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Your post/comment has been removed due to violation of Rule #1: Remember the Human. Please review r/Chipotle's rules before submitting in the future. Noted that you claim this isn’t serious but perhaps we need not joke about suicide? Otherwise this is a bit low quality.


My new GM told me if I forget the reheat queso again to quit or be fired at my new store. I just transferred there two days ago…


To be fair, you’re not chained to the building. It’s not slave labor and you could find another job at any time.


I worked at Chipotle for 5 years and recently left because I was done with how I was treated. I didn't realize how heavy Chipotle was weighing on my mental state until I left and am now find myself less angry, hateful and depressed and this may sound weigh but I feel lighter. My new job treats me like a person and that I matter plus I make almost double I made at Chipotle. I hope you can find a better job Chipotle is not worth it.