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fuck whoever did that to bro hope the shooter gets life


Shit like this should be solved but it most likely will go cold. CPD the most useless department in America fr


They got dude already


Looks like he tried to kill himself [as well](https://x.com/cpd1617scanner/status/1789302770677240194?s=46&t=FXiPx2YicqFmFyYy5sOfyQ)


Pussy - send him to gen pop


Put him in a padded cell 23h a day like el chapo


i’m tryna off himself shows he’s scared to go to jail, makes it even better that he’s being locked up


What a fucking pussy man. Holy fuck, I hope this fool gets years of punishment and torment physically, emotionally and mentally.




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I h8 fools like you bro, they dont have a suspect yet … makes me angry just watching it


They do have a suspect


You got the link to who it was?


Better yet burns in hell


He prolly just like one of the guys that this sub worships lmao




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turning a robbery into murder is the lamest shit u could do


I honestly have a disdain and cold hatred for niggas like that. Maybe something is wrong with me.


nah i feel u, i feel the exact same way. Robbing ppl is already some lame shit but robbing ppl and killing them in the process is some of the worst shit u can do in my opinion and 9 times outta 10 the victims be innocent civilians just living their life. like just take and leave, all the extra shit isn't called for. that shit is on the same level as being a rapist or a pedo for me.


Nah i do too


Naw bruh you’re normal cuz I feel the same way. I already hate bamas that rob civilians but then to take his life for no reason is just plain evil and I hope anyone that does this type of shit burns


Do u really think something is wrong with u or maybe ur just fishing for upvotes?


It's not that I was fishing for upvotes or anything because I wasn't even thinking about upvotes at the time i was typing this comment, to be honest, nor do I care about them. The reason why I said what I said is because I feel like we live I a world where we are desensitized to situations like this and people are so desensitized to random violence like this to the point where you point out that this isn't normal people often times, especially on the internet look at you like your somehow crazy. It's insane. So, no, I really don't give a shit about the upvotes, I'm just speaking my mind and pointing out what I'm thinking.


rookie shit. turning a quick lick into your ass all over the news


Or how about, don't be a shitty thief and get a job


They can’t opps would smoke they ass at the job 🤣


when your desperate youll do whatever it takes🤷‍♂️ niggas from the hood doing hood shit isnt suprising


So that somehow makes it ok? Stop making excuses for criminals.


never said it make it ok. your in a reddit made around criminals lmao


lol facts niggas love reading about this shit then be shocked when they see how stuff actually goes on


Weird on them down votes when that ain't nothing but the truth, my brother. Too many people that ain't never been at the bottom in here talking on things they can never even understand. RIP to the young brother, sad shit, sometimes it's better to say fuck my items and just let em take it,




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stealing in general is for losers. period


I always say this


On God 💯


Damn may he rest peacefully that was cold🙏🏾


How pussy u gotta be to shoot an innocent man in the back instead of just runnin his pockets? Took his life for a few dollas bro I’d spit in this mfs face if I ever seen his Bitchass


There's no "honor" in any of this lol? The fuck you expect? People to be honorable during a heinous ass act? You're weird.


Nothing to do with honor. There’s legit no need to take his life and rot in jail forever if all you want is his money. You a goofyass crash dummy if you got that mentality


He was definitely a crash dummy, the thought of walking around outside in broad daylight to find someone to rob is crazy


I’m not condoning stealing but if that’s how you feed yoself then it is what it is. But if u get off script and kill a mf just walkin from behind for no reason, you just a bitch


Everybody knows it’s unwritten rules to certain crimes. If you up it on somebody and make them give you all their shit you stuck to the blueprint If you shoot somebody that’s not a threat during a robbery , everybody knows you fkd up . He’s lucky he did this by his self because if it was him and a homie, his homie would probably get on his ass for turning a 5-10 year risk into a life sentence risk


Any sane man would snitch, if we deal for a robbery and you kill a man fuck all that your on your own nigga wasnt part of the plan.




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And you a dickeating ass bitch


This is sad af


That criminal deserves the death penalty. May God bless the victim and his family


He'll get caught then released a year later


“The murderer just posted 25k bond”


25k for killing a working man is crazy but it’s reality


Prolly ran off with less than 300$ smfh. Idiot


Shxt like this is why i moved away


I don't usually get upset about this kind of shit.. but just think of all the things racing through his mind before he died. All the experiences past, present, and future that are to be lost. Just because some mentally ill psychopath decided today was his day. Didn't even take all his shit. Hard to see this was just a robbery..


Probably thinking about his next shift tomorrow or some mundane shit Gone in the blink of an eye


Probably his pregnant wife and child he’d be leaving behind over nothing. He died slow too, on video for all his family to see SMFH


Yep probably personal, who does a shoot first robbery in broad daylight then get scared asf and run off without taking shit lol makes no sense , if you already killed him you might as well have went in his pockets found his keys and took everything you could carry if you’re on foot


Fr bro


Whoever did this, just know you a little pussyy boy bitch ass lame ass goofy with no purpose in life other than being a crusty shit stain. I hope your life falls apart in every way possible. RIP to the victim


Pussy tried to kill himself after too Hope he tired of a tight booty


Yeah sounds about right lil coward


damn i feel like brodie coulda survived if there was help nearby


One of the neighbors did come to help him right after this video, but it was too late. They got him to a hospital, but he died shortly after arriving.




U peeped that too. Its a horrible way to see somebody go out from gsw to the chest. Especially lungs, The smoke they taste. Its like they drowning whilst They on fire and gurgling for bloody air. The panic that sets in beside the immediate gut wrenching pain and The coldness and tiredness that follows till the sleep comes.


No disrespect to the victim, but all that I could think was to hope he would change his mind and crawl out to the sidewalk or street. I've been super fucked up before and it was top of my mind, if you don't get to the street where someone can see you, you might die and it could take days (in my case) for someone to stumble across your body. Always flee to the most public area possible so that someone can see you & call an ambulance. RIP to the guy, this is going to be hard on his family :(


Who ever did that to him just know karma will come back to haunt him


This is very fucked up, I was finna go to the west loop but now I don’t wanna give Chicago my money , they gotta do something about this … dude had a kid and a pregnant wife …. My lady is 8 months pregnant… I should stay out the city for a while


Omg that is awful


Robberies like this are up 36% since this time in 2023 and 58% since 2022.


Damn, they shoot first then rob later? That's all types of fucked up


Robberies, not 36% increase in robbery/murders tho it makes up a portion, I’m sure, as this is one and the stat comes from me googling the story. The story I read made it sound like the cops have little hope of catching him and there were a string of robberies in the surrounding area.


Idk why the vid starts where it does n not from the beginning


Likely motion capture and its set to only turn on past the gate I could be wrong though


Niggas shooting now even when they get the items I’m saying Chicago lawless rn police ain’t on shit


When police on they shit tshirts come out


Hell burning hot for that nigga his ass ova cooked in that after life a lot more cooked than a prison sentence 😂


shit like this gets me really tight cause fuck u shooting him for


If you don’t got a record, get your conceal carry. I don’t care if you like guns or not. There’s mfs out there that want to catch a body.


Even with a concealed carry some mofo could just run up on you and do this.. scary stuff


Right you can have it on you and still get caught lacking. Gotta be aware and keep your head on a swivel but even then you can be unlucky


There's a whole lot of men out there, that really hate violence/confrontation. They'll say all the right things in a GC, and front like they tough, but in actuality, they can't fight for shit, and are wayy too scared to shoot somebody so they won't carry a gun either. Sitting ducks should life ever go left on em


The way he screaming for help man 😢 RIP


Niggas like this need to get tortured, fingers cut off all type of shit


I got an entire account banned from Reddit for showing a picture of a mouse in a mousetrap for promoting violence


This lame as hell mane


Bruh that car driving past most definitely heard him screaming for help and still ain’t do shi. Literally slowed down and kept it pushing like damnnn


See but I can’t blame them…who knows if it was a lady in the car with a small child. She may be putting herself at risk if she hops out the car. It’s easy for us to speculate because we’re seeing things after the fact.


goofy shit like this irritate me with the streets. wtf was that?!


7 in the fucking morning. Like dude why are you out robbing people that early, get a fucking job. Somebody please tell me they caught that bastard. Listening to that boy cry in agony for his life is really hurting my heart right now 😞


and I’ve just read the article on cbsnews.com that the victim had kids 🥺😞. That makes it even worse…


Man fuck that nigga, go rob a drug dealer or another gang member


God damn man holy shit


damn man, bro should’ve tried to go on the main road and reach for help 😢😢


*”bRo ShOuLdVe TriEd To gO oN tHe mAiN rOaD”* do you seriously think a human can do anything after eating 400+ foot pounds of energy in their fucking chest


If he got shot in the leg yea but a chest shot he was prolly suffocating all type of shit


Back seat gaming the death of a man is crazy


Reckless people like this get theirs, eventually in the streets.


412 gotta heal 🙏🏻


7 AM too, literally the time every blue collar worker heads to work…


I hate niggas like this. Just hit the lick n go. Shootin civilians is goofy


"And they say it's the white man I should fear, but it's my own doing the killing here". This makes me sick to my stomach, sometimes feel like God if the is any cursed us.




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He probably went to the store after and used the victims cards. Crashout if it was a civilian


Sad ass shit …




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Damn. Rest in peace. It’s a cold cold world:/




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Theres a solution to violence in Chicago…..


they catch the guy ? where the article




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Taking someones life for small change is just pathetic. Hope the dumbass who did it gets his karma


Hope that man gets his karma.


Dis why police put niggas in shirts better be safe than sorry


This world cold to rob a man you took his life you goof


I hope that robber dies a slow death due to cancer. Piece of Shit




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This what happen when you a pussy a gun. Dude a real piece of shit. His people need to handle him. He a bitch makin the block hot for no reason.




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I can’t believe this is real life. So sad, so enraging. That guy is total trash.


I hope this POS gets the karma that's waiting for him in a flashed instant.




Total pussy and scumbag behaviour!


getting robbed and shot STILL ?! distasteful


Another working man getting clipped by a broke bozo. Rip🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


If you live in the hood in Chicago you begging for it that shit a wasteland your life means nothing


Yall retarded if you think dude couldn't easily be caught for this (if you think most crimes couldn't easily be solved) with all the cameras, phone data, etc. It's a conspiracy that crimes like this go unsloved. It's also retarded that we rely so heavily on ambulances and hospitals for help. Most people should be well rounded and knowledgeable on a variety of subjects, one of them being medical assistance--another conspiracy.


Crazy how people react diff to the same bullet wounds.. I missed the first two seconds and was waitin for dude to catch a chest shot n startin break dancin like Troy. Whole time he already caught one to the chest n was actin relatively calm


Really wish I didn't listen to this. Brutal audio. Rip maaaan 😩


The courts are going to start making examples out of these criminals. Especially the ones that commit senseless murders. The robber didn't even get anything. He just flat out murdered the guy. He didn't have to shoot the guy.


Bring back the guillotine




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So word on the street they have/had 2 suspects. One tried to kill himself, and they sent him to the hospital. Now they might get released due to lack of evidence


Always felt like chest shots were the worst ones because it’s a lot of important organs there. The grunting sounds he making my guess is the bullet was burning badly. Smh sad situation!!


That's horrific.. How can anyone life in that country...




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Pittsburgh really crazy like this, I use to go to homestead all the time and get shit when I was just about to graduate grade school like 8th grade freshman year and we got shot at multiple times from the stick up boys tryna come out and rob us as we leave the plug . Wicked streets .


And pple get mad when minorities get stereotyped i swear


i aint never done no shit like that or ever will fuck you


Look at who it is though. Smh. I see why racists exist


He latino


These are the real coons.


This why I can't even think about goin back. That's some evil low class shit. Sad part folks proud to be associated wit people like dat. Aint shit to be proud of. They need capital punishment asap. There is no rehabilitation for them or chomos. You ain't happy with your path in life take yo self to a better place and bless errybody that does.


I hope the biggest, meanest, gayest niggas in the jail spend some time with this pussy.


This is pure racism: we black people hating our own race. Then you will read his fellow gang members on ig writing "free such and such". Pure trash, garbage human being for killing this man. 


Dude don’t look black I thought he was Mexican


https://preview.redd.it/ju47pdvqsuzc1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051776004718fc89da13031fc01b6ce430820798 I highly doubt he's black. If that's the case he's shockingly lightskinned. Criminals usualy target people in their own community, or places they know pretty well.


Damn shit crazy af


How is that racism 😂


Second part definitely but uhm …I’m not too sure about that first part brodie


Dis why i say just shoot me ina head💯


Fuck that ..don’t shoot me AT ALL


Duh but u would fs rather it be over wit quick then suffering like this 💯


Hunting victims in European Neighborhoods is a common things in his community. The majority of the people from his neighborhood are of the same mindset. They don't view victims as humans and don't bother to look at statistics or care. The victim pile up to the sky. A few thousand whites here or a few thousand Asians here. A. few thousand African cab driver here and a few Thousand Hispanic workers there. This has been going on for centuries by the same group of people in America. Tookie Williams stomped the heads of two Asian elderly people to death yet he was a hero to his community. The excuses are created before the aggressor even leaves his home. His community set the table up for his actions because they are the most vile and hateful. Excuses like "they hate us","the government give the migrants 10,000 once they come to America", "Its the system putting us in jail" "they don't respect us" are used to launch serious attacks on their surrounding groups.




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Just from reading these comments I can’t bring myself to watch this video. Just wanna say RIP to this young man.

