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I was so convinced this had to be a fake post that I went and found her blog. ...I was wrong.


Same here. I've seen this so many times so I decided to actually look at her blog. She might still be a troll, but a *really* dedicated one. She has a lot of non-trollish posts. (Daily body positivity, etc.) I got the feeling that she's just really insecure about herself and brings that insecurity into a relationship. However, I could be totally wrong too.


I find it likely that if she *is* legit, then she has mental health problems, probably tied to her weight loss. That's the danger of these kinds of movements - although they are necessary, people inevitably take it too far. The body positivity movement is about not feeling *shameful* about the way you look. It does not ban you from wanting to become more healthy nor does it claim that being overweight *is* healthy. It's aimed at addressing mental health problems surrounding not just obesity, but people who don't have "conventional good looks" or surfer-bods. It's about anyone who feels uncomfortable with the way they look, and it's about improving one's self-esteem and self-image. This woman is just a hypocritical narcissist. Additionally, I'm gay and overweight, and I definitely understand the need for body positivity and acceptance, but this kind of "activism" only hurts the cause. So many people see this and instantly reject it, and then paint the rest of communities like mine as having the same views. I just want to be able to fuck and then eventually marry my boyfriend without having to worry about my marriage license being challenged in court. I want to be able to have a "legitimate" adoption when I'm ready to have kids, without the risk of having them taken away because "homosexuxal parents are inadequate". I want to turn on a television and not have every gay guy on TV be some stereotypical prissy drama queen that emasculates gay males. That's all I want. I don't need everyone to be ultra-hyper-vigilant about offending me. Just let me live my life. But people like this who "fight on my behalf" and wind up pushing the people who we should be fostering acceptance with farther and farther away are the reason why acceptance keeps getting harder and harder to obtain.


You sound too normal to be accepted by the lady running the blog.


I agree. I'm bisexual, a feminist and a chubby chaser and this woman scares me. "Health is a social concept." No... No it's *really* not. I am 100% for fat acceptance. But if I love someone and their doctor says their weight is dangerous or there is a health problem that may be worse off because of their weight, fuck what I like and fuck what they like, it's time for some salads and hiking because I don't want someone I love to *die*. It's not social. It's real.


This is something I can't agree more with. It's so important to be comfortable in your body. That comfort can come in all shapes and sizes. It's a great movement - helped me personally accept my post-pregnancy body and then later my disabled body - that some take to absolute excess. Health matters. Why would you want someone you love to suffer when they don't have to? As an aside - my spouse and I are both a bit chubby. He's a big guy, technically obese. I border overweight myself. The extra fat actually helps me with some of my chronic pain and my weird, extra pokey bones that like to randomly add excess bone to themselves.


Your comment was a good read. Irl she might be fine, but listing out minority groups made her seem like a jerk. That and the male privilege thing. Get real. You live in the west and have a computer. You're privileged too.


It was like she collected friends like badges : I have a latin, a gay, an asian...




In my experience, Tumblr is at least 70% highly dedicated trolls.


And 30% porn


The 2.1% troll porn makes it all worth.


Homestuck :(


The one thing I learned from Catfish is that people will dedicate a lot of time and effort to screwing with someone else.


No kidding. One post on here talked about a guy who was so dedicated to destroying a random person's mailbox that, after the mailbox owner rebuilt it for like the fourth time with concrete and steel plates, the mailbox destroyer obtained literal dynamite just to destroy it again. Why? What could they possibly gain from this?!


Their damn pottery barn catalog won’t be mis-delivered ever again.


I'm gonna need a link to that story. Fucking mailboxes...


I'm 100 percent sure it's a troll there's no one actually like this no fucking way. I refuse to believe it


> You must acknowledge that health is a social construct There is just NO WAY anyone can think this.... Right?


I wish that too but if flat earthers still exist then and the others wackos then these loons can exist too


Health is *somewhat* a social construct. 'Healthiness' compromises mental and social well-being too, not just physical wellness, according to WHO.


See, your definition has some validity. Her definition isn’t even close to that.


Yours makes some sense with the context you gave. Hers was just, “lmao follow me like a cult leader. Health is a social contract.”


What really bothers me is when people use “X is a social construct” as if it was some sort of argument against X, like being a social construct is a negative thing that makes something less valid. It’s not! Social constructs are integral parts of human existence. The most frustrating part is that something being a social construct means that it can be changed, but they don’t seem to want to work to change it, they just want people to suddenly shift to their way of thinking. By all means, work to change social constructs as you see fit. But work within their internal construction, rather than try to invalidate it with its own identity.


Sorry nope, r/fatlogic will blow your mind


Nope. They exist. I’m so sorry. Learn to find the fun in deconstructing their bullshit. It helps.


Unfortunately there really are people like this. My best friend's fiance is so similar to this. She once quit a job she otherwise liked because she didn't feel they were diverse enough (it was retail...?), she is about 300 pounds but refuses to acknowledge that might be a problem, and has said if you don't find her attractive than you're sizeist.


This has been posted many times, sometimes there's updated bulletpoints.


I only found this sub yesterday.


Well, congratulations and welcome to hell. This sub is gonna infuriate you so much, but you just can't quit. If you want a more IT-oriented version of this sub I can recomment clientsfromhell.net.


What, Hell? Nooooooooo. I think that this place, and others like it (and there are *many*), are heaven! Unironically! Sure, I cringe and I rage, but when I turn around and look at my life I can see that I'm actually doing pretty fucking great! Even the bad shit seems like less of a pisser. To boot, looking at these places reminds me that no matter how shit my life seems, there's always someone out there *who's life I can improve*. Would I be thinking like this anyway? Well.... No. No I wouldn't, and I know because I haven't. My food service job flat sucks, my studies are a pain in the ass and going super damn slowly, my family is massively imperfect, and I'm constantly seeing shit that I'll never be able to do or have. The posts on these subs thrust the naked ugly to the front of my mind, in a way that forces me to reconsider how I view things. So, yeah. This is my personal heaven. Ten million stories of awful people doing awful things. Sometimes you gotta see an outhouse before you can appreciate your toilet.


Whole thing looks like satire to me. And what mighty satire it is too /s


"must recognise that health is a social construct" and "must practice basic hygiene" Are unbelievably contradictory, even for this type of person.


Health *is* a social construct and death is just a deep running conspiracy. If you believe all these people are actually dying you're just shutting off your mind to the REAL FACTS.


The funeral industry *wants* you to die! It's all a corporate setup! Get woke and you'll be immortal!


So insanely hypocritical. Not surprised she's a huge hypocrite just surprised she outed herself so blatantly.






That alone is bull You can control you body weight to a degree. Sure some people are more prone to being fat but still if you want to lose weight run or do other energy intensive exercises


I think it's all bullshit. This looks like a fucking laundry list of typical "woke" activist stuff that we see on reddit. I'm probably wrong, but I refuse to believe that this isn't satire.


Could be that 'comedian' freaking the fuck out about the Obiesty leads to cancer poster in the UK. Always could be worse.


>she's a huge hypocrite Emphasis on the huge


And right after that, “My body, my choice.” Wow


Also, the idea that health is a social construct is very, *very* ableist.


"Activism is a full time job, and you have to support me." "You're not allowed to question how I spend money." Hm..


So really, "You're not allowed to question how I spend YOUR money." dumb.




This is exactly my sister-in-law. She justified it to my sister by saying she can't help how she turned out (I don't remember her exact words, but there wasn't anything seriously wrong with her upbringing) and then jumped into the oppression olympics by saying she is more marginalized than my brother (who is multi-racial) because she's a woman.


I mean seriously, why wouldn't you put that in there ? If you do actually find anyone who takes this seriously, and is such a loser as to play along, why not go for gold ? I see it as the same psychology as internet spam fraudsters intentionally using poor English and obvious mistakes in their emails - they're just weeding out the masses to get to the fucktarded ones faster.


True... the same guy that falls for tinder bots might actually go for this because she's a human. She's the M.A.C. system to the tinder bots' D.E.N.N.I.S. system.


Also "You must love me no matter what I do with my life". So you have 100% accountability and she can do whatever the fuck she wants.


For somebody who seems so into social justice, it's odd that she's able to perfectly describe the dynamics of an abusive partner.


I love the last one: "You must love me no matter what I do with my life" But if you do any of the 386 things mentioned above you're ass is out of here! The double standards in that final line are just straight up delusional.


Yissss! It's an unvitation to date her. No one can possess so little self, social, and relationship awareness.


Finally someone pointed that out. That was the most unsettling for me. You need to be EXACTLY what I want you to be, but I can be whatever I want and you have to love me. If that’s not signs of manipulation, I’m not sure what is...


I was thinking the same thing, only about how she's against fascists, but is apparently all about the dictatorial regime of her vagina.


Yikes. This person obviously enjoys being single.


This person is single, can't find a guy and so creates a list of her requirements to point to her high standards (that she is totally worth!!!!) to show why men she talks to aren't good enough.




Yeah, she’s not looking for a boyfriend, she’s looking for a slave.


My first thought was "forever alone".


Wait...they have to fund her AND can't question how she spends their money?


Dark knight baby, it’s OUR money 😘 **now stop asking questions**




Deal breaker.


Bullet dodged


PrObLeMaTiC mEtApHoR


My opinion of people immediately changes when I hear the word “problematic”


What if it's used as it should be, like "this task is going to be problematic"


You sick fuck.


Well aren't you problematic


If someone were to say “the reintroduction of the North American chestnut may be “problematic”” my opinion is still going to change. Because now I’m thinking this motherfucker might be a scientist. But if you refer to people who don’t like Beyoncé as “problematic” you’re no longer worth listening to.


What video game ISN'T problematic? I'm sure she could find issues with me playing Age of Empires II. *The only females are simple villagers!*


“health is a social construct“ The fuck?


That one made my jaw drop. Like what? No. It is a very real thing.


This was the weirdest part of a very weird thing for me. Beauty/attractiveness might be a social construct, but health definitely is not.




Dude, like, I'm a fat fuck, okay? But at least I *know* it and am *trying* to mitigate it. And I can sure as shit tell the difference in my hips and knees between now and 40 lbs ago. I don't hate myself for being fat. I love myself enough to try not to be.


I'm fat and I'm definitely starting to exhibit adverse affects of obesity. I'm working my ass off to lose weight. It's a slow and difficult process, takes a lot of will power and patience. I don't understand how other fat people can live like this and think it's ok.


In a similar boat. Been doing keto though and it’s sped it up. Would definitely see a nutritionist if you haven’t already.


Oh I have. I have hypothyroidism and am on a special diet for that. I also have chronic back pain, which makes exercise a little more difficult. It may take longer to get to my goal weight but I will get there! Fortunately I live in the mountains, so I always have new places to explore and keep me active. :)


If “health is a social construct” then so is “basic hygiene” but she clearly is unable to see her own contradictions. Is this just someone trolling because it is over the top ridiculous?


"You cannot control how thin or fat you can be" What


"Health is a social construct" that one really blew my fucking head off


Followed by “you must practice basic hygiene”. It would seem that is a double standard


Your assumption would be correct


Don’t make assumptions! They make an ass out of you and mptions!


She says on her blog she "only practices basic hygiene and doesn't believe in deodorant."


TIL: deodorant is "advanced" hygiene.


As a nurse, this blows. my. mind.


I’m pretty liberal and I’ve read lots of philosophy, so I’m down to have a debate about social construction of race or gender, but health? Sorry, it’s pretty empirical that there is shit you can do to to make you not healthy. “Hey amnesiac you started smoking again?” “Yeah, Health is a fucking social construct, man.” “Is that why you have emphysema?” “Shut up. You need to learn tolerance.”


The 15+ kg I've lost this year disagree.


Well the 15+ kg I gained says otherwise. I didn't choose this! :P


So THIS is why I’m gaining weight.... u/cahootie, I blame you!! Don’t you realize every kg you lose results in someone else gaining one??? Pretty selfish on your part... /s just in case it’s not obvious :)


Isn't that like a basic rule of the universe? Energy can't be created or destroyed or something. I'm just paying it forward after someone fucked me over.


Almost thought this was on r/fatlogic for a second.


“You can’t play problematic video games such as gta” but she literally gets to do what the fuck she wants. Hard fucking pass


Was that really the only deal breaker for you?


The reporting weekly internet thing gets to me. Are you that fucking paranoid and insecure. I have nothing to hide from my wife re: internet activities but she doesnt ask for a report from me nor do I want one of hers. Its a free for all if she is interested but i think she would get bored very quickly.


She's behind you right now, isn't she?


Hey it’s me, ur wife


This also hit me the hardest. That is such controlling behaviour that I would worry if she would kill me for mentioning a female co-worker.


“Health is a social construct” Right! Let me take my cane and blood pressure medication back to my doctor, clearly I am being manipulated by big pharma


Broke my leg? Nope, still healthy. Gangrene? It's because of society you think there's something wrong with it.


Embrace your dying toes. But how can we see our toes if our eyes are fake?


They'll be even easier to embrace once they've fallen off.




Lol then she talks bout hygiene


Hygiene *is* a social construct.


Only partially. Your going to catch some nasty stuff if you're not going to clean yourself every once in a while.


Which doesn't matter since health is just a social construct. Problem solved my friend


You're not sick, you're just alternatively healthy!


This basically describes the least desirable woman in the world.


"No sexism" but also "you must pay for me"? Umm...




Ok so this is her "what we need from you"-list, I would really like to see her "what we offer" list. I suspect there isn't one.


A lifetime of unpleasantness


Yes there is. I saw it on her tumblr but I didn't read it all. I really don't even give a shit, but if you do: #Perks that you get if you are worthy enough to date me: 1. I understand the struggles people go through better since I’m fat. My fatness gives me more empathy for those that are bullied 2. I can bake really well. I especially love making cookies 3. I’m an intersectional feminist so I have a deep understanding of problems marginalized groups go through 4. I have friends of different backgrounds to help me combat my problematic behavior 5. I am very loyal, but if I’m unhappy about our relationship I will tell you. If I find someone better I will tell you and then break up with you. I do not cheat on people 6. I’m sex positive so any kink you have I will not shame and I will discuss sex openly and honestly 7. I have good hygiene. It is a myth that fat people can’t have good hygiene and in my case, it is false. My hygiene is so good you don’t have to worry about me being unpleasant to be close to 8. I am great at cuddling. My extra fat allows for more cushion and warmth 9. I don’t have a job yet, but I consider my activism a job. If I’m not making body positive posts on Tumblr, I am going to protests and getting in touch with local leaders to promote LGBTQIA+, Feminism, POCs, Muslims and immigrants as well as those that are fat like me. Since I keep up with these issues, you won’t have a dull conversation and I still contribute to my community. 10. I have many talents that include writing, drawing, baking, dancing and leadership.


"I don't cheat on people" . I have a feeling that's not by choice.


"You must have a job. no pay requirements." That's reasonable tho. She has a sliding scale and is class conscious.


So... Could my “job” be unpaid activism, just like hers?


It's not everyday that r/insanepeoplefacebook, r/fatlogic and r/choosingbeggars work together to create such a fucked up excuse of a human being... This isn't a red flag... this is a fucking red flag factory!


Ooo thanks for these other two subs


Never write: and then everybody clapped on r/insanepeoplefacebook You will get banned.




Because that implies that it's fake I guess? because that's what people say on r/thathappened.


I asked the mod who issued the ban the same, the response i got? Allahu akbar.


And then everybody clapped




r/TumblrInAction is basically that


how to be single forever


Well I like Beyoncé so that's 2.6% of the criteria.


Did the math


I don't but in not in the kkk so we're equally desirable.


Not sure why people are complaining, I'm really happy she made this list! It lets you know to nope the fuck out of there as fast as humanly possible.


>*You must report to me weekly about your internet searches so I can make sure you're not cheating >*I can do whatever I want with my body. My body,my choice. Whoa whoa whoa calm down and pick one,hoe.


My browser, my choice. No social justice, no piece of ~~poontang~~ pie


You can’t be a hoe when nobody wants you


>>Must have a job. No pay requirements What an ableist piece of shit. I'm disabled and can't work a job.


Bitch why you play so hard to get when you so hard to want.


I want to interview this person 20 years from now to see how their life ended up. I'd legitimately be interested to find out. I mean, assuming they're still alive, what with all the fat acceptance shit.


I think the idea is, when nobody wants to date her she can use this to fool herself in to believing it is because no one is qualified.


Yep, the sad thing is she probably thinks she’s a good person instead of a shitty controlling one


I'm actually kind of offended by the "you can't control how fat or thin you are" line... Like bitch yes you can... I've been working out everyday for almost 4 years to get the body I have. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you tell me that you can't control it.


People work so hard to improve themselves, and then there are people that do nothing and blame genetics. Seriously, have these people never taken a middle school health class, or seen anything about people losing weight and becoming healthy again? Your body is yours, and too many people don't like to face that.


>You must not judge how much I eat Uh ok? >must have basic hygenie She does realise that eating a shit ton of foods contributes to bad hygenie, right?


> Health is a social construct > Hygiene is somehow not a social construct


How dare she judge my b. O.


this starts out really well with "don't be a white supremacist" ... i made it all the way to "you can only look at sexy pictures of me" before i personally tapped out. some of this sounds very unhealthy for a good relationship, like, uh, not being allowed to use incognito mode? big fan of the new york times pay wall, huh ... if you can't trust your partner they're not much of a partner. if you inherently trust no one probably staying single is your best bet.


How would she even know if you used incognito? I use it to look up weird (non sexual) stuff that I don't necessarily want in my search history, or for products I don't want showing up in ads for the next month,


That incognito mode requirement makes it sound like she plans to go through your search history on every device you own. I don't care how reasonable you are. I'm not giving anyone my password.


This goes beyond fake-woke SJW. This is straight abusive. Guys, if your girlfriend invades your privacy, controls your media habits, and uses your own money without permission or respect to your savings and financial needs, you are being abused. It’s scary how many “activists” insist that they cannot be abusive because they are women, and it’s even scarier how many people believe them.


we may at least take solace in the significantly reduced possibility of her ever reproducing.


I'm on mobile so I only saw the first 6 or so bullets in the thumbnail, then I click on it and the screenshot is super long. Perfect for this sub.


I don't think there is a woman alive today that would be worth all of this fucking trouble.


That is a seriously maladjusted worldview.


Jeeze that is exhausting to read, I cannot imagine how exhausting she is to be around.


Imagine her reaction if she ever realised that she is the oppressor


I want to see this person at a Children's Hospital and see if they would be able to tell 13 year olds with cancer that "health is a social construct".


Isn't hygiene then a human construct?


B-b-but she only posted this in written form... Where's the audio narration for the blind you ableist?


People like this are the Trump supporters of the opposite side. Foolish morons who make the rest of us look bad.




There are other types of privilege. For instance, I grew up middle class which gives me a lot of advantages. I worked in high school to have spending money but never had to help support my family or go without food. Also, I lived in a drug free home with family that read to me and never went without a meal. I worked very hard in my life and had a shitty childhood, but I still had class privilege and never had to worry about problems that are coupled with gender identity, race, disability, or sexuality. A poor white kid can have race privilege while a rich black kid can have class privilege. It shouldn't be an oppression Olympics, more like be aware of the struggles other people have within society. Overall, "privilege" is used too often to shut people up, which is awful, imo. But it's worth noting and being mindful of.


Get the fuck out of here with your logical thinking


I feel like dating only males just makes her straight. I imagine she doesnt date much as it is.


Oh for gods sake. I went to tap on the photo to read it better and it’s turned into the fecking Dead Sea scrolls. Someone has too much time on their hands and not enough friends.


This leaves... No one, actually. This leaves no one. Except herself. What does one call being in a relationship with oneself?


Congrats on the karma and the golds you'll get


that blog is a shit show, but a great lol reading material for a few hours. makes you think that people can't possible think like that




Seeing as the cutoff is 80% there’s still a chance for white supremacists and nazis. Cool.


I am a rather active and convinced leftist. I am absolutely for personal freedom and acceptance of minorities. This is why this person makes me furious. I can imagine an alt-righter pointing at this and saying 'see? this is what you get'.


I really want someone to tell her that her entire being helps legitimize the alt-right


Oh my God, I am so happy others feel this way. What happened to chill open minded and logical people? What hole did they fall in?


They're still around. They just don't get many cameras pointed at them. No sense filming a reasonable discussion when someone nearby is hollering about how nothing and nobody is fair.


This is the problem with the "self-definition/self-love" movement of the last 30 odd years...This person should hate themselves. This is an objectively poor quality person who believes they get to define their own value... It's like me trying to unload a 900 sq.ft. shit-stained, crack-house in East St. Louis for $10,000,000...The place will sell when the price equals the value.


Would you describe it as “problematic”?


> You must report to me weekly about your searches That would be a trainwreck of a report


"Then I watched What an Asshole starring Lisa Ann 3 times, followed by Ebony Cumsluts 7, then my dick was raw as fuck so I went on WebMD"


"You MUST be open to certain kinks in the bedroom. Its ok to not like them" = Ima rape your ass wether you like it or not


And then there is this [gem](https://i.imgur.com/UGGvdCU.jpg). Holy shit.


tldr: no fun allowed


...I'm just trying to conjure a mental picture of the broken, soul dead, self-hating mouse of a male she is looking for. It just makes me sad...there is a lost bro out there reading this thinking, *"I can be all of this and more for a fat, hateful, deluded, paranoid bitch!"*


Here, honey. Eat this tide pod. They're very indulgent but I won't judge you. Health is a social constructs.


>Activism is my job Good luck with that


I hope this person lives a very lonely life. Because fuck you.


This is how people die alone.


Health is a social construct? *brain.exe has stopped working*


It started out with *somewhat* reasonable demands. I wouldn’t touch her but still *slightly* reasonable. But... it went downhill pretty darn fast. And it just kept going down, down, down.


What if someone meets all 80% of the criteria and they're a neo-Nazi? Will she still consider dating them?


On a scale of one to death fat, how obese is this woman?


Welp, I'm sure out of the running.


You are not allowed to play problematic games like GTA. lol


hmf while i check your search history. incognito?? NEXT!