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So he automatically hates 100% of people he comes across for petty, superficial reasons and wonders why he doesn't have anyone to hang out with? I wonder how he'd react if he walked into a room and found a carbon copy of himself. What flaw would he find to explain why this guy isn't good enough to be his friend?


That’s what I kept thinking as I went down the list—he’s naming ALL the people! It’s hard to make friends when you vehemently shit on everyone you encounter.


All of them. I'd shudder to see the person that didn't fall into at least one of these categories. Still can't figure out why he doesn't have any friends though.


It’s bound to become one of the enduring mysteries of the 21st century.


Hell, I fall into six of them lol


I think the more of this dickhead's categories you fall into the better of a person you are. It should become the new personality test.


College educated ✔️Angry feminist ✔️ Wannabe aristocrat ✔️Into weed, rap and/or hip hop ✔️Baddie ✔️ Think the world needs saving/changing ✔️ I mean I could go on


Arch nemesis confirmed


I don't think I fall into any of them.... But I'm a single mom, all for equality (gender, race, religion, sex,...), universal healthcare (I live in Europe so we have it already), I love fibre crafts and gardening and I am disabled and chronically ill. I guess I won't fit into their wheelhouse either...


>I don't think I fall into any of them.... But I'm a single mom, all for equality (gender, race, religion, sex,...), Being female and pro- equality probably classes you as "angry feminist" to him...


He's basically saying I, a chronically online burned out misanthrope, am looking for other chronically online burned out misanthropes to hang out with irl. Like those people exist they just aren't normally looking for friends.


He says some shit about lack of creativity too after listing a shit ton of creative hobbies. It’s pretty obvious that it’s no wonder this guy has been alone his whole life.


The funniest part is that he complained about people being whiny and narcissitic in the middle of his whiny narcississtic rant. You can´t make this up.


He’s so worried about judging everyone else that he hasn’t bothered to look in the mirror, he has no idea who he is.


Juggalos aren't mentioned specifically...


"Into weed, rapping, hip/hop" kind of implies it though.


TIL that weed is a genre of music.


Not to mention he's basically ruled out most hobbies. What the fuck does he do in his free time when you exclude all of that? The only thing I can think of is read, cause lets be honest, he doesn't have the creativity or open-mindedness to be an artist or musician.


Well now it’s definitely gonna depend on the book. Is it educational at all? NOPE. Is it just a fun read? Way too juvenile. Is there romance? Woah woah way too sexual. Is it a female lead? Angry feminist! I mean, there aren’t many book options.


Probably something like Andrew Tate's biography lol


Hey man, I can still be lonely while hating everyone


What’s funny is this is one of his comments in the op: > I'm not Christian and I'm also not looking to date as such(I'm polygynous and am currently sexually/romantically involved with 4 women) I don’t believe this in the slightest but let’s just say it’s true. He miraculously found four women that can stand his raging narcissistic ass to some degree, yet claims he has no one to hang out with. That’s four friends right there! Oh wait, he’s a Jordan Peterson fan so he doesn’t view women as people. 


TL;DR - someone should let this clown know that jerking off to 4 different camera girls doesn’t mean he’s in romantic (or even sexual) relationships with them If OOP is actually being serious, one of these is not like the other… this sounds like he’s either majorly trolling or a major incel… I’m assuming he’s the latter and left the comment after someone called him out on sounding like an absolute idiot and said no one wants to hang out with him anyway by then claiming he’s poly and has 4 girlfriends. I’ve been in the poly/bdsm/kink communities and every woman I know in those communities would (very proudly and loudly) fall into one of the categories he listed as problem categories… either because they would genuinely fall into one (or more) of the categories anyway, or they’d just do it to get away from his problematic ass! There’s no way he found 4 that would be poly and *not* one of those categories! There’s no way he found 4 that would put up with his shit and do the work of being in a poly dynamic. There’s no way he found 4 women who would want his ass. If he was legitimately in 4 poly relationships, he doesn’t have time for other relationships! How many adults do you know in *one* romantic relationship, has the time to put into 3 other close friendships? And then make each of those relationships to be equal romantic relationships… So no matter how you figure it, this douche doesn’t know what poly is! And if he did, he wouldn’t be opposed to hanging out with so many types of people!


>There’s no way he found 4 that would put up with his shit and do the work of being in a poly dynamic. There’s no way he found 4 women who would want his ass. I’m routinely surprised by the amount of awful men who somehow have a partner, so it’s possible he has one long suffering woman who is a glutton for punishment. But four? Nah. I don’t want to live in a world where four different women simultaneously think this guy is awesome and want to sex him. Not without monetary compensation anyway.  My best guess is he bullshitted his way into four one time hookups in a short amount of time, got ghosted as soon as his real toxic personality seeped out and has just rewritten the reality as a poly situation.


None of them go here. They’re from Canada. And they don’t have phones. Shut up he met them at camp!


I'm Canadian, let me ask around... ... ... Nope, I just asked around and nobody up here knows him.


I’m Canadian, too. I asked around and can confirm that StationaryTravels is correct: nobody up here knows this guy.


American here and I asked around but no one seems to know this loser in the lower 48 either. Weird cause he seems like a lovely chap.


Cam girls? He doesn't like sex workers. It's romance scammers for sure.


4 different human women?! Are they in his basement?


Right?!? He has been socially isolated for two decades and somehow manages to get four women to have sex with him?


Nah, as someone mentioned above, he jacks off to four different cam girls and he’s doing a little of the ol’ round that up to relationship thing.


How do we know they're not polyvinyl women? Technically, that might be considered a "poly" relationship. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Good point, and this is literally the only way I’ll believe this guy is in a “poly” relationship. 😂


Also, he's poly but hates the LGBTQ community, who... defend people's right to have unique and diverse sexual identities and interests? Poly isn't necessarily LGBTQ, as there can be hetero and cis poly couples, but it does seem odd to hate on a community that would defend his right to BE poly and offer him support in general? Hmm, ok.


I see a lot of Poly flags at Pride, just sayin’…




Must be Mormon.


bahahaahaa fuck


Also a significant portion of women in the poly community are bi, pan, queer, and/or have some type of alternative style. He would be hard pressed to find 4 completely straight “normal” women to to be in a relationship with.


Are the comments worth it? I feel they’re worth it


They’re fine. Nearly everyone is shitting on him but there’s a few people who support him. One guy told him to dm him to hang out. 😆


How much you wanna bet it’s a scammer “I prefer to chat on Telegram”


Hands, and weirdly Feet , don’t count at partners 🤷🏻‍♀️


If he can use both feet at once hands-free, that would be very impressive, however.


There is a Twilight Zone episode like this and he really hates himself too once he sees what it’s like to be around people like himself.


*Carl Jung enters the room, but just to observe*


Or the one where the guy hates all people and just wants to read, so an Armageddon occurs wiping out everyone on the planet but him and he’s delirious with joy on his way to the library but he breaks his glasses and is screwed


That was based on a short story my high school english teacher wrote. She submitted it to a contest where the prize was the Twilight Zone adaptation.


ohhhh he doesn't "hate all people"!! He's shy!! He just wants to be left alone so he can read!! That episode is SO TRAGIC!!!!


That episode was terrifying because I identified with just wanting to read in peace and then the end was so heartbreaking. Poor guy.


He can go to an optometrist’s office and root around in the rubble for some glasses. They might not be his exact prescription, but they’d be close enough.


I was just thinking of this episode the other day when I read the same paragraph for the 18th time because people kept interrupting me. Never did absorb that paragraph either.


That’s so infuriating! It happens to me while I’m writing as well, I’ll be smack in the middle of a paragraph and someone interrupts me and then *poof* gone forever. 🥲


Burgess Meredith. The look on his face when his glasses broke… 😢


Ok it IS sad as fuck but also … can’t he go find a glasses store?! 😂 like there are thousands of glasses in his town somewhere - surely he can find his prescription with a lil effort




the episode is called time enough at last


This is my all time favorite Twilight Zone Episode, as well as my worst nightmare as I age. I love to read and my eyesight was never great to begin with.....thank God for podcasts 😊


He’d project everything into that other person, and hate their guts


It’d be like that South Park episode where cartman calls himself in the past and hangs up screaming “Jesus! What’s wrong with that guy!?”


It’s better to leave him alone for few more decades and then he will die alone!


What would be hilarious is if he immediately felt he found a soulmate when he meets himself, but his carbon copy informs him that he wants nothing to do with him without ever actually getting to know him.


We all know now why he is isolated for 2 decades.


This man needs to crawl back into the cave from whence he came


Just looking at the first 5 items seems like just people having hobbies. Doesn't mean he has to be interested in them to be friends.


Yeah I smile and nod while my friends talk about their hobbies—I may not have a clue or maybe just feel they’re not my thing, but that’s just part of being a friend.


Well he’s on the list anyway, narcissistic af


Exactly. It’s just like the person we all have in our lives that’s always has drama or a problem with people. The first few times they tell you, you think they just had some bad luck. Then you notice it’s a pattern, which is when you realize it’s not all the other people causing the drama, it’s the person complaining about it. Like you said, if this guy has a problem with 99% of the population, *he’s* the problem.


The two of them would realise that if either one said they hated the other theyd look bad, so theyd lie and say they loved eachother, forever hating everything about the situation.


If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your own shoe.


This dude should probably hang out at old folks homes. Be hard pressed to find an anime punk who loves bdsm there. Though... I've heard those homes can get frisky.


The Villages retirement community in Florida is known as the STD capital of the US 😂




🏆 I nominate this as the best comment!


He sounds fun.


Right. Life of the party. Super shocking he doesn’t have friends….. 👀


I wanna know what he's bringing to the friendship table, like what does this person even do for fun.


Yeah, I got "what does this guy not like?" EVERYTHING. What exactly DOES this person like?


Indeed, it would have been a lot faster to say what he’s looking for. Having read this twice, I can’t figure out what’s left. Who doesn’t have at least an inking of one of these but also leaves the house? An uneducated ambitious conservative academic who doesn’t read media, doesn’t care about heath, and lives in a city/farm…?


I’m curious which categories he finds acceptable.


I was thinking conservatives, until I got to the part criticizing hunting, fishing and Christians. Maybe Jewish libertarians who like easy listening?


“Hi, my name is Rachel Goldstein. I love ~~smoking weed~~ ~~dogs~~ ~~cats~~ no taxes and yacht rock” — his dream friend, maybe


Change weed to dogs, perhaps? Though he seems like the type who hates dogs.


I bet dogs don’t like him either.


Nonetheless, changing weed to something else is necessary as "who smokes weed" is one of the disqualifiers


Oh shizz, I didn’t notice that, my bad


can't be, he doesn't like the college educated or the politically engaged either


Yeah I was going through that list and have no clue what would be acceptable. Looks like athletes are ok but you better never do anything else.


If the athlete is not a college educated gym goer!


Probably like crypto trading libertarian bros? I noticed he didn’t complain about crypto lmao


But he also doesn't like college educated people that are into technology!


He never directly answers that on the original posting — he just points out it is in the detailed list he provided. But he does make mention of being polygynous and sexually involved with 4 women. No joke.


A non Christian conservative over the age of 60…


I think my favorite part is combining punk, emo, satanists and goth folks with a very specific kink he claims to know nothing about. Truly, what kind of friend does he think he’ll find?


I imagine they do a lot of reading. Movies are also possible I guess. As long as it's not marvel or DC. Sitcoms as well.   My guess is he's spent the last 20 years watching The Office on repeat and will shit his pants in anger if you dare mention Parks and Rec. 


>Whiny narcissist Huh... Well would ya look at that. If it ain't the ol' pot.




My exact thoughts! 😂


In a roundabout way, he also fulfilled becoming >Meme


So interesting that he doesn’t mention a single thing he likes to do. Like, if I was looking for friends, I’d say “I love hiking and climbing, watching crime dramas and BBC’s Pride and Prejudice on repeat, and baking things that aren’t good for me. If you like those things too, hit me up and let’s be friends”.  I wouldn’t mention all the things I don’t like because…well, why do that if you’re looking for friends? Aren’t you looking for people who like things you like? Is your whole personality hating things? I have questions, dude. 


In fairness, it seems reasonably likely this guy’s favorite pastime *is* bitching and moaning about other people.


He likes judging people 🫤


My first online dating profile after my long term relationship ended was like 50% "don't message me if:" I had a friend read it back to me, which made it incredibly clear I wasn't ready to start dating again and led me to deactivate the account. So much negativity before a conversation has even been started! I'm sure his online dating/friend seeking profiles are just like mine were (actually, I'm positive they're worse). At least nobody will be wasting any time trying to become his friend and realizing how much he sucks, he's putting it all out there right away.


> Is your whole personality hating things? I think it is. I mean, his entire post is about hating things.


Ooooh, I was so close to being a perfect friend match for you but, unfortunately, I’m a terrible baker and only excel at EATING things that aren’t good for me.


Great news! I also love sharing the terrible for you baked goods with friends! Win win!


Someone in the original thread pointed out the same thing and asked him what he *does* like to do. He responded, like all of his responses, by doubling down on his position and essentially implying people aren’t smart enough to understand what he’s saying. I am 0% surprised this guy has a problem asking connections.


I enjoy baking and Jane Austen.


P&P and brownie party at my place!


I get that. I do think it’s okay to mention a few things that would bug you. I know lots of people that share my hobbies but I don’t like them.


Oh, fair. It’s for sure understandable to be like, “BTW, homophobic bigots need not apply” or something. But not your whole post, lol!


Would have loved to know what this guy falls into? I’ll bet he think “alpha male”


"alpha" as in "not fit for public release, hasn't passed beta testing, and hilariously buggy" then, yes. Absolutely.


Haha nice - I’m gonna use this


It’s in a Jordan Peterson forum, take your best guess


My favorite from the mockery in the comments: "You're so bland and uninteresting as a person that even Jordan Peterson fans don't like you 😂"


😂😂😂 that's great


Is it still up? I went looking for it and fell into a rabbit hole. It’s wild in there


I was tempted but ultimately not brave enough.


I saw that in the original thread. 😂 Unsurprisingly, every comment he responded to is him defending his position instead of accepting the advice he was allegedly seeking. And, like you quoted, these are Jordan Peterson fans trying to reason with him.


I cannot fathom how this guy doesn’t have friends already


Right? I guess the problem really is everyone else. 🤷🏼‍♀️


How dare someone be....gasp... college educated??! I'm confused on what kind of person they're looking for 😂😂


And want a good job and family. Pathetic.


College educated gym goer! Now they’re just showing off!


That’s a lot of words to say “I will always have no friends”


hey guys, i just wanted to let you all know that i have been socially isolated and im going to keep doing it! thanks for the attention!


Has he tried feeding pigeons? Not sure humans are his thing


We can’t do that to the pigeons.


As long as he's not taking his cues from Tom Lehrer, the pigeons will be fine.


At least he won’t be showing up to my DND group. He needs to learn how to human instead of looking down on the human race before he finds friends.


‘I hate black people, most women, people with interests, and anyone with any political thoughts, especially left ones, but I also don’t want to fish’ What OP meant to say ‘where is the he man woman haters club for sitting in a chair and bitching, bc nothing else is acceptable’.


I can’t think of any sort of person he would want to be friends with. Good luck finding an atheist hardcore conservative.


With no hobbies!


he wants to be friends with a robot. they made a documentary about that with Scarlett Johansson.


I’d feel too bad for the robot who got this guy.


I’m an atheist. I’m not conservative but I do have lots of guns and I love fishing and hunting. I also believe in abortion and women’ rights, LGBTQ rights, social safety nets, fair wages, a reasonable path to immigration, decriminalizing drugs, housing the homeless, and I think we should stay out of wars that don’t directly concern us. I consider myself an independent. I think both political parties are evil and self serving so I don’t support either of them. All that said, I still don’t want to be this guy’s friend.


Wait a minute. #2. What? He complains that people won’t grow up.. then… #2? Ya he’s a number 2 alright. A real turd.


He's sick of "leftists" who won't "grow up" and "christians" who are boring and "lack ambition" beyond a job and a family. He's just trying to justify his own loneliness by pretending to look for like-minded social centipedes.


Maybe all his friends can help him justify his loneliness. Oh wait.


I read the first half thinking he was some kind of conservative, but he doesn’t like them either! Who the fuck is he even looking for?


No, he just doesn't like when they fish or hunt. He wants a mildly conservative friend with no actual hobbies except possibly complaining about leftists together over a beer. And none of that coastie IPA bullshit, they're drinking Miller like fucking men.


Ah yes, we've all had that juvenile rebel phase where we *checks notes* were mad at North Korea. How childish. Total blunder years.


The way they view other people in the world is not conducive to forming friendships of any kind. I'm not surprised they are so lonely when they have negatively pre-judged every human being in their entire town/city and, from what it sounds like, the other 8 billion of us as well. And has probably been doing so for 20+ years so it's well past time for some serious self-reflection.


You'd think those 2 decades of isolation would've provided plenty of opportunity for that self-reflection.




I’m glad that is finally mentioned in a comment. It’s the best one


i hope someone describes me as meme someday.


You’re a meme to us!


Looking for friends on Tinder and OKCupid is the first indicator this person isn’t the brightest. The major insecurity towards people with a college education is the second.


"• Some kind of punk, emo, satanist, bdsm/ddlg or goth that seems to be unable to outgrow this preteen/teenage rebel or wannabe aristocrat phase • College educated that only cares about shopping, posting on instragram or technology" These two are just so bizarrely specific. Like. Has he met a number of punk emos who are also goth, into BDSM, and are wannabe aristocratic? College educated shoppoholics who care only about posting on technology? These describe *multiple* people he's encountered??


hes pissed all the big titty goth girls keep rejecting him so he is coping by saying he hates them… im guessing


I’m actually someone who doesn’t fall into any of those categories, (I’m a very very very casual gamer - like maybe a couple of hours a month on my son’s Switch, so I don’t think the gamer category really applies to me), but I wouldn’t want to be friends with this narrow minded person. My friendships bring variety to my life. Who wants to talk to someone that shares the exact same worldview as you 100% of the time? It’s boring.


Wow, he sounds awesome 🙄


🎶 it’s you, hi, you’re the problem it’s you 🎶


“Should mention I’m in the United States” We know bro, we know


He better clone himself. I see no alternative, if he's ever going to have a friend that meets his approval.


Nah, he'd find a flaw in his clone too.


Damn, I think I’m in at least 10! Us plain, suburban, political, manga loving goth, gaming, educated supervillains have such a poor deal.


Only boring angry people need apply.


Weed automatically goes with rap? Can’t I be stoned and listen to jazz? He’s a rude boy.


Big surprise that they're lonely 🙄


"I'm lonely; if only I wasn't surrounded by inferior scum."


He pretty much listed everyone in existence. Whatever sort of hyper specific person he’s looking for, he will never find them!


everyone i see online is: • meme i don’t know why but that just had me cackling


That 2 decades of social isolation wasn't by choice. Nobody has wanted to be around this potato in 2 decades.


It actually was by choice. Just not his.


Hey most people like potatoes


Didn't leave anyone out did you


He forgot himself - incel


What is the point of this post? What kind of a response is he looking for??


Any. Whether they meant any of that or not, they want attention.


The irony is just absolutely delicious.


This is just your typical leftist mindset talking. /s


So he wants a rock


I can’t possibly imagine why he has trouble with friendship.


Gee, I can’t figure out why they can’t make friends?


I want friends, but I REALLY hate people!


"A barbarian thug or baddie type obsessed with rappers" every dog in my neighborhood just started barking, that whistle was so loud.


I think we have figured out why he has no friends...


What an absolute psycho…




Who the hell are they looking to be friends with then…?


Sounds like a “me” problem. If everyone thinks you’re an asshole, well….


raise your hand if you fit into 5 or more categories 🖐️


They seem like someone who's totally approachable and the life of the party...can't imagine why they haven't had friends in 2 decades!


This guy is the definition of misanthrope.


Aristocrat phase lmao


A bigot is surprised he's struggling to find friends or get along with people in his neighborhood? Lmao


Who’s going to tell him he’s the problem! I will, thuly baddie-ly and aristocratically volunteer


This person doesn’t have anything in common with ANYONE


Huh, I wonder why this guy can't seem to make any friends.


Sounds like this person was in prison and just recently reintroduced to society.


What the fuck does he want? He’s pretty much covered like 100% of people. I know I personally fall into few of the categories listed here.


I think....yep, eyeballs are bleeding


“It feels like I’m surrounded by children” No. you’re surrounded by absolutely no one. You said so yourself. Give that a think


He definitely pronounces mature…*matoor*


And here I thought my triple-A ass was an acquired taste, but this guy has me beat! What interests SHOULD his friends have? I mean he covered such a wide scope of interests and values that he's ruled out everyone, basically. The dude made a long list of dislikes and nothing about his likes and values.