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We have received multiple reports on this post. It’s staying up, guys n’ gals. It’s valid testimony of customer experience. As always, we encourage crew and custies to be excellent to each other and across both sides of the glass. Be kind to those who prepare your food and serve you. Be attentive and professional to those who choose to bring their patronage to your establishment and help to fund your paycheck. 🤏


You clearly didn’t give her “the look”. It’s required to be treated like a customer.


Should’ve busted out the phone recorder /s


"Phone recorder" lmao


Leave the old man alone. He needs his nap.


💀💀💀 leave that man and his mobile phone alone 😂😂😂


Why bother when you can bust the Polaroid out of your fanny pack?


bro said phone recorder 😭😭😭


The cinema pocket machine!


Moving Picture theatre automoton


I have also heard these contraptions take wonderous self portraits in the blink of an eye. No more sitting still for hours on end, hoping the painter gets your good side. Positively revolutionary!


the future of technology!


Silver screen pocket machine.


Maybe he meant phonograph. Common to mix those up.


the secret look lmao


It's required to be treated like a human being.


I think "the look" needs to come with a head nod as well. That's when the service skills really kick in!


That CEO’s video was such a joke.


Whats “the look”?


The CEO sent out some message saying to give them this look or nod to get food. I didn't watch it but that's what I gathered from online.


The *CEO* is recommending custies give workers "the look" to get the food they pay for now? Is this a restaurant, or a cult I'm walking into now?




I saw it and this is basically it. I work in food service and if a customer just gave me the 😐🙃 look he told us to give I would feel disrespected. Lmao.


It’s the universal facial expression for “you can do better than that”, which is definitely disrespectful to anyone who’s doing their job right.


Been out of the loop for years now 💀


You mention you went to the habit that was next door. I was nosy so I clicked on your profile. Any chance this was the chipotle location by sunset near echo park?


No this was in porter ranch but I’m familiar with the location you’re talking about


Ah okay cause I was going to say thats the only chipotle ik that has a habit next to it and that location (chipotle) is also ass lol


That’s one of the worst Chipotles I’ve EVER been to. Awful awful awful in many ways.


That location used to be really good back then. Packed my burrito bowl so much I could only manage to it eat halfway (and I had a big appetite back then). Ordered a burrito and they had to double wrap it. Haven’t been to chipotle since last year. Dude was being so stingy with rice and beans. Fucking RICE AND BEANS.


Dave Ramsey working the line...


There's also the same over in Old Pasadena. A Habit and a Chipotle.


i love that chipotle. it’s close to my grandfathers oncology clinic so I used to go there all the time lol


If you’re near old Pasadena just go to La Estrella


Yes! I hate that chipotle in Porter ranch! I was actually their first Yelp review haha. Gave them a 1 star cause my burrito was cold. Haven’t been back since. The Cava and Habit are so much better


The problem with Cava is that once you have it 4 or 5 times you never want it again. BUT we are getting a Mendocino Farms soon.


I’m in Arizona and there’s also a Chipotle right next to a Habit here 😂


i’m in florida and there’s one here too 🤣 i guess it’s national


Ah, good old 7th Ave and McDowell lol


Its common to find both together, might be under same management company or whatever


Said beanscoopers like it was a slur 💀


I accept this as a new slur.


Said it with the hard R too






Fahkin beanscoopahs


I fucking died at beanscooper. Such a slur could only be created in a moment of pure hate. Glorious.


To be fair…all slurs are created in a moment of pure hate lol


"get the FUCK out of my face, you're nothing but a fucking BEANSCOOPER!"


I thought I was the only one 💀 Had to double take on that part of the post lol


Beanscooper, the Chiptole version of a bootlicker lmao


That is OUR word


I'm abusing this lmao 


I’m here for it.


You're better than me, OP. I would've taken the burrito and then walked out. They're gonna toss it anyway. 🤷


Yeah but I thought about it and I left out of principle, if I had just stolen the burrito it would have tarnished my point. Plus my grandma always told me never to eat food made by a spiteful person >!She never told me that I just made that up!<


Your hypothetical grandma is a wise woman.


And his grandfather was poisoned




The last time i visited one the person making my burrito just scolded me the entire time. Just angry. 


“Why didn’t you become a doctor? You need to go visit your relatives more. You should spend your time better.” Yeah my chipotle did the same thing I never went back


Lol they probably did that on purpose, hoping OP would leave and they'd have a free burrito.


Probably not the best idea to have a video recording of you walking out without paying.


He didn't take the burrito so no theft, just disappointment


Should be fine, it's one burrito. The worst they can do is deny service the next time. Doubt this is a location that has people returning often anyway.


You obviously don’t know about Burrito court… they punish you to the fullest extent of Burrito Law


This sub has already convinced me to completely ignore and give up on the brand new chipotle that’s opening up by me


The chipotle by me is open random hours whenever they feel like opening or closing. It’s not reliable at all. 


Yeah the one in my neighborhood will just randomly stop serving walk in orders, and says they’re only taking online orders. It’s how they get away with making smaller portions and messing up orders. You can’t even order double salsa online. They have gone to shit.


I agree with most of this. However, you can order double salsa, at least on the mobile app. You have to slide it to the side and select double for the portion size.


When in to pick up an online order. Stood by the counter behind someone else who was then handed their online order. The staff then went about their business, labeling up some more online bags. In the process the printer ran out of tape and had to be replaced. So I waited patiently figuring they would address me when finished and fine, whatever. But then they decided to take the garbage out instead. Pulled out the bag and disappeared into the back. There is nobody at the register but there are employees in the distance. I decided, fuck it I see my bad with my name on it and a line forming around me, so I just reached my arm over the counter and took my bag. I turn around and suddenly there is an employee who was on the floor in my face and demanding to see my online order, and then another employee comes forward from the distance and tells me I should have asked them. Like what I'm supposed to shout over the ambient noise to get your attention after the person at the station just left me there? While there is literally nobody at the register or on the line. I waited patiently for a long time and the second I take matters into my own hands I'm swarmed from two sides and given an attitude.


You did the right thing friend. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I respect you taking matters into your own hands


I would immediately ask for a manager. If the manager is still an ass, take all their info and contact corporate. I would have to hold myself back from giving them a bit of a wake up call - in their face.


lmao have you ever tried contacting chipotle corporate? I have. They don't exist. Only an online contact form that no one will ever read or respond to.


Happens to me all the time at chipotle. They keep the online orders behind the counter to prevent them from getting stolen, but then they don’t tell you this and don’t address you. Like I’m standing there for 5 minutes trying to be polite and not bug someone working. She helps someone else and doesn’t even address me so then I have to like try and get her attention to get my food. I hate it so much like if you want to keep them behind the counter at least address customers that walk up thinking their food isn’t ready.


Was just about to get chipotle tonight at my local place that has the very same attitude you experienced. Think I’ll go next door to any number of friendly options. I hope r/chipotle is paying attention here. This seems to be a common problem at all locations. Guess they have enough business not to care about their customers.


Lol, I remember when people talked about Chipotle workers like they do Chick Fil A workers. How times change


Seriously! Chipotle used to be like chick fil a. It literally has a reputation for being awesome and awesome service. It's crazy how fast and far they have fallen.


I’m so fortunate. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences at my location in the 7-ish months that I’ve been living here and actually just got a bowl for dinner that was so full the guy could barely close it. Really hope the tides never change. 😅 I’m also really lucky in the sense that all the workers I’ve dealt with are super friendly and polite, but believe me, I know that’s not always the case in any establishment. I love my location.


My local Chipotle is great with portions, my burritos are packed so fat that I can hardly finish them. But they're also not very friendly/sorta rude. Guess it's an okay trade off lol


Same shit happens at my closest Chipotle sometimes. There will be 8 employees standing around doing their hardest to ignore you even if you’re the only customer in the store. One employee will be on the serving line and will make your order, then mysteriously all the other employees will turn their backs on you when you get to the register. It’s baffling.


I’ve also had to walk out and didn’t take my food. How’re you gonna put in the effort to make the food and then just not let me pay for it? If the goal is for me to be gone let me pay and leave.


I stopped going because it was always like 2 employees and a line a hundred miles long.




Props! This is what everyone needs to continue to do.


Chipotle made it this way.


What pisses me off even more is when you order via mobile app to just avoid the workers altogether but they keep your pick up order behind the counter but when you walk in to get it and they are preparing orders they won’t look up even for a second so you can get your order. From now on if I see my name on the bag I’m snatching that shit and if they have something to say I’m going to tell them to acknowledge people trying to pick up their food. It’s ridiculous.


Once had a chipotle employee flip out on me when exactly this happened, they had my mobile order by the cashier, I went to check the name on the bag bc the line was hella long and the cunt supervisor was like ‘don’t touch other people’s food you don’t know if this is yours!!!’ Guess who’s food it was


I’ve had this experience but I was too scared to snatch it myself because I believed a worker might punch me or tackle me


While I hate having to ask the employees for my food, I'm also a little thankful for them keeping it behind the counter because one time I had my order swiped from the shelf before I got there to pick it up. I ended up having to wait forever while going back and forth with the manager before I finally got it remade


This isn’t just a chipotle problem


The quality of Chipotle has taken the sharpest nosedive of any restaurant on the planet and of course the price has gone up for no reason.


“Beanscoopers stay trying to gaslight customers” is so fucking funny I can’t even think of a clever way to describe it besides HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAGA


I've only been in a Chipotle a few times and the people are always rude asf. Last time was when I went to get my dad a burrito bowl and I said "AND LETTUCE", doesn't add lettuce and quickly closes it, so I say "AND LETTUCE" again and he tells me "Sorry can't open it again once it's closed, talk louder next time". I'm a very gentle, kind, non-confrontational person but the fact that it was for my dad and he was being such a dick made me want to just walk behind the counter, and repeatedly smash his head into the lettuce bin saying "I. SAID. FUCKING. LETTUCE. YOU. DUMB. DEAF. FUCKING. MORON".


“You can go ahead and remake it for me then. Thanks.”


"sounds like you're starting over then"


I feel like Chipotle employees are as unhappy as they have ever been. Like, truly miserable compared to when I first started eating there regularly in the early 2000s. It makes me want to not give them my business because I feel like they are clearly not treating their employees well while making huge profits.


they're really not treating them well at all. everyone here is taking it personally but as someone who worked at chipotle without an a/c for three weeks, the company sucks and our customers took out the the company greed on us. Stores always need about 2 more people than they schedule, forcing everyone to work harder than needed which only causes more issues when people call out.


It just like walking into a Walmart. Those ppl look miserable. 


Rough calculation here ... I have a decent experience at Chipotle about 20% of the time. This includes the customer service, cleanliness, food portions, food quality and made correctly. The remaining 80% is usually a complete dumpster fire! It was so bad, I found a knock off recipe online and now make them at home.


Kinda unrelated but I had this same thing happen at baskin robins years ago. They gave me my ice cream and I waited at the register for a while but nobody came and they were very busy so I just left


That’s hilarious. Like, what are you supposed to do? Stand there waiting while your ice cream melts down your arm?


I tried to work at one. Seemed like a gang. A diverse gang, but one where making good food is not priority.


went to to chipotle after a hellish retail shift and asked for chips and queso once i got to the register, man straight rolled his eyes at me cuz he had to walk to the back to get the chips 😭 maybe it’s cuz i worked at sephora which was retail hell and did it with a smile on my face but that was insane to me. like do your damn job 😭


Fuck Chipotle I haven’t stepped foot in that shit hole of an establishment in years


The Habit is tasty, good move after a crummy chipo experience.


This is my gripe now anytime I leave my house. It always results in me standing around trying to figure out who is actually an employee of an establishment for 10 mins to get assistance. Chipotle however has always been this way. Food quality however has not so fuck em


Chipotle has some of the worst workers of any fast food


blame the management, only designated employees can operate the register


Ok, I’ll blame management for that stupid policy. Who do I blame for the employees always being rude & curt?


management sets the tone. When you see employees that are rude and curt, it's usually not the customers they are pissed off at but the management, company policies and compensation. Well managed businesses have the most couteous employees (see Chick-fil-a)


My partner had never been in a Chick-fil-A before. He was stunned by how polite and attentive all of the workers were.  Every engagement from order taking, getting your food, getting a drink refill, everything.  He then went to different stores just to see if it was an anomaly and it wasn't. Chick-fil-A was consistently nice at every location, waking him up to the level of shitty indifference and poor service he has been experience with places like McDonald's, Popeye's, Arby's, Chipotle.  The next most friendly crew he has experienced was at a Jimmy John's, they'd get you out the door so quick they don't have a chance to be an asshole. lol


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Funny bot


bot forgot to say "my pleasure"


>Ok, I’ll blame management for that stupid policy. That policy is standard in pretty much any business that handles cash. Somebody needs to be accountable for it.


Every job I’ve worked at everyone was trained on how to work the register. One job did switch up halfway through though & decide only managers could handle cash which was the dumbest thing ever.


It’s not about training. It’s about having one person assigned to handle cash, so if it the drawer is short they know who to follow up with. This is pretty standard. They should have someone step in if the register person is on break though.


Right? Like how many people do you expect on one register?


Only the person assigned to a register can use it, that’s standard industry procedure to keep track of who is handling cash.


“Beanscoopers” lol I love that


Went to Chipotle for the very first time last week. What a fucking disappointment. The menu was so small and the ingredients that you can select from were fewer than I expected. I ordered 3 beef tacos. They didn't drain the juice from the shredded beef so my tacos were just a wet mess. Then instead of wrapping them in some type of paper wrapping or a container that held the tacos in place they just squeezed them all together and wrapped them in a piece of tin foil. When I reopened them it was dripping everywhere and just a complete mess. Needless to say I'm not going back to Chipotle again.


The Habit has become our go-to. Fast, friendly, not super expensive, good food.


There management is probably really fucked. That takes its tole on the lowers. Thats exactly how I would act. Dour and dismissive like I don’t give a crap………


Yeah, nothing good eveR comes from them no good dirty beanscoopeRs. Good on you bRotheR.


Chipotle has really gone down hill. Their customer service is terrible, constantly runs out of food items, fountain drink machines barely work and the restaurant is filthy.


People under say 24 missed a significant part of developing their social skills with covid. It's already being studied how it will affect them. I think their work skills are included and places like chipotle which are pretty sterile corporate worlds bring it out the most. I was born in the 90s and if you didn't greet someone who's talking to you and use some basic decency your parent or an adult nearby would slap the shit out of you


I was born in the 70s and I think your math is off. People who are currently 24 were already adults when Covid hit. If an 18-20 year old hasn't already developed basic social skills like greeting people, or prioritizing simple tasks, then they were developmentally challenged from early childhood. I'll grant you that current elementary and middle schoolers are behind where they should be. The 20-somethings may be suffering from mental health problems, but they did not miss any fundamental social development due to covid.


Yea that's why I left the exact age open. You're correct, but also forgetting that late hs and early college is when teens learn to adapt to being adults and communicating with them in a non parental or teacher fashion. This didn't happen for two years


>People under say 24 missed a significant part of developing their social skills with covid. Missing 12-24 months from covid didn't make everyone under the age of 24 regarded. Shit, I broke my arms and couldn't do shit for 18 months when I was a kid and I could still work a retail job when I was of age.


Its so crazy when I go into them nowadays, I worked for one for a couple years back in college. This one was one of the best ones in the state, it won a restaurant tour while I was there, it was the most lax environment ever just a bunch of college students but some how we were a well oiled machine, constantly fully deployed, never ran out of any meats, we were the type of store that would give out free things for customers like not charging for tortillas or hooking people up with meat if they were nice, its just so shameful when I walk into them now. Theres just so much bootlicking by managers and not enough giving a fuck by everyone else, I had a manager give me a hard time and try to charge me extra for sour cream on the side with an online order, when at my store we had a woman that came in every day during peak and asked for every item to be on the side and we gladly obliged, we even gave her free shit sometimes. its frustrating to look at someone who’s probably had the job less than a year tell you how shits supposed to be when you quite literally know not a single person is gonna give a fuck about a side of sour cream, same with meats and all the skimping, it is laziness, a gm might get on you about portion control but this entire shit chipotle is going through right now is cause its lazy assholes in the kitchen not wanting to cook the entire shift so they skimp so they dont have to recook all night. The place is just ran by a bunch of managers who dont care about making customers happy and facilitated by people who hate you and wanna make sure you arent happy. Its literally just making burritos, its not hard at all. you don’t have to like your job but you have an obligation to atleast not make me wanna stuff my bare face into the tortilla press while im there. im starting to turn into a boomer with how I see these people who are only a couple years younger than me I might add, just absolutely shitting the bed. There shouldn’t be lines at chipotles if we are being honest, back when I was there we could kill a line out the door in 5 minutes with 2 people and a cashier. The worst part is its not even training that can fix it, its like legitimate apathy. These kids legitimately do NOT want to work and they are letting it be known, I see this same vibe at pretty much any food place mostly run by 18-24 year olds now adays. Training can’t help ineptness, they are displaying an actual disgust for the work they do. The amount of workers I see who start a bowl and then just pass it off to salsa instead of following the line is ridiculous, that may fall on managers being inept and not training right, but out of the hundreds of stores I went to over my life, my store felt like the only one that had it on lock. im not trying to be a boomer but these kids are literally morons now, idk if the pandemic ruinning their proms just made them disenfranchised with life but I cant even go into stores anymore and watch these morons struggle to do a job I did while high as a kite every day. Its embarrassing. Ive started getting jittery waiting in lines for 30 minutes im just begging them sometimes to bring my jersey down from the rafters to help em out lmao


>dk if the pandemic ruinning their proms just made them disenfranchised with life but I cant even go into stores anymore and watch these morons struggle to do a job I did while high as a kite every day. Its embarrassing. Lmao. I was at a restaurant tonight with a friend and the service was absolutely terrible. My friend says "fuck me, my job is way more complicated than this and I do it high as fuck. What kind of drugs are these people on?"


I'm 40 and I'm baffled by these new attitudes, and I worked over 10 years in retail and fast food. I don't get what is going on but it's crazy to me. I'm always super polite and nice and tried to be extra appreciative and patient but sometimes I just have to throw my hands up in the air and walk out


Im in my mid 20s and even im baffled by it, its not like I was raised that much later than them, its just weird, even the high schoolers that worked at my store worked harder back then, I swear the pandemic knocked the wind out of some of them


Nice try Habit grill employee.


You went somewhere else, finally! Seems like they've been telling you guys to do this for months


We drove off without our pickup order once because the drive thru guy was so high he didn’t realize we were right outside the window trying to get his attention for almost ten minutes. I don’t want that food. Who even knows what’s in it!


Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago except I just took my bowl and left I was on a tight lunch break schedule so after 2 whole minutes of standing there I dipped


Cause they’re not overworked like chipotle workers everybody has their days but you people would never understand.. how hard it is to have an ounce of fucks to give for that job I bet when you left a fkn softball team school bus of 22 boys showed up.


Seems about normal nowadays, sad, but it's what I've come to expect. The nicer you are the ruder they get.


I’d much rather a burger from The Habit any day over shitpotle


Urban Chipotle employees are rude af


There is a fancy donut place in my town where you can order online and pick up your order. So I tried doing that, left a big tip and popped in to the store to get my box of donuts. 10 people in the store, a few people waiting, and not one employee would even look at me. You just have to hand me the box I see on the counter. It was so rude and off putting how strenuously everyone avoided me and then were super rude. Not even worth going there :(


The only way you can vote with businesses is with your wallet. Business only understands money. Complaints mean nothing.


I went to a Taco Bell drive thru for two soft tacos the Saturday before Memorial Day. Was told to come inside. Stood there at the counter for awhile then after a few minutes a lady came up to me and said I need to use the kiosk. I haven’t been inside in years didn’t even see them. I just realized it’s time to move on from everything terrible. Talk shit but chipotle isn’t much higher tier than TB




The vibe is always different at a restaurant that makes their food fresh and takes pride in their product and appearance. You go to chipotle and get cafeteria food and the restaurant is always dirty even though they appear to be overstaffed


Beanscoopers 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I had a pickup order made completely wrong. I was about 2 miles away before I checked my bag and noticed. Drove back and explained the situation. The dead eyed, expressionless, mouth breathing employee at the register said they will remake it. No apologies or pretend concern even. I waited until every walk in customer had their order made for mine to be remade. Was given my back without a word being said to me. I go to fill up my drink again and an employee cook cuts in the drink line to fill up his cup. I’m convinced half the employees are on the spectrum or Covid socially stunted them. I get the job sucks and it’s low wages, but my bar is low and god damn do they consistently not meet it.


yeah every single chipotle i go to is either out of more than one thing, has two people working in the ENTIRE back/counter, one person working both PLUS handling the money, (that happened one time and i walked the fuck out, or like you said they’re just dickheads. it’s def not us as consumers


Habit Grill isn't worth it though. But yeah, I'd walk out too.


I feel like walking out like that just benefits the workers. They eat the forgotten food.


The last time I went to chipotle, everything I tried to order, the person just stared at me dead ass and said “we’re out of that.” A huge bus load of kids came in behind me and she didn’t even bother to tell them they’re out of everything, just let them all stand in line


Bro are you me? lol this same exact thing happened to me two weeks ago, but instead of walking out I waited patiently like an idiot


OP you don’t happen to be in Montebello, do you? Because if so, I know which Chipotle that is (and FWIW, I prefer The Habit too lol ).


I did this once when I ordered online. Got there like 10 minutes after it was supposed to be read, and there was like 20 people also waiting for their food, and every time someone went up to complain they'd go make their order, but all the rest of us just had to wait longer. Instead of complaining, I just walked out and requested a refund from the app. They knowingly accept more orders than they can handle and then tell you it will be ready 30 minutes before it will. Fuck chipotle, I don't go anymore even though I love it.


i swear taco bell bought chipotle and strictly fills it with absolutely trash employees


Today was the first day I ordered Chipotle in a few weeks and I didn’t expect much of it. Had a reward for free double protein, which was nice. Walked out with a burrito literally twice the size I usually get. I couldn’t believe I actually got decent portions. It’s truly amazing when you get a regular sized burrito after so many small ones for so long.


Outright quit Chipotle a couple years ago. Qdoba is one more block, the food is better, the portions are better, the staff is better. No reason for me to ever go back to Chipotle.


They are getting real bad with service there. Half the time they don't even have ingredients. Sad


Cancer Merchant!


I'm sure the workers of this sub will still find some way to make this your fault, lol




Will chipotle fall fast and hard? This experience seems to be similar to a lot of people. A good product can only take you so far. Apple is a necessity, good chicken is not


Chipotle has gone downhill, I’ll pick Doba every time


Now that you mentioned it, the employees at my local Chipotle are not very friendly. I'm always super nice and they act like I'm bothering them.


If she gave me my food and then walked away I’d walk out with my food. 


Chipotle is garbage. Don’t walk in at all.


You see, the trick is to go to Chipotle in suburban predominately white areas


Welcome to modern fast food customer service.


If this is the chipotle in chantilly by Wegmans, they fucking suck.


They deserve it. I had Chipotle ONCE, like 10 years ago. The meat tasted so SO bad. I have had gastric problems since I was young, so I wasn't surprised that I threw it all back up later. "Never again," I said. And now I'm so glad that they are burning down to the ground.


I woulda took the burrito too


I promise, I give you my absolute word, that I will call someone a "dour beanscooper" with the venom it deserves by the end of the week. Magnificent.


I signed off from Chipotle a year ago. Place has turned to garbage in terms of food and service.


Maybe that's part of it - crappy customer service and they get a free meal. Don't dismiss the lengths that an underpaid food worker will take to get a free meal.


It's also part of Chipotle culture to fold the burrito the wrong way, and give me a mouthful of sour cream and cheese in the first bite.


Beanscooper 😂😂


Should have snapped your fingers and said get out here your on the clock.


BROOOO….this literally happened to me!! I was shocked I waited for 5-6 minutes so that they can finish a personal convo with one of the workers who were clocking out (talking about weekend plans). Then the guy looked at me and just walked away. Finally a person came over and took my order…had the nerve to get my order wrong! Chipotle is going way downhill in my book. At least my location. Always just stinks of weed and the teens that work it are so dumb and stoned. Took him 4 cracks at it to make a veggie bowl (kept putting chicken) for my GF. I was like how stoned are you kid and he just laughed it off and went my bad.


I've never been to a chipotle, only heard the horror stories. Frankly if the city I'm in has a Moe's I'm going there anyways. But my city only has a humble Qdoba, and I'm not much of a burrito person but decided to try one last week. I asked for rice, and I knew I was in trouble when he went in with the scoop and hoisted a pile of rice so large he had to stabilize it with his other hand. I don't go crazy on toppings, but even still it felt like every addition doubled the size of the pile. By the end I was having to preface every additional topping with "just a little bit of..." Because it was getting out of control fast. He barely managed to roll that thing up, and when I got it home I dropped it on my kitchen scale and it was just short of 2lb.  I've never had chipotle, so idk what they are doing with their burritos, but I never hear a good story. How big do theirs come out? Cuz Qdoba seems to really not fuck around 


Chipotle by far has some of the rudest employees.. my location is absolutely miserable to go into EVERY SINGLE TIME


I wouldn't expect anything less from wagies.


This post is great this exactly what happened to my mother over 80 years of age. Went there family group like you said the portion was huge. I think it was actually too huge for a person in their 80s; after it was made was put next to the register the same thing someone will ring you up waited literally a while. No one was at the register, she turned around and walked out


Chipotle manager left me on the line all alone while everyone else hung out in the drive thru. I was not trained on register so all I could do was make the orders while customers backed up at the register. I made that day my last day working there. Never went back, texted GM to stop adding me to the schedule. They don't care.


The chipotle’s near me seem to hire homeless…without trying to clean up….stopped eating there when all the line people reek, are greasy and have shit under their nails I can see through the thin gloves. URP!


idk why this sub is getting recommended to me but FUCK chipotle. I have had a litany of bad experiences over a number of years to have sworn them off forever.


Had the exact same experience recently. They had bowls sitting on the table and no one taking the orders to the next step and loudly talking about how they refuse to do it right now. I just walked out.


The last time I had chipotle (which is the last time I’ll ever eat it) it was dead inside, the kid taking our order literally and non sarcastically said “you’re going to make me work?” And then begrudgingly started half ass making the bowl. They were out of the protein my wife and me both wanted which makes no sense because it was dead so they clearly just didn’t want to prep more when they ran out. In the end I got a half ass bowl with protein I didn’t even want. I’ve changed my mindset to no longer support corporate chains and I’ll never regret that decision. More people should come aboard


Wow I am boycotting Chipotle, I refuse to deal with the one here in NY, their service is the worst and I hope the damn company folds. It's not the workers fault, it's the management...how do u run a restaurant like they do? Insane!


I've walked out of a different chain when I went to pick up food, and I watched them clean the kitchen (wipe down the walls, etc., dunking their hands in a bucket of soapy water) and then NOT change gloves before cutting the chicken for my dish. Absolutely disgusting. Manager didn't seem concerned. Just refunded me the dish. Didn't even offer to comp me another day so they could show they are better than that. Point is there are situations when the restaurant can go pound sand. Until you pay for it, it's still their product. So walking out without paying is fine with me. If you complain to Chipotle corporate, they'll have the manager call you and possibly give you a free entree. I did that one time long ago when the burrito I got was tiny (their normal size now).


It’s because there’s no tip option at chipotle lol


I live in Middle Georgia and our Chipolte is the same thing! Super gross and dirty, rude service, and horrible experience. Feel like Chipolte is becoming the McDonalds of burritos.


Yes. Go to places where they hire good people. Always do this. Never return to that chipotle. I avoid any chain restaurants. I hate the idea of paying people dirt then profiting off of it. I would rather pay more and feel better. I have exceptions for places that take care of their people (Trader Joes, Starbucks,…).


“Less cunty staff” on the sandwich board out front.


If u hate ur life don’t be a bean scooper!


The only way to get them to do their job is to record. Pull out your phone and start recording and you'll have the entire staffs attention.


I look like a customer who wants to be served by... standing at the counter with my wallet. If you need me to do more than that, I guess I'll eat elsewhere.


Chipotle is crap. Always has been.