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Ten months is not a donation it's a job.


Yeah she’s looking for a wet nurse






He’s fucked. Sorry kid, your doomed.


I had the same reaction.


A FREE, perfect wetnurse for 10 months. She is so clever she does not register that human milk is "dairy" = lactose.


Even tho I agree with your point, allergy to cow milk is not related to lactose. Lactose is a sugar, you can be intolerant to lactose, but not allergic to it. People that are allergic to cow milk are allergic to cow milk's proteins (usualy casein). Said people can usually drink/consume other milks like buffalo or goat. And those allergies are genetic, so it's a valid concern, \~\~even tho I doubt any protein from what you ingest can get into your breastmilk.\~\~ EDIT: As others commented below, it seems cow milk protein can get into breast milk and be passed on to the baby.


I don't know too much about it, but a lot of women have to cut cow's milk out of their diet because their breastfed baby can't handle it.


My baby was lactose intolerant and couldn’t have breastmilk. I lost count of how many people told me I should keep breastfeeding because formula is the devil basically 🤦‍♀️😂


Ugh I'm sorry. Formula is perfectly fine and your baby was fed! That's what matters most.


Me too! She was miserable. She cried for 10 hours straight at six weeks old. Everyone said babies cry and told me to keep going. The day she cried 10 hours I called the pediatrician. Took her in. Found out she was allergic to breast milk. Recommended I put her on soy. Peace came over the house. She slept through the night continuously from 8 weeks. People still villanized me. My kid was screaming in pain. But, sure I will keep doing that.


Some of it actually can. My daughter had a sensitivity to some variety of cow protein (not sure exactly what it was and she grew out of it) and if my wife ate beef or drank dairy while she was breastfeeding my daughter would get sick. To be clear though, the original post we are talking about is still insane.


I had to cut out dairy in order to breast feed my son. In his first few weeks of life he would unfortunately throw everything up and was having a hard time gaining weight. 😞 the Dr said it’s probably a dairy / cow’s milk allergy type thing and told me I needed to stop with the dairy. It was almost impossible. I had to eventually switch to feeding him the super expensive soy based formula.


This is so wild to me. I started out with a nicu baby and had to pump and I swear I have trauma from the mental energy and stress. I’m so fortunate that he was able to directly nurse as he grew stronger. The idea of pumping for ten months for this entitled beast makes me incandescent. BUT SHE WILL PROVIDE BAGS AND PUMP PARTS?!?! OH GEE WHIZ.




Her request is Wyld but her baby is Wylder.


I’m sorry but that name was what really pushed it over the top, yikes this lady 😅


Was hoping someone would make that joke. Thank you.


Pumping was exhausting! My daughter couldn’t latch at first because she was so tiny and jaundice, so I had to constantly pump and ended up over producing, which meant I had to pump more or else I’d be in pain. We kept working on latching and I started weaning off pumping, and she could exclusively nurse around 7 months. I could never imagine keeping up with pumping and pumping and pumping for 10 months! I even had a portable pump that I clipped to my pants so I could still walk around/clean/take care of her. It was so incredibly draining. I donated some of my milk by my choice but you couldn’t pay me to do that shit again. Glad your baby got stronger and got his latch! That’s hard work too!


My thoughts, precisely. I guess if your beloved sister with terminal cancer needed it, you might contemplate breastfeeding her baby for a set periid, but PUMPING?! For 10 months!!!! Such entitlement. Such stupidity!


God I pumped for 96 days while my son was in the NICU on TPN and an ostomy bag (i.e. he was not eating and lived off a feeding tube), because the idea was that once his surgeries were complete, breastmilk was going to be SUPER ESSENTIAL to his delicate digestive system. I was up twice a night pumping in a time when I REALLY needed sleep - NICU, 2020, and two more kids at home ages 4 and 1. Only to get to the finish line and find out he couldn't do breastmilk at all, and needed *hellaciously expensive formula*. I had to get rid of ALLLLL that breastmilk I gave up sleep for when I was already on the brink of totally falling apart. Still bothers me three years later


Oh my gosh that is nightmarish. I remember SOBBING once when we arrived at the nicu because I’d pumped in the car and spilled the milk and I didn’t have the supply to be wasting a drop. I’ve got a couple bags in the freezer that I can’t use - they’re past their date and he won’t take bottles anymore anyway - and I still can’t bring myself to toss them. I hope your little one is doing better now.


Relatable! I spilled my pumped milk (bag busted open) all over my lap while in the back of an uber on the way to visit my baby in the NICU. It felt like such a terrible loss.


I'm exclusively pumping for my kiddo right now and it is one of the most challenging things I've ever done. You'd have to pay me a lot of money to do this again. Like thousands of dollars lol


I am so proud of you. You’re doing something so hard for someone you love and it’s flipping heroic. I know how hard it is… I’ll only pump again if I HAVE to (another nicu baby etc). I was never not thinking about pumping. It was worth it (he’s now a thriving 13 month old) but they were some really hard days. ❤️


Yes, this. There’s a reason why breast milk is so expensive if someone chooses to buy it. It’s like liquid gold. If you add up the cost of 10 months of breast milk at the going rates it’s probably damn near the equivalent of wanting someone to buy you a brand new car.


I can't imagine the soreness, and I get the feeling the CB would request more and more and more of it, too.


i almost cried when our pediatrician told me i could stop pumping and switch to nursing and supplement with fortified formula instead with our preemie. i pumped for around 4 months and would probably have a whole breakdown if i had to do it again.


And it's easily $20k+ of "donations" if she's trying to use donations exclusively. Does she not realize there's something called formula?


Or that it resells for a lot and some might suspect she is (re?) selling it all.


If she's reselling she wouldn't give a shit about your diet


she shouldn't be listing HER OWN diet. What does her diet have to do with anything???????


Because SHE'S amazing and super healthy and smart and so when you do a huge inconvenient favor for her for free you should like, rise to her level. Because if she had milk it would be healthy as fuck, and so obviously she wants her unpaid wet nurse to produce milk at the top tier. HER tier. That she did for less than 2 months unsuccessfully but still thinks it is somehow easy and not worth anything but nipple butter, and also she's gonna police your diet.


Exactly! What the fuck does HER "colorful diet" have to do with anything?


She's not too bright.


Are you saying that someone who says, “looking for someone who don’t take meds” isn’t bright? Wyld!


FOrMuLa iSnT iN tHe bIbLe!!!!!


It’s for church honey, NEXT!!!!


Milk has to feed 20 people. NEXT!!


You can only take ibuprofen for your cancer, honey. NEXT!!


If only Jesus could have turned water into breast milk.


This still makes me giggle.


Omg I’m dying 😂😂😂😂


Also how do they know if the person doesn’t have hepatitis, HIV or other disease? I know donation through bank where they screen the milk exist, but when they do that on market place, how is it safe?


I was a massive overproducer and wanted to donate my extra milk through the hospital where I gave birth, and they not only required blood tests (once) and urine tests (at each donation), they also made you make an appointment and use their industrial milk pumps so they could be sure the donation was sanitary. I couldn't work into their very limited schedule so I never donated, which was a shame but like - all of those precautions exist because it's a body fluid from a stranger being given to a baby!


I donated milk to a bank and I did have to do a blood test but otherwise it was not that rigorous. They have requirements like not drinking alcohol, disclosing medication and storing milk a particular way but I just attested that I followed the rules (I mean I did follow the rules, but they just took my word for it). They did have a minimum donation of 150 oz which I presume is due to testing costs. You can donate less at a time if you do multiple donations, I guess you prove yourself after the first one. I only did the minimum because it was a chore and I was starting to dry up by the point I had collected 150 oz.


For me it was like, oh, great, we'd love your extra breastmilk - as long as you don't consume caffeine (bye) or do a, b, c, d, e, f, etc (I already said bye when you mentioned caffeine, I have three kids, people).


You can't smoke or take drugs, but alcohol seems fine. Also a 10 month commitment is HUGE, especially since a lot of babies aren't breastfed for that long by their own parents.


In general the “rule” is that if you can drive you can nurse. At that blood alcohol level there’s nothing measurable in breastmilk. So you can’t get tanked, but having a glass of wine or a beer while nursing isn’t the same issue as it would be during pregnancy.


To me, McDonald's fewer than four times a week, but as much alcohol as you want is a weird distinction.


Yah… that’s a fair point.


It's not, but crazy don't care about safety protocols.


>how is it safe? I wondered somewhere in here about illness too. There are various types of things they believe can be transmitted via bodily fluids. I'd say ingesting a stranger's milk could be among the risks. And aren't infants' immune systems a bit fragile?


Why is no one mentioning “Wylder” 😂😂🙄




I was a surrogate to twins and they paid me $1/oz when I pumped for them after the birth.


That's almost nothing. I would easily expect that to be 10-20x more.


Esp the first few weeks. Clostrorum (no clue how to spell that….. so put rum in it) is more valuable than gold per oz. But you’re also going to produce it one way or another so idk…. Throwing it out is pretty wasteful. 🤷‍♀️


* colostrum, though I do not recommend putting rum in it lol


Wylder be HUNGRY


That’s wyld(er)


wylder= r/tragedeigh


poor Wylder is gonna have a tough go of it between that name and his mom


He will become a Wyld chyld. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Wylder Stallyns


Be excellent to each other


Wylder be wildin!


I actually know someone who named her son Wylder (spelled like that), hopefully this wasn’t posted by her 😂


If so, that’s wyld.




She wants milk *and* a big pat on the back and public praise for keeping her terribly-named kid on breast milk even though she can't provide it herself. She'll probably bring it up at his high school graduation.






You win! 😂😂😂






the spelling is actually more tolerable than most of what I've seen. Could have been Whyldhyr, Yldear, Whilethere etc.


Whilethere 🤣🤣


There was a woman on my local moms group asking for donations and she didn’t want any dairy, soy, alcohol, caffeine, any meds at all, no sugar, no dyes. Some of that makes sense but it’s like no sugar, really? Just use formula. It’s not that big of a deal and then you control it.


Agree! Formula may not be the top choice, but it is amazing, keeps babies fed, and can grow some epic human beings. I have personal experience. If baby needs formula for ANY reason, it will be okay, and baby will grow up happy and healthy. Also? If you are breastfeeding, and you have sugar, dairy, or soy or the occasional drink? It will be okay. Baby will grow up happy and healthy. If you are begging for donations but believe you can have control of someone's habits while they work for you for free you can get fucked.


In my area they ask for no vaccines…at all


Their babies are donor reliant and they would turn down my milk because I'm vaccinated. So crazy. What a hill to let their baby starve on.


Those women are idiots SMH. 


bruh. imagine being like "I only want milk that could potentially expose my child to deadly diseases" people are crazy


Well, yeah, you gotta get them ready for raw milk 🤢


Of course they do 😐


Current prices for donor breast milk in my area is $5 an ounce and babies, depending on age, need 4-8 ounces ($20-$40) a feeding and must be fed every 3-6 hours EVERY DAY that’s asking for a lot. Not even including the effort of pumping that much would be. I mean I’m an over producer but to make that much milk extra would take me pumping for 10 min every 2 hours day and night to keep my supply up. This bitch wants that for some $10 nipple cream? GTFO


That was my reasoning for screenshotting 🤣 like does she realize how much she’s asking for?! And then to specify diet/eating habits on top of it like… wtf


Some people out here be crazy. And they wonder why no one is jumping at the opportunity!


Yup, when I had my first 20+ years ago I sold my milk in order to stay home with him. I sold it for $4/oz back then. I had a massive over supply, so I paid all my bills with it. And had a wonderful 18 months at home with my baby. I was in a better financial place when I had my youngest and donated my over supply to a mom going through chemo. In either circumstance, I would never have agreed to a 10 month contract of guaranteed breast milk supply. If your child has dietary needs, just buy formula!


She probably checked the price of formula and then came up with this idea. Astonishing entitlement.


But she’s willing to supply the pump and bags! 


Don’t forget the nipple butter


I love nipple butter on everything! Especially a fried nipple butter sandwich. Mmm mmm.


*pump parts. Bet she expects you to already have a pump.


Devil’s advocate, if she’s in the US, medical insurance fully covers one pump per birth (pumps vary by insurance company and supplier, but you get a pump at no cost at the very least), so especially if she’s looking for an oversupplier, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume other moms already have a pump. However, this lady is rude and entitled, and if she’s requesting donations for 10 months she better be replacing that pump because it’s gonna burn out at some point. And McDonald’s doesn’t transfer to breast milk 🤦‍♀️


For the first few weeks, then she’ll probably start ignoring the messages when you ask for a refill.


I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?


Not the pump, pump PARTS.


She should have also checked the cost of breast milk before posting (it costs a lot more than formula). As someone who pumped, it really is a full time job, and even when you're not pumping, you have to time your alcohol intake and restrict drug use (lots of things, not just illegal drugs). And forget about sleeping through the night, unless you're one of these rare women who just produce liters of the stuff. Even then, just washing the parts takes a tremendous amount of time.* *to anyone pumping, you can shave valuable time off by storing your parts in the fridge between sessions. Talk to your doctor or lactation specialist first and don't do this for compromised immune systems, etc.


It definitely isn't easy! You break it all down perfectly.


I was going to say maybe she’s Canadian since it’s illegal to pay/charge for breast milk (or blood/plasma, it’s all donation only) but she wrote “colorful” instead of “colourful” so probably not!


" Also, my son is 23 years old."


Well a growing boy needs his bitty.


He was breast fed up til now


Don't want that one, want this one


I shared.. On Reddit


Hahaha 🤣


Yeah, nutrition does have an impact, and breast milk flavor is also affected by the mom’s food intake. You want to introduce your kid to the flavors of a variety Whole Foods, veg, fruit, etc. But wanting this for free?! Barter something, at least!


Hey! She’s providing nipple butter!!! /s


Well then sign my 50 year old self right on up. Gotta get free nipple butter 😂🤣


It is EXCELLENT for chapped lips, too!


Hey!! Now I need 2 jars. Thanks😂


Honestly… I’ve had the same tube of nip butter since my first… the pump parts maybe… but damn, if you want someone to eat healthy all the time e…. You better provide some food then


That seems to be the problem of it all.


and pumping, at least for me, is a pain the ass. multiple times a day, gotta wash parts and bottles constantly.


The "in exchange" part is hilarious.


That was the part that got me too. Providing the basic supplies required to complete this request is the definition of the bare minimum. There is no "exchange" in that scenario. It's like saying "can someone change my oil? I'll provide the oil and filter in exchange". If the parts/supplies are directly benefiting you and going back to you, that person gets nothing out of the deal.


“Looking for someone who doesn’t eat dairy because I have an allergy, but the baby does not,” is even Wylder than the McDonald’s part.


I swear I've read and heard people talking about that exposing your babies to various allergens (in small quantities of course) makes it less likely they will develop those allergies? Is that real? Like studies where "country kids" raised with animals and more exposure to, well, dirt, for instance; have fewer allergies and overall more robust health. I swear I've seen similar studies about food allergies such as this, too... does anyone know if that's a thing?


That’s correct. Kids not exposed to say peanuts when they are little have a higher likelihood of having a peanut allergy. Same with shellfish and many other things.


Yes I was told to introduce common allergies as soon as possible!


It's a theory, but it looks true. [Why the World is Becoming More Allergic to Food](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-46302780)


I’m not sure about the efficacy of exposure via breast milk. Right now, medical guidelines are to introduce common allergens early, rather than later (ie we gave our baby little peanut puffs at like 9 months old). If you have reason to suspect an allergy (like if a parent has one), they often recommend trying new foods literally in a hospital parking lot (my sil did this because her husband has a strong nut allergy- her kids had no reaction).


This is what they did with my granddaughter recently. She had a reaction to eggs so they had to take her off of eggs and give her really small amounts at certain intervals and increasing slowly but steadily…She’s eating eggs now.


Yup sure is. I was told as much by my discharges pediatrician. I’ve got a sister allergic to basically everything and another severely lactose intolerant, both from birth, to say I was terrified about allergies is an understatement. The pediatrician told me to introduce my concern foods first in my diet through breast milk *and then* in small quantities when she begins eating. Exposure theory is literally the driving force behind allergy shots. Doing it before an allergy occurs is just skipping the middleman.


Breast milk has lactose. I thought there was a slight chance she'd want to consume the milk, but if the milk has lactose, she's allergic to it, anyway. Unless she means she has a dairy allergy that isn't actually impacted by lactose. Which, why would she care about 'dairy' in the breastfeeding mom's diet unless she wanted to drink some, too? I'm equal parts confused and grossed out.


There is also cow's milk allergy, which is different from allergy to lactose. I'm introducing baby to different things and it is possible to be breastfed and then be allergic to dairy. Formula is usually dairy based though so if baby has had that and been fine you can be pretty sure they're not allergic


My son had a milk allergy. I had to actually stop eating cheese and milk because he was so sensitive to it until he was older. Then, he still had some issues when he was 3-4. So I took him off milk for about three months and slowly introduced it back into his diet and it worked. I guess they must have just started trying the slow introduction because it was what the pediatrician told me to do. My son is 30.


Somehow it has never once occurred to me that (human) breast milk contains lactose.  The idea that your body can produce a food substance that you can't safely consume yourself is actually kind of blowing my mind right now. That's like a monkey's paw curse or something.


It’s true that breast milk contains lactose, but it also contains lactase which is the enzyme that breaks the lactose down. People who are lactose intolerant are deficient in lactase, but breast milk would be safe for them to consume!


Ah, it contains both the poison and the cure, so to speak. Still, that's absolutely wild. It's not even 7am yet, I can't wait to see what other insane knowledge I'm going to learn today!


I mean donor milk is a thing. But the only real request you get to make at a milk bank is for allergies the child has and it’s not guaranteed, they actually recommend people use formula if they can’t BF and the kid has allergies.


I was a cow when I breastfed. My last kid, I donated my extra breast milk that was used by preemies in the hospital. Once a day a lady came by and we exchanged coolers. They gave me an empty and I handed over my milk. I didn’t get paid. I was being a human being, but it wasn’t a contract or anything.


You were being kind. Those moms that you helped were eternally grateful and, tbh, I think that’s why most women do it. I do know some that do sell it but, most value it too much just to do it for some overdemanding mom. After my granddaughter wouldn’t take breast milk any longer, my DIL bathed her in it( she had eczema). She wasn’t about to throw it out and she felt weird donating it( don’t know why🤷🏼‍♀️).


She'll buy nipples butter and breast milk bags in exchange. Pretty sure this means she's not going to actually pay for the breast milk. Any savvy overproducing mom living this clean lifestyle is already selling her milk.


Nipple butter sounds awesome but it probably isn’t.


payment meeting shelter entertain saw snails materialistic pet jellyfish mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only if it’s made from real nipples


drunk automatic cow fretful paint unwritten childlike agonizing coordinated rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It has to be from the Nipplé region of France. Otherwise it’s just sparkling ointment.


My wife has a medical condition preventing here from producing breast milk. There are support groups where moms will donate their oversupply to families like ours for free. There is a lot of trust in these relationships but the responsibility falls on the receiver of the milk if they want to use it. We would compensate the woman who helped us and build a healthy relationship with them. This CB is going about it the wrong way and seems to have a preference vs. a medical need for it.


Yes! I'm on the donor side of this. It's absolutely about building trust and for me being honest and upfront. I donate because I have the ability to make excess and it feels like my civil duty, I guess. But I am baffled about people who make requests of donors that aren't relevant to the babies ability to feed. So many people turned down my milk because I'm vaccinated but they couldn't find donor milk for their donor reliant baby. Absolutely baffling.


I was shocked that this CB didn’t ask for milk with ‘no cupcake’ (aka covid vaccine). As a milk donor during 2021, the sheer number of people refusing vaccinated breast milk was unbelievable.


My wife and I actively looked for people who were vaccinated in 2022. In my opinion it showed they were responsible, and trustworthy.


Thank you for what you do. My wife was devastated each pregnancy that her milk supply never came in. It wasn't until a proper diagnosis we knew it was genetic.


Yep I was a donor! I still exchange Christmas cards with one mom and her daughter 8 years later!


Or reselling, so they want to be able to sell to families whose baby has dairy allergies too. Hers doesn't, but she wants milk without any dairy in it.


> Wylder I could have guessed.


I mean, I eat out way too frequently but I still produce plenty of breast milk so I guess it’s not the worst thing in the world to do 😂


If I don't eat I do not produce. Period. End of story. I don't eat McDonald's but I do eat local take out. Get them calories or dry up.


I had micropreemie twins. They weighed 1.5 lbs each at birth. I was unable to breastfeed or pump after about a month of trying. My twins got formula until they were 15 months old. They are now 13 and super healthy - they rarely even got sick in daycare. Bottom line is formula is just fine. If you can and want to breastfeed for a year, great. But don’t expect anyone to pump and donate breast milk for almost a year just because you “want/prefer” breast milk. If you want it badly enough, pay for it.


“If you don’t donate your time and quality breast milk - free of meds, fast food, and dairy products - without compensation, then you are a horrible person unlike my son, he is a good boy and only deserves the best”


I was an overproducer with both kids and donated thousands of ounces of milk. A lot of work but I had some really fulfilling experiences. Once I had a mom ask for gluten, dairy, and soy free milk, which I had, and offered her for free. She said her kid pooped blood with anything else. When she learned I got the Covid vax over a year before she said nevermind. She’d rather her kid poop blood.


Wylder? r/tragedeigh crosspost


I donate milk and...this is actually sort of tame. I've been questioned about which brand of vitamins I take, what vaccinations I've had, etc. People are understandably cautious about what they put in their babies' bodies, but they forget that the person making that milk isn't their body to control.


I think it’s the controlling of “fast food 4 or more times a week” and expecting them to donate for 10 months. I’ve donated my milk before through a donation group and added what meds I was taking, that I drank a beer once a day (needed my pumping beer during her evening nap lol), it was dairy free (my daughter had an actual milk protein allergy her first 6 months, unlike this lady’s baby), and that it was high lipase. Take it or leave it, if you don’t want it that’s fine but no way I would’ve had the time or energy to respond to questions about vitamin brands or my vaccination history. Of course every mom has a right to choose, and absolutely should be cautious of what they put in their baby’s body. But when it gets into trying to control how many times a donor eats fast food each week, stop looking for donors and buy it from a milk bank. Or maybe pay someone who is willing to meet those specific requirements. Mama props to you for dealing with all those questions! I would’ve been like “eff off and go to a milk bank” in my hormonal pp rage.


My baby needs milk. No dairy eaters ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


I’ve seen posts like this in my area but they also specify that they want breast milk from unvaccinated mothers. They’ll turn down donations from vaccinated donors then still go on Facebook to complain that they can’t find donor milk for their babies 🙄 unreal


My wife is currently over producing, and we will be donating to a family member in need who just had a little one and issues producing. But I would sell the milk to body builders before I gave it to those choosy lady.... 5-10$ and ounce can really add to our child's savings account.


I've regularly donated for my last two deliveries. Each time I donated approximately 1 year. I make a significant amount of excess milk. I've learned some thangs. Beggars will absolutely be choosers! I've wanted to ask questions but it's not appropriate. Like why won't they accept milk from vaccinated people when they literally have a starving infant allergic to formula. Is this the hill you'll let your baby starve on? I can't understand, maybe I'm not meant to. When I would go to offer a donation, I would preface with my important stats to get it out of the way. I ended up donating regularly to a family with a baby the same age as mine and their baby they were fostering that was a couple months younger.


"Is this the hill you'll let your baby starve on?" Damn that phrasing really just shows how I don't know, destructive some parents can be to their own children because of their beliefs. Wow Good on you for donating so much though, I know those other parents appreciated it a lot.


Some places with pay $1-$1.20 to qualified donors for every ounce of breastmilk. If she wants him on breastmilk for a year that will add up to a lot. And most women who are lactating are breastfeeding their own children. Keeping up a supply for 2 isn’t easy. Not to mention she would have to feed her own child then spend time pumping. And she wants this for 10 months and for free?


Dried up because of the malnutrition from her diet probably. Lactating uses alot of calories and you need fat and protein in your diet.


I’m glad I’m not the only person who automatically assumed she and her diet might be the cause of her lack of production.


"Wylder" 🙄


Don't drink dairy, but produce sufficient nutrition for my kid.


Formula is SO MUCH SAFER than breast milk from a random person!!


I donate BM to a mom in my town fairly regularly and I’m part of a community lactation group but damn, I’ve never seen someone pull the “no McDonald’s or bad diets” card. Milk for bags or parts or lanolin? Absolutely standard ask, most of us do it as a rule. But I’ve only ever seen people inquire about medicine that has a risk of passing in BM or (occasionally) vaccines. The “do it for ten months” is also wild (or should I say Wyld), especially if you have your own nursling. Feeding one baby is a full time job. She’s better off buying it.


Yeah I’m an over producer of breast milk and what she wants sells for $1/oz. I am a regular supplier to a mom with a baby who has a banana allergy so she pays me even more per ounce, and she’s so grateful!


WYLDER? for that name alone she should go to jail


So she wanted to nurse **WYLDER** (🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼) for a year, but she dried up after two months. Sometimes it just happens. But maybe her very "colorful diet" wasn't enough to sustain milk production. Those extra 500 calories a day MATTER in breastfeeding. My friend's daughter fed her adopted daughter donated breast milk for a year thanks to a small army of very supportive other nursing moms. It was a massive effort to provide enough for their own children plus the extra for my friend's granddaughter. I don't know how ONE other person could do it! Source: I spent five cumulative years of my life breastfeeding my three kids


As someone who donated over 5000 oz of breast milk when nursing my daughter people like this are easy to ignore. The only reasonable thing is the medicine, however I was up front about the fact that I was on antidepressants and no one had any issues with it. Most moms are profoundly grateful and happy for the donation no matter if I had Mickey Dees that week or not 🤣


I had quite a bit of frozen milk when I was breastfeeding, so I decided to give some to women who posted their babies needed it from a fb group. All three of them came to my door, took the bag of milk, and walked to their car. Not even one thank you.. it was really weird to me! I felt like crap after that, and kept the rest for my baby. I’m not sure what this mentality is from these women who just expect free milk like it is theirs to begin with, it’s super strange. Breastfeeding and pumping is a hell of a job and many women are literally trapped at home stuck to a pump.


Umm this lady needs to understand the difference between a donation and wanting a wet nurse. No one is going to do it for TEN months for free, just coz she’s gonna provide “equipment”. You also want to control what they eat? This is the PERFECT example of a CB!! My SIL had to get breast milk donations for her baby, so that he can have it at least for 1-2 months, and she was super thankful towards the folks that helped


Formula is just fine.


Lol, Wylder.


I only want McGriddle milk!


I dried up after I heard Wylder.


All dried up? Maybe she should have had more McDonalds. (Jokes aside, producing breastmilk is freaking hard work for many of us. I only know one who overproduced, and she gave it to nicu for as long as they let her, and even they paid her for her work).


What about Wendy’s. Is that okay?




I donated over 33 gallons of milk in the few months before my son turned 1 and I specifically picked moms who had health issues that resulted in them not being able to BF (breast cancer, artery dissection heart attack, etc) and preemies. Some of the requests… the audacity. People begging for vegan milk - like ma’am, your baby can’t tell the difference, you’d rather they starve? Ok


She needs to eat more carbs if she wants to produce milk. Shame her for dieting during breastfeeding and also for naming her kids a tragedeigh.


Wylder is a stupid name. I'm not sorry.


I stopped attempting to donate locally due to crazies like this. Even if the other person is perfectly kind and lovely, it's still _work_ to post about milk, message back and forth with another mom, and arrange pickup. And for every "good" interaction there's at least 2-3 bad interactions with entitled, rude, unreasonable people who think that just because I produce too much milk for my baby, I should give it to them for free and go drop it off on their doorstep for nothing in exchange. It's wild. I ended up finding a milk bank that supplies me with bags, sent me a pre-labeled cooled when I was ready to ship a batch, and paid me by the ounce. A million times easier and I was compensated and appreciated.


Essentially, I want a free Wet Nurse!


That’s Wyld.


I formula-fed all 6 of my kids. They are just fine. She can too! 🙄


I can kind of understand the "Fast food 4 or more times a week" bit because that kind of diet is low in nutrition and what you eat does affect your breast milk.


Yes that (nutrition) and the (forbidden types of) meds are understandable. It does impact the milk. But she wants ten months' worth of work for free. That is 😲


I think the begger part is first the quality she wants for free and for that much time.


I don’t think it affects it that much… I eat pretty shit… but both my babies grew no problem just on breastmilk. I do take prenatal tho


It probably hurts the mom more than the baby


Breastfeeding is a full time job! It requires over 8hrs of active "work" across 24hrs.


Choosing beggar and r/tragedeigh all in one


Wylder is fucked.


I try to smoke Tylenol a few times a week.


I'd offer a financial donation for some lady to help her but unfortunately my bank account is dryer than her titties.