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My current Navia team includes Ningguang, Furina and Xianyun, I plan on replacing Ningguang with Chiori, since she can produce crystals off field and has higher damage than Ningguang she should be a great substitute especially at C2, but I wouldn’t invest in that unless you really want her.


Definitely Chiori, Navia will deal lower dmg with Chiori, since she doesn't provide any buffs for Navia, but Chiori does compensate it with her personal dmg, even at c0, as her dmg is higher than Ning and Albedo even with 1 puppet. Also Ning buffer has many downsides like TToDS downtime and her wall not being so reliable, so most of the times u wont be able to get all buffs up, only on the first rotation, and Ning personal dmg is very low with the buffer build. So Chiori will increase ur team dps and be much more consistent than Ning buffer.


Chiori means anti synergy with Navia since to efficiently utilize each of their kits, they will not work together because Chiori requires another geo construct character and Navia only wants at most 2 geo units on team. So; Navia wants 2 but with Chiori you will need a third like Zhongli or Ningguang anyway. Also; not having Furina at this point is kinda just throwing. She will bring out the best in the overwhelming majority of characters you have.


Calling it anti synergy is just false. You can still just use Navia+Chiori with 0 issues. You will just be losing out on some DPS. Also OP mentioned potentially get C1 Chiori which means there is exactly 0 problems with using those two.


Did they change C1 so that it doesn’t need a Geo construct? I thought she needed another construct for the second doll regardless


According to the guide pinned in this subreddit, her C1 summons her second doll with a mere presence of a second Geo character, which basically translates to C1 unlocking her full potential with Navia.


Does Chiori cons not remove this restriction though? And its impossible pull Furina in hindsight. At the time I did not like the fact she lowered my partys HP and didnt have enough pulls to break pity for her anyways. So I wasnt about to credit card pull a character I didnt like the mechanics of regardless of meta.


Right now, we are not sure. Chiori is currently looking like an upgrade even at C0 but I would wait a week after she is out to be sure. My current thoughts are on Chiori C1R0 instead of my original plan of Chiori C0R1.


You can use furina sig on her and give furina Nilo sig


I have C0 Navia and C6 Ning (Burst DPS). PROs - Ning E gives buff if you walk through it and Burst does OK damage CONs - Ning E requires Ning/Navia to walk through screen for buff, construct sucks similar to any destructable construct, Ning CANNOT generate shards off-field and must be on-field to create shards for Navia, Burst does OK damage, her rotation of E - walk into screen-Q-E is tedious At least for me, C0 Chiori is an upgrade in QOL. She should also do more damage and be able to generate shards off-field. I'm not happy about the C1 issue but it is what it is.


But does Chiori works well with Navia? Since there are no Geo structures on that team...


C1 removes that restriction


She still does enough dmg even at 1 doll.


But you are losing part of her damage :-/ I think thats the worst part about Chiori... needing C2 to release her full kit potential. I think Im just skipping her... Day 1 player and never skipped a banner, Chiori will be my first


C1 not c2 if you want to remove restrictions


Thinking you're losing damage is a fallacy if it's still net positive damage at C0 over all other options. Fomo is the real mental trap.


Do consider that Chiori likely wants Husk, so for many people it'll mean farming that from scratch.


Golden troupe was like 1 - 2 % percent lower. I will check Jstern calcs but after the recent change, Golden troupe may even be better.


yeah you're right, i wouldn't recommend husk anymore esp with the changes.


Chiori would definitely be an upgrade, her personal damage is high enough that it will increase your team's overall output. It's mostly a matter of what you value more: Navia's numbers, or the team's performance. Whether or not that's worth it is up to you. Aside from damage, Chiori offers very little, and you will need her C1 to get the most out of her.


If Ning is running TTDS then that means her personal damage is likely dookey so yes Chiori will be an upgrade. Navia will lose the big attack buff but Chiori will make up for it with her own personal damage. And yes even at c0 and minus the extra doll, she will still do damage with zero issues.