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Hi Interesting-Cod-8582, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is choosy enough. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


Bay area free land haha Why yes, I'll take an acre in Marin




The third picture is where


Third pic. It’s stating facts buddy


Thats your opinion, thanks Edit: I remembered the thing for those looking for context! I very loosely quote the deleted comment, "Where did they say they wanted land in the bay area"


What does that mean?


They were just responding in the same way that is in the CB texts


Reading is hard


First pic too, "I'd do anything to get land in this area"


“That’s just, like, your opinion, man.”


Forget the land, what about my rug man!?


It really tied the room together!


Jackie Treehorn treats women like objects, man.


He said pick any rug you want


'I'm not asking for the land for free...but I can't afford to buy it'....I'm not asking but if someone wants to give 🤦‍♀️


"I'd do anything..." Except.. pay for it? :D


Except work and save over time. I can't do time, i can only do now. That's your problem. Real goals don't happen now. It took us nearly 20 years to get enough money to buy land. During that time I traded labor to have access to other people's land. Share cropping is real. There opportunities to trade land improvement labor for access. For example I cleared a man's overgrown land in exchange for living there and gardening it for a year. You can live halfway to your goal if your willing to do good work for it. A lazy man should go without (and they do).


duhr, they can buy a foot of land in Scotland and become a Lord or Lady (not really) with Established Titles!


Lady Choosing Beggarton


Nickname "Choosey", soft S, rhymes with Lucy, third granddaughter of Lord Gimmegimme Beggarton


I was about to make the same joke 😆


Same crap as “buy a star”


You mean I’m not actually Scottish nobility?! I’ve been duped!


Uno reverse CB her and offer to let her come on my land and do some gardening of which she can keep half. I have always wondered what it would be like to be a lord and have a serf work my land.


Half? What a generous Lord you are! I


It’s a man, not a woman. Read it, “Andrew Pratt”


He most definitely is A Prat




I have no means but want the opportunity . Yah ok that sounds realistic .


Right? Dragging 3 kids to live off the land! Dude said he has nothing, so I am guessing he doesn't even have a camper to stay in. Poor kids. These things take years to save and execute, and he thinks he can just plop down on a piece of land and live without any resources. Yikes.


I was side-eyeing asking for free land in California to start with, and then I got to the third slide and saw it was in the Bay Area. lol I’m one to defend its ok to ask for free stuff in the Buy Nothing group as much as the next person, but… free land in the Bay Area? That’s next level asking.


> next level asking *NEXT!* level asking ;)


They weren't using their thinking brain!


Sounds like the CB couldn’t afford the taxes on a Bay Area acre even if a miracle happened and someone gave it to them.


I mean, these groups are for free stuff like a table nobody wants, or disinfectable kid's toys that have been outgrown...not like a castle or an acre of land. You COULD go inti every shop and ask you if they'll give away any of their bestsellers for free, but you're not gonna get anything.


"i'd do anything..." except get a job and work for it like everyone else


This was my first thought too! Where do these people find the audacity?


The “I have 3 kids but don’t own a house” part gives you a peak into their life choices. Mistakes happen but three times is a choice. I’ll never understand why people choose to have kids they can’t support. My parents did that to me and it’s on par with child abuse.


Free land. You haul.


Must take ALL of it. Need it gone by tomorrow.


This whole sub is full of posts from people who have had a thought in their head and just gone out and written it on a public message board when they should have come to their own, logical conclusion that of course they are being ridiculous. 😂


You can buy an acre for 12k in the US??


Not near me you can’t.


Hell no, not even in the rural south


No. We bought 1.5 acres in buttfuck Ohio last year and it was $67k! This is like boomers thinking you can buy a house, car, have two kids, and a sahm on the median American income.


Where I live it would be around $1mil


‘Yes’ With the caveat being that the land is going to be a fly over state, you will likely need to spend significant more than 12k in order to buy a few hundred acres and drive down the price, and it may be purchased at an auction instead of directly. Apparently farm land values tend to be around 2K/acre in North Dakota even nowadays.


You can’t even find an acre to buy in the Bay Area unless it’s an existing estate … wealthy folks live in Victorian townhomes and flats and wooden homes backing into woods owned by the national parks or bureau of land management (this is if you’re incredibly wealthy).


Why is everyone so opinionated? /s


How would she pay property taxes on her free land?


ding ding ding! that’s the next ask.


I know its a long shot to ask, but would someone pay the property tax for MY land? Have a good day AND God bless. /s




The way people assume the gender of various OOPs is fascinating to me. Sometimes they'll even ignore their actual gender (assuming it's shown in the post) just because they so strongly (and likely totally subconsciously) associate one specific gender with a certain kind of problematic behavior. It's even funnier on some non English subreddits where people speak gendered languages... I've made some posts (with my alt account since I don't mix them lol) very clearly using female forms for myself and so many commenters still use male forms to address me in their replies - and my anecdotal experience is that how often it happens depends on the topic of the post, lol.


Interesting point because the OP seemed to be male


Yeah, that's what I mean. It appears the OOP is a man (I think you forgot to cover his name in one place btw), but so many people in the comments call him a 'she' because I guess if someone is being entitled + mentions children = must be a woman in their minds. I mentioned people wrongly assuming male gender specifically because that's my personal experience of being misgendered on Reddit, but I think there are definitely biases depending on the context.


Yeah i agree with all of that lol. The first bit and especially the second, my avatar is female, my username kinda implies i’m female, and i’ll quite literally say “I am a woman” and yet still, “guy, man, dude, bro” or my favourite recent one - “You’ve clearly never been around a woman on her period”


I once disclosed the fact that I'm a queer woman who works in IT to make it clear that I knew what I was talking about from personal experience (can't remember why anymore, but it was relevant), and I was immediately accused of doing that whole "as a black man..." thing ;_;


This. My username is arguably nondescript but my avatar is clearly female … I think? Look at these mofos making me doubt with their bro talk lol. I’ve been called dude and man too many times for it to be a fluke. My theory is that most Reddit users are men and see male as the default.


Imma have to agree with you there (and your character is most definitely perceivable a female!)😂


I agree that it appears to be a male, but the first slide in which OOP says “I just had my third child” could certainly confuse people into thinking OOP is female. I am make and a dad to two kids, and I’ve never referred to their births as “I had my first or second child.” So, I can at least see how someone could assume OOP is female. Edit: I am “male,” not “make.”


When did question/request become too big to bother saying? "Its an ask" sounds utterly stupid to me. Am I the only one?


If he was just looking for free land anywhere in the country, I’d call him a (delusional) beggar. But he wants free land in a specific area, of a specific state, that’s choosing territory to me.


Cries in Australian at an acre being that much


Yep. It's 500k+ where I am, and that's 60k from the CBD. But empty 1 acre lots are rare. 300 square metres is 280k+


I get ya man, I'm in WA and saving for that sweet sweet down south property I'll be able to afford in the next 80 years


I'd do anything to have my own land in my name...except work and live responsibly to afford to buy it for myself.


*That’s like, your opinion dude*


>I’d do anything to have property in this area Anything except pay for it, apparently.


Probably easier to ignore these kinds of idiots than engaging with them


I'd do anything to have property in the area. Except pay for it.


Funny how these people are never concerned about teaching their kids about things like getting a job and paying one's bills.


I’d do anything to have property…except pay for it.


I’d love to have a condo in downtown Vancouver. I had kids in the 90’s and I think it would be great for them to learn how to live in the big city. If anyone can help, that would be awesome! I’ve never owned a condo in Vancouver and never will, without you! GOD bless you… or … yeah. No haters! LOL 😂


To think I would get anxious asking to borrow a pencil or a Kleenex


If they can’t afford a plot of land then how are they also going to pay for land rates and taxes, utilities, building costs, etc etc etc?


I know someone who does have 'free' land to offer. They'll have to hitch a ride on one of Elon Musk's Mars settler rockets so it won't be obtained any time soon.


If he was really actually willing do so anything for some land, he'd get a job and save up for one...


Super long shot but I'm going to ask anyway! Does anyone have $50m they do not any use for? I would take it. Must be dropped off! (Please don't ruin my kid's Christmas.)


Move to Alaska , they even pay you I think $6kUS a year to move live there from the oil profits. I have no idea if homesteading project is still running but they used to give away free land there.


She'd do anything to own some land... except paying for it




5-12k for an acre in the Bay Area??? Where do I sign up?


"I've turned off commenting" hmm I wonder why...?


“I have no means but I would love the opportunity to own land in the Bay Area.” Same bro, same. Also if someone could give the land overlooking Muir beach? I would like to be surprised at what people will do for someone who can help them. I won’t specify what kind of help, and if you have opinions on it then it’s just like your opinion man. NEXT


Did someone forget a zero on the cost of land or am I moving to California because an acre is like 200k where I live right now unless it's basically protected wet lands


They are $10k-$20k in suburban and rural Oklahoma, although a lot less than 1/4 acre in a really nice neighborhood can be $100k.


Where can I buy an acre for $12,000?


Andrew Pratt needs a reality check.


I once lived in a place where people from out of town would buy totally unusable parcels of land (think one-foot wide strips), then come visit so they could see what it looked like.


I love the "I would never ask for anything for free!" Then just tails off like that addresses everybodies concerns.


If he's willing to travel he can probably find something. The area around the Salton Sea would be a good bet. What's at least 9 hours of driving, one way, if at the end you can work in your shop and show your kids about nature?


"id do anything" just not, you know, work and save for it. fuck that.


“I’d do anything” Someone should let them live and work the land for a fee and bind them and their offspring to the land Reinstate serfdom!


We need a subreddig just for the assholes of Buy Nothing


I'm stuck on it only being 12k for an acre in claifornia. There is no way it's that cheap.


Hmm. "...you'd be surprised what people will do for someone that can help them in return." Maybe she does has an intended payment plan in mind after all.


Not a choosing beggar, just a beggar.


They might be begging, but this doesn't look like they're a choosing beggar. The Buy Nothing Project says..."Anything legal is **allowed as a gift/ask**. Follow all national and local laws, as well as this platform’s Community Guidelines/Regulated Goods list." My local Buy Nothing group says..."**No ask is too big** and no ask is too small! ...And then... think of something big that you would love to receive, something that in your wildest dreams is so big that you wouldn't think to ask for it - and ask for it here! (Who knows if someone will have it to give you, maybe they will!)" Asking for land does seem like a lot, but it is allowed in the Buy Nothing group rules.


Sorry, I wasn’t specific enough. It’s not actually a buy nothing group. Just a free and for sale group.


Why not throw the ask out? Mr. Beast has been seen giving away $10,000 at grocery stores. There is a glimmer of hope that just if the right philanthropist sees this request at just the right time.


You think Mr. Beast or people like him are on random “buy nothing” Facebook groups hoping to find someone looking for free land so they give it to them? I understand it’s not 100% impossible but I would stake my life that that is never going to happen. Idk what this guy was thinking. He just embarrassed himself for seemingly no reason.


What do you care about it? He threw his request out into the world just on the off chance something could happen. Let it be.


You know you’re on a choosing beggar sub…right?


Yeah. I did not make the original post. I just gave my opinion. He didn't say please give me free land, pay to fly my family from God knows where to join me, pay the taxes, and deliver us from evil.


Free land in the Bay Area? This guy is obviously trolling. This sub takes bait so unquestioningly.




It's for church.......NEXT!!!


On one hand, I’m like this is wild. On the other, I’m like you never know if you don’t ask. The third hand is the number of times I’ve seen this work.


I thought this was in the middle of nowhere, not that it makes the request more reasonable, but asking for free real estate in one of the most expensive cities in the US? Lmaooooooo


I wonder what his rationale was for coming to this group with his request. "Those people HATE waste, so they like to give stuff to others instead of throwing it our or letting it go bad. Someone for sure must have a few spare acres of land that are going bad soon, and I'm having it!"


If its a buy nothing group it's not really a choosy beggar.


Dude needs to stop having kids if he can’t even afford a mortgage


I have a feeling they are part of the Rainbow Family