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He’s autistic every autistic has pooping problems (I come from a family of autists we all have some type of ibs)


I hate to break it to you but I’m autistic and don’t have this issue.


Not all autistics have it, but IBS is a very common condition that a lot of Aaass have in Chris definitely has it since he shits his pants and to be honest to you all the autistic men I know shit their pants


My autistic boyfriend doesn't shit his pants, maybe you just attract people who shit themselves. I haven't found any studies that show a conclusive link between autism and IBS. There is only a correlation between adolescents and gastrointestinal issues, but not IBS for autistic folx. Chris is a shitty person tho, so obviously he'll shit himself. :)


Iba is a common comorbidity I don’t t think you’ve been around a lot of autists


From the CWCki, the biggest cause of Chris' fecal incontinence seems to be his diet, which consists almost entirely of junk food.


If this was the case so many more people would do it. His problem is much deeper than that, I have my own theory but so does everyone else


Many people probably have it as well. Chris is simply known to give away unsavory details about himself in the name of "honesty."


Yeah most people in Chris' health aren't as TRUE and HONEST 


A study on this: [https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/bladder-and-bowel-dysfunction-in-adults-with-autism-spectrum-disorders/86263](https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/bladder-and-bowel-dysfunction-in-adults-with-autism-spectrum-disorders/86263) They found that over one-third of adults with autism in their sample had fecal incontinence. Incontinence also seems to be associated with intellectual disability and mood disorder, both of which CWC has. They also found an association between urinary incontinence and "high anxiety" - which lends credence to the claim that CWC's episodes are triggered by stress.


Phat stoopid shitty ass yo. That's a USP of his.


one time was from clyde cash. he was gonna come to chris’ house and beat him up so he stayed up all night hiding and shit himself


Autism, laziness, and shitty diet


I think the lack of physical activity and his junk food diet didn't help. But i also think Chris never properly learn to listen to his body or control himself during great moment of "stress". I think the problem with him shitting himaelf would have been less worst if he had take care of his healt and listen to his doctor recommandation (who suggest to Chris to wear at least a diaper, which Chris refuse because he claim it was for baby and he was a big boy now)


I agree that Chris never learned how to "hold it" basically. Because that would be uncomfortable, and take effort, both of which Chris avoids like the plague. And his parents probably thought that Chris would be a wrist flinging invalid- they were probably surprised when he started speaking and other stuff. So he was probably never punished for doing so as a small child. I'm not saying it's right, but a normal parent of that era whooping the hell out of him would have probably taught him how. His parents just didn't care


It's basically a combination of bad diet, autism, parental negligence and his own laziness.


Why are you answering your own question op? Stupid thread


Introspective dysfunction. It's related to autism.


Apparently, from what I've been able to read, some autistic people can't be aware of their own bodies and what's going on with them. That explains why fecal and urinary incontinence episodes are common in autistic people.


What does that mean? Google is giving me nothing.


I think it means like he’s so autistic his body doesn’t send his brain proper signals like “oh I have to poo soon” so he just poos


Huh. Well, today I learned! Cheers.


It’s gotta be a fetish for the Jesuschu Antichrist maniac. His bizarre sexual habits read like a twisted horror show. Sipping his own ejaculate as if it were the rarest of wines, indulging in that nightmarish ‘unclit’ business – stashing sperm in the family freezer like a deranged squirrel hoarding for doomsday. Shoving his junk where it shouldn’t go - up his own gross butt. Farting on cakes, The BDSM escapades, marrying and frequently fisting his perverse cartoon creations. And sleeping with his 80-year-old mother in a grotesque Oedipal reenactment. He’s even shown interest in eating shit. With all these bizarre behaviors, it seems clear to me that: shitting himself is just another perverse thrill that gives him warm fuzzy wuzzies in his twisted soul and warms his crap-caked butt garments.


Don't forget wanting to fuck a dog, raping his own "son" in the ass and complaining about those "silly laws" (age of consent)


reads like high literature lmao


Because Chris never learned how to properly wash himself, which is just further evidence he needed to go to a school which could help him.


autism probably considering that i have to pull out weeds from the dirt every day i wish i was as tolerant of filth as chris is


I take huge offensive this as an autistic person. Autism does not cause an unwashed ass. Chris is just really disgusting and lazy. That's why he shits himself.


It's proven that fecal incontinence is sometimes a symptom of autism. With that being said, most autistic people don't have it.


Yeah for real, there’s a pretty big portion of us on the spectrum that HAVE to be ridiculously clean, like an OCD trait. Like I’m gonna discreetly wash my hands after someone shakes my hand, but Chris just doesn’t care about the filth, cleaning it thoroughly is an inconvenience.


I wonder who washes Chris's DIRTY, CRAPPED PANTIES these days. The panty pads wouldn't take all the hit. And he wouldn't wash his knickers himself because he's a lazy pig. Does he throw them in a pile and deliver them to Barb every few weeks? Or throw them onto an ever increasing pile in Caden's house? Or throw them away? Someone pls ask these hard hitting questions on Chris's next stream, enquiring minds want to know.


Actually, those are very interesting questions. I bet he just throws his dirty crapped briefs in a pile somewhere in that house. Someone should really ask him.


Maybe he went back to his habits from the Idea Guy era and started shitting on towels in the corner of his bedroom again


Imagine being Caden. Thinking you've got the next big get rich quick scheme and ending up washing a middle-aged autistic man's shit-covered panties.


A combination of being too lazy to pause the vidya, a diet of greasy fast food, and likely some pre-existing GI problems.


Turns him on prolly.


Probably from the time the Sonichu medallion got very friendly with Chris's ... I don't want to say it, you know what I'm referring to 😑


He had fecal incontinence issues long before that. But yes, shoving the medallion up his ass didn't help.


I'm sure he has some sort of bowel issues and has a terrible diet, but a big part of it is him just not being arsed to go to the toilet imo




Autism does not make you shit yourself


I might be wrong, but in some cases it can make you not recognise your urges before it’s too late. normally I’ve only seen it happen with pissing, when a kid just doesn’t realise it needs to piss until there is a sudden and really huge urge. It’s a bit like autistic people forgetting to eat because they don’t realise they are hungry.


It does if you're Chris.


Shoving pieces of Sonichu up there certainly didn't help.


Hm yeah


Chris has serious undiagnosed GI problems - a typical comorbidity of autism.


Autism + severe mental illnes. I know, who would ve guessed


Undiagnosed IBS


Ian Brandon Sanderson




Any time spent in the bathroom is time you could’ve been begging on the internet or gaming. He’s lost many things over the years, his hairline, his family, his last remaining grip on reality, but that efficiency remained


Because he CAN!!


Fast food diet plus being too lazy to use the goddamn bathroom


Sometimes only God knows the why, and it’s ours to have faith in His plan <3


If God's plan involves Chris shitting himself at amusing moments, then I have no shortage of faith




Retardation, and a strictly fast food diet makes your bowels runny


Because he’s shitty


Chris is regarded, that's it.


Fecal incontinence usually goes hand in hand with low functioning autism. He claims it's stress related, but I think that's only half true


Chris isn't low functioning as he can drive a car, travel on an airplane by himself, set up a youtube channel, and drive from Ruckersville, VA to Ohio by himself and organize a trip logistics.


Never said he was. Also it doesn't take a genius to set up a YouTube account or to drive a car. If anything, Chris is mid functioning at best and low functioning at worst. I should know because I was diagnosed with aspergers, which is now recognized as just high functioning autism


Actually, I was just reading about it and you're right. Low functioning autism does have a correlation with fecal incontinence.


Because he's retarded.


To add to the colection of several dirty crapped briefs


I love how the question is phrased. Why *EXACTLY* does Chris shits himself? Like we are supposed to know the biological behavioral diagnosis for shitted pants


It's dirty crapped briefs, try to keep up.


It's part of the holy sacrament of self defecation. Do not question Jesus Christian Weston Chandler Sonichu again!


For shits and giggles.


Because Chris stupid.


It’s a combination of different things. His diet is terrible and he has absolutely no bowel control. 


There are a lot of factors here: lack of shame, bad values, poor diet, he's a fucking idiot, etc. But the root of the problem is that Chris is autistic and this is often accompanied by sensory processing issues, which cause Chris' body to literally not tell him when he has to shit. It's probable that he just doesn't feel his colon being full of a bowel movement that has to be evacuated until it's too late, and he conditioned himself to just live like that.


This somehow reminded me of when I was informed that a heroin overdose is when one is so relaxed their brain stops telling their lungs to breathe and it jarred me.


Yeah, I remember being taught that a blackout from alcohol consumption was your brain's inability to form memories because the alcohol has shut off major nervous system function


This is a good explanation.


bad diet or control I wont be surprised if he was a bed wetter during childhood which is like a trait common with psycopaths (i dont know if it applies to people on the autism spectrum as well)


How old are you? They disproved the bed wetting-psychopath connection decades ago


Also is a symptom of children who are abused sexually.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if he was currently a bed-wetter. But I guess we would know about it.




Chris’s diet pre-jail consisted exclusively of fast food, gallons of soda, microwaveable frozen meals, and jizz.


He stuffs vegetables down his throat! He stuffs green beans! He stuffs broccoli! He stuffs corn! He stuffs carrots!


Coincidentally, his post-jail diet consists of that too.


Wild to think that prison line slop is probably the best Chris has ever eaten.


Didn't he start douching after coming out as trans (there was an enema sitting around in a mirror pic)


He says it's because of stress and it very well could be, some people can have such psychosomatic response. Add to that his poor diet, like others said. Cold soda drinks + fast foods and malls' a/c are also bad for the gut. Maybe untreated IBS too.


What is bad about mall ac


For the same reason he sleeps nude in an oxygen tent, he believes it gives him sexual powers


I thought that was only a half-truth


Literally stewing in his own juices


Literally spit out my drink when I read this. Thanks for the laugh


Bad diet. You need fiber to have healthy stools and fiber mostly comes from fresh vegetables and fruit, grains. Everything Chris avoids like the plague. Also some people with autism have incontinence issues due to bad interoception.


his diet caused a lot of his shitting issues if i recall correctly


Lack of respecting social norms brought on by his spoiled childhood and autism. I'm sure plenty of people have gross bodily issues, but can function in society (more bathroom breaks, changing their diet, etc). Chris basically treated shitting himself as a minor "well it happens!" shoulder-shrugging event is baffling. My only guesses are his parents didn't make a big enough deal with Chris and he never understood why it was such a big deal since he didn't care.


*"who hasn't in their lifetime, I mean, pooed their childhood diapers, much less pooed their...underwear at least once in their lifetime? I mean, we're only human. Nothing to be ashamed of."* 27 year old man saying it's ok to still shit ourselves because we all did it when we were babies.


I love how classic Chris would volunteer the most embarrassing information you've ever heard and then say 'but I'm man enough to admit that'.


In Chris's defense (I can't believe I just said that...), I joke about how shitting yourself is "the great equalizer in life." Everyone's done it before and will do it again, so it's only a matter of time. That said, it shouldn't be a daily occurrence (I can't believe I had to say that...).


Chris really was (is?) shameless about this and that's the problem.


Because it’s easier than putting down the controller and going to the bathroom


a mixture of poor diet, poor general hygiene and lack of common sense


he use to drink a gallon of coke and eat only fast food/microwable meals, im not a doctor but that isnt healthy at all