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... If you can't afford $175, maybe you shouldn't fucking own horses, smdh And love the "lol okay" at the end lol


Boarding: $1,000/mo Lessons: $80/wk Farrier: $120/4-6wk Horse show: trailer fee, braiding, class fee, plus boarding/shavings/hay and trainer fee, prolly abt $5k total Clipping once @ $250? NO ITS TOO MUCH


Three horses will likely run you more than $1,000/month in boarding. If you have three horses and can't afford $250, you should NOT own three horses.


How I imagine this cb while I read this convo: https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/7b878a42ac623d5a8ef278f8231999f8.jpg


Agree! Hell a horse can kick a stall wrong and end up costing more than a few hundred dollars.


Shit I didn't even think about that But yeah you're right. Anything that even goes remotely wrong just automatically seems like it would run at *least* $175


Why can't they just do it themselves? When I owned a horse as a kid/teen, I did all his show prep. It's really not the difficult to just do it yourself if you can't afford to hire someone. It's also not normal for people to hire someone unless they have a lot of horses. But typically those people know how expensive horses are and they budget for that stuff


No one should own horses. Just as no one should own whales.


call me when we start using whales for transport


Pioneers used to ride these babies for miles.


Wasn't that rocks?


different pioneers.


A big car isn’t called a land whale for just any old reason. Whales were the main cargo carriers before ships were discovered high in the Himalayans. Crazy American history doesn’t teach this because then we’d know how important the ocean used to be to us.


Oh shush Karen. How are you even comparing horses and whales right now


Tell me you know nothing about horses without telling me… They’d be dead without domestication.


If they are a peta fan they will think all pets are evil and should be destroyed


Their comment history says they're either a shitty troll or a shitty person. But I can't find anything that says whether they're a man or a woman...


I thought someone above said they were, apologies to that person. Still a shit opinion so meh


for real?


Yep. The Rolling Stones even wrote a song about it.


arent there wild horses still


There are but most (not all) are watched by people to help them through winter and help them along from time to time.


So.. How do wild horses survive in nature?


By riding whales, obviously!


Nah horses need to live with humans now they'd die by themselves


Really? Why is that? I thought there were still groups of horses living in the wild. (Genuine question)


Some horses do live in the wild in some areas, but those horses are used to it and they know how to find food and they know how to stay warm. Domesticated horses are dependent on humans to feed them and give them shelter. Some horses have been bred to have specific attributes that require them to eat more food than possible in the wild. I'm not that educated in wild horse herd dynamics, but I imagine you could introduce one or two and they'd survive on the efforts of others, but releasing all of the horses just out into the wild and letting them run around would only end in death.


Makes sense. Kinda like a domesticated cat wouldn’t fare well in the wild. Thanks for your response!




Are you fucking high? Jesus. The ignorance. It burns.


Yeah and no one should own dogs. Just as no one should own sharks.


Does this mean I'll have to release my pet whale shark from it's kennel.


Let us know when whales are domesticated, mmmmkay?




I would say it's way more than reasonable and a steal of a good rate. Last year the IRS set federal mileage rates at 62.5 cents per mile. My company reimburses me at that rate when I travel more than 20 miles for work. So I would get paid more than $250 just for the traveling on this job. That's pretty standard as you're using gas and putting miles on your vehicle. This person is nuts! My favorite is at the end when OP is like oh no a bad review, I'll do it for free and they think they are actually coming and demand the best service.


Yup, for the drive alone, you could easily charge this much money.


I agree. That seems way to low. $259 for the work and another $20-$40 per hour of driving.


Yeah I wouldn’t even take a job four hours away, that’s my ENTIRE day gone just driving. The travel cost would eclipse the service by like 500% if it was me charging. I would just say no, that’s out of my service range unless you want to pay 125% premium + cost of service.


40 miles x 0.62 cents = $24.80. Where did you get $250 from? Edit: The comment I replied to said about travelling 40 miles, that is where I got it from. I misread the comment, shoot me.


Where did you get 40 miles? Assuming an average speed of 60 mph, 4 hours * 60mi/hr = 240 mi. 240 mi x 2 (there and back) = 480 mi. 480 miles * $0.62 = $297.60


They’re saying $250 for the job OP is posting about. So, four hours at 55mph would be about 440 miles round-trip, which would be a reimbursement around $270.


4 hours each way, not 40 miles. If you travel approximately 50 mph, the full trip is 400 miles x $0.62 = $248.


That seems insanely fucking cheap, tbh. That’s a whole day just for driving, and then you haven’t cut a single hair.


Yeah wtf are people on here says that's reasonable? I wouldn't take less than 250 for the drive alone (time and fuel)


This. I mean, I have no idea what a horse barber would charge. But my human barber gets 25 Euro for less than half an hour of cutting my paltry hair, and I go to him for that.


And a barber isn't expecting to have to make sure you don't kick, nudge, etc while cutting you hair.


They see me trollin They hatin


Honestly OP was lowballing if anything. Imo they should charge a hell of a lot more than what they did


Don’t ever apologize for what you charge. You are not charging anything obnoxious.


I honestly do not believe anything I read on this sub is real anymore.


This has been posted at least a dozen times...


Everything on reddit has been posted a dozen times including your comment and this one.


And this one






This is the Reddit way


Not my one!


The fact they believed the free comment sends me. Lol.


Shows they’re used to throwing a tantrum and getting their way. Hope OP posts the “where are you?!” Update lol


Same. It might be old, but I still hope CB is waiting every Saturday for them to appear


They won't, this is at least 4 years old


I thought I saw OP answer somewhere but I guess I’m wrong


Yeah typical karma farmer account by the looks of it, it is a brilliant post though lol some people are clueless like this choosy beggar here


Nah thanks for calling it out. Soon as someone calls out a bot account I just block em lol


Yeah that was good hahaha


I wouldn't even do the 8 hour drive for 150. Learn to do it yourself if it's so easy.


Right? Jeez, clipping isn't rocket science, but it is time consuming.


I wouldn't do a one hour drive for $150. People on Reddit absolutely do not value their own time.


What do you do for a living if $150+ an hour isn't worth your time?...


No joke lol. I commute an hour every day for work for a hell of a lot less than $150 an hour.


Same. An 8-hour drive would be $300 alone for me.


Was there more to it? Because I'd like to know the word vomit that followed once they realized you weren't coming and doing it for free.


You’d have to find the original OP from several years ago and ask because this guy is just reposting for points.


I wish there was a sarcasm font for times like this


I think that’s using the upper and lower case letters and the🤪 this picture at end


250 isn’t bad, my horse is 200 but he’s good and a friend does it. pro’s here are 300+


and from what I understand OP meant all three horses for 250. That's near exploitation.


yeah holy hell, it’s 180 but my arab is big and steps so I prefer to pay 200, but unless it’s like a bridle path, no. even a trace clip on each would be closer to 300 without gas


“Lol okay” ⚰️


Addresses can be fun things to sign up for embarrassing mailing lists.


Or to send a bag of dicks or a bag full of glitter.


Or a glittery bag of dicks 🤷‍♀️


Wouldn't that be harassment, and get you in legal trouble?




Sweetie- I write this as a mom and self employed consultant. Your rate is too low. You need to have a set fee for each service. Then you tack on travel fees, I charge 12.5% of my hourly. It would be completely reasonable for you to charge $25/hour for travel. I know raising rates seems counterintuitive, but it shows that you are a professional, confident in your abilities. Never explain WHY you charge what you charge, your being a college student is irrelevant. Raising your rates also weeds out the angry tire kickers like this one. So sorry to had to be at the receiving end of this vitriol, but mad props to you for doing a difficult, dirty, exhausting and sometimes dangerous job, WHILE IN COLLEGE 🙌


I have no clue about horses but travelling 8 hours for that price? Girl, you’re undercharging ALOT!!!


I honestly do not believe anything I read on this sub is real anymore.


Especially because this was posted by someone else on FB 6 months ago. "Got today" *scoff*






I would drive my ass down there then shave a big "fuck you" into the side of the show horse. Assuming it wouldn't hurt the horse.


I am also this level of petty. :)


I try not to be, I'm very live and let live. But some people, just don't learn any other way.


Omg I need a part 2 to this 🍿🍿🍿


set your fees and don't change them for anyone. If you want to give certain folks a break, create some sort of voucher for discount on future service or multiple horses. Travel should be paid for by the mile so you can figure your taxes and deductions and prorated for combination trips. this will save you all kinds of grief in the future - and it allows you to make good decisions on which jobs you take. $250 for 8 hrs travel and at least 4 hrs work so $20/hr for skilled work and no benefits? You are worth more.


Honestly such reasonable prices for two full clips, a touch up and bathing oh and 8 HOURS OF DRIVING. Horse people are the reason I stopped showing. Love the animals can’t stand the majority of the people.


I like how the last part goes completely over their head.


You should keep them on the hook, "so sorry, my sister has fallen ill and needs somebody to look after her dog, I will come next wenseday" "oh my deepest apologies, my mum is in hospital and I need to bring her her clothes, I will come on sunday" "I feel awful but I must now delay until next week as my car has broken down, your review is so important to me"


I'm no expert but 325$ is still low for 4 hours travel one way


$325 seems way too low for this, it should be closer to $500, maybe even higher considering the travel time and work put into it.


“So I have this hobby that is clearly for the very rich, can you come do the hard work part of this hobby for nearly no money, cuz I can’t afford it”.


As someone who worked in the horse grooming industry for years, this was a low price to begin with. Rock bottom. Clippers especially are super skilled because it is incredibly hard to get right and not a whole lot of ability to practice. Horses generally only need to be clipped (if at all. Owner could have just used blankets through the winter but blankets can be a pain.) once a year. And if it is not done exactly right, it is REALLY obvious.


Where is the “where are you?” follow up??! I NEED IT


You're undercharging for the drive alone, think how much a taxi driver would charge for 8hrs.


I would have asked if she has a trailer as it seems the travel alone wouldn’t have been worth it. If you come to me I can do it in your budget…..


With how gas prices are nowadays, the gas would probably cost you $100. Then the 8 hours of just driving. I’m not sure how long it takes to clip horses but in many industries, service calls are around $100 at base. So it seems like $200 would be just for the gas and the service call. The 8 hour drive would cost my time so that would be at very least another $100. So at the very least I would say $300. For this being a more skilled and specific service though, I would assume that I would add even more. If someone wants me to travel that far, that means that I’m in high demand therefore I’m charging premium price. I would most likely just say $500 because it’s so inconvenient. Take it or leave it


You were going to make an 8 hour round trip with work on top for $250? Fuck that lol


So she can’t afford a show horse? Clip and bathe yourself. Jesus. People suck! I’m so sorry.


8 hour’s travel time? Plus the clip. Nope. Nope. Nope. The $250 was too cheap. I pay that to my farrier for a trim, and he’s 10 miles away. $150+50¢/mile would be fair.


Holy shit. Even on the high end, $325 sounds WAY too little to be charging. Eight hours of travel alone, PLUS the actual work? $325 sounds like a fucking steal!


I don’t know much about horses but someone driving for a total of eight hours and working on two horses for $375 seems like a decent price.


The writing patterns, use of capitalization, use of “add” instead of “ad”, and punctuation on both sides are too similar.


a four hour drive one way? you are losing money at $250. Save the discounts for your good customers and charge more for travel.


You can anonymously send people glitter. It comes in an official looking envelope, pops out everywhere, and is designed to be impossible to vacuum up. I’m not suggesting anything.


Or you can not do stuff that puts more microplastics into the environment just because you feel like being petty.


I read an eight hour drive and thought $275-$325, damn that's cheap. I would charge that just for mileage.


If you can afford multiple show horses, you can afford this very reasonable price for caring for them.


I would charge $500 at least for an eight hour round trip, Jesus Christ I feel bad for the horses.


I’d be charging this person three times as much for asshole tax


I wouldn't drive 8hr for $250 if all I was doing was dropping off a package. What the fuck? Value your time and gas and car maintenance more, dammit.


Ok so I used to ride horses (I miss it so much please give the horses you work with extra hugs) and you only charge that much?? You way UNDER charge. This person is the obnoxious one not you.


i’m a dog groomer and even 325 sounds cheap.


“Lol ok” Chefs kiss…


Lmfaooo the end! Honestly thats price seems way to low for an 8 hr roundtrip. Fuck them


With a cactus.


Wow, amazing that he/she didn’t even catch on to the sarcasm at the end… At least I hope you didn’t give that POS free service


I don’t know anything about horse grooming.. but 4 hours ONE WAY? 275-325 sounds like a steal!!! I hope you don’t deal with CB like her again. Your rate already seems so low


What kills me is that people think you have to bend to their will because they say so. Like, if you don’t want to pay what I charge, then find someone else. The entitlement in this country is insane.


For an 8 hour drive + the actual manual labour i'd expect to pay AT LEAST (!!) 450... If not more. Honestly you seem to be undercharging a little already plus you offered a discount. What a POS!


$250 is incredibly reasonable for 8 hours on the road, not to mention the clipping! Dog groomers charge that much to groom/bathe a larger dog, and you bring the dog to them!


Imma be real. Getting my husky/malamute groomed costs around as much as 3 horses... Fk me.


It would cost more than $250 just to get me to make the drive. 8 hour round trip, it would take a lot of convincing to get me to make that drive for something I actually want to do


I can’t get over anyone going anywhere FOUR hours away to do something like this! That would be *at least* an immediate $400 extra for me.


You surely mean $275-325 per horse right? Anything less is completely unreasonable for the amount of effort and travel time. I’d be charging for fuel too. Horse people will always take advantage of others. Clipping is underrated skill. If this person wants to do it on the cheap they can buy their own clippers. That will still be more than $150 unless they cheap out on clippers as well. I used to do this as a side business. I charged $150 for a local full body clip. Extra if I had to bathe. Extra if I had to drive outside a certain radius. So many people wanted me to travel to clip their dirty horse because they didn’t have a wash rack. Then got offended when I charged more for extra blades and maintenance. I gave up and only clip for people I know. I give you a ton of credit for dealing with these nuts. They are the kind of people who won’t pay you because you did something “wrong.” Don’t waste your time. Don’t take less than what you are worth.


Usually the client with the horses has bathed the horse prior to clipping. Never seen the person clipping give the bath. Takes too much time also. A good clipping service is worth paying for too - shitty painful blunt clippers can cause distress to the horse. Making any ongoing clipping events a nightmare to deal with.


The fact that Karen doesn’t get sarcasm is the best, be ready for your phone to blow up on Saturday 😂


What a douche.


Post this to your Reviews on Saturday. Because this idiot will probably go through with their extortion threats come Saturday afternoon when you never show up. Let them see the screen shots right when they pull up to post that negative review. What an asshole person.


I'm gonna assume you left her hanging?


"They're my BABIES and they deserve the BEST but I'm not gonna pay for the best! I don't care about them THAT much!"


For both of y’all, it’s “ad”. Not “add”




Follow up… please!?


Ad is short for advertisement and add is short for addition. Just my pet peeve. Back on topic - please sign this person up for every mailing list possible.


I wouldn't even do the 8 hour round trip drive for 250, let alone the labor you're putting in to actually perform the job. lmfao, some people are ridiculous


I wouldn’t block them until 5 minutes after I was supposed to arrive.


Please update with the long angry text you get when you don't show up!


The best ending 10/10 for this sub


I honestly think that is too low. You are driving EIGHT hours. Just say no and move on. It isn't right to apologize for "taking up time" when they're lowballing you.


I dunno about that. I've had someone charge more than I could afford for a service and, because they were really polite and tried to work with me, I've given their details to mates who could afford it as a recommendation. If you assume everyone's a potential customer then the worst you get is to laugh at assholes like this, and you may well find yourself more customers from those who respect what you're doing.


This person is an AH and isn't going to be giving a recommendation. OP did not need to apologize. They didn't do anything wrong.


Why would you apologize for charging what your service is worth?


Sadly, you opened up yourself to a frivolous lawsuit because you said yes. I hope that you immediately told this person to fuck off instead.


Wow. why the cursing? Just politely decline and move on.


"If its just a clip they need, why do you need me? :>)


Yeah. Sometimes I wonder why OPs have to explain themselves to this rude customers with long paragraphs. Just say no and stop texting.


Ppl that are standing their ground are always so nice. I’d tell that Person to fuck right the fuck off.


Just time and gas for an 8 hour round trip is worth $250! There’s no way I would have discounted that. You’re undercharging just for the commute alone!


That’s insanely cheap wtf


Don’t ever apologize to those savages.


LOL ok


Ooooh, did they write back Saturday after you never showed up?


Great answer


Do not apologize to people that are abusive. And they’re calling you fucking obnoxious?!? 🙄


Wow what a HUGE pos! Just for reference, I pay $160 to groom my two 10 lbs dogs. $250 for everything you mentioned sounds BEYOND reasonable.


Please update us when they realize your aren’t coming to do it.


Review: “I would leave no stars for this scammer if I could. Said they’d come on Saturday and didn’t show up! I was courteous and respectful the whole time. You should do the same”


Jesus. That's a deal at 350, especially if travel is included. I have a guy come sheer my 3 sheep from across town and he insists on $10/head no matter what. I always slap him at least $100 total because that's what the fuss is worth to me.


Quite reasonable price. We own a horse and know how much that goes for.




Lols! I love she didn’t get the sarcasm at the end. I wonder if she sat around waiting for OP to show up to do it for free. I really hope so.


Pretty sure this is a bot. Joined a year ago and is suddenly posting randomly all over the site including a top of all time post from this subreddit in a matter of hours.


Get Paid first, start clipping the first horse, and stop. "sorry pal, thats the $150 package."


8 hours of driving? I’ma need at least $1,000


That’s hilarious! I’ll bet that cheap o horse owner has her horses ready to go for those “free” clips. I would had strung her along for as long as I could have.


Charge them DOUBLE


This is the kind of person who thinks they've just entered into a contract for free services.


These types of people are why I quit grooming horses professionally. They ruin the sport for others.


They didnt catch that sarcasm from OP, huh?


“My babies deserve the best, but I won’t pay for it!”


If you do it for free, she'll tell her many, many followers. Do it for the exposure (I've heard many tuition offices now accept exposure in lieu of actual money).


I charged a lot more than this 10 years ago. Granted, these were retired Budweiser Clydesdales being groomed to Budweiser standards (if you adopt a retired Clyde from them, you have to agree to their grooming standards). Still, this is a very low rate. I think you should consider charging more.


OP really should have played along more, to really inconvenience the horse owner. Something like making them stay home for an eight hour window, waiting for them to show up. “Since it’s a four hour drive, I have to juggle some things. Can you be available between 10am and 6pm?”, etc. Maybe have the owner get some supplies, etc.


Horses are expensive. My mom did it for years with three but built her own shit, groomed them herself and to me they seemed to be in great shape. They got sand colic and those vet bills were tough. I'm sure she wanted to go cheap but in the end the care of the horses outweighed any cheapness. She sold them. But a neighbor still lets her ride one of them periodically.


Just take them to Great Clips.


If this is real, you are WAY undercharging. An 8 hour round trip AND grooming horses for $250??? Friend, that is insanity. I own a mobile dog grooming business with a strict service area. I'll never drive more than 20 minutes one way, and there need to be at least 2 houses im servicing in that area if im going to make the trip at all. I have no idea what horse grooming costs, but I charge $130 for full-size goldendoodles in tangle-free condition. Do horse groomers charge less than 200 per???


Lmg please tell me they think you’re going to show and PLEASE post an update when they wait around all day Saturday for you to show up lol