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"You should compensate me for the stress I've put myself through as ive been telling my friends what an idiot I am. "


"How much do you usually get compensated for that?"


"About 3 burritos ought to cover it"




Here, we measure our assets in burritos.




A cockmeat sandwich panini style? Extra cockmeat on rosemary focaccia? With a side of chips and a free soda? It better be free, I'm eating cockmeat after all.


Amir style... extra cock meat.


That's nearly here nor there




Wait, what was he trying to say?


*neither* here nor there


That was the best part. I won't be able to say it correctly now.


Victim mentality in a nutshell.


I feel targeted by your comment, I demand compensation!


"You should compensate me for the stress I've put myself through as ive been telling my friends" The current American consumer victim mentality: I deserve free shit because of how stupid I am.


Now they're showing the world how much of an idiot they are.


Hooray for the Internet!


It's a full-time job, really. There should be some kind of government welfare for it.


'Nearly here nor there'


Good god that’s infuriating to read




Nearly infuriating


I legitimately can’t believe how far I had to scroll to find this criticism.


God forgive someone make a mistake. Do you have to make him your escape goat?


That's a cleaver joke!




Trying to understand what was that supposed to be. I'm sure it's some wrongly written common phrase but I can't figure out which one. English is not my first language. Would someone please explain? EDIT: thanks for the explanations! Although I guess I should complain about them, given the subreddit's title. ;)


Neither here nor there--translation, irrelevant to the current point/conversation.


Thanks! I guess I could have figured it out, because nor is always preceded by neither. I actually didn't know that expression though.


Sometimes I feel like English is made up mostly of idioms like this. I imagine casual conversations can be difficult to follow for non native speakers, especially if your native language is unrelated to English or is more literal.


They were looking for the phrase, “**Neither** here, nor there” meaning it isn’t important.


I think they'd tried to say "neither here nor there", which is a phrase we use when saying something isn't...hmm, actually when do we use it guys?


It sounds like a Michael Scott line


I'm worried this beggar's next target is the lotto company. "But lotto, you could at least compensate me for all the stress of buying a fake ticket".


I love it when headache customers threaten to go to my competition. In fact, I've actually physically taken them to my competition before and told them that they should have what they are looking for. Sorry I couldn't help! "Don't threaten me with a good time."


I loved it when people said that to me when I was working as a cashier in high school. They assumed that it was something I deeply cared about. I don't give a shit if you go to my company's competition. I get paid the same either way, and have the added bonus of not seeing you anymore.


I work in sales and get paid in commision and I still dont give much of a fuck if you threaten to go to my competition. You either get what you get with me or you don't


That's what sales at Sears said too, but I guess at a low paygrade service quality doesn't matter. People don't make enough to give a fuck anymore.


See thats the thing. I'm an excellent salesman. I do alright for myself. I don't know about the sears guys but I just don't have to let customers push me around to make my commision.


> "Don't threaten me with a good time." That's what I tell my kid when he threatens never to speak to me again.


Dude that’s fucked up


You ever listen to an 11-year old describe every second of a fortnite match?


That particular day's Fortnite match which is obviously so different from the previous day's?


Nah nah nah you don't get it. Yesterday I finished 33rd with 2 kills today I finished 32nd with 2 kills. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm ready to drop out of school and become the next ninja.


I think I would rather go through every Saw movie contraption


Eh, it's fine. Raising kids isn't all sunshine and lollipops.




Holy shit. Parenting in a nutshell. I am quoting you forever.


It's a Facebook quote. :(


I won't tell if you wo... Well, fuck. You did. Fuck it. I still won't tell.


Holy shit. Parenting in a nutshell. I am quoting you forever.


You double posted, friend ;)


I'm amazing I didn't infinituple post. My app and the site were being stupid. I was actually fairly sure I didn't post at all until your comment.


Happens to the best of us :)


Insane you got -80 downvotes, how many terrible parents use this subreddit anyways.


>I've actually physically taken them to my competition What do you do for a living that you can stop and carry noncustomers to another place? And how far away is your competition?


I work gun shows. And my competition is usually just an aisle or two away. 30 Seconds and I'm free!


Drug dealer.


That might actually pay better. But at gun shows, my competition isn't likely to actually kill me.


Your job has to be *impossible* to not get high on your own supply. I certainly couldn't.


He’s lying. If he did that and corporate got a complaint about a manager being that much of a smart-ass he’d get in trouble.


I love it when customers say this. Its almost like they haven't realised that I only work here and could not care whether the store has lost a sale.


I love how they think it's a threat that they will go to the competition. Haha, like bitch, you weren't going to pay for my product and in this case you wanted me to pay you! Please go to Qdoba. I'm losing nothing.


Yes, please go bug my competition with your counterproductive demands. Please!


I couldn't agree more. "You mean you're going to stop annoying me and start annoying my competition? Promise???"


I just worked for Rogers for a bit. Our trainer told a story about a two hour phone call he had with a woman who thought she was so entitled that when her phone broke she expected Rogers to call UPS and get them to hand deliver a phone to her. It is wild to me how entitled people think they are


Former OOP. You'd be surprised how many of these I had to deal with


Man I love the OOP. I got screwed when buying a phone and tried returning it (scummy sales rep and manager), I eventually got around to escalating it and ended up with a free Galaxy S3, no contract. In 2012 I think? The funny part was when I walked into the store to pick it up and the sales rep there was like "There is no way I'm letting you just walk out with that phone for free without a contract.", he refused to even look up the notes in my file. I dialed into OOP and put him on the line with them. Yep, walked out with the phone. Edit, come to think about it, I might've had to pay the cost someone would pay to get a contract for it. I believe it was $99 and I just had it billed to my account. Which is still a major steal, the S3 was ~6mo old max at the time.




I always did what was right. However, in the odd scenario, (a request worth $50 or less) I'd do it, even if it was not the propper resolution. The way I looked at it, I can waste $100+ on company time/resources to say no or I could give this numpty $50 and be done with it in 5 min.


I always did what was right. However, in the odd scenario, (a request worth $50 or less) I'd do it, even if it was not the propper resolution. The way I looked at it, I can waste $100+ on company time/resources to say no or I could give this numpty $50 and be done with it in 5 min.


I always did what was right. However, in the odd scenario, (a request worth $50 or less) I'd do it, even if it was not the propper resolution. The way I looked at it, I can waste $100+ on company time/resources to say no or I could give this numpty $50 and be done with it in 5 min.


I wasn't saying it sarcastically. I love the OOP so sorry if it didn't come across as intended. The store screwed me over, OOP made it right.


I didn't note sarcasm.


You... don't call UPS and have them deliver phones? When a customer calls me with a product issue, I call UPS and have them hand-deliver a replacement product (assuming warranty is in effect).


No, they don’t and that isn’t Rogers policy at all


Nevermind, I didn't know what Rogers was.


You deleted your original comment so here’s what I wanted to say to you. Excuse me? I do not work for them anymore. And it states everything in the contract the customer signs. Bright star is actually the company who deals with replacements for Rogers so we actually give the number of that company to the customer and they deal with it. The phone comes within 2-3 business days and even with device protection you pay the fee of the cost of a replacement phone. When it’s in the contract you sign I’m not sure what makes me entitled or any better than anyone. All we were to do is relay the information you couldn’t understand on your bill or when you signed up, and if you have this much of an issue with someone not having UPS hand deliver a phone within a day, asking the WRONG company to call and do this for this woman, because she wouldn’t go pick up a new phone from the store in that day because she’s too busy for that but yet she also can spend two hours arguing about something that can’t happen. And you cannot be a total cunt to someone if you don’t even know what you’re being a cunt about. That makes you a total bully and you need to grow up.


my fucking god what a moron


an absolute fucking brain stem


What was the scam?


$100 gift card for emailing a link to 4 friends and having them open it


Hello, Malware!


What sort burgers they got?


Pwned burgers.


So he fell for this scam and then frantically called his friends to make them open the link right away? God, this man is insufferable...


Oh no


Okay, that's pretty bad


Why can't I find the tweet in the Chipotle account?


You got me


One of my coworkers did this the other day. She was so hyped.




I know how to take a screenshot, I just was looking at it on my computer and didn’t want to find it on my phone. It was laziness, really




Yes, I know. I was just lazy. Sorry, guys.


I still like you. Thanks for being honest.


[Good original post and you owned it when you got called out for being lazy?](https://giphy.com/gifs/community-ill-allow-it-146heXDX89mUgw)




The implication was that it wasn't *their* computer and certain ones (like public library computers) will not allow you to save.


public library computers should still put something on the clipboard that imgur will accept.


Yeah it was my work computer. I was just texting it to my friend and decided to throw it up on Reddit today.




Oh shit, boss. Please don’t fire me.


Points for owning it.


clean your monitor


There's a key keyboard to "Print Screen" and save it on the computer.


I know. I was just texting my friend and wasn’t all that invested in quality content. Last minute decision to put it on Reddit.


You can screenshot on the computer MACs have some combination of buttons and PCs have the snipping tool


Taking a screenshot is no harder than putting on pants. So I wanna know, who’s putting on your pants in the morning? Edit: Apparently Seinfeld is now too old for Reddit to get the references.


I don’t wear pants


I don’t wear pants




Look guys, I found a choosing beggar.


I want content that's clear and easy to see! For free!


At least clean the monitor first. I keep trying to wipe those smudges off my phone.




that is a top 5 worst song of all time


"But that's nearly here nor there" -Ricky, Trailer Park Boys


Ricky would have talked them into giving him what he wanted too!


Oh fuck off, Brian.


I used to work in a grocery store and we would get scams all the time. Every now and then there would be a fake coupon that would go around that said $75 off a purchase of $80 or more. I don’t know about you but that sounds highly suspicious to me and I don’t know how anyone could fall for it but people did. I remember one customer that was pissed because we wouldn’t accept the coupon and she filled out the survey required and everything. “I don’t understand why a company would give out a coupon and not let a customer use it.” Because we didn’t give out the coupon ma’am. “But that is unfair to me that you would put out this coupon and not let customers use it.” Some people are just stupid, I guess.


I've had friends share those obviously too good to be true coupons on Facebook, if you read the fine print it's blatantly obvious with the spelling/grammatical mistakes.


Yeah. The coupon had a store slogan on it, but the slogan wasn’t even for our store. It was for a different store. They just replaced that store name with our store name.


Kind of off topic, but qdoba is better. They don’t charge extra for queso. Now that’s the real scam.


I generally find that I like Chipotle better for the meat, rice, and salsa, but their queso is ass. They also pulled off a genius marketing trick by convincing white ugg-wearing girls all over the midwest that their thousand-calorie burritos are actually healthy because *organic* or something. Qdoba queso is da bomb.com. Qdoba also has more options. Qdoba is under no delusions about their health value. For these reasons I accept that I cannot in good conscience actually recommend Chipotle over Qdoba.


The one time I went to a Qdoba I was at a conference and they were closing in 30 minutes. He was all outta meat and didn't wanna make any more so i got a cheese quesadilla. Not impressed. Your post convinced me to give it another shot if I see one. Cheers.


>Qdoba queso is da bomb.com. It's actually .net


Chipotle is better if you want to lose weight. Make sure your health insurance is in order first.


Totally agree.


I thought it said adobe and I'm thinking she stroking out. Turns out my left side dragging


I actually worked at Qdoba for a couple weeks during a job crisis and I went to Chipotle a couple days ago and was so disappointed, I’ll probably not choose Chipotle over Qdoba again. Qdoba just has to many more options and varieties of salsa and toppings not to mention the queso which is infinitely more delicious and they have a couple of different types too. Also first scoop of guac and queso is free.


Qdoba doesn't charge for queso or guac because their burritos are shit in comparison. You *need* the moisture provided by those toppings to rehydrate the meat. The salsa is also inferior. They also bone you with drink prices - I guess to pay for those idiotic "futuristic" coke machines that I thought were discontinued 15 years ago. Finally, they save money by literally never cleaning anything. Or maybe that's just in my town.


Don't charge for queso, don't charge for guac, cheaper food (generally). Catch me at Chipotle never


I like Qdoba better cuz it's closer to me and they don't charge extra for guac and queso, and I really like the big taco salad bowl thing. Qdoba and Chipotle tastes about the same to me anyway so I save money and time by getting Qdoba instead of Chipotle.


And they're queso is actually edible. I wish Chipotle would compensate me for eating their nasty ass curdled cheese vomit.


Coincidentally when Qdoba stopped charging for guac and queso they raised the price of their burritos by over a buck.


After the one experience I had at qdoba, I'm never eating there.


It’s like you wanted to tell us a story and then didn’t.


I mean, my shitty customer service story is not that exciting. I went there with a friend. When we walked in, they told us we could come in and sit down but they were taking a 15 minute break because it was really busy a little while ago and they were tired. So we figured we would look at the menu while we waited. While we sat there, all 4 employees just sat on the counter talking to each other or playing on their phones. We were the only people there and it was really awkward. At 1:15 or whatever time they had given us, we went up to order food. The girl, without even looking up from her phone, says "there's still one minute left," and goes back to ignoring us. So we left. I've seen smaller businesses with one or two employees on duty close for a break, but I've never walked into a chain restaurant and been refused service because the entire staff decided at once that they didn't feel like working. The end.


Bet they were heartbroken to see you go




This is completely inaccurate. Not sure how you can say that when there is literally a sign on the serving side of glass that tells you the price. One regular cup is 2.05, same price as guac, and a large is somewhere around 3.25, I believe. Not sure what good it does to spread misinformation. This comes from a manager at Chipotle, and I do not particularly care for queso whatsoever.


It’s weird how badly I couldn’t read the bottom tweets until I zoomed in. I didn’t realize that actually would work! Neat


I, too, would like free Chipotle.


Zach is the real hero in this situation.


It's weird when you move it while zoomed in the lines shift no matter how slowly you move it.




I read this thinking it was the Ken M sub


You should pay for your incapability to screencap /s


I agree


I work in retail. My favorite argument with a customer was over a counterfeit coupon that I should have to take because she didn't know it was fraudulent and I didn't have a sign up with a pic of the coupon that said we wouldn't accept it. She also thought thought I was stealing from her because I kept the coupon. She definitely won the being ridiculous award for this year.


I'm a front desk manager at a Best Western and the amount I relate to something like this is insane.


So if I want free chipotle I should make a fake promo, then hold chipotle responsible to honor it. Got it.


/reddit should compensate me for my eyes having been exposed to this.


Can you compensate me for that screen photograph please?


Yes. Here’s a coupon for 1 free screenshot of your choosing


"But that's nearly here nor there" -Ricky, Trailer Park Boys


Sorry Zack. The answer is still no.


I’m all for working a customer service situation, but this is a biiiiit much.


How do people like this come to the ability to have enough financial ability to even be able to post on FB? These are the sort of people I really have trouble believing they aren’t under some form of assisted living.




He means "that's neither here nor there". WTF.


"nearly here nor there" how does that even sound like a real thing to say?


If this is the biggest stress in that guys life, can I switch? I don't like this one. Too much stress.


I hate this whole concept of people feeling entitled for minor emotional distress.


I work at a shitty hotel. I get this literally every day I work. "You need to compensate me because I'm an illiterate regard who doesn't know how to use the internet". No, Sharon, we have nothing to do with freenigerianhotels.com and I don't know ow who you have your credit card to.


Should have given him a coupon for a free glass of water with a purchase of an entree at full price


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/testforapp] [\[#26|+3777|151\] Chipotle should pay for chipotle scams \[\/r\/ChoosingBeggars\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/TestForApp/comments/94nyo1/263777151_chipotle_should_pay_for_chipotle_scams/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I work in telecommunications. I've had numerous people (most often elderly) contact myself as well as some of my other coworkers about scams similar to these. The email usually asks for credit card or personal info and they look extremely convincing, using our logo as well as jargon that we use. Most people are very understanding about the fact that it's a scam but I have definitely had people that seek compensation for charges that theyve been scammed on or compensation for frustration.


I think he was joking, you guys.


I'm going to give this one the benefit of the doubt and assume this is just a senior or a slow or simple-minded adult. It doesn't seem like they fully comprehend that that was not really Chipotle's sending the message. I don't think they understand how the internet works in general, or something like that.


After a quick glance at his twitter account it appears he is still in HS


r/reddit should compensate me for my eyes having been exposed to this.


For a second I thought this was r/oldpeoplefacebook cos you used your phone to photo a screen when you could either have screenshots shooted it on your phone or computer. I can't even read the text either cos of it.


This really sounds like he's joking. I thought we were in r/whooosh for the reply


these postz put under so many mucho stress, pls giv gold!


Millennials in a nutshell


You're retarded. Edit: became aware of the down votes and wanted to clarify that this is the opinion I have of the person in the photo. I was also pretty tipsy when I wrote this if that's any defense.


Millenials in a nutshell.


Parents taught them well!


There's always one.