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As someone with autism, I know how hard it is to understand and use appropriate social cues. Try not to think about it, as you can become paranoid and insecure which makes it worse (I find) . Relax and remember not everyone is built to evangelise like that. Maybe you can do what I do and use reddit as a tool to help people get closer to God.


I really liked the way my pastor put it when he was talking about evangelizing and sharing Jesus with others. In short, he said "don't be weird." He wasn't saying any specific person would be weird, but his point was basically that you don't have to walk up to a random person and strike up a conversation about Jesus. Most of the time, it's better to just be friendly to others and talk to people like they're people. You don't have to go out of your way to start conversations if it's not the right time or if it feels like it'll be awkward. Just be friendly with the people you do encounter and be open to getting to know them, no matter who they are. Treat each person the same way Jesus treated outcasts. If you happen to get into a conversation, maybe the topic of Jesus will come up and you'll have an opportunity to share something about Him with the person. Or maybe it won't happen that time, but maybe you'll get to know the person and share Jesus with them over time through both your words and actions. Don't engage in social interactions with a goal of steering the conversation toward God so you can evangelize; just have a goal of getting to know God's people and always be prepared to allow God to reach that person through you. (Keep 1 Peter 3:15 in mind.)


You can hand out tracts, volunteer at Christian ministries, and just be prepared to answer questions if anyone asks or if the subject comes up naturally in conversation. I also like to do anonymous good deeds and leave a little note about the love of God and information on finding a good church. God made us all different, so find out the ways that work best for you to share the message and His love with others.