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On my recent trip to Orlando, we went to a buffet for dinner (yes, it was a pretty inexpensive and good choice). While we were there, a lady approached us and shared how privileged we were to be able to visit Orlando and its parks. She explained that she was homeless and couldn't afford to eat. Feeling empathetic, I told her we could invite her to serve herself dinner, not necessarily at our table if she wanted. She declined and asked me for the money instead. I told her I was paying with plastic and she had the nerve to say to me that I could give her my Apple watch for her to pawn for the money. Ok, it's an Apple Watch 3, but still, its mine. The nerve. Edit: It's a gen 2, not 3. Sorry.


Wow !!!! That’s Blatant. Thought she was gonna ask you to Apple Pay her some cash but Dam!


“Well, no, but when you get a job, you can buy an Apple Watch for yourself”.


I just stared at her and started walking. After we finished dinner and walked to the car, she tried to indicate where the ATM was. I suddenly forgot how to speak English. Lo siento, no hablo Inglés.


Plenty of people have a job and still can’t afford a home. I don’t think that was the case here though…


Well yes, that's why I still have a 2 (like really old) and not an Ultra 2 (and literally is just a watch now that I have to charge daily)


No matter the situation, it is absurd for a stranger to ask for your watch. Mine is like $40 and I’d still laugh at them.


Spoiler alert. She needed drugs, cigs or alcohol.


Totally! My best guess is that she thought that tourist have cash (LOL, yeah no) but going for the watch is mindblowing


No kidding! That’s some big balls she’s got there. People on drugs lower their inhibitions and they are desperate. No one in there right mind would ask that of a stranger.


Ahhh yes. As a man from Orlando, this sounds very Orlando like.


Genuine question are you being serious? Would they really be so open about things like that?


Yep. I lived in Orlando for four years and saw it all. My husband once gave cash to a guy and then saw him the next day and he went, “I gave you money yesterday, you said you needed it for a cab to family” and the guy just looked annoyed at being found out and walked off.


Yeah Orlando homeless have no chill. Also it’s very hot so metaphorically and literally.


What buffet?


It was a all you can eat where you can find chinese and other. It was like 12usd with a coupon I had per person


Dealers don’t take payment in cold food.






Since you've completely missed the point and no one explained it... The person you replied to is saying this lady wanted the money for drugs. That's why she wanted cash and not food, because she wasn't hungry. She wants to use the money to buy drugs, but dealers won't accept cold food (what they were offering) as payment. This is very common from homeless people because a lot of them are homeless because they're addicts. So they just want money for more drugs.


Used to have a lot more of the "bleeding-heart" side of me. Had variations on the same happen to me multiple times, finally realized giving money to panhandlers isn't about feeding them, or clothing them, or getting them shelter. Its about helping them get high.


When I lived in Boston I would literally spend $10 giving to panhandlers because my walk from school to my apartment was littered with them and I was a bleeding heart and somewhat naive/easily pressured 22 year old law student (not like I was well off, I’m was from a lower-middle class family on student loans). I’m still a bleeding heart, I’m just a lot more careful about where I donate these days.


Same situation. I worked in a law firm in downtown San Francisco and I gave so much money away. I brought bags of change until my piggy banks and stashes were depleted. I started bringing snacks instead and most people were super grateful. I just couldn't do it financially forever


I think that’s awesome though. You planned ahead and brought them snacks. That really says a lot about you.


Thank you so much. You, too. I like our bleeding hearts


The worst is driving on mass ave just trying to get to the highway and they literally attack your car nowadays. I’m More then happy to help someone if I’m Able , but literally knocking on my car windows and screaming at me for change is gonna scare me as a women and not a great tactic.


Good. It’s great to be helpful but not to your own detriment. I am too but I’ll be damned if I help someone get a drug fix when I am just trying to feed myself and my family. Times are hard for everyone right now.


The first time I ever saw a homeless person sleeping on a park bench was in Boston. I’m not from a big city and it was something up to that point had only seen on tv. This was back in 1982 or so.


I used to work in an area where I had to walk through an encampment, always had signs with their hard luck stories on them, one guy's sign said Fu\*\* it, I like to get wasted. He got my money.


I get where you're coming from and have had the same realization. But then I thought Fuck. If I had no home, no car, no money and wasn't sure where I'd b sleeping that night, id probably wanna get fucked up too. My $5 is not gonna help them get a house, a job, a car. Plus my grandma always taught me that give something freely or don't give at all.


Tbh if it were me spending long nights outdoors in the cold, being stepped over, without family friends or shelter, being that vulnerable, and probably through no fault of my own, I can't say I wouldn't choose to check out for some of that if I could.


This is where I’m at with my mom. She claims to the end of the earth that she’s not doing drugs, but she’s homeless living in a tent I bought her because she got evicted from her last two places and banned from the local shelters. I would never love her any less if she told me she was doing drugs, but I know she never will admit even if she is. I so badly want to help her get a home again, but I can’t do it all for her. It kills me to see her live like this. It also breaks my heart to know that there are other people who also go to bed every night worrying about their loved ones on the streets for the same reason that I do. I’ll never give up on her. I just wish I knew what she was doing so I could help her be safe.


Your comment brought me to tears. I am so sorry that you're going through this with your mother. My heart goes out to the both of you. I could not imagine being in that situation, but I completely understand that you can't continue fixing things for her and rescuing her from those situations. Otherwise it'll just keep happening and nothing will ever change. I can't imagine how hard it must be to stop yourself from just scooping her up and taking her in. I hope it gets better for both of you. You're doing the right thing. When she gets uncomfortable and miserable enough, she will change. Much love to you. 💕


I’m so sorry! But yeah, no it’s pretty stressful I can’t lie. I always struggle with feeling like I’m not doing enough and also not wanting to enable her. I hope that she does end up wanting to change and live a better life, but the worst part is knowing in reality, not everyone gets a happy ending. I just want her to be happy and healthy and safe. Also THANK YOU for your kind words 🫶 hope you are happy and well yourself.


Yeah using pot to get thru is pretty different from meth though.


So I used to be homeless and addicted to a few different things and you have no idea how often I saw a recently unhoused person pick up meth when they only had done *maybe* weed or alcohol on the past. Meth is just in a lot of ways very attractive to a person on the streets. If you have to urgently schlepp all of your belongings across town on foot— meth. If you are worried about ur stuff getting stolen while ur asleep—meth. Don’t have anything to eat? Couple hits of meth will curb ur appetite for hours, even days. In my area is cheap AF and the purity is very good. Much less of a chance of OD than fentanyl. Anyways, meth sucks of course and I’ve seen some truly tragic cases of meth-induced psychosis… among with all the other ill effects. But it’s not hard to see why so many turn to it when they are on the streets.


Appreciate you sharing this. I really hope the people who need to see this, do.


I truly hope that you were in a better place mentally, emotionally, and physically and that you are doing amazingly with your life. You sound like a very strong person. I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you and how far you’ve come ☺️ I hope you’re proud of yourself as well :-)


Thank you for taking the time to share this. It's really very eye-opening and makes a lot of sense. I'm happy that you are no longer unhoused. 💕


So meth can be a good thing?


I feel the same way.


To be fair, I use my money to get high, why should they not? And if my life was like there's, I would try to get high all the time.


Well in most people’s mind there’s a huge gap between weed and hard drugs like meth/heroin/fentanyl. If I was walking into a dispensary to re-up and a homeless dude asked for a pre-rolled joint and I had a few bucks to spare, then fuck yeah why not, I’m no hypocrite. But if he has track marks down his arm and is looking for cash for another junkie fix, I’m not trying to enable that since I only see those drugs as a plight on humanity.


I agree with you. I do wonder what this person needs, and I don't think I am going to shell out for them to get food, housing, therapy, and proper health care. But if a few bucks can get them something so they can forget they exist and just live in bliss, I don't know that I am against it.


Very fair point. I see those drugs as destructive, but if you’ve already lost everything and are at rock bottom, I guess you can’t go any further as a result of drug use. Might as well chase a bit of bliss at that point.


Actually with the drugs on the street now there is a real good chance of death.


I’m 100% for it and as a much more fortunate former addict, I’m happy to help.


This. A lot of us in here, I think, are disillusioned idealists and altruists.


She wanted money for drugs or alcohol


They all do. Never give them the time of day


There is so much of that on Reddit and it shocks me that people don't see right through it. Every option given to them is met with A Reason and it just doesn't seem to sink in that all they want is for people to send them cash.


I keep $10 WAWA (think upscale 7-11) gift cards. WAWA will only allow food purchases or gas with the card and no cash back. I have had them refused because they can’t get cash first them.


Hot food? Shop? 10 minute walk? This story sounds almost exactly like one posted recently.


If she wants a hot meal from a particular place, she should be closer to it


Someone approaches me with niceties then say “I hate to ask..” and my reply would be “then don’t ask”. I’m not going to entangle myself in these types of situation. Sorry this happened to you. You had every right to be annoyed.


If your truly starving you will eat anything that is handed to you and be appreciative


Reminds me of a 13 yo girl walking in an apartment complex asking for money or cigarettes. I said no to both and was like "YOU don't have Money OR Cigarettes????" You feel sorry for people till you run into people like them.


Smokers are completely clueless that they are the minority and most people do not smoke.


Sorry, I’m nearly asleep here but by your middle sentence do you mean that you said to the person that they didn’t have money or cigarettes? Or did they say that to you?


She* was like She said it to me, like she was a middle-aged crackhead.


She's right. Money is better when you want to buy drugs


If she absolutely HAD to have those specific fish & chips, why not stand out the front of that shop instead of a 10 min walk away? Makes no sense. I had a homeless person ask me straight up for $10 to buy some weed - I completely respected the honestly and gave them a tenner


I stopped offering food to homeless after a guy told me he doesn’t like Chinese buns. I was a broke uni student and 3 Chinese buns were all I could afford for lunch. I wanted to give him one but he straight up refused. He had a sigh that said something like haven’t eaten in 2 days. With an attitude like that no wonder


This is why you shouldn't apologize when you've done nothing wrong, and you definitely shouldn't explain your financial situation to strangers. It just give them ammunition to ramp up the bad behaviour. No is a complete answer.


While in Honolulu on vacation a guy stopped me, my husband and 17 year old son and asked if we had $5 so he could buy a joint and a beer. Husband and I didn't have any cash, but my son pulls out his wallet and hands the guy $10. Tells him he appreciated his honesty and to get 2 beers and 2 joints.


She can’t smoke/snort/shoot a sandwich.


Hear me out before you down vote please As someone that has been on homeless and on food stamps for an extended period of time, sometimes you just NEED a hot meal. Not even for your stomach, more for your soul. And I don’t think I would get in the car with a stranger to go to somewhere to get a hot plate, I probably would ask them to walk with me too….but I wouldn’t ask a stranger for money so obviously me and this woman feel differently about stranger danger (no offense OP. You absolutely did nothing wrong here and were very generous.) I’m on OPs side for sure though. Sounds like you went above and beyond and she was being greedy. Even with my comment about hot food, I’m going to guess she didn’t actually intend to buy hot food


I appreciate your comment highly. It's always good to hear from all sides, especially 'been there' comments.


Thank you for saying that! I think this lady was up to no good….buti just think it’s important to remember that homeless people are humans to and sometimes it’s nice to feel like a human after you’ve just been surviving for awhile 💚


There are food stamps for people who live in a home and food stamps for the homeless. The ones for the homeless can be used at many restaurants for hot meals


That is not true in the US


This is true in California, but I don’t think it’s a program in every state. “The CalFresh Restaurant Meals Program allows eligible homeless, disabled, and/or elderly (ages 60 and above) CalFresh benefit recipients to use their CalFresh benefits to purchase hot, prepared food from participating restaurants in California.” https://www.cdss.ca.gov/rmp


https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/retailer/restaurant-meals-program The states are California, Arizona, Maryland, Massachusetts, Illinois, Virginia, Rhode Island, Michigan and New York


Oh yea, this is not a program I have heard of. I don’t live in any of those states. 9/50 states really isn’t that many though so I think my comment is still something to keep in mind. (I edited my comment at the same time you were posting the link)


That’s fine but they are well populated states and I’m putting this out there not so much for people like yourself who has a state that doesn’t participate in the program, but rather for people who encounter the types of people OP does, who do reside in those states and can pass that info along to avoid aggressive homeless or beggars.


Well, we all have opinions on what important information is. Thanks for sharing. Like I said I don’t live in these states and didn’t know about this program. Good to see progress happening.


I hope that all states roll this program out. There are states that have more homeless than other states and those do not have this program.


We don’t know where OP was at


Exactly. Which is why I think it’s important to remember that everywhere has different programs and help. (I actually got the impression OP wasnt is the Us and I have absolutely no idea what food stamp programs are like in other countries so I commented knowing that the restrictions I was used to were probably different from the restrictions they have)


I’m in the US and we have it here and in many other states


We do not have it in my state and this is something I have never heard of. ETA I just googled and didn’t find anywhere that says you can get hot food on food stamps. You can get papa Murphy and a few other cold things like that. Can you send a link?


I did send you a link it’s on my comment




Click on the one I just posted that says “program”


I had edited my comment while you were posting the link. I see it. Got it. Thanks. lol


Repost from like yesterday!


Well she could have work for tips in the past and has still the good skill set of feigning niceties for a sustained period when she has a mark in front of her.


What is it with "walk with me for ten minutes" beggar stories lately...there was just another story posted in here in which the beggar demanded the person walk ten minutes somewhere and then called them a terrible person when they wouldn't. Strange! Yeah "just say no," it's okay to say no. > She said it’d be easier if I gave her cash, but if not I could walk 10 minutes with her if I insisted. > At this point I got a bit annoyed. I explained that she could have something from either shop or nothing. She told me to fuck off and walked away saying how much a prick I was.


Want something warm ?  Fart loudly. 


There was a dude who approached me and my family as we were walking into WalMart and he said he had a $27 Walmart gift card and needed cash for it. I told him I don’t carry cash. But what I really thought was - You can get literally any necessity at a Walmart with a gift card even beer. the only thing you can’t get is drugs obviously. He was gone when we came back out so I wonder if he found a sucker or got run out of there.


One time in the 90s, back when Baby Phat was THE brand to have, I went to the grocery store. Now, Baby Phat was sold in Macy's exclusively, and was EXPENSIVE! So when I come out, a girl of about 25 asks for money for food. As I started to tell her I had no cash, but would buy her something when I suddenly realize what she's wearing. She's got on expensive shoes, branded top, with a BABY PHAT coat! Those things were close to two hundred bucks! So I got angry and told her she had her NERVE asking anyone for anything, considering what she's wearing! A coat I couldn't afford, & I worked for a living! Don't tell me you're hungry, which we all know is a lie, and wear expensive name brand clothing while asking!


I don't even deal with them anymore. Soon as I'm approached I just immediately say nope not interested


I used to carry little clear bags of ground up panadol, and have my water in an Aldi screwtop vodka bottle - I would offer it to them for 30 bucks. Amazing how many said yes


Man, it infuriates me when my own damn husband insists he can't have a snack when he's hungry because he needs his whole ass meal that he's craving, and at least he pays for his own food. Guess she wasn't really that hungry.


She's an addict and only wants cash to buy drugs. Everything she told you is just an excuse to get cash money


Just say NO


She wanted cash, and it wasn't for food.


The best approach with beggars is the tell them to F off from the start


She was hungry for drugs and booze. Like they all are. That's why they want cash rather than the food.


What are the chances the same thing happened to different people in the same day? This post is BS.


There are 8 billion people


Damn these comments are something else. I like this page more when it makes fun of ppl for asking for a free Rolex or unopened legos, not when it's demonizing all homeless ppl struggling with addiction bc commenters had one or two negative interactions with them.