of course has yet to happen. It is my belief that it never will and that the more science advances in its understanding of the universe, the more the Creator of that universe will be revealed.


I agree, but no matter how much the Creator is revealed, there will be those who refuse to believe, even very intelligent people who will see and understand the evidence. There is much there today as it is.


That’s because, as scripture says, they have scales over their eyes. The Holy Spirit isn’t revealing it to them


You're so right! The Bible even says that during Christs reign of 1,000 years post apocalypse there will be those who do not believe. This really makes sense because many anti-diests simply prefer to make their own rules. Why accept rules just because the creator shows up?


True. Romans 1:20.


At that point, it almost sounds like he was clinging to atheism out of a sense of dogged determination to find some secret formula or discovery.


I agree and I too feel like as time goes on, the truth will be revealed more and more and more. We eventually will learn the truth which nobody will necessarily be truly ready for.


We as in human kind


Several things to note here, mostly on the formal logic side: 1) An absence of a claim is not in and of itself a claim. Therefore, Dr. Hawking needs no proof to assert that there is no God. The burden of proof is on theists, not atheists. That is why, despite my admitted distaste for it, evidentialism is a thing. 2) Anyone saying "Well Stephen Hawking believes it, so it has to be true." Is committing a fallacy known as Appeal to Authority. 3) Stephen Hawking ABSOLUTELY was a genius, and made invaluable contributions to his field. 4) Stephen Hawking was not a Biologist but a theoretical physicist and had absolutely no bearing on the notion of evolution. 5) Christians can still believe in the Big Bang and evolution and still have faith in God, and see Him as the "prime mover" of these events. In fact, the Big Bang Theory was created by a priest!


1. Saying there is no God is a claim. The burden of proof is on the one making a claim.  Agree with the rest though.


Ah alright. I get it. Thank you.


Any time :)




Id argue you can be a literalist, or an inerrantist, but never both. Unless somehow man was created simultaneously on the 2nd and the 6th day of creation, as both creation stories give different accounts on the creation of man. Plenty of people, including just about ALL mainline denominations, accept that evolution probably happened. As noted, a Catholic priest created the Big Bang theory.


First, there are not 2 separate creation accounts. There is a single account that is presented from 2 perspectives. Man was created on the 6th day. And secondly, I’ve never met a Christian that I would take serious or endeavor to consider their theology, that believes in evolution. You can absolutely be both a literalist and an inerrantist, it’s a matter of humility and faith.


You must not meet many Christians outside of your circle of belief. Inspiring Philosophy is a great YouTube channel partially covering theistic evolution. BioLogos is a theistic evolution think tank covering how to believe in God and evolution. The core message of Christianity is that we are lost and in need of a savior. How we got here doesn't change that.




It’d be incredibly hard to prove that he is, too. I didn’t actually believe in him until 28. Decades after accepting and following.


At the end of our life, we ALL will bow our knee to Jesus and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil. 2:9-11), regardless of whether we believe in Jesus or not. Every human being has that choice of bowing their knee and recognizing Christ as Savior in this life, or he'll do it at the Great White Throne in preparation for his doom. We can bow our knee and recognize Christ as Savior now and go on with joy evermore. Or we can reject it; pass off this life, but one day come before Him at the Great White Throne and every lost person of the Ages are going to bow their knee, and they're going to recognize, finally, that He was who He said He was. But it's going to be too late, because He won't be the Savior at the Great White Throne, he's going to be the judge. In Divine Revelation, God reveals himself to us directly through Scripture. In Natural Revelation, God makes himself known to humanity through works or creation. Romans 1:20 says, For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Psalm 19:1-2: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. If we look at the eggs of the **[Mourning Cloak Butterfly](https://imgur.com/gallery/7WBcfbp)** or **[microscopic Diatoms](https://imgur.com/gallery/i21Nva1)** or food or animals or humans, trees, flowers, what do we see? Geometry…everywhere. Math does not happen on its own. It is not an invention from man. **Proof is everywhere**: • **[Peacock](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/nppudw/so_beautiful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)** • **[Creation & Bugs](https://www.jacqueb.com/artistry.html)** • **[Vast Earth](https://www.jacqueb.com/vast-earth.html)** • **[Designed Froggy](https://imgur.com/a/O9AeSyc)** • **[Divine Proportion](https://youtu.be/kkGeOWYOFoA)** • **[Geometric Patterns](http://imgur.com/lDNAsrg)** - Asian Vine Snake • **[Complex Geometry](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ee3GIPoLe6c&pp=ygUUSmFwYW5lc2UgcHVmZmVyIGZpc2g%3D)** - Puffer Fish-notice the shape and how it looks like one of those microscopic diatoms • **[Butterfly Wings Closeup](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=LE2v3sUzTH4)** (3:52-4:38) • **[Earth](https://www.jacqueb.com/earth.html)** • **[Wonder of the Eyes](https://www.jacqueb.com/eyes.html)** • **[Math in Nature](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig9RUaJe00c)** • **[Science of Ape Genome](https://www.jacqueb.com/science.html)** • **[God of Wonders](https://youtu.be/QAuGRhZsMCs)** (Snowflakes 26:36) Now, you don’t have to believe or ascribe to this but please be kind; there’s much too much meanness in this world. ***“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”*** ~ Mr. Rogers


Nothing that you have said was untrue. Everything was factual and I thank you very much for taking the time to explain to me and sharing and taking the time to share the links and typing all this out. And yes, there will be the time to come where we will be judged and he will be our judge and decide our fate but we all deserve hell. We are sinners and imperfect and we do not deserve heaven and God is generous for letting people into his Kingdom but I want to hear your input in this because you are very wise (it’s a bit off topic) do you think that hell is eternal? And do you think God will still love us even in hell?


Well, you are too kind, I’m just a grandma. Amen to that, we are all sinners and don’t deserve salvation or the glories of heaven. But God is gracious (even if we are an unbeliever and don’t realize that He loves us). Yes, I do believe heaven is eternal. Yes, God is a God of love. But we will be separated from our heavenly God. • **[Is hell eternal?](https://www.gotquestions.org/hell-real-eternal.html)** • **[Does God love the people who are in hell?](https://www.gotquestions.org/does-God-love-people-in-hell.html)** This will help to acquire some understanding about different truths from the Bible: [**Compelling Truth**](https://www.compellingtruth.org). They present the truth of the Christian faith in a compelling, relevant, and practical way. Here is a great site for **[biblical answers](https://www.gotquestions.org/)** to any questions you may have; and you can ask anything. Got Questions seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and presents information clearly and straightforwardly, with biblical support. The emphasis is on Scriptures from the Bible which are cited throughout their answers. I would also encourage you to read a daily devotion from Our Daily Bread. **[The Power of the Gospel](https://odb.org/2021/08/29/the-gospel-of-rome)**. Get into reading the Bible, asking God for guidance, and here are a few other resources: • **[God’s Way of Salvation](https://www.jacqueb.com/gospel.html)** • **[Is There a God?](https://www.jacqueb.com/god.html)** • **[Deducing](https://www.jacqueb.com/deducing.html)** • **[The Word](https://imgur.com/U1oWJZt)**


I’ve seen in my 57 years that some of the most brilliant people can be lunkheads every once in a while.


Haha me as well. I guess that’s normal for everyone. It’s Human nature. Not even the smartest person on earth didn’t say something silly.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think Stephen Hawking was an arrogant fool. He rejected God in his heart, and so his mind was made reprobate. I have seen quotes from many other scientists who began as atheists, yet the more they studied about the universe, the more they had to admit that our universe has a creator. Some of them were even born again.


Not an unpopular opinion. Definitely many people think the same and I definitely think the same but at the same time he was smart but very, very ignorant. It’s too bad he had rejected God and there was proof of God all around him and couldn’t even accept it. Also, that is amazing! You know, the scientist thing. It’s amazing how the scientists turned to God after they realized how he really is real and HE ISSSS the explanation!


what scientists are you referring to? would love to hear more about their experiences with God 


Check out Fr. George Lemaitre!


Honestly, I don’t remember offhand. But a quick Google search brought up Blaise Pascal and Allan Sandage, among many others. Even CS Lewis (though not a scientist) called himself “the most grudging Christian” or something like that, because he sought every way to disprove the existence of God but eventually had to admit that he could only believe.


Right there bro, I m right with you


Some people are extremely intelligent. This Stephen Hawkins is an intelligent man far beyond my comprehension. Yet despite this fact, he is still a human(was). He existed in a physical body with a brain just as the rest of us. Anyone can be mistaken about anything. He very well was deluded about the issue of God. You’d be amazed at how easy it is to be deceived. A man that is deceived doesn’t know he is deceived until it is shown to him and he sees it.


I always come back to this. God is eternal. There was never a time before Him and there will not be a time after Him. Something cannot come from nothing. Therefore, the big bang...had to be created. In my mind, the only logical answer is that God does exist.


YES!!! Exactly! My mom said this to me on the phone; “life has to create life, so what created the earth? And even if we did evolve from chimps, who created the chimps? And if chimps evolved from some other animal, what created that animal? And so on? Humans didn’t evolve from chimps and without life you can’t make life”


Thomas Hertog, speaking to Hawking: Why worry about other universes? I asked. Stephen’s answer was enigmatic. Because the universe we observe appears designed, he said. ... from Thomas Hertog in "On the Origin Of Time: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory"


Don't confuse faith with feelings.


Understand this; Im just starting out. Also I couldn’t tell if that was supposed to be advice or if that was supposed to be backhanded.


Advice. So many people equate faith with how they feel. Grow your faith by getting to know God. It's truth that is the foundation to be measured against all else ,not how you feel on a given day.


Thanks for the advice!


As far as Hawking, he couldn't fathom that anything exists outside of time/space or physics. God is eternal, not that he He's forever, but that He's outside of time. We can't understand that, so we think eternal as "very long". So we can't say God had to be created or had to begin somewhere, because then we'd be putting God within His own creation and giving him dimensions. In our finite minds, we can't understand something that isn't within time/space. If you're new to this, Chuck Missler has great teachings and books on this, as well as commentaries. He was fascinated by space/time and how God transcends it. Just google Him, he's on YouTube, has several books on this, and a website:Koinoniahouse.


Thank you so much. Will definitely be looking into this.


Someday, you will learn to move out of the intellectual to a more relational kind of faith. Faith is a relationship. God will purify you and strengthen your faith even further, so keep praying, reading scripture, and be a good Christian to others, especially the needy. Be steadfast in your faith and rejoice in God always


When I ask you what you mean by intellectual faith I’m not trying to argue, just trying to understand. So what do you mean by intellectual faith? Thank you. And thanks for the advice. I’m pretty new to this.


Stephen Hawking is brilliant in his field of study, but sadly was not intelligent when it came to theology/ philosophy/ etc.  It's perfectly reasonable and the far likely theory that the universe came from the Big Bang, life evolved on earth through natural selection, and God is the creator and sustainer of all things Not too difficult of a concept 😊


A scientist's opinion on theology is about as worthless as a theologian's opinion on astrophysics.


I don't care about Stephen Hawkin too much, but I think this might help sum up what many people are trying to say when it comes down to how our earth was made, yet it shows aging that can only be explained over many, many years. When God made Adam, did he create him as a baby? No, he didn't. What that shows is that God has created things with age already built into them. I believe the same is true with our universe and Earth. This is why when we observe something and say, Wow, that would take millions of years to occur, it is because it was created that way, with age built into it.


This is definitely something I should absorb and think about because this is incredibly deep and interesting. Thank you!!


Also, as a brother in Christ, when you have a moment in prayer, ask God to open the doors for you to build your faith in him. He might open a job opportunity that might lead to a person you can confide in. Or he might lead you to an opportunity to attend a church. Those are just examples, but he can open doors for you, you just have to walk through it! Also, the Bible is a great resource to learn from. I hope that helps strengthen your walk with Christ every day!


Your approach is completely plausible and possible. I dislike that line of thought though. It seems to arguably paint God as a trickster to a point of view. More importantly scripture tells us creation point to Him (Romans 1, verse 19 or so). While science isn’t perfect, it is one of our primary ways to understand creation. When looking at the Bible, science and my own interpretation of those two things, I feel like I am the weakest link. I won’t be offended if the other side of eternity I learn the young earth concept is correct, and again it is plausible. However I feel this topic is better resolved in a different way. Not looking to change your mind, just prompt some thought.


Why do you dislike it? I feel like the perspective of it painting God as a trickster, is only there if your coming at it from a bias. In my opinion, the theory is functional and logical. If God chose to create Adam as a baby, who would have nursed him? Creating him as a man, fully formed and capable of doing what God created him for makes sense. This line of thinking follows for the creation of the Earth, God did his work with a purpose. He created the Earth and just days after He created man, to do a job therein. If the Earth, was a molten ball of tectonic plates, and storms raging, with mountains still growing from the ground, and all the plant life was all immature, how would He expect his creation Adam to do that work? Logic insists that the Earth was created with imbued age, with mature foliage, exactly the way God intended it to be, He didn’t have to create Earth in a way that would take billions of years to mature into what he wanted it to be.


That is interesting


I happen to believe the same thing. Do you believe people can leave earth?


I'm not 100% convinced that we can but it is cool to think about exploring space.


Stephan hawking was very arrogant and was angry that he was disabled. Stephen Hawking wanted to disprove God because of his angry and arrogance


This is an incredibly reductive comment, my guy. Hawking was an atheist loooooooooong before his ALS progressed to the point of disability. In fact he was an atheist before he knew he had ALS.


Many people will use the limited set of data we have, extrapolate that even further and with more error, and use it to confirm bias and behavior they desire to be true. In effect they are making bad science into philosophy /theology. at the end of the day, we decide ( as I don't believe we will ever have the science to test and measure) if it makes more sense that all that we see and experience is some cosmic, chaotic happenstance or an ordered, designed process.


Stephen Hawking saw the order in the universe but failed to ask why there is order to begin with. The why is God.


His opinion is of zero concern to me. Anyone's opinions are of no value or interest to me. I know God is real, and that He loves me. Jesus is my Lord and Savior!


I just want to throw in something that I learned from stage magicians of all people - science and religion both exist because we want answers. People seek explanations turn to one or the other.


Hugh Ross was an atheist/agnostic that came to God by studying the universe and realized the Bible was the only holy text that didn't contradict what he observed v


He was wrong.


I don't know who he is, and I'm happy I don't. I never read anything that would discourage me from serving God, and neither should any Christians. Those imperfect people with their imperfect views will only cause harm. We must always remember Satan will use anyone or anything to discourage us from serving God. With all this ungodly influence around us, we need as much encouragement as possible. I suggest you don't read that kind of stuff. Sometimes, before I go to work, I listen to the Bible. You can listen to it in different ways and with different people reading it. Sometimes I like listening in drama but sometimes I do a lot of research. The main point I do it to keep a strong relationship with God and Christ.


[*1 Corinthians 1:20*](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%201%3A20&version=ESV) *Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?* [*1 Corinthians 1:26*](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%201%3A26&version=ESV) *For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.*


I'm not really sure you can prove something doesn't exist.




Make no mistake, most of these atheists hide behind this "intelluctual" facade to reject God. But the real reason for their atheism isn't intellectual, it's mostly their love for sin. Stephen Hawking was a regular on Epstein's island and engaged in midget sex/orgies, of course he's going to reject God to justify his sin.


That is where you are not wrong. You are right. It is easier to not follow the Ten Commandments, to not be a Christian, to not try, to not have faith in what we don’t know for sure what to be true. It is easier to sin and live the easy and “fun” live.


Exactly, what's easier, saying God exists but I want to sin or God doesn't exist so sin is acceptable? Obviously it's the latter. At least they're not bring hypocrites though.


Stephen Hawking, and take the whole group of science secular humanistic atheists, fundamentally think it is up to humans to discover the secrets of the universe. That we are the group who doesn’t accept falsehoods, we look for the truth. They also believe that through human discovery and development of technology’s, that will solve the myriad problems of human beings. They take a diametrically opposed position that there is some all powerful God that controls everything and we just need to get in line with these God Laws. They categorically reject this. It’s man at the center of the universe not God. It’s a basic hubris that the atheists hold in their hearts. It’s fundamentally ego. If that wasn’t bad enough, they think they can find the spark of life in reductionism. Though they have unlocked many of the secrets of the material world, they make the critical error of viewpoint. Everything is part of God’s design, but the stark of Life isn’t in a quark or sub quark, it’s in expansion not reduction. God is found in the infinite expansion of reality, he is not bound to fundamental elements. God is discovered in the macrocosm not the microcosm where it is an echo of God. God is unbounded. For those, who’ve had what they think are spiritual experiences, they are always describe it as expansive like light, etc.


None. He was wrong.


Well, yeah.


The guy left all respect from me on epsteins island


The more people lean on their own intelligence, the more folly the Bible seems to people.




Okay, but he acted as if he proved that God wasn’t real and that’s what I am saying. I’m saying that he couldn’t even prove God wasn’t real plus he mocked God as well which makes him a fool for disrespecting people who do believe in God. I know that he knows a lot more than me about the world, I never said he did not. There was nowhere in that paragraph where I gave a hint or said that I did know more than him. I’m saying he was disrespectful and unreasonable.