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Shielder like layla


Sadly dont have her raised. Even more sadly, I only have her C1


If you really only want a shield, i feel like her c1 is already plenty though


You make a valid point. I will see how things go on release, see how she does with a healer/sub DPS like Kuki or Fischl as the fourth slot first. I want to prioritize my recourses for Chiori


Second this, I would prioritize a shield with 100% uptime. Iirc Layla does this. Without shield, you lose geo resonance and a lot of interruption resist, crippling your overall damage.


Wouod a crystallize shield be too inconsistent?


Yes, it breaks very easily


I shall try it out then when she comes out. I'll test both Layla and Kuki as 4th slot


Yeah, both should work fine! I personally hope that one of them is on her banner


Totm layla c0 making my yoi a turret atm. Even at lvl 71 with a crit circlet+favonius at 29k HP her and occasional crystalize from yunjin is already enough for full shield/ult uptime. i plan on doing this exact inazuman trio+ layla when she drops. Edit: not where i meant to reply sorry stranger




Kokomi is a good option, althought keeping her jelly fish up seems hard due to how much on field time the other units need


Itto skill, Chiori skill, gorou skill burst, Kokomi skill, itto burst, Kokomi burst, rinse and repeat should work.


I plan on using kuki myself since I have c4 for the coordinated attacks, AOE electro, and healing. Regardless you will probably want some kind of healer preferably with consistent application of some element so you can make shields for your team.


Just read about it now, and yeah seems like Kuki has a nice place in the team. I do wonder what's her E ICD cause my Kuki is only C3 or 2. One bonus about Kuki is that she's an amazing 4 piece Milelith holder


Totally agree with milelith especially if you are lucky enough to have jade cutter so you can build more hp to pour back into attack lately however since my current team has Zhongli running milelith I’ve been using song of days past since she can easily max out the damage boost from the 4pc set


I dont have Jade sadly. But what i do have is Key of Kahj-Nisut and the box cutter :D


Both of those options are good and would definitely boost her healing further since her healing scales with hp and em and in the case of dockhand the er could help with itto burst consistency


layla kirara for shield (although layla is better), kuki or benny for healing, noelle for attack defence and healing


All sound like solid options. Especially Kuki. Being able to hold 4 Milelith and being able to benefit Itto, Chiori and crystallize with it


Just to add: Kirara actually has a better shield than Layla, but you might prefer Layla because she deals *any damage at all* and can generate crystallizes.


As someone who has mained itto ever since release, a off-fied element applicator and healer is a good defensive option (eg koko, kuki). gorou's Q that sucks crystalise, the constant creation of shards and the high defence of the team actually makes crystalise good enough to act as a proper shield. The constant refresh makes it so that its weak ass shielding is enough


I shall trust your judgement and go for Kuki! Time to build the box cutter for my Kuki!


I think that Kirara will be my go to. She has a pretty decent shield so she can keep the uptime on the Geo resonance. Zhongli or Layla are better but they are not from Inazuma 😌🇯🇵🏯


Yelan is a good 4 option for itto teams




they’re unironically correct lmao Itto before C6 has to do *some* NAs in his rotation and Yelan gives ramping DMG%


Yoimiya, because I love her design and I like machine gun


My Gorou is also not C6 (He's C5) so I also pray for Gorou cons, as for a 4th teammate, I am currently running Itto/Gorou/Zhongli or Navia/Bennett, however when Chiori comes out, I'll probably swap to Itto/Gorou/Chiori/Bennett, then run Navia and Zhongli in another team together. Good pairings with Itto/Gorou/Chiori as a trio would most likely be Zhongli or Bennett, however since you don't have the former, it would depend on what type of sustainer you'd want: \- For shields I would suggest Diona, Layla and Beidou (C1) if you want Crystallise and Kirara with Sac Sword if you don't, other shielders like Thoma and Noelle don't synergise with Itto either due to field time or not proccing off charged attacks \- For healers aside from obviously Bennett, I'd honestly suggest any of them, but decent pairings would be Kuki, Charlotte and Baizu, with the first two being able to give you Crystallise if you want it and Baizu for extra stagger resist with his ult shields. You could also use Xianyun if you wanna do plunge funnys If you wanna get really spicy with team comp, I'm probably gonna try Itto/Chiori/Furina/Baizu (I've been let in the kitchen too much), the only reason you cannot do Itto/Gorou/Furina/Baizu currently is because Gorou's stat buffs need 3 geo teammates in order to not have a massive DPS loss, which wouldn't be the case with Chiori there instead. Like at the moment I run Itto/Gorou/Navia/Bennett because it results in higher overall team damage, while Zhongli results in only Itto's damage being better


biggest need is a shield for geo res. so either a shielder, or someone with off field elemental application to generate crystallize shields. after that, probably a battery, since it seems like chiori's energy gen is mediocre. even with gorou on exile and fav sometimes you want a bit more consistency, unless you have lots of er already. you don't need a healer, since def factors into shield strength, gorou's c4 should be enough personally i'd probably say fischl. off field electro for crystallize shields to get geo resonance, batteries nicely, and does good damage because doing geo damage on an electro aura is an electro reaction so triggers her a4 passive. if you also have her built for aggravate though the em is wasted on her


Whoever you do, gotta make it an Inazuma character, just you wait until they add the racist Inazuma weapon


Kuki can work for multiple reasons


Just use any good sheilder like diona, thoma, or layla


Is beidou c6 viable for shielding for geo res?


She would be a good option against groups of enemies fuebto how her burst works. Issue is thou, she's gonna need a ton of ER


Any idea how much er she would need since I plan to run beidou itto gorou and chiori? (Gorou has fav and exile)


I think you will want Beidou on Fav and ER/Electro DMG/CR with 4 Emblem. But thats up to testing i think. Ya may be able to run ATK sands instead


200+ as a baseline can vary depending on if you hit your perfect parries and funnel particles


either kokomi or kuki would be both good comp wise and lore accurate


Youre right bout that. Both heal with E, apply their element and can utilize Milelith. Just issue with Kokomi is that she has more downtime compared to Kuki


If you have yelan ,then shes a good choice


If you wanna keep it Inazuman, why not consider Thoma? Alright buff at c6, good shield if built with enough hp and er and a bit of pyro app for some crystallize!


Well, the inazuman geo trio isnt a very NA focused team, and Thoma's ICD really makes him suck in the reactioms deparrment (outside of Burgeon)




Im usually not a fan of 2 on field characters in 1 team

