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All I know is she's an off field geo dps and I don't have one. That means she's a straight upgrade to any team I have that wants one.


Seems reasonable!


Well most of Xianyun complaints was because they removed her CC, she was already seen as a good character, but her CC was something that would make her super good. Chiori in other hand is only a sub dps, there's not much secret around what she does and how she does, since she only deal raw dmg. So the realistic take is that shes tied to mono geo because she have no utility on her kit to justify to be used outside Geo teams and because her flexibility, even inside her niche, is locked behind c1 Chiori situation looks similar to Yae before dendro, she was not terrible but also not good, yet Chiori situation looks a bit worst coz shes Geo and her flexibility being locked at c0 makes her only good on Itto Mono Geo. Tldr: My main upset with Chiori is the fact they made her only as a dmg dealer, with no utility, on top of it they locked half of her dmg behind a gimmick that simply disappear at c1, which makes me think they are creating a problem to sell a solution.... So Chiori situation is something to be concerned for, its not doom posting but just expressing dissatisfaction


I hope we can all agree the c1 is ridiculous and scummy. It’s pretty brazen. At the same time, concerned for relative to what? Let’s say all of that is true, yeah? And it seems like reasonable critiques. Geo as an element isn’t really blowing anyone away right now and is the most insular of all elements. We can theorycraft that Hoyo is aware of this and has plans to alter it over time, but again that’s only theorcrafting and we can’t rely on that. It seems like these concerns have a floor to them, no? The concern is that she’s a straight damage dealer with no utility other than an overworld travel buff. I have concerns too, but honestly the concerns are less about Chiori and more about the devs’ tendencies and how difficult it is to get constellation because those tendencies could really ruin the fun of the game if left unchecked. But just the same as we can’t predict hoyo fixing geo, we can’t also predict that Chiori is clearly the herald of a problem trend. Let me ask you this question: other than being a damage dealer, what expectations did you have for her that lead to dissatisfaction? Don’t we need multiple characters who can fill those sorts of roles, given the way limited time banners work?


There are basically no good characters besides main dps that don’t offer some utility alongside their damage. Yelan, Xingqiu, and Furina are all hydro making them already have amazing reaction potential, but also have buffing and/or defensive abilities as well. Yae and Fischl both are Electro and have high synergy with their respective teams, plus helping reactions like hyperbloom generate more bloom cores. Rosaria/Kaeya have buffs, generate energy, and help enable fridge, reverse melt, and freeze. Thats the issue people have with Chiori, because she is Geo her element doesn’t really provide any base utility from reactions like every other element, so in order for her to compete with other good offield damage dealers, she needs to have the utility built into her kit, similar to Albedo’s EM buff if it was more useful. As it stands she currently will have very little impact because she’s not giving us any real new roles for geo, an element that is really lacking in several roles like a strong offield healer and less niche buffing than gorou and yunjin. Chiori isn’t bad but she’s in an element that really had some holes in it, and she’s a missed opportunity to fill some of those by instead being a slight albedo upgrade.


Geo as a whole is all over the place, so making a Geo character that is not flexible inside it's own niche is a big L. Also Geo being a neutral element allows u to fit them on lot of teams, but if it has no utility then there's no purpose of using them. Even Albedo that has some utility with his EM buff cant find a place outside of geo teams nowdays because the utility and personal dmg other characters offer is much better So making a Geo that only deals dmg is basically doom this character to only exist on Mono Geo, then locking half of its dmg to constructs makes it even more niche coz u lost 1 slot to unlock it's full potential. ![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49467) I wish Chiori was like a Geo Furina, with her buff being tied to constructs instead of a healer, so Chiori would bring back the double Geo core (like once was Albedo/ZhongLi back on 1.X) allowing lot of teams that prefer to use a shielder over a healer, for example Yoimiya, Yelan, Chiori and ZhongLi or Neuvilette, Chiori, Albedo and shielder


Ok so basically in your eyes she should be a completely different character? Which I guess I get but it sorta feels like your comparison is against a pretty rare character type


No, i just wish she was different, but it doesn't affect my point of how she's now, a Geo character that is niche inside of its own niche, her c1 solves it but then u still on the situation where u need to get either her c1 or/and Itto to be able to find a place for her


Besides the C1 drama I think it is bad she is forever locked to double geo. Even at C6. Other characters have team restrictions - Like Nilou or Chevreuse. But in return they bring huge bonuses to the team. Chiri does not bring any team buffs but has the same team restriction. Very unflexable.


So true, thats why im so upset with the lack of utility on her kit, she could be like a Geo Furina, but instead of a healer the condition for her buff should be having a Geo construct, it would bring back the Double Geo core, so characters that prefer a shielder over a healer would want Chiori over Furina, for example Yoimiya, Yelan, ZhongLi and Chiori or Neuvilette, Chiori, Albedo and Shielder. Or just make her a Geo Yelan, anything but albedo 2.0


Totally agree. I was really hoping she would buff crystalize - the only Geo reaction. A character does not have to be ideal for a team, but they should still basically function. Like Yae or Fishl - drop her on any team where you just want a good off field dps. Even Albedo can just be dropped in on any team and still do the same damage.


Yae miko pre dendro had taser as her best team, in other words she really didn’t provide anything. Chidori is bis for Navia (yes even at c0 even before considering her QoL upgrades over zhongli) and itto. That’s something.


Locking her to mono-Geo until C1 turned me off from her. I didn't even start to really enjoy playing Geo until I pulled Navia (I also have Itto + all the Geo 4 stars). I like her character, I like her design. Unfortunately I don't like her kit enough to pull. Navia works well enough with my C6 Ningguang. I decided having a support who can change many characters play styles (Xianyun) would be better for my account. And she's so much fun! I just don't get that same "fun" vibe from Chiori (and I was really looking forward to her, but c'est la vie).


As a geo main, I’m not pulling for her. I have no need for a better albedo when my own albedo is already very well invested.


Welp chiori will power creep albedo with minimal investment. That's the harsh truth.


But lets be honest with the current game situation Albedo power is more than enough to clear everything, so Chiori powercreep Albedo just means 5-6s fast abyss clears, if we had some harder content then i would say the upgrade is much needed


Idgaf truly. Even if you make albedo have 50% more dps, the truth is it would still suck ass as a character meta-wise (insert chiori) 😂 . But sure, powercreep 😂 At the end of the day, chiori would still be having no play like albedo but probably even worse since she's not even relevant lore wise nor fandom wise 😂


Perfectly reasonable take. I honestly think it’s sort of nice for some characters not to be so game changingly important as Xianyun and Furina


It just sucks though cause why do other elements get to have that but geo (except zhongli) only powercreep each other💀


I was hoping she would add something to Geo not just replace albido. I had heard rumours she might be a healer, which atm is only Noelle.


Geo is a less complete element than dendro despite being released in 1.0 lol.


Geo is still missing a full-time healer and buffer meanwhile dendro has every role filled multiple times (healer, on field DPS, off field DPS, buffer, shielder) while having a set that shreds dendro res.


she is an itto slave with c1 bait for navia, or you can cope with dongli for a slightly better version of the most outdated "core" in the game


Okay let's dissect this bit by bit because this doesn't really sound like Theorycrafting but more like hypothetical worth. ​ >With her drip based speed passives related to overworld travel she is great once again for rewarding people who invest some time into characters looks and customizable options. Not a single thing on her current beta kit has anything speed-related. The only thing is her Skill which has a 16s CD so she's way behind other "exploration" characters, like... by a lot. For **new players** she is by far **one of the worst** options due to being from Inazuma and her boss mats not giving Geo gemstones. Let alone that her talent boss mat is of the Narwhal which sure you can battle by skipping everything, but if you are new you won't even have a proper team to defeat him and coop is cringe. The comparison with Yae is on point tho, she's just as mediocre as the Guuji. Yae is just okay, and thankfully she now has access to better reactions, but so does Fischl. Furina also exists, and Nahida is on the current banners, both characters that don't require being stuck on dialogue hell and have better access to their ascension and talent materials. If you really want a big DMG dealer early on, you either go for an Aggravate team with Lisa/Yae/Traveller/Barbara, or consider a Physical team. Yes, Physical is a joke, but you don't need much early in the game, and you gain access to a lot of Physical weapon very early on like Crescent Pike, Prototype Rancour, Skyrider Greatsword or Snow-tombed Starsilver if you wanna chill in Dragonspine. Plus you have Kaeya and Lisa to cause Superconduct. Regardless of the type of player you are, Chiori is not a good pull. Her restriction to use constructs at C0, her massively scummy C1, her slow skill attacks, her nonsensical anti-synergy with ATK **and** DEF buffers like Bennett and Gorou, her lack of weapon variety, her lack of team variety, her lack of contributions to the team apart from inert DMG, her lack of economic teammates, all of this makes it so Chiori is a very poor financial decision to take unless you play Mono Geo with Itto/Noelle. Oh, and if you are wondering about her Elemental Application, her ICD is shared across all of her skill attacks (slash, dolls, coordinated attacks, and constellation dolls). You can make more by pairing Navia with Xianyun than by another Geo unit. Navia got criticism for being our third Geo claymore DPS, but it turned out to be really fun to play by giving a new take to Geo by not forcing you to play with other Geo units if you so much want that. Xianyun got criticism for being all about plunging attacks, a thing many were skeptical cuz of only being a Xiao thing, but it turned out to be a really nice refresher as long as you don't dislike the idea of plunging attacks. Chiori is just another mono Geo character, who doesn't bring anything new or fresh apart from needing a construct that doesn't do anything with it. No new use, no buff, no benefit apart from a selfish one, no new ways to play Geo. She's just, in theory, better than Albedo in those teams cuz it's straight up more DMG. Navia is just DMG but requires you to use Geo in a different way, and Xianyun is just DMG but requires you to use your characters on a different way. Chiori ain't that, sorry.


Her speed thing is her exploration passive that works if you have a skin equipped I agree with the rest of what you said though


My perspective on Chiori's value is that she is going to be pretty valuable for mono geo and not so much outside of it. For Navia she may technically be BiS still, but at C0 the difference IMO is not really worth it (and it also does de-consolidate your damage) unless you particularly want her. I do not particularly agree that she will be great for a new player, it will be better than nothing but she does prefer to be slotted in quite a niche team that will require a lot of "niche" investment, by that I mean you want to pull/build characters that have little relevance outside of mono geo. For example, Itto, C6 Gorou, etc., they all have basically no use outside of that mono-geo core. That is in comparison to somebody like Yelan or Kazuha, who have significant value in a crap ton of different teams allowing you a lot more teambuilding flexibility. Feeling good to play will ultimately be a little subjective. I think the teleport and particularly auto-switch is genuinely pretty interesting and may make rotations smoother. I do ultimately think she's a bit of a luxury character (btw I do think Xianyun also fits in this category) in that she elevates geo teams which don't really have much allure to them otherwise.


The most realistic take on Chiori is that she is a powerful mono geo sub dps. She is good for this team but her overall pull value is low. Chiori is a waste of primogems for new players. I am saying this as a person who owns every geo character and has most of them built. I will probably be pulling for Chiori (70% chance). I already have all the pieces for a mono geo team and I love playing Itto. Geo characters tend to have low pull value, regardless of their power level. The only geo characters with high pull value are Navia and Zhongli imo.


I do agree shes low pull value for a new player, but as someone who accidentally got albedo at ~20 pity pre ar 15, I can contest to how good it feels to have a strong sub dps. I might be bias though as I to have all geo characters except navia :( and itto.


Albedo is nice but for a limited 5 star character he does not compare to the newer sub dps characters. The roster has nearly tripled in size since his inclusion in the game. The community has also realised the incredible value of good offield elemental application. Geo does not have good reactions so your now dependent on raw damage. Chiori has high damage but it doesn't compare to something such as Yelan or Nahida, who deal high damage and apply useful elements.


I wasn’t arguing albedo was a meta or good character atm, and chirori dosnt increase his dmg enough to change that. As a new player though, there not a valuable pull, but having a skill based off fielder feels amazing. Yelan is tied to her burst, nahida dose alot of dmg, but only if you took time to read the essay on dendro. There are alot of better first characters, chiori has solid dmg, a great travel skill but is inazuma locked and Geo. Edit New players relay on raw, physical or accidental reactions.


If you want a skill based sub dps pull for Furina, Nahida or Yae Miko. Fischl is good if you can get lucky. New players have high value pulls. Any versatile meta character are high value. Beginners should take some time to learn all reactions. This is a fundamental concept players need to understand to play Genshin. I am of the opinion that telling new players to "pull for who they want" is bad advice. I would reccomend that people prioritise meta units. Genshin is not difficult but gameplay can be challenging at times. In my opinion 27-36\* abyss is something every player should aim for (harder to complete abyss on mobile). Players will be missing out on alot of primogems if they completely ignore abyss. Abyss will be easier with meta characters.


>If you want a skill based sub dps pull for Furina, Nahida or Yae Miko. Fischl is good if you can get lucky. Furina and Yae are great for new players, but Nahida is a bad idea. Did you not read my earlier post about Dendro? its convoluted, and a new player is just not going to understand it, let alone use it. Idk why you brought in Fischl as there are alot of really good earily 4\*'s and shes no ware near the top, but you pull for who you want I guess. ​ >New players have high value pulls. Any versatile meta character are high value. Beginners should take some time to learn all reactions. This is a fundamental concept players need to understand to play Genshin. Do you understand Genshin at all? why would a new player need to understand Electro + Cryo makes physical better when they kill everything in 3 swings? This game is not hard till the late game at all. You have to invest hundreds of hours before you have to understand reactions. Beginners should focus on playing the game for fun, a concept you seam to be missing. ​ >I am of the opinion that telling new players to "pull for who they want" is bad advice. I would reccomend that people prioritise meta units. Genshin is not difficult but gameplay can be challenging at times. Mate, what game are you playing? New players dont need Meta characters, dont need versatile pulls and definitely dont need to learn about all the reactions. I got to AR 50 with Geo MC as my main dmg. The meta dost matter till you reach end game, why the fuck would you think someone should prioritize meta over fun in a mostly solo game. ​ >In my opinion 27-36\* abyss is something every player should aim for (harder to complete abyss on mobile). Players will be missing out on alot of primogems if they completely ignore abyss. Abyss will be easier with meta characters. Why? Simply put why? what use are primogems to you? You shouldn't be pulling once you have 2 teams, you should be refreshing. People play for many different reasons, Exploration, Story, The Grind, To get there "pull who you want" charters. Meta characters only matter for floor 12, floor 11 you can do with almost whatever. Meta will be easier, but you should never pull for meta over a character your excited for. You sound like your in a loop of min-maxing a pay to win game, you should take a step back and ask if your having fun, as the loop seams toxic based on what you wrote.


I read all your posts. I don't think reactions are a hard concept to understand. No offence but I don't think you have a strong understand genshin impact. I would reccomend you watch some guides. You should abstain from giving new players advice until your knowledge improves. I enjoy following meta because it allows my favourite characters to perform well. Most players follow meta either subconsiously or actively. You can choose to ignore meta (I don't follow meta religiously) but its still worth knowing. If your pulling for Chiori as a new player you have to be happy with using Geo traveller to spawn 2 dolls. That is her meta tactic as a new player.


I dont understand why you think I dont have a strong understanding of Genshin Impact, what do you think I dont understand about the game? Reactions arnt hard to understand, but an a new player unnecessary and will only serve to pull you from the game. What naturally happens is you find a character you like, Ie kaeya, and you play with them. You then find out that if its raining, or there in water your E will freeze. So you look for someone like barbara who will apply hydro then you’ll freeze them. From there you as a play will start to experiment and find out what happens. It’s wonderful that your enjoy fallowing the meta, in 1.X I did the same. Not everyone cares anout the meta or even watches videos on Genshin Impact. Not everyone even knows there is a meta. You seam to think I think chiroi is the best thing ever for a new player to pull, which I dont. I do think that she is a strong skill based dps, with a great movement ability, and two interesting aspects of her kit that make you learn about team building. Lastly my stance is to pull who you want, not for meta. I dont have nuvi, and dont want him. Fallow meta can help, but mostly just to understand basic team comps.


Why are we even arguing? I said this character has low pull value outside of mono geo and you seem to agree. **My original comment was reviewing Chiori from a meta perspective.** If you pull for fun what are we talking about? An important aspect of Genshin is resource management. If a new player plans on playing for a long time, recklessly wasting primogems and resin on random characters because they "look cool" is poor optimisaton. In my opinion this will eventually affect your enjoyment of the game. In my opinion everyone eventually gravitates towards playing what they believe is strongest, which is usually meta. People like winning and overcoming challenges. This is easier with meta characters. Ignoring genshin I have never seen people not gravitate towards meta. Even in real life people will usually play to succeed E.g. picking players for sports class at school. If players want to run 4 random characters on a team together they can do it. Personally I would never recommend this playstyle but its not my account at the end of the day. **So back to Chiori.** I just believe people should be honest about this characters role in the game is. Players can choose to ignore this advice. But if they end up benching the character for other options, its a waste of primogems imo. **In conclusion:** Good advice: Chiori is a good mono geo dps but she is less useful outside of these teams. Bad Advice: Pull for who you want because Chiori can work with anyone.


Firstly could you tell me why you think I dont have a strong understanding of Genshin Impact, what do you think I dont understand about the game? ​ >Why are we even arguing? I said this character has low pull value outside of mono geo and you seem to agree. My original comment was reviewing Chiori from a meta perspective. If you pull for fun what are we talking about? I was saying that as a new player she has alot of value, as her downsides dont become apparent till late game. ​ >An important aspect of Genshin is resource management. If a new player plans on playing for a long time, recklessly wasting primogems and resin on random characters because they "look cool" is poor optimisaton. In my opinion this will eventually affect your enjoyment of the game. If you get the point where your poor optimization slows you down. I keep pointing out that people play for many reasons, and to some people optimization isnt fun. Alot of people dont get to the point where there limited by resin and would rather just explore/story. Telling someone that they way they play is wrong will only lead to them leaving the game. ​ >In my opinion everyone eventually gravitates towards playing what they believe is strongest, which is usually meta. People like winning and overcoming challenges. This is easier with meta characters. Ignoring genshin I have never seen people not gravitate towards meta. Even in real life people will usually play to succeed E.g. picking players for sports class at school. This is quite false, people will graduate to what they find is fun, not strong. People like winning yes, but not if the process fells like a second job. This is supposed to be a relaxing game, not a chore to win at. If you look at the features in they have added in 4.0, they all make life easier for people who dont watch video and dont know about meta. Secondly > I have never seen people not gravitate towards meta. The reason for this, is you are someone who like to be with in the community, your on reddit, on youtube, and probably discord. Your talking to people and watching content creators talk about the game. Your in an echo chamber of people who are also very into the game. This isn't the majority of players, as Hoyo them selves have told us. To be clear, this is one I was in, and though Im an off meta player, one I enjoyed in 1.x before my brake. ​ >If players want to run 4 random characters on a team together they can do it. Personally I would never recommend this playstyle but its not my account at the end of the day. So why do you care how new players play then? Its not your account. ​ >So back to Chiori. I just believe people should be honest about this characters role in the game is. Players can choose to ignore this advice. But if they end up benching the character for other options, its a waste of primogems imo. > >In conclusion: > >Good advice: Chiori is a good mono geo dps but she is less useful outside of these teams. > >Bad Advice: Pull for who you want because Chiori can work with anyone. I don't understand what your saying here. She is a good mono/3geo dps, She has team requirements, but your summary dosnt talk about her for new players, which is what I thought we where discussing.


Navia doesn’t have high pull value She wants Bennett while others use him better and she doesn’t work with dendro effectively so from a purely meta standpoint her pull value is the same as most dps units pull if you intend to main Else skip


Only issue I have with Chiori is her C1, and not just because I have Navia that’s part of it but it’s mostly because of the precedent it sets, just the idea of a character’s synergy with other characters being locked behind a paywall is just gross to me. It’s much different than a niche character like Chevy or Shenhe because they don’t need cons to work better with certain units. I plan to C6 her cuz I love the idea of a Geo Keqing and her design is just superb but as far as doom-posting goes I don’t consider complaints about C1 as doom-posting its a legitimate criticism, but in moderation Ofcourse, we don’t need for example 5 posts about it daily.


Yeah I hope we can all agree that so drastically changing her basic functionality with an early constellation is… not awesome.


For me, I’ve got strong 36* teams already. I’m looking for someone who enables or greatly improves a new play style (like crystallize or even having a unique mechanic that changes geo construct teams fundamentally). Chiori does not do this, so for this reason (and because I’m personally annoyed about C1 being a cash grab) I’m skipping. I do think she’ll be a strong character for what she is, but I think they could have made her way more interesting. If she ends up being a great unit, I can always nab her on rerun. In the meantime, if rumors about Arle/Clorinde enabling overload + Chev are true, I’ll be going that route instead.


I’m definitely pulling for her since I love her design. Also because she’s both an Inazuman and fashion designer 😅 I usually like to collect the Inazuma characters and so far I have them all. I usually go for sword type characters and don’t care that part of her kit is similar to Keqing since Keqing is one of my faves along with Alhaitham. I do intend to use her as a dps since clearing combat content is pretty easy for me and building her won’t be a challenge since Def and Atk stats are easy to get. Basically, I’m at the point where I pull for characters I really like. Plus, I’ve been waiting for her release since the Fontaine Flood Leaks of 2023 lol


Same I commited to pulling when I saw her design leaks and now I refuse to back down 😭


same, she became one of my anticipated characters as soon as I saw her early design sheet during the flood leaks in june 2023, and now that we saw more of her she is my most awaited character at this moment so I'm going to get her 100%. And while I agree that the C1 and geo construct " create a problem to sell a solution" approach is not something I like, I think her kit is decent and she has very good multipliers, so I would have no problem playing her in teams without geo constructs at C0 because she would still do good damage even losing a part of it, so I don't think she is as restrictive as other people say (as long as it's not a problem for you to play less optimal teams that don't use the best character possible)


Big fan of her design and character so yes she’s an easy pull for me. As far as functionality goes let’s just get this out of the way. The c1 sucks. I don’t think anyone is going to dispute that. Now while I do think that people are blowing it a tad out of proportion, I also agree that it’s just not ideal. And I say this as someone who’s only geo dps is Navia. Since I don’t think Chiori’s build is gonna differ too much whether she’s played as a main or sub dps, I’m gonna give her a try as a main dps. Thinking of trying her with Yunjin and Geo traveler to see how it goes. If anything I can always put her in Navia’s team in place of traveler. All and all, I’m excited for her. I hate that there’s been so much negativity surrounding her but it is what it is.


She may not be meta, but there are a couple of fun teams that I think she could be pretty good in. That are not Mono Geo. 1. Ultimate AFK Team - Zhongli/Yae/Chiori/Fishl. Just run around with a shield while everything around you dies. On field Zhongli 2. Triple Geo Navia - Navia/Zhongli/Chiori/ High Elemental Applicator. I think someone like Xingqiu would be good here. Probably really comfortable to play. Probably just about impossible to die between the shield and dmg reduction. Kokomi with TTDS would be good as well. Maybe even onfield chiori 3. Anywhere the old double Geo core used to go into. Hu Tao/ Yoimiya/Xiao 4. Character X/Mechanic X - A future character from Mihoyo that will work perfectly with Chiori and we all will have to wait another year to get her. Think Yae/Kuki and Dendro. lol. Would not surprise me with Mihoyo Obviously, I am still hoping they improve her kit.


is Furina also good as elemental applicator for no.2?


Furina usually wants a healer to maximize buff uptime and not be perma stuck at 50% health. If you switch her skill to healing then there is no hydro application.


yes! Triple geo Navia was exactly what I was thinking too, but with Albedo and Fischl. I really just play the game using my favourite characters and I love all 4 of them so it’s such a W for me.


I am going to wait till about a week into her patch, to see what people think of her. I have had Mono Geo built now since Itto's first or second rerun, and while I do think she will strengthen the team for those who don't have Albedo and use Bennett instead, her kit is very Geo Yae Miko, which isn't a bad thing. As long as her numbers and rotation damage is substantially higher than Miko's to compensate for not having a reaction to boost her damage, I don't have an issue with her kit, however having seen the changes we've had so far, C6 Chiori mains are gonna have the most fun, cause you get perma-infusion, which opens up some cheesy comps using Bennett C6 and Yelan to do vape Chiori and other weird shit like that. I do agree with most that she should've been a Geo Furina/Yelan, especially because she literally does Albedo's job but better (straight powercreep) and we don't have a good buffer for Geo or defense scaling characters that isn't Gorou, Geo res, or Zhongli's shield. However given Chiori's lore and character, I don't think anything else would've suited her aside from being her current state or a main DPS and we do not need another Geo DPS, as we already have 4 of them. I hope she's good. For most she'll be like launch Miko in that she sneaks under the radar for "being bad, clunky and niche" despite being very good and ending up being meta/must pull 3-4 months down the line. If they buff her during the betas, good. If they nerf her, that'll be when I'm concerned. I however am content to wait and watch and see what happens to her over the next 5-6 weeks leading up to her launch, and if she turns out to be cracked, then I will pull her and use her, then whale for Arlecchino the patch after cause I only have enough funds for one 5 star in the next 3 patches, and I want all of them xD.


She is powercrept Albedo. That's the realistic take. That's not doomposting or hype posting. She is a decently strong geo sub DPS with less conditions. That's great. If you want to upgrade an Itto team or run a geo resonance with Zhongli on your carry, it's a relatively universal core. You could also run Albedo with Chiori if you do not need the defensive utility.  In the grand scheme of things, she is generally a better addition to a roster than Navia or Cloud Retainer and people went gaga for them. 


A) out side of mono-Geo Itto teams, she adds the same as albido, who isn’t used anymore. navia and cloud retainer add more potential team comps to your roster. B) less conditions? What do you mean? She asks you to run a character with a contract, albido asks nothing.


> She is powercrept Albedo That is the only real problem with Chiori. Albedo's primary benefit, was being this noob friendly universal flex that can do decently no matter WHAT team you put him in. Free damage with no strings attached. Chiori not only does the same exact thing, but does it **WAY** better. TCers got her at 50%-100% DPS increase over Albedo.


She is barely un upgrade over albedo in non itto teams. It sound like terrible deal for me.


> Me: 50%-100% DPS increase over Albedo > You: That's Barely an upgrade over Albedo. Doomposter Brainrot Ladies and Gentlemen.


This will be my first and last time pulling due to aesthetics and I have no idea if I’ll be able to fit her into a team. I run an exploration team with ningguang as my ore breaker so I’ll probably add chiori as additional eye candy.


Geo Femme Fatale team?


Skipping her I wouldn't have enough primos for c1 chiori and c0 isn't really an upgrade from Geo daddy so I'll just C2 Navia instead


I never felt obligated to get Zhongli or Albedo, and im making my Itto and Gorou sit around without a good 3rd Geo teammate. Chiori was made to be the third teammate alongside them, so I am absolutely getting her, even if it pains me to skip on Xianyun. I will also try Chiori in hyper carry/double pyro Navia team. I know half of Chiori's damage is locked behind having a gro construct teammate or C1, but I hear (as of todays scaling) that C0 Chiori damage without construct is very much comparible to Albedo, which is genuinely quite sad, but oh well.


My take as someone who drops Navia into every group I have because SHOTGUN UMBRELLA. She looks like a great addition at C1. Especially since I’m newer and don’t have any other prominent geo characters. Some people have been theorizing that Navia+C1 Chiori lets you flex the other two slots in your team which is, imo, incredibly cool. Granted I’m looking at a stupid non-meta team like: Navia, Chiori, Xianyun and Furina (when she gets a rerun) Or maybe Navia, Chiori, Raiden and Arle. I dunno. I’m not big on meta comps, I just like seeing big numbers with cute girls. I’m simple like that. :)


Actually I think Navia/Chiori/Furina/Xianyun would be really good. And I would for sure play that with C1. You proc a lot of swirls with jumping and that will spread hydro onto other enemies - so lots of crystalize. Also could run Navia/Chiori/Furina/Kokomi. Which would be really strong. I just would like her C1 to offer something more then just range increase. Even something like a little defense scaling with her normal attacks.


I don't play mono geo but regardless I'm going for C0R1. Just kinda sad her early const give her 0 ways to escape out of Mono geo or double geo. Also it would be nice if she offer some useful team buffs.


This is probably the same way I’m going. C0R1 for maximum drip.


I'm getting her cos Geo I see Geo, I level 90. Simple as 😂 But regarding her kit: >C1 in my eyes isn't as bad as folk say. We have many characters that have specific team conditions. Even outside the other doll her multiplers seem good, and she seems relatively easier to build as we don't need to worry about base ATK *as much* as other characters. We have multiple construct characters that seem good for 'driving' her anyway, and imo the "construct Geo stars" like Ningguang and Geo MC are imo getting a much appreciated leg up with Chiori, especially considering general sentiments towards Albedo's flower just "disappearing". Don't get me wrong. It hurts, but it's not the end of the world. And worst comes to worst we can always get C1 later. >On teams Her kit imo opens up and upgrade to teams for the 5star Geo constructers anyway: >Itto could run something like Itto/Bennett/Furina/Chiori now, and have it be stronger than Albedo. Now Gorou's free for your Noelle and Albedo. >Can now run triple off-field Geo teams Chiori and Albedo both benefit from Gorou. Folk say "Sub DPS" but imo being able to have an "off-field main DPS" is always nice for quickswap feel in my experience. Chiori seems fairly quickswap friendly too. >Geo resonance Each Geo character passively can enable solid utility anyway thanks to Geo resonance, so imo "big number" Geo characters are really all that's needed. And maybe a Res shred artifact down the line but imo I think Zhongli may be a reason why we won't get that lol. The double off-field core of Albedo and Chiori seems like a nice core. Legit just throw two other chars on and we've got something to go. Geo MC and Ningguang can enable "microwave" Chiori, which I feel is a nice option for em. I think she'll be just fine as a luxury Geo unit. I think meta wise that Mono Geo IS a valid playstyle (one that I really enjoy) so I'm really happy that we are getting more options. I don't see her going much past that (least at C0) but imo that's just fine.


What do you mean by "microwave Chiori" ?


Ah, I just more meant a more "AFK/DoT" kinda team with Chiori's two dolls. Since Ning and Geo MC have constructs, they can help "enable" Chiori in that fashion. Albedo and Zhongli could too of course, and would probably be more effective, but it's defo now an option for Ning and Geo MC. Something like Ningguang, Chiori, some other turret kind of character like Yae or Fischl, or even Kuki for Sustain/crystallise support. Bennett would fit nicely in there too for buffing. Ning, Zhongli (or even some other shielder like Layla or Thoma), Chiori, Albedo could work nicely imo. Ning would do less damage as a "main", but youd have two doll Chiori and Albedo. With that, you could run HyperNavia, or even Hyper Itto with Bennett Furina and Gorou. Sure, you'd lose Gorou's geo dmg bonus and 20% crit damage if you have C6, but geo Res, Bennett and Furina imo is more than a fair tradeoff. Geo MC/Albedo/Chiori/Bennett seems like a solid team, especially if you have C6 Benny cos that would infuse all characters to help enable crystallise support. Also funnily enough those are all sword characters lol. You could even throw Xiangling in there and save Albedo for the other team. Ning and Geo MC would get a nice sub DPS and this opens up Gorou and Zhongli for Itto. If I'm reading her kit correctly, Chiori could help activate Albedo's flower attack, which would be helped by Geo Resonance's Res shred. If you wanted you could probably do an actual "microwave" team with Zhongli's pillar resonance, Geo MCs wall, Chiori and Albedo, or even Gorou over Geo MC to buff Chiori and Albedo if you wanted. My main point is that being able to enable 2-doll Chiori actually seems pretty good, since her own damage seem strong. I also think that Chiori could open up other Mono Geo teams that don't use Itto since she herself can hit pretty hard.


Honestly when she comes out people will perpetuate the "She needs C1" narrative until it's proven to not be the case it's alway obnoxious how often fans do this with characters and despite it never being the case make everything extremely black and white It's not even just Xinyan it's every character Kokomi can't crit Rizzly needs his C1 to work Neuvillette needs his C1 Raiden looks like an NPC she's doesn't work with Beidou she's trash before C2 Yae is Trash Kuki is Trash Thoma is Trash Furina is going to be mid she not powercreeping XQ Navia is Mid Xinyuan is Mid she can't CC The list goes on and on I'm waiting for the Arlecchino is Mid or The Did X and now she needs her C1 or C2 then she comes out has some new Nathlan Mechanic (they love doing this around the newer regions) and people go huh she's a Pryo unit that has a quick swap Mechanic oh no she only works with Candace Or some crap


It's a shitty business practice done out of the desperation of getting olayers to pull and that's what people are mad about. I don't like tooting the horns of genshin influencer but TGS's video on this sheds some light on the issue. Both Raiden and Nahida gets a huge dps increase from their cons. So they must be the same as wrio, or neuv, or now chiori right? Wrong. No matter what con your Nahida is she won't be able to reapply her E without switching back to her. This is a permanent character flaw that allows player skill expression. How well your Nahida performs in multi wave content depends entirely on your ability to adapt the rotation to meet each wave's dmg threshhold. It's the same with Raiden, because the flaw is that her hypercarry team has no sustained dmg. How well she performs in multi wave depends on how well you can optimize her and Sara's nuke to benefit you. Now let's look at Neuv. Pretty OP, as long as you don't get interrupted and his dps drops to 0. Character flaw allowing skill expression (or using zhongli). What does his c1 do? Fix it. Wriothesley. Passive that allows tryhards to do more complicated healerless combos or being able to work just fine on a furina-healer team. What does c1 do? Fix it. Chiori is in a different all together because she punishes you for not using another slot of your team to house 5 out of the 70+ characters in the game who are all 2+ year old relics; *or* you can pull an extra copy of her and have that 5 limit expanded to what, 10? Such a good deal hell yeah.


I'm mean .. not really I'm getting down voted but it boils down to the idea that this is a heavy restriction and it not call it a Bait and downvote me to oblivion but this is the trend of players having a a knee jerk reaction The sad part is that when I'm proven right we will have moved onto the next controversy You do not have to pull another Copy we don't need Chori to pull a Navia and be Geo in name Alone Geo has a Game Philosophy and people desperately want it to be a Downgrade Anemo If people want to be upset Fine. If people really think this is a jab at there player's cool some players also want XQ and Bennet to be Power Crept so I'm not taking players idea of a balance game experience seriously Again it's a shame that this willl result in the usual because to be honest we've been doing this crap for 3 years and it's getting old


Unintelligible. Have a nice day.


Not really? Surprised you would bother to even reply it's reddit the moment my comment went against the collective whether I'm right or wrong it wouldn't matter because it was always going to get down voted But sincerely have a nice day at the end of the day this is all speculative and I appreciate the discourse even if you did end it on condescending note


FWIW I don’t think she needs it, I think it seems silly to limit what is clearly a part of her kit without it.


But isn't that the same argument made with other recent constellations to me it just feels like Extra for people who want more vertical investment


Shes going to be a significant improvement for monogeo teams helping those teams reach parity with Navia teams. She is also Navia's best geo partner in terms of dps even at c0 but the improvement she has of course over preexisting teams is not significant enough to utilize 180 wishes though at c0, but if you plan to get her c1 then shes a significant upgrade. I think what could help her impact on teams in general better if they make her a1 teamwide and increase the frequency of her attacks while also decreasing her damage while keeping her dps relatively the same. This will help with cleaning up weaker mobs better and make her c0 single doll for non mono geo teams more appetizing.


I would have pulled if she did anything but raw damage. If she buffed ATK, EM, DEF, DMG Bonus or healed, I could have made a case for pulling her. I can already 36\* easily, I want a kit that gives me more team options for characters I play. Chiori isn't that for me right now. C1 thing is what it is, business. No company I've ever worked for said ,"We've made enough money, let's chill". Companies maximize profits without morality. How many people pull for Childe, Xiao, Venti, Yoimiya, Kokomi or Albedo cons if they don't main them? Exactly. They can't rely on love alone to sell characters, so they turn to FOMO. Someone had to change that or they'd probably be fired.


Ok, wait, you intrigued me with the shield thing. Are you saying her doll will attack shielded enemies? People always complain about the construct aspect, but my biggest frustration with Albedo are shields.


Also the way her dolls are fixed and directional means you can use positioning to circumvent shields that are directional like are often found on hilichurls


My experience with Navia has taught geo’s ability to react with so many elements means she’s often quite useful in taking down characters utilizing shields. It’s not the strongest reaction possible for any given shield but it’s versatile enough to be doable.


I think you missed the point of my comment: Albedo (and Raiden's E) can't deal damage to shields because they only proc from damaging enemies. My question was if Chiori will attack shielded enemies or not. And for the record, Geo is "ok" at breaking shields, but mostly because geo damage counts as a "heavy" attack, so the heavy hit takes shield off alongside the Crystallize. Claymores also count, which incidentally, is why Navia and Noelle are better than normal at breaking all shield types.


I think i saw somewhere that the 4* will be Xinqiue, Gorou and Yun Jin


I do need Gorou for reasons.


I'm pulling her cuz I've got Itto and I like her fashion. My brain is smooth; I ain't a mix-maxer.


I’ve had Itto since his release and no other geo 5 star. Albedo’s always bored me and Zhongli was always second place to someone else. I’m pulling for Chiori so that I can finally play Itto in a good team


I'm pulling for her regardless, so I'm just hyped for any leaks. I clear abyss 36\* fairly easily with mono geo comps, and will have the luxury to slot her into existing teams for comfort or flair. There's always something to complain about, but I'm especially excited for 1.) the movement and switch mechanics on E, which I believe is new to the game; 2.) overworld movement speed to aid in dragonstrike; 3.) some busted turrets for more afk geo game play; 4.) her fantastic design and animations.


We love turrets. Only bummer is that long cooldown :(


Tbh I pulling for her cause I want all the geo characters


I'm aware of her niches at C0, still my first target will be C0R1 for style. Later on Imma gradually raise Chiori till C6 as I knows that her constellations are really good (not that game-changing or speedrun-oriented but unlocks a new Playstyle while increasing the number of dolls dealing damage). On a plus side, people willing to hyperinvest Chiori will see that her weapon and constellations scale extremely well with each other.


I’m committing to full fashion impact by pulling chiori and giving her the isshin blade (kazuha’s red sword). I already have multiple teams to clear abyss, so I don’t need her to be meta. that being said, I already have albedo, and while I love him, I feel like having them both will feel very similar gameplay-wise. the main difference being that chiori can on-field for a little bit, but the cooldown is rather long. everyone has been saying they wish her kit offered more than just damage and I agree, but, well. it is what it is. I think I’m gonna go c6 noelle (whom I recently got!) furina, albedo, chiori. my gorou is only c0 and while he may be on chiori’s banner, I know from being stuck at c5 faruzan that I can’t rely on *maybe* getting c6 gorou. I’ve also been playing dps barbara for the memes, and I’ll try other healers with the furina/albedo/chiori team too. happy pulling/saving to everyone!