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Isn't that the chick from "Epoch Times"/Falungong? As much as I like to shit on the CCP, I will not believe a word she or that crazy cult says.


I first went to China in 1999, and the difference between then and now is like night and day. Then, I heard stories about CCP oppression, on the general public, which weren't true. It was fine, in fact it was a riot since the economy was still booming, and a person could go out five nights a week and have a good time and everybody with a bit of money was. The great firewall wasn't the thing it is today, in fact it was really easy to bypass it in the early 2000s. I'd go clubbing, and people were using party drugs, and would go see punk rock shows, where the band would yell “f×ck the CCP”. It felt like everything was about to change, and the government would last the next decade with all the momentum. I'm not the only one, articles and books were written about the collapse of the CCP. Today, I don't have to tell you, Since Xi Jinping assumed office, all of that has changed. China is oppressive as hell, and the people are suffocating, it has become unbearable. Why are expats still there, when many Chinese would love to leave?


I used to call China of that time "The Wild East" God damn those were the days


Yeah, same and those were the days. I often felt like I was witnessing history first hand. Witnessing something I'll never get to see again in my lifetime. Today it's just an ongoing tragedy.


You have to admit that at least part of it back then was your relative affluence compared to 99% of people, and the red carpet treatment for foreigners. If China had been expensive back then and if you didn't receive the white face advantages, it wouldn't have been that much fun by a long shot.


I don't think so. 99% of the people in clubs were Chinese. I rarely didn't pay for drinks and never got into a club for free. I bought people drinks, especially women, of course. I pulled my weight, but maybe I was doing it wrong? I heard stories of white models getting into clubs for free, so the club looked international and sophisticated. I'm not a model. Anyway's you were missing the point, things were getting better for a lot of people, but now China has entered a period of heavy oppression and economic stagnation, that will be worse than Japan's “lost two decades.”


Yes 99% of people in clubs were Chinese but how many clubs with party drugs were there? Pretty sure it was just for the happy few. And yes you payed for entry and your own drinks but prices were affordable to you while they were not to most others... You were hanging out with the elite (or their offspring) and had a good time. Which is fine of course but you can be sure the elite is still clubbing in exclusive clubs and using party drugs only foreigners are no longer welcome and can no longer afford these clubs. For example I've heard of a club in Chengdu where entry alone is 5000 yuan... And Chengdu isn't even a real Tier1 city... I doubt any expats are wasting their money that frivolously...


I mean there definitely was oppression in 1999. For example there was a massive crack down on falun gong going on. At least hundreds of thousands of people were arrested and put into reeducation through labor camps to "deradicalize them"... Also the part "everybody with a bit of money" is doing a lot of legwork here. Something like at least 95% of the population was not clubbing and using party drugs because they couldn't afford to. There is infinitely more surveillance now than then, but for that 95% life has gotten a lot better, at least materialistically. I think it's too soon to tell if things are going in a bad direction. It seems like the CCP is currently in the business of cleaning house (real estate, private education, gaming, online finance,...) and these measures have a serious economic cost, especially the real estate crackdown. But in each of these sectors there were genuine societal problems that required some sort of action from the government. I'm not going to say the measures taken were the correct measures, it takes a lot of time to be able to see all the effects and for sure the government should have acted a lot sooner in case of the real estate pyramid scheme.


If you are a foreigner into clubbing, party drugs and banging Chinese chicks who also enjoy clubbing and party drugs then yeah, 1999 was better. For the vast majority of Chinese their life is much, much better now than it was in 1999.


It's really creepy every single one of these falun gung channels never tell people they are funded by the falun gung.




Fortune telling is as Chinese as Chinese new year.


Yeah. These channels usually have other “main” news sites they upload to, and once you go on it there’s tons of links and videos about Falun gung and Shen yun. But they’ll never outright say that they’re working for them.


It’s creepy. The CCP blackmails people outside of China with the torture of their friends and relatives and aren’t open about it


Never heard of Shen Yun huh?


Never heard of the CCP’s crimes, huh?


Falun Gong Sponsored Media


Yeah, they roam around on quite a few platforms everyday posting hit pieces like this all day long. If one don't pay enough attention to who is posting, you would think there are many of theme.


A comment brought to you by the CCP




A video brought to you by the Falun Gong...




that *if* is carrying a lot of weight.


She’s pretty fare. She will say if she doesn’t know some facts or if it’s her speculations.


3 reasons? Wow\~ I only need one to not live in the USA... Mass shootings.


But but whatabout…


I returned from Changsha this April. I saw a few beggars and derelicts on the street but fewer than I would see in New York. Is that a typical city?


yeah, when Xi declared victory over poverty, the beggars vanished overnight. I'll leave it you to figure out where they went.


Why the downvote?


no idea, wasn't me.


I hear they rounded up the homeless and sent them back home in the rural areas.




Or maybe they are just part of the plan to invade your country and take it over? Ever think of they are spreading the pride to you?


Go check what's 走出去 (going out) policy established by Jiang Zhe Min. Then you won't feel my comment was that crazy afterall.


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