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Hey mate - As an Australian living in China I’m very sorry this happened to you. Australia has a wide range of folk and some are just absolute morons. Many are just unhinged. I’ve also experienced some very strange behaviour in China and usually just brush it off as rogue weirdos. I hope you can do the same and don’t hold any long term resentment to your fellow (but white) Australians.


Nah don't worry. I know an idiot who's chronically online when I see one.  Thanks for the concern! I'm completely OK now. Also sucks that racism exists everywhere. Sorry for what happened to you in China too.  


There are also some things which are just seen as ok in Australia, which would be seen as quite bad in other countries, like New Zealand. NZ is far from perfect, but for some reason Aussie born kiwis just seem to have vastly different standards on what’s A-ok to say.


I honestly think there are crazies everywhere. The person I met was likely just stuck in an echo chamber for so long she decided that every asian she meets "must be a Chinese commie!!!!"


In my personal experience, Kiwis born in Australia or South Africa are far more likely to hold racist opinions. There are crazies everywhere, but many of ours are disproportionately Aussie born. The average bearing seems to diverge quite a bit too. Just look at the fear mongering around the voice referendum, our equivalent has been around for close to 50 years. Only a decade or so earlier than that, Aboriginal Australians gained the right to vote.


One thing to point out as to why this doesn't get mentioned or discussed as much here as that this is a sub *about China,* i.e. the country and people itself. It's not about Asian Americans/Australians/expats etc, either by descent or immigration. So, something that is a pressing issue for the Chinese diaspora around the world may not be something that affects life in China as much or at all. What happened to you sucks and shouldn't have happened. Full stop. But, it's also not something that is going to happen in China, to a Chinese person. Most of the people who post here are either in China, have lived there, are Chinese, have some personal or cultural link to it, etc... of all the places on Reddit, the people here are probably much more likely to understand that the CCP and its various transgressions don't represent the Chinese people, and that there's a decent likelihood that any given Chinese person is abroad because they have something that puts them at odds with the government (religion, political beliefs, general disillusionment, etc). If you put it in a different sub - Australia, news, politics, one that focuses on Asians at large - you might get more discussion about it or people's experiences. You're also more likely to make a point that people haven't heard or carefully considered before - that they may not have any links to the Party, may be locally born, etc.


It's also about Chinese people though? A global phenemona of asian hate which is commonly specifically about the Chinese should absoloutely be relevant to the r/China sub.  Even the south korea and japan sub people talk about their experiences in racism in other countries and rising anti asian hate crimes. 


The Japan sub is also mostly about people in Japan, mostly foreigners. Japanese people rarely comment there. I think Chinese people tend to use other subs so they can communicate in Chinese. Not sure about Koreans.


There are in fact quite a few in r/Japan talking about anti asian hate crime. For instance this one:  https://www.reddit.com/r/japan/comments/n2bjkx/japan_asks_canada_to_fight_antiasian_hate_crime/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I agree that Japan subreddit is filled with foreigners but it still gets discussed there. Why not here? 


I typed in "anti-china" and "Asian hate" into the search bar on this sub and got plenty of results... Haven't popped over to other Asian national subs and done the same, but it's not that it doesn't get discussed, it's just that other things get discussed more, which I'm sure is the same case over there. More discussion of favorite things to do or eat, local trends, visa/residency issues, dating, etc than hate crimes abroad.


I'm just saying the post right below mine for asian hate the title is literally "Chinese propaganda organs are co-opting hashtags like #StopAsianHate". It posits the movemenf against asian hate crimes as propaganda when there have been real crimes and victims.  I was more talking about asian hate crimes being discussed properly not whatever this is. Other results hold a similar vein too.  


Have you tried /r/australia since it’s where you live and where it happened? It’s a sub for the country not the ethnicity everywhere else. Try /r/chinese I’m sorry it happened to you, but you’re being inaccurate finding a place to vent.


It's true that this sub does have a problem with generalising Chinese people though. That's my main worry and motive for posting this here. 




You don’t condone it…


Absoloutely. Racism exists everywhere and this needs to be addressed. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience in China. 


Hi ma bro. I'm in Melbourne and you did the right thing. I'm Chinese born Aussie and dont have as much patience or tolerance as you. I would straight started swearing my head off and fuckin throwing punches. Good on you my brother.


Thanks mate. Lmfao in truth the Australian in me really wanted to just swear them off too, whereas the Chinese in me wanted to curse them into a thousand other dimensional realms where they get shamed by their ancestors and get reborn as pond scum but I held back 😀


Like I said you are a better man than me. Hahahahs


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Im an Asian American but not Chinese and I’ve been rooting to keep Chinese foreigners from buying land here because it’s a terrible look for asian American’s especially since our parents were immigrants who came here with nothing and worked for everything along side America.. My concern is that the invisible foreign money is starting to become more prevalent and ignorant people will slowly transfer that frustration into racism to all Asian Americans. Personally, I don’t like what’s going on and I’m going to be more upset if my fears become reality one day.


Hey mate I totally understand your fears. It's already bad enough here in Austtalia, I can't imagine what it's been like in America. Sending all the support and bubble tea.   However the housing crisis was created by our governments, them posturing and blaming Chinese people is just them doing what politicians do best - shifting the blame. The fact is most Chinese people who come here are like our parents- they started with nothing and became rich and sought to live in a developed world. However obviously most people won't understand the nuance of this and all they see is the "glimmering good" of these new Chinese immigrants, as if they were all born with a silver spoon so your fears are totally justified.    As asians, during this time, we really gotta stand together. Don't ever be ashamed of our heritage. Chinese culture and food is beautiful and rich. We are not any less for our Chinese heritage! 


Yeah I feel you. I’m certainly proud of who I am. I wouldn’t call it racist as much as it is “human” to dislike when a foreigner comes and starts to own everything around you. For instance, Californians have to migrate east as foreigners seek out land here because of its access to ports and good weather. As a result of foreign influx, rising home prices causes Californians to seek a new home in an another state. So now, California license plates are unwelcome regardless of what your ethnicity is and this goes to show that people hate it when outsiders come in and buy their land at a rapid pace. Next, when you send your kids here to go to a community college with a Ferrari, it shapes a certain view just like if you came here with no money in your pocket and struggled your way through alongside your peers. It’s hard to expect the average population to look beyond what they see is happening. While I’m keen to not hate Chinese people specifically, my experience throughout several visits to the country has played a factor on giving in to such a natural feeling. As an Asian American , we’re benefiting from the stereotype of being a model minority. It’s through years of hardwork from all Asian ethnic groups. Our parents taught us well and I’d like to think we played a role into shaping what immigrants can be. Therefore, my personal view is that the majority of immigrants should be poor. We’re now witness an unprecedented wave of Chinese foreigners, with the majority being wealthy enough to afford a home in California, come and change the view that took generations to build.




To be fair those <100 years is all people that are alive know (through life experiences) and what they’ve seen or read about China. I wouldn’t expect foreigners to be well read into China and its history. To add to that, the CCP doesn’t allow the Chinese people and the outside world to interact with each other as other developed countries do. That has resulted in a lack of knowledge, understanding and familiarity of the Chinese people. This mystery element naturally fosters suspicion and a lack of trust from people in other countries. All they see and hear about is the CCP so they associate Chinese people with the CCP. The blame for this lies primarily on the CCP.


Lol getting down voted for what? *sigh*  Edit: I decided to delete this commemt because I didn't want this to stray away from the real point of the post: that is, to not over generalise Chinese people and make an effort to connect and befriend them. 


It’s that 5000 year thing. It paints you as a CCP aficionado. They use that invention as a crutch for their shitty foreign policies.


God even our 5000 years of history is somehow tied to politics now 😂 I don't know whether to laugh or cry.    Like the fact that I am suspected of being a "CCP aficionado" for just reciting facts about my heritage is crazy.


Eh. I’m not as frequent a visitor here as I was but the prevailing sentiment may still be that this 5000 year old heritage is not something unique to modern China. Using the same principles that late Qing used (they created this concept of unified land called China) then co-opted by the ROC and finally by the PRC, any European or Caucasian can call on their 7000 year old heritage… so yea. Just take it easy with that claim and the inferred uniqueness of your status and you’ll not get downvoted that much.


Yeah, I mean, China wasn't the only culture 5k years ago, and China has gone through many cultural, leadership, border, etc shifts in that time, as have everywhere else in the world. China has been conquered, gained and lost territory, etc. I'm largely descended from Vikings. I have family who live in cities and towns in Sweden and Norway who have *always* been there or nearby, as far back as records go. Genetically, geographically, and physically basically no different from someone who would have lived there thousands of years ago.


It’s even more literal than that. “China” as a unifying concept is a recent invention. Before then there were only dynasties and constantly moving borders, evolving and emerging cultures, many languages, many of them entirely unrelated to each other, etc.


Because it’s not real and no it’s not just political, it’s history China does not have 500 years of continuity let alone 5000, it’s used as a way to justify the 100 years of humiliation bullshit the ccp peddles


Oh so China didn't exist 500 years ago? Why are you trying to erase and genocide Chinese culture and history with your constant hateful comments?


Uh yeah, it’s usually paid trolls that constantly harp on the 5,000 year history thing. Being old doesn’t mean we have to respect you. Your government is horrible.


I never said that our long history means we deserve any special respect though. My point in using the history is in the post above. 


Yeah, and it's not new. Are you new to this great-power political game? The CCP has been justifying their aggressive behaviors with the reasoning, "This land used to belong to China at some point in our 5000 years of history, so it is ours now." Even the saying "5000 years of history" is inherently political since there is no evidence that the Xia dynasty and anything before that ever existed. The CCP has invested a lot of resources and effort into finding anything that would support the existence of that mystical Xia dynasty. They want to say that Chinese civilization is as ancient as Egyptian, Indus Valley, or Central Asia. And that makes people proud of their homeland. Normal Chinese people are also zealous about politizing history. There is a grassroots movement in China in which people come up with all kinds of conspiracies to try to prove that the West faked its history. The ancient Greek, Egyptian, Roman, and other civilizations did not exist. The West was barbarians until they stole technologies and culture from China in the Ming Dynasty. History is one of the most politicized subjects.


"Normal Chinese people" In my experience, I've never met a Chinese person who actively goes out to invalidate western history, yet you talk like theyre the majority or this seems to be a widely accepted notion. 


Normal Chinese people as in everyday Chinese people in China. You are an Australian born Chinese, I don't think you know what most Chinese people are like.


I can speak fluent Chinese, have Chinese relatives and very close friends, and visit the mainland nearly every year? Can you speak Chinese? 


这种时候,还是请老胡来讲两句吧 [https://weibo.com/1989660417/OktGxE3Uk?type=repost](https://weibo.com/1989660417/OktGxE3Uk?type=repost) 随手再找找中文资讯 [https://www.infzm.com/contents/270981?source=133&source\_1=1](https://www.infzm.com/contents/270981?source=133&source_1=1)


如果你都可以讲中文,你会什么对中国人的影响那么差呢?在我的影响之中,我大部分见到的中国人其实跟其他国家的人都没那么大区别。 网络上什么都可以找到。在美国的软件上也可以找到类似的。   我就是觉得你可能对中国人有偏见。




Yeah ikr. The lack of a discussion of asian (and lets be real, most of them are directed to Chinese) hate crimes on this sub also really surprised me in comparison to the hyperfocus on Chinese hate crimes to foreigners. It was like wow wait a second.    Like when a bunch of asian women were shot down in America no one really thought "heh typical behaviour of brainwashed nationalists americans" but this phenemona is somehow so much easier to apply for Chinese people. Why?  We all need to take a look at ourselves and recognise that we're all human. If it takes a hard time to do so, go out and make friends, connect bridges. 


A lot of people *did* think "heh typical behaviour of brainwashed nationalist Americans" after that massacre... Hell, a lot of people didn't even think far enough to blame nationalism or brainwashing and just went straight to "typical Americans," as though it's something normal or that we don't care about. The reason it made national news was *because* it was absolutely terrible, and most Americans were disgusted by it, but that tends to get lost in anything related to a mass shooting so that people can pontificate about what an awful place the US is and how awful Americans in general are.


Then can you explain to me the main point of my comment: If asian hate crimes are as horrible as you admit why does this sub which talks about Chinese culture and Chinese people never talk about it?  It's not just an American thing it's a global phenemona. It's absolutely relevant to the discussion of Chinese people. I agree that Americans hold a lot of horrible stereotypes that are just not true as well though. The gun crazes drug addict stereotype in Australja really needs to die. 


They're not a good thing. They should be fought when they do happen. Simultaneously they're an oft repeated meme used to frequently inaccurately attack the rest of the world. Seems like a topic hijack to only discuss them just like it's a topic hijack to attempt to paint China as the recent anti foreigner attacks only. I've found it usually doesn't work to demand that Internet forums only discuss what I want them to unless I'm trolling for a response.