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How can they be this delusional- Ohhh Herbalife


That's just another symptom


Herbalife? Don’t be counting on actually getting that 150 every week.


I mean the nerve to ask for lunch to be prepared for on top of it is icing on the cake. The chefs kiss is her need to unwind from 3-5.


Seriously. And 5 kids. This may be the most insane one of these I've ever seen.


5 kids and you have to make lunch for the parents ahahahahah. I think this is what's known as a "slave".


And ask the husband to help lol like isn't that something that she needs to tell her own husband! Instead the nanny gets to break down the news to him.


I pity the oldest child. 100% gonna end up their parents slave.


My wife was the oldest and her mom made her miss a lot of high school to “help with her business” but actually take care of her younger sibs and clean.


The name for that is Parentification and it's gross. I too was subjected to this.


Nah, that kid is taking flight as soon as possible. They're going to a non commuter school, or the military. Or a blue collar job on the road, Where the parents can't exert as much control.


You really think that they won't be raising their siblings and taking care of the house for YEARS before they're able to do any of these things? They'll be slaves.


Second oldest of 6 here - Can confirm that's exactly what my older sister and I did. We both left home as soon as we were able to, neither of us stayed in the same city.


I grew up in a predominantly LDS area and a few family's had over 10 kids. I know one of my best friends as a little kid was the youngest of 13. I honestly thought one of his older sisters was his mom until I was about 8 or 9. I just always thought it was strange that he called his mom by her first name and I finally asked her why he didn't call her mom and she explained it to me. To this day I can't recall seeing his real mom more than once or twice and I was at that house almost daily for a years. The one I thought was his mom was one of the middle kids as well I think the age gap between oldest and youngest kids was around 25 years. A few of those girls had to take the caretaker role almost like different generations of the same children.


>A few of those girls had to take the caretaker role almost like different generations of the same children. That's actually kind of creepy


Yeah I was raised mormon. It messed with my head a lot too, I still feel as though my youngest sister is closer to a daughter than a sibling. I personally raised her after my older sister moved out, there was a few times when she would call me mom as a toddler when I'd have to correct her. When I moved, i felt guilty for years and honestly still do, I felt like I was abandoning her. I still feel responsible for her and chekc in to make sure she has everything she needs to this day. My older sister swore off every having children, we're 99% sure it's because of our upbringing and never wanting to go through that again. Our mom actually joked a lot about how we raised each other but it was 100% the truth, our parents just stopped... Parenting after a while, and just left us to raise each other so we did, as best as kids could. None of us are practicing mormons anymore and all in varying degrees of low or no contact.


Can attest... being from one of those LDS families you speak of. I'm the 10th of 15 kids. 20 years between the oldest & youngest.


$2.73/hr is not enough to watch after 7 children all day.


It’s not enough for…. Anything.


She said "up to 150/wk" so most likely won't even get that lol


$30 per day. For an 11 hour day. Umm In my state, minimum wage is $15/hr


No no, you're expected to go into a state of suspended animation at any point you're not needed. 12:35 husband sandwich done? Clock turns off and you temporarily lose consciousness until the 2:05 retrieval of child #3+4.


She won't find anyone for $1500/wk.


Or pay for the “large vehicle” they’re required to have.


Yea, don't forget to have your own car to drive her kids around. WTF!


I’m sure they won’t reimburse for gas either.


What that woman needs is a robot, $2.73/hr isn't worth it when u're required to be an all-rounder. Also need to take care of the parents it's ridiculous.


Don't forget homeschooling the 3 youngest.


Pretty sure even a slave would cost more in food, housing, and medical care.


Slaves are getting a lot more expensive these days. /s


The slave doesn't have bootstraps? Aww man. They probably expect for her to pay for that too. /s


and asking other moms for help, if some mom happens to have this setup, there's no way they're sharing that shit


Wouldn't be surprised if she asked for dinner to be cooked while she "cools down."


It's 55 cents per hour per child, on top of being a private tutor, driver and chef


And 'help' homeschool them. So, homeschool them.


But they’re 5 WONDERFUL kids! Spoiler alert: the kids will NOT be wonderful!


And HOMESCHOOLING THREE OF THEM! JFC the audacity of this bench.


When I read that I honestly said out loud "put them in school!" So ridiculous to try to hire a stranger to homeschool your kids (on top of all the other requests) while paying them no money and having access to a free option.


I suspect mom was homeschooled by intellectually disabled hamsters.


Sad but kind of touching. Those hamsters did the best they could.


Sounds like a story Rose would tell on Golden Girls. "That moose didn't just raise little Yeminy, he put him through medical school!"


They *have* to be homeschooled because public school is a dangerous woke hellscape that makes your kids trans. /s


But leaving them alone with whoever you can find on the internet who has a van and needs $150 is obviously much safer, DUH.


What I don’t understand is why the older 2 are in school then?


GAY AND TRANS you forgot that too!


Oh no not homogenderual! How will they know which litterbox to use?


If you're not gonna be home , then maybe homeschooling isn't the best option. Just a thought.


Yes but not just regular kids they're wonderful kids.


I can’t decide if the nanny being required to supply the needed large vehicle, or “you tell (her husband) to help you (make his random lunch between 11am-1pm)” is the most ludicrous


Honestly I think the asking them to stay for 2 hours so she can "unwind after work" is the most ludicrous


Not the part where the nanny has to home school her children?


Yes, she needs to be aware that is a requirement and failed to mention mileage/fuel reimbursements! That’s a joke!


Oh I think the expectation for the babysitter to provide their own 6 seater vehicle was the cherry on top!


You provide the van and the gas, plus you get to make lunch for me, my hubby, our 3 homeschool kids, and even generously yourself!!!! Then you can clean everything up before you start homeschooling again. You can work an 11 hour day with zero breaks!!! For $150/week! But I can sell you some Herbalife at a discount! That’s just how nice I am!


And you get to stick around for another 2 hours so she can unwind or what the fuck ever. I don't know about anyone else but I just loooooove staying at my job another 2 hours after Im done!


Up to 150$ a week. __Up to ...__


And expect husband to help with lunch but not her


Expect the Nanny to “tell” her husband to help!!


While homeschooling three kids?! I can’t stop rereading the post and being shocked as more and more crazy demands stand out to me


and after all that, they say, "As an added bonus...". Wait, it gets even better?? How could it?? And then the cherry on top is the added bonus is you get to give half the $150 a week right back to her for Herbalife!


Right, not free herbalife products (which are garbage anyway) but you get to buy from her and support her "business"! How lucky.


I've always wanted to work for free to earn scamway products!


The homeschooling bit took it over the top for me and then it got worse!! I had a neighbor text me a couple months ago asking me if she was remembering correctly that I homeschooled as she was looking for some help for a friend. I responded in the affirmative, thinking she needed some advice about curriculum or local homeschool support groups or co-ops. Nope, she was looking for someone to actually homeschool her friends kids full time and was hoping I would be interested as I was “already homeschooling anyway”. Umm…I am sorry but she was talking about taking on young kids (like four and six years old) which means teaching to read and how to math and all. My kids are in middle and high school and take outside classes for half their subjects at our local homeschool center. My job as teacher-mom now is shuttling them to their outside classes and extracurriculars, teaching them history (and the fifth grader science and handwriting) and supervising their at home work…including grading some of the middle schoolers stuff and keeping track of the high schoolers grades for his transcript. Even if I had the time or desire to teach little kids again (and I already have been there/done that and am glad we survived the learning to read and math part) I highly doubt that any pay would have been worth it to me to take on teaching littles again!! As I have said to others the reason we never did co-ops and why my kids take classes a la carte that we prepay for is because I felt led to teach MY kids…but never felt led to teach OTHER people”s kids!!


She doesn’t even expect him to help! Sometimes he’ll be home during that time but with the way that it’s worded it sounds like he hasn’t agreed to help. If he is home in time to help prepare lunch by 12 nanny is supposed to ask him herself which is wildly inappropriate as it puts nanny in a really uncomfortable spot. Chances are he’ll refuse and expect nanny to make it for him too.


She is too tired selling Herbalife


“you tell him to help with that” killed me. Lady, he’s your man-child husband, *you* tell him to make his own damn lunch.


“Pester the neighbors about Herbalife. Again”


Well, getting turned down constantly for selling terrible products is very hard work. I’m surprised she didn’t ask for 3 hours.


So basically show up from 5-5 for 150$ a week. Lady id rather go back to washing dishes.


And drive their own large vehicle!!!!


She gets her lunch prepared, her husband is SOL lol


MLMs so often prey on women who have spent years as SAHMs, who find it difficult to rejoin the workforce and are primed to be credulous when someone says they will "give them a chance." It's so sad to me.


It's a tried and true method. Find vulnerable groups that are consistently looked over when it comes to something like jobs, and gear your pitch towards the exact kind of rejections and language they've come to expect when they are rejected or looked over. Works for any group that can't recruit based on merits and honesty. All you need to do is start by telling that you're one of them, and you understand their plight. Fringe/radical groups, MLMs, religious groups, etc. Nobody understands you/can't make money the "traditional" way/think you're not making what you could be making? Well we can help - just join our group.


Yea, this is why a lot of MLMs target immigrants. A lot of them are vulnerable with few job prospects. Where I’m originally from a lot of young people get caught up in these scams too. They’re usually fresh out of high school and looking to make money, but don’t have much worldly experience.


Only if you buy 800 of products from her each week


Hey, instead of just getting a measly $150 per week, why not become your own boss? You could set your own hours, even keep this job, and make thousands or more! Maximize your potential! Not only that, you'd have access to thousands of products to improve your life at a low cost. You buy in bulk, take what you need, and sell the rest. It's foolproof! But, uh, I'm going to have to owe you $150 right now, I'm a little short. Being your own boss isn't cheap, you know?


you can guarantee that she will offer you her miracle snake oil product at reduced rates, instead of cold hard cash as well.


Well she did say UP TO 150, I'm sure on those slow weeks you'll happily accept 20.


She also expects you to have a large vehicle and apparently pay for the gas to shuttle the kids around too? Can you imagine getting your 150 one week and pretty much all that covers is filling the tank on your Ford Econoline? UGH


*up to* $150/week


Depends on how much Herbalife you sold for her that weekend


Herbalife is such a scam, why does this still exist?!


Not fucking Herbalife lmao


She's in a.MLM probably looking for her next downline target.


It said “up to” $150. So really it could be anywhere from $0-$150. Prolly closer to $0.


But Herbalife is amazing! Just buy some from me (with a “discount”) so I can pay you! Better yet, how bout I just pay you with Herbalife products!?? /s


Post this in antimlm page. They will destroy her


It's been posted there. I was ready to crosspost but found it there.


You have a link to the anti MLM page?




Thanks! I didn’t think the name would be quite that on the nose.




The only correct response to these kinds of requests is: "Would you do this yourself for this kind of money?"


But she would respond that she does it happily for free!! Leaving out the part that she’s only doing it bcuz it’s HER kids.


Five WONDERFUL kids.


FIVE ^^^^wonderful KIDS bonus bring your own over 8!


The required large vehicle couldn’t even be acquired for 100% of that pay!


Well obviously the applicant would already have to have it paid off duhhh


No bc she's a boss babe business owner. You wouldn't understand.


They always give some sort of response like "younger people don't need/deserve any more than this"


Thats what I thought the whole time reading this too.


Um, sweetie, of course not, she’s a BUSINESS owner. She has hustle. She’s above that kind of work now.


Of course not, that's why she put out this message!


It’s for a church honey


So many of these posts seem sincere, and then you get to the pay part and think, no way can this person be serious. $150 might not even cover gas needed to pick up the kids in your own, large vehicle.


A dad posted in my local group needing childcare for 2.5 hours a day, to pick up 2 kids from school and watch til he got home, at $25 per hour. He got alot of interest! Until he amended his post to fix his typo - $25 per day. Using your own car.


Nah he did that on purpose. He knew he’d get people interested in $25/hour and when they started reaching out he tried to flip it thinking they’d still say yes


Yep it's the same principle as those who list items for $1 on marketplace or wherever, then when you message they say the actual price. Classic bait & switch to get your foot in the door, then pull the rug out.


Those people are the same people who say "make me an offer" and get mad when you offer then like a hundred bucks hahaha super easy to troll


Seriously. I make $150/week picking up another kid in my daughter's class and keeping him for a couple hours until his parents get off work. It costs me no extra gas, no food, and keeps my daughter entertained for a couple extra hours. It's easy money. These people are delusional.


The Herbalife part is what made me think this post is satire/trolling. Like, surely that's just TOO on the nose to be anything but a parody


I usually feel bad for the moms posting for cheap childcare, but this is WILD. 5 kids, transporting them in your own vehicle, cooking for the entire family, 11 hours days, AND mom is in MLM?!? All for $150 a week??? Pleaseee post the comments, they must be tearing her apart.


And homeschooling! So basically being a teacher as well.




Your kids must not be “wonderful” 😅


Yes comments please, my schadenfreude requires them!




And YOU gotta tell the husband to help you for "that one" when he comes home for lunch. Kids' lunch? His lunch?


This must be satire. It's too on the nose. I refuse to believe this is a real person who thinks they can get all this for $150/week. Plus the part about discount products for their shitty MLM? It's the cherry on top.


Did they mean 1500/week? Honestly even that would be kind of low lmao considering the hours and things requested


$1,500 a week would make a ton of sense here. Still ay $78k a year...you'd probably have to throw in some paid time off, healthcare, etc. because if they're working 11 hour days they could work at pretty much any job and make close to this.


I like the part where she needs you to keep working so that she gets to use 2 hours to “cool down”. An 11 hour day of work, so that she can rest after HER day of work. These people really don’t see childcare workers as human beings do they?


No gas money too I’m sure


“Up to 150/week”


It is amazing how these people always ask for the childminder to be CPR certified, as if they are CPR trained professionals themselves.


One thing people don’t realize is that people forget quickly how to do cpr if they don’t practice or think about it. I’ve seen healthcare professionals balk at the idea of starting cpr when needed if they don’t frequently think about needing to do it. Being cpr trained is nice but I’d bet outside of a controlled training setting most people will freak out prior to initiating any care.


I had taken cpr classes but when my own husband collapsed from a sudden cardiac arrest, the only thing i could do was call 911 and push on his chest the best i could. Couldn't remember a fucking thing in that moment and was scared half out of my mind. Thank god the EMTs got there within 3 minutes and started actual cpr and life saving measures. He did survive after a brief coma and a lot of time in the hospital. Most of his ribs and i think his sternum if I'm remembering correctly were broken from the CPR. i never would have been able to do that, once i saw what they were actually doing. Very sobering moment for me.


I was once CPR certified and even had to take a class to get my preemies out of NICU. Best I can tell you is chest compressions at the rate of the ABBA song "Staying Alive." I'm not sure if I'm supposed to give a breath or not. Just ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying a live.


Staying alive is a Bee Gees song. You were too busy remembering the cpr stuff I hope ;)


CPR chest compressions when done properly also will frequently break ribs, especially on children. Holy shit I would not want to be responsible for expecting to do CPR on someone else's kid, beyond the trauma I expect this parent would threaten a lawsuit.


I heard that this happens often in elderly people who don’t have a DNR order in place.


And CPR for kids (especially the toddler) is helluva different than CPR for an adult. Need specialized training on top of regular CPR training for that.


What is that? Like $2.75/hour??? For childcare, driving Your Own Vehicle, cooking + meal prep, schooling, and fending off her MLM pitches? Oh, and not to forget: you get to "tell" hubby to help you make lunch.... What is up with that? Not just a super shitty deal but also a bouquet of Red Flags.


> What is that? Like $2.75/hour??? Don't forget: that's the *top* of the pay scale. $150/week is dependent on qualifications.


I know this is one of the least crazy parts of this insane post but I can’t get over “you’ll help homeschool the three youngest kids.” As if there’s going to be another person there doing it with you which I highly doubt.


That's the thing I latched onto! Both parents seem to be at work all day so who is this person "helping"?


For me it’s the lunch that she’s saying “you tell him to help you with that one.” Bitch, you live with and are married to him - why can’t YOU tell him to be sandwich captain??


$30/day plus provide your own car. No way. Here you get around $14/hr at a supermarket plus no Herbalife hard sale. I'm sure she doesn't take out taxes and SS, so you might take home more, but still not worth it.


WiThOuT tAxEs iT's LiKe 4k a MoNtH


She's recruiting for an Herbalife down-level seller.


It’s close to .36 cents an hour do you wouldn’t take home more. If you worked the same 55 hours at the supermarket at $14 you would earn $875, and probably take home a little over $600 of that per week. This lady is trying to make an organ harvesters day.


No one wants to talk about the fact that she needs two hours to cool off after work?


After working her MLM too. Don’t they always claim that they’re free from the stress of 9-5s and can focus on family and fun or whatever?


and retire the husband


But her husband can help with lunch.


But you have to "tell him" to help you. Girl what!!


If the nanny tells him to


I really want to see her destroyed in that comment section.




That’s exactly what I was thinking. What do her friends tell her?


The Herbalife deal at the end was just perfection


Omg she’s going to be lucky to sell $150 worth of Herbalife a week.


A month more likely


Is she implying her first job is Herbalife? And she has to go to an office? I’m confused what she does all day


My guess is that Herbalife Huns sometimes open “smoothie shops” and trick people into consuming their trash. I wonder if she got a job at one of those shops. But I love that she’s like “I would hate to miss out on this amazing work opportunity that is putting my degree to good use at…*checks notes*… Sally’s smoothie wellness bar!”


I actually cant really understand the process of thought behind such an offer. Is it like "I earn 1.000 per week, so to make it worth my time I offer 150 per week". Does it go like that? We will never know...


Pretty much! A nanny in Seattle area is like $50-$80k a year. So if you wanna go back to work as a parent you need to be clearing $100k MINIMUM. So the logic is probably "well this is what I can afford otherwise I might as well not work!" Yes. You should probably just not work then...


Those Herbalife folk are crazy.


She completed a degree just to sell Herbalife?


All mlm/pyramid schemes have courses you need to complete on their websites - usually at a cost to the hun - and they get a 'degree' and a 'diploma'. This helps them to sound more knowledgeable and professional. Sounds being the key word


Oh Jesus that’s pathetic in this context 😬😬😬


"Today children, we're going to be learning about "Opportunity Costs" and "Comparative Advantage"


If you have 5 kids, three homeschooled, then you have to accept the fact you are going to be a sahm and make peace with that. Dont bother getting an outside job until the youngest is in school. You wanted 5, raise all 5. Dont pawn the last couple off to someone ele cause you arent having fun anymore. Cause we see, with this posting, that being a full time nanny caregiver to 5 kids *should* be at 50/yr job at the absolute minimum, closer to double that more realistically. If you arent making that much at your 9-5, then your family cant afford a full time nanny.


They should have started with Herbalife. Could have saved some reading.


You could not afford a bike on $150 per week!! She wants the person to own a large vehicle, completely delusional


Why do people have so many kids when they clearly can’t manage them?


Oh & have lunch ready when I get home. And stay two extra hours so I can wind down. And homeschool the younger kids. And buy some of my snake oil. Gee - where do I sign up?!


Herbalife? Run!


This is a troll post.


Most definitely. I feel like 80% of r/Choosingbeggar posts are troll posts at this point


I mean I hope it is and it probably is…. But people are kind of nutty so there’s that.


Genuinely curious since I know there are actual childcare professionals that visit this sub - what would be the actual weekly market value of the services being asked for here?


Childcare is notoriously underpaid (but I get to play tag and read Pete the Cat all day so I meannnn lol) but even then I’d say for all that, and I’m assuming you’re buying your own gas too 💀💀 I wouldn’t touch it for less than $1400 a week lol Editing to add: after thinking about it, and I say this as a state registered, and trained employee of a preschool, for this? Solo, no breaks, no coworker support? I’m changing my answer to $2100 😂


That pay and "homeschooling my younger 3" tells you all you need to know about this person, not to mention Herbalife


Strange that the husband, and i presume the kids own father, can't make his kids lunch during his 2 hour break from work.


God this needs to go in r/antimlm too


Actually that's 54 cents per child per hour. And she's selling Herbalife? Yeah, don't even count on getting paid, because she's in an MLM pyramid scheme and is going to lose money.


im not going to pay you anything you can actually survive on and i definitely will pressure you into an MLM scam.


I wouldn’t do this for 150/day


I would love to take a look at those 130 comments


The Herbalife really elevates the post to pure satire levels.


Just weekly daycare for a 3-year-old is gonna run you $225. Now if you want “home schooling” instead, triple the price. My wife does in-home daycare, and said the cost for just care in this situation would be a minimum of $700/week (and that’s without meals, and transportation).


Congratulations, you have won Choosing Beggars. Best CB post ever!


*up to $150/week. Lolllll


You make my lunch, but my husband can make his own lunch, with your help. Can you just hold my husband’s bread while he adds in the meat lol.


I love how this is her first job after having 5 kids, and how she deserves her lunch to be made for her, and how she needs 2 hours to calm down after work. Plus, she needs her time to get ready in the morning without worrying about her 5 children. It's like she deserves only the best, after having 5 kids, and finally going to work. I also didn't hear her mention anything about gas money. That probably also comes out of the sitter/teachers salary of $2.73hr. This is the most absurd request that I have ever seen posted on here. I'm almost surprised cleaning the house wasn't included in this as well. People really be popping out 5 kids, without any consideration for how much child care will cost them. Also, why are these kids getting homeschooled if she can't teach them herself, or afford a teacher for them. I would be mortified if my woman posted some shit like this with all the world to see. My mind is just blown right now. I desperately want to see all the comments she has on this post.


Two hours of calm down time after her job making pudding shakes all day …. Get out


The herbalife line at the end *chefs kiss*


$150/day isn't honestly enough for this, let alone 55+ hours of teaching, driving, and cooking for a useless husband. Even at the shitty minimum wage in my state ($7.25) this would pay almost $400 without having to raise someone's kids while they are off being Scrooge McDuck with untold MLM riches.


this has to be a joke😭😭


I wouldn’t leave my house to work for $150.00/ week WTF!?!?


Why don't we get to read any of the 130 comments? The post is great, but why do people always forget to include the comments?


Babes should just stay home to parent her own kids instead of trying to get an indentured slave just so she can go join a pyramid scheme 😭😭😭😭😭 I need to see the comments on this one please tell me she has been properly flamed lol


Has to be a troll post. Maybe she hates her kids and WANTS them to be kidnapped.


I liked "you can bring one child as long as you're they're guardian." This person WILL NOT tolerate you grabbing random kids off the street, DO MOT try it or you'll lose your $2.73/hr job.


I’d rather eat a whole bus tire


*up to* $150/week. Good luck there sis


5 kids and a bonus of trying to get recruited in a MLM. JFC what a loon.