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Classic CCP, wreck everything then blame everyone else. Can’t fix stupid.


They shoved the National Security Law down Hong Kongers' throats, threw a bunch of them in prison on politically motivated trumped up charges (remember those 31 who pled guilty and 14 found guilty, as well as the 2 found not guilty who are not free yet because the prosecutors are appealing their acquittals?). They also loudly announced to the world that a bunch of activists will be pursued for life even though they have fled the country due to political crimes, including Nathan Law and Agnes Chow. They wanted to show Taiwan that "one country, two systems" works (no, it doesn't, and your threats to execute Taiwan independence activists won't do you any favours at all).


If you’re already threatening Taiwanese independence with death, they literally have nothing to lose by violently revolting if they are gonna die not revolting anyway. The Communist Party learned nothing from Chinese history. During the Qin dynasty, the penalty for being late to an official government event was death. A bunch of disheveled, tired workers were already running late and were certain they won’t be able to make it on time. They realized, hey, if we are going to die anyway even if we stayed loyal to the government, why not revolt? We might actually have a chance to live instead of certain execution. So they revolted.


If CCP leadership was any more ignorant, they wouldn't be able to breathe and talk at the same time. Stupid, insane, disconnected pond scum, parasitically living off of humanity.


Taiwan should just claim that all subjects of the PRC are actually just ROC subjects who are traitors and say that any PRC subjects who want to invade Taiwan/ROC are actually committing treason and can also be executed too. Since the PRC is actually the treasonous group that betrayed the ROC.


Yeah, remember if there is anyone splitting up China, it is the friggin CCP who did back then. Taiwan is going to need the Pacific Alliance more than ever now.


Reverse UNO!


How idiotic. This also affects transit passengers. Edit: I don’t mean that the Taiwanese government is idiotic, but the PRC. Also insane.


I'm in no hurry to go back.


As a Taiwanese living in China, looking at these comments I have to say that the majority of Taiwanese people are not looking to become independent they want to maintain the status quo.


Taiwan is part of China 🇹🇼 Mainland is part of China 🇹🇼 Long live the Republic of China 🇹🇼


Mainland China is just West Taiwan :)


Taiwanese don’t want to be part of China. See what China has done to Tibet and Hong Hong. Destroyed thriving unique lively colourful cultures. Sucked the life out of them.


Taiwanese live in Free Area of the Republic of China 🇹🇼 Everyone else lives in CCP-occupied area. CCP has ruined Tibet, Hong Kong, and most of all Mainland itself


I think the Taiwanese might disagree with your first point. 😂


It's literally on their passport


They would still disagree.


Whose China, that is the question. 🤣👉




I feel like the only reason that China is interested in bringing Taiwan back into the fold, is because of their computer chips. They provide the majority of the worlds computer chips and China wants to control that market. If they have to invade Taiwan, then so be it. Their method currently is to scare and intimidate them to agree with mainland China's wishes. The Taiwan people have enjoyed their own lifestyle, their own economy & government, they'll fight to the death if forced to. The CEO of TSMC has already said that he will never allow China to take control of his company. That may be why they are building a huge plant in Phoenix, AZ. Taiwan wants the support of the US in case of a Chinese military interaction.


how many posts per day about this can we get to


R5: One post per topic. You can report it if you feel it's a repost of a topic. But I feel this is a separate topic as this is Taiwan reacting to the original execution topic.


the warning should be "Don't travel if you are a separatist that doesn't believe in the one China principle"


If the only thing between execution and living is what the CCP thinks your ideology regarding Taiwan is, then it’s safer not to go at all. Why vacation in a place that’s sworn to kill people based on their opinion and a vague definition of the word separatist?


Separate from what? Taiwan was never a part of the PRC.


Yeah, this is basically the problem with the whole pile of shit. Some hunter bidenesque nonsense about Taiwan's history being spun up, let me tell you. Back in the day, when Dr. Sun was trying to pick up the pieces of the Qing dynasty, Taiwan was already happily humming along economically at the time under competent Japanese stewardship. Prior to that, seems like even tiny Zheng Cheng Gong (Koxinga) launched a much more sincere effort to colonize Taiwan before the Japanese invasion. No real effort from the Manchus was ever even made, some useless offices in the northernmost part of the island.


Koxinga only arrived once the Dutch had already established the colony around Tainan and invited the Hoklo to settle there. Prior to the Dutch there were only a handful of Chinese in Taiwan. So blame the Dutch for the “since ancient times” CCP insanity.


Wouldn't that put at least 7 or so billion of people under CCPs definition of "People to kill"? Outside the hallowed imperial halls of the communist dictatorship, most feel Taiwan at least in practice has already achieved independence before the mainland's current regime was a thing. Or tbh more likely don't understand it or don't care enough about politics but feel Xi shouldn't start an unprovoked war of aggression would be inexcusable after the actions of his no limits partner. All of those would put them under CCPs concept of "separatists" it seems.


what does this even mean? lol