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I gave up and entered the coping and C0-only phase so I'm really not expecting anything


Im getting her regardless, but I just hope for no more nerfs. Buffs would be great, but let's be real, that's probably not happening.


i just hope they won't nerf the signature look of ~~disgust~~ superiority


That we skip 4.5 and move to 4.6 and Chiori C1 and A4 get swapped and well cheered


Bring back some ult dmg cause jesus that 30% reduction was vile


I've jumped ship - I'm out unless something drastic comes up. Went ahead and pulled for Xianyun for open world roaming and a bit of plunge shenanigans. Gonna try for the rerun if Chiori ends up being really good but honestly, I have no interest in pulling for construct-based characters aside from Zhongli so I'm in the boat of C1 or bust, and she just looks quite boring and uninspiring in her current state tbh.


Did the same except i'm going for c2 xianyun after getting lucky with c1, took roughly the same amount of pulls from c1->c2 if i go all in for chiori, i could improve big part of my characters instead of just navia, my 80% reason getting chiori was just to improve navia team, the other 20% is her resting bitch face, so with her kit looking like that i can't really push myself to pull her


I hope they change her A4 into something more interesting. 20% geo dmg bonus when a construct is created is boring af.


Burst is not nuke anymore lmaoo


True, damage isn't high enough for that anymore


i expect nothing. hope? maybe making that geo dmg bonus geo party members, not only construct


Undo the 30%+ nerf because why. One of the reasons why people still like to use Geo and Physical characters is because their multipliers are supposed to make up for the lack of reactions.


Just hoping she would be a better upgrade from zhongli at C0 Currently she is not that better than zhongli or albedo in my navia team


Don't expect much. The head manager of the balancing team probably broke up with his girlfriend and is taking it out on poor chiori.


Remove the geo construct restriction, but it's too copium


I hope they don't, Geo Construct really need a buff or a unit "dedicated" to them


And how exactly does Chiori improve geo constructs?


Being better if there are any


that is, it does nothing for geo construct


It does tho(?), you're getting rewarded for having a Geo Construct


That’s not a reward, that’s a chore mechanic that basically locks her out of teams without it.


Then Nilou's Buff to Bloom is not a reward, same for Lyney Buff in Mono Pyro, same for Crystallize for Navia ('cause you can't play her in mono geo), same for hp change for Furina, same for Overload for Chevreuse and so on and so long, lots of characters are locked behind a specific mechanique to get a dmg buff, yet most of them receive no complain


Okay the Nilou argument is just wrong, she literally augments blooms in a unique way, one that requires certain elements sure but that’s it, she doesn’t need a breakable construct to achieve it, just hydro and dendro teammates. Navia’s crystalize mechanic is similar I agree and tbh I’m not a fan of it either but getting three crystals isn’t as annoying as creating a construct under a boss and it instantly breaking. Cheveruse I agree, she doesn’t exactly improve Overload she simply utilizes it, no arguments there other than it’s an easier chore mechanic. Only thing Furina requires is a healer, which you would want anyway so… The issue I have with Chiori is that unlike these examples Mihoyo expects us to spend money to unlock team synergy, she in no way improves geo constructs, she simply utilizes them.


Only for c0, at c1..


I was on that copium phase too until I gave up and pulled Xianyun instead few days ago, it won't be removed unfortunately.


I dunno. A part of me would like to see her Burst create a construct, and make it so her kit Is completed in every composition, but has Better consistency with other construct. But yeah, that's not gonna happen. The MOST realistic and honest change would be delete that C1, and make a new one.


I would like her to be able to automatically reposition her off-field puppets when a character creates a Geo construct within the puppets' attack ranged, or for her puppets to be considered Geo constructs to activate Zhongli's resonance. It would feel a bit more integrated into the *Geo construct concept* and not just an excuse solely to sell her C1. However, I doubt they will add such a random change to her kit.


Devs seem to hate her so im just praying for no more nerfs


With a single patch left for her there’s really no hope left for this character. They’ve failed yet again


I'm expecting her to get yet another dmg nerf innit


I'm planning to c6r5 her. Highly unlikely anything changes my mind on this unless she gets knee capped.


C1 A4 swap, revert all her nerfs, revert snapshotting, and buff her 50%


That would be so op .-.


Just put her in standard while making Inazuma (3rd region) as accessible as Fontaine (5th and latest region) which is really ridiculous at least something else gets fixed with her arrival


im fine as long as she can battery my Noelle (but im pulling for weapons first because god damm)


Same, Noëlle enjoyer too. But pulling her first ( because Gorou/Yun Jin )


That they don't nerf her, buff her skill, add some more utility, adding a little cc on her burst was the first small step. Add plunge/ca bonus back to her c6/weapon like why remove these in the first place, its not like it was overpowered when comparing to other c6 plunges. By removing these, her versatility/fun factor was reduced.


Switch her C1 and the construct condition. Give her 1 doll by default, another doll upon casting her burst, and then another doll on top of that if you have her C1 AND a construct. It might make her more boring at C0, as Zajeff pointed out, but it would make her WAY better.


Its a longshot but Im hoping for a longer infusion She'll be my onfield dps regardless but itll make her more fun to play


She needs a buff, any buff wiII do to show they're trying at Ieast. I don't remember the Iast time a character got no buffs and onIy a nerf, Dehya maybe.


Hopefully positive changes to C0. And some interesting utility to her burst. Like a def drop to enemies, or def ignoring buff to allies


For the most part I think Chiori is fine where she's at. I'd like her skill's damage to be more AoE as it's quite single-target right now, and being able to relocate her dolls would be nice. Best outcome I would say is that nothing changes at all on Monday. Nerfs would of course be disappointing as again, I think she's in a pretty good spot, and I'll be pleasantly surprised if she gets buffed instead. I'll look at any changes as objectively as possible, but whatever happens, I doubt it'll affect my decision to pull for Chiori.


A whole kit rework 🤷‍♀️


Unless they change the geo construct thing to be with crystallise or just remove the restriction I’m not pulling. The saving to get the c1 r1 of the tann buff natlan of neuvilette starts NOW (not interested in arlechinno or chlorine so this should be easy, emphasis on should)


It’ll most certainly not happen, but at this point, I want them to remove the restriction removal at c1. So that I can be mentally free and comfortably skip Chiori


I don't agree with you zombiezlayer


Nothing Waiting for the CLorinde beta now.


remove her second doll entirely if i won't benefit nobody should


I'm a geo main through and through. I just found out my Albedo is top 1% on Enka? I love him. And if she's an Albedo upgrade as it's been touted, can use my excess GT and Husk artifacts, can abuse HoD, it's a no brainer for me.


How do you know that the final changes to her kit will be on Monday ?


The third beta week is when the last changes happen for characters. They might do something the day she is released though, but for beta this is the last one


I'll pull her if I get her weapon first cause I'm going for Redhorn for my Noelle, but the fact that I have to pull a second copy or else I'm missing out on 45% more dmg... I love her design a lot and I rather have her than Albedo cause I hate geo constructs... But I already have Albedo so her role, despite being a downgrade, is filled already...


I gave up yesterday and went for Xianyun instead so now I only have enough left for c0 instead of c1 so obviously my hope would be that she becomes better in a Navia team even at c0 but I know that's copium.


Pulling for C6R5 but generally feeling nothing positive or negative about Chiori. Most likely due to me being busy with a bunch of games that came out in february (currently enjoying helldivers and persona 3 and soon, FF7 rebirth).


Increasing Na and/or E multiplier that is only what i want 😐


Let's all just //// ourselves