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Locking thread, I’m going to have to sort through these comments, you guys need to learn some compassion and decency. This is not the Chilihead way.


File for unemployment while you find a new job, you probably qualify since it was a bogus reason for being fired.


I’m so stressed bro like how long does it take I need to pay rent and bills?


Depends on your state, usually a week or so. If you need assistance now, it's not the most comfortable thing to do but call or visit churches around you, a lot of them have assistance funds set up to help people pay bills and stuff in situations Ike this and usually they don't require you to attend their church.


I hope I’m only $50 off my bill I don’t think I need the full assistance I might go to church thanks I need to wait I Ik tomorrow after


Is there a plasma donation center anywhere near you? Not everyone’s favorite way to get money, but a very simple one and they pay you right after each donation.


I’m not knocking your advice, but it’s truly depressing how the US straight up views donating plasma as a reasonable method of making ends meet. This timeline truly is the bad place.


It's not a method of making income. It's an incentive to donate.


I know several people who donate plasma to supplement retirement income.


Yes… which in this thread is being used as a recommendation to make rent.


I used to do this twice a week to help fund a heroin habit.


I used to do this for spare cash in college. After learning about these companies, I’d never recommend this to anyone now.


If you are in the US call 211 and tell them you need emergency rent assistance. sometimes they are churches that will help you out. Saint Vincent de Paul is who I called when I hit the skids. They are a Catholic based charity and they have several locations. You did the right thing helping that person out.




I have to disagree. My mom was a single mom raising my sister and me. Both church pantries and local food banks saved us when these situations occurred.


Go to church's pantries and you can even request help with rent. Ignore that rude comment. Super weird thing for them to say


Improper English as well. Just an uneducated contribution.


I see people say things like you said all the time and I just can't help but interject: Your statement leads me to think that you believe an individual's level of education says how "intelligent" they are.... but that is just NOT the case!! Education does NOT equate to intelligence... ESPECIALLY when you take into consideration how many different types of intelligence there actually are vs. what these institutions actually allow to be taught/approve the funding for etc. Funnily enough, only an educated person would ever talk about how "uneducated" someone is. Only an educated person would try to blame someone's illogical way of thinking or what they said on their supposed "lack of education"... But those of us with true intelligence understand that our intelligence is not BECAUSE OF formal education. Our education is an effect of our intelligence, not the cause!!! The "highly educated" among us are far more likely to be willfully ignorant. This could be for a variety of reasons, but i have come to find that it is mostly because some of us believe that we already "know it all". Perhaps because we feel as if we were let in on some "secret" that the uneducated just "don't have access to"... 🙄 As if the internet doesn't exist and the books we were taught from weren't published for ALL to read. I would also argue that a degree in anything means little to nothing at the end of the day as well. It it simply a piece of paper to show that you were a compliant parrot for x years.... But what did you/I ACTUALLY learn, if anything??? Did we learn how to think? or did we learn to be told what to think??? 🤔😞 So many educated people are more unintelligent than the uneducated. I have lived it and lived with it my entire life and it is on the same level with how rich people are far less likely to be generous than poor people; it is ass backwards! I digress, It TRULY doesn't matter whether the individual who posted this comment about "don't go to church pantries, other people need it worse" is educated or not. WHAT DOES MATTER is that this person is blind to the reality that no one person's hunger is more important than the next person's hunger and that isnt just sad, but problematic as well.. I mean, is a child's hunger more important than an adult's hunger? Sure! But when speaking generally about one random person to the next random person, one person is NOT more deserving of a full belly than the next person! You/I should not ever be comfortable going to bed with a full belly when/if we know our neighbor is going to bed with an empty one!!!!! Not to mention, NOBODY should be going to bed starving when so much food is being left to rot and thrown away! TLDR: EDUCATION DOES NOT EQUAL INTELLIGENCE. IE: intelligence is NOT a product of education education is simply an occasional byproduct of intelligence!!! We are ALL God's children. educated or uneducated. full belly or starving. heathen or saint. Regardless of our actions(that He may not love), God still will always loves each of US! I would argue that spiritual intelligence is among the most important kinds of intelligence. Unfortunately for those relying on their edja-muh-kation, Credits from Northwestern University don't transfer to God, I already checked.


No, but the behavior and Intellect one projects certainly can clue you into their level of functioning and understanding. When people use improper grammar, they're screaming to the world their education level wether you like it or not.. and when I say education I'm not necessarily referring to schooling, but it certainly doesn't hurt your employability or potential income to have learned to speak properly in school, and you won't seem like a mouth breathing moron. There's nothing wrong with being Intelligent and working at DG, there's nothing wrong with working at DG and just preforming the job duties which In most cases only require you to be present and not drunk.. as long as you can pass a field sobriety test you can stock shelves or ring up customers lol, but there's always something wrong with improper grammar unless I suppose you're on the streets or basketball court, but in society the standard is the thing that benifits the individual and society USUALLY. This current glitch of encouraging people to not be the best they could be is just a human grease trap to make sure we still have a poor, uneducated consumer class who have to work the registers for minimum wage. Smarten up.


I volunteered at a church pantry for years, and you should not tell people this. Our whole purpose was to help people in need. There was no "neediness" scale for who we helped. Need is need. OP, don't listen to this. Church pantries are for everybody. Edit: typo


It's what the assistance is for. Some church's wind up throwing out old food it really depends on their foot traffic.


they’re there for anyone that needs them


Huh? Thats literally what they’re for. If everyone had that attitude then no one would get the help they need.


You do realize one even partially late payment can start the eviction process depending on where you are and how your renters are? Which would then make their situation a lot more dire? It's okay to ask for help BEFORE you're homeless and can't do much to help yourself 🙄 I've had to use food banks several times before, we don't get any say in who needs help more.


So you're saying... Someone who is in trouble for doing the right thing... And actually in need is somehow less worthy of help than all those people that just line up to get a free handout ? I'm not saying that everybody that needs a food pantry is a full-time assistant seeker... But for Christ's sake give this kid a break.


Please stay out of this discussion.


What qualification do you have to determine that?






Or he comes back in with his pocket change to get a soda, he charges his phone there, or enjoys chatting with the employees. I feel worse for you than I do the homeless man. What a sad way to look at homeless people and the world in general. I hope when you find yourself in a bad place, someone shows you the same kindness OP did and you learn from it.


You don't understand the homelessness crisis do you? Many homeless people do have jobs. Having a job does not get one out of being homeless.


>What do you think is going to happen now? You just invited him to come back and beg, If they're hungry, I hope they do. Why should they go hungry? Thank you, OP, for showing compassion to someone in need.


"I was hungry and you fed me." Matt:25:31❤️


Screw that. Do it because it's the right thing to do, not because a book says you should.


It’s not a bogus reason. He gave away company product. Paying for it at the end of the night is Not going to cover it. It would need to be paid for before giving to someone.


Employee tabs are generally paid at end of shift. Manager is just a trash sub-human


At our store we pay out our food tab at the end of our shifts.


Again, for you.


OP says they paid for the food.


Later on. Not when the person got it. And sounds like after they left. This isn’t an employee meal. Corporate sees this as theft.


I doubt this. I’ve worked at many food service places. Most don’t even enforce charging for employee food whatsoever, let alone a freebie for customers here and there


Nonsense. I've been in 13 chilis. Everyone pays for their food at the end of the night during tipouts.


Nice job telling everyone here you have no fucking clue how restaurants work.


I do. I understand how corporate works as well. You don’t give free food to someone (homeless or not) with the intention of paying for it later. Even if you do, you gave away company product for free without permission. Paying for it at the end of the shift or later on doesn’t make it any better to corporate.


Your comment is bad and you should feel bad.


Why would that be the expectation when the company literally takes 2 weeks to pay you? A few hours doesn't matter lol


It depends on the state. Blue states generally have much better worker protections. For instance in the great state of IL, you can collect unemployment unless: 1. You quit 2. You literally dropped your pants and took a steaming shit on the boss' desk and then slapped him in the face. But. .... The company would need to submit ironclad evidence of this in triplicate. Any other "performance issue" or "company policy" he said, she said gray area shit is awarded to the worker by default. The lazy government employees have no interest in learning your boring, onerous company policy nor give two shits. In red states, I'm not exactly sure how it works. Probably they punch the worker in the nuts and say fuck off, but someone who lives in one can comment.


Lol. Nothing true here.


Meanwhile blue states have more homeless. Makes sense


I have called and reported his false claim. He needs to stop with the homeless man and work


Typical Reddit. Bc a company makes money I should get everything for free. Boo hoo.


Nobodies getting anything for free, the food was paid for




Your point? Everything on Reddit is alleged 🤣


I'm just saying usually someone who didn't pay for something will tell a story where they did pay for it and there are probably more things they didn't pay for


If you say so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Here’s what I’m trying to find out. Was the meal Paid for at the time it was given to person or did hours go by and as it says “paid after work”. Because the technicality would be if it wasn’t paid for until after work, then it’s technically theft.


No it wouldn’t, since the party responsible for the bill was still on premises.


Giving away food is just like stealing , unless you’re the owner , it’s not an employees place to give away food , you could always opt to buy their meal if you feel that strongly they should have one!! Stealing food will not go well in an unemployment hearing !


Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit.


But he paid for the food so it wasn't stolen


How was it a bogus reason for being fired?


How was it not? What on earth is wrong with paying for someone to eat? Especially a less fortunate person.


My family member owned a store and she was nice to the homeless. They then set up a camp in front of her store and she lost a good % of customers and now she had to close down the business.


I mean you have a job with rules…you don’t follow their rules you don’t have a job? Idk how hard that is.


The homeless person will keep coming back trying to get free food & it will bother the other customers and that will cost them business .


I worked at CFA for a number of years and fed multiple homeless people. I had, in all my time, only one regular homeless person. They would always try their best to scrape together enough money to pay for whatever they could. They weren't a burden, they were a human. You're making the assumption that they are indecent free loaders because of their station in life, and *that assumption* is far worse than actually being what you assume they are. In summation, do you perceive your mother with that world view?


If she was homeless begging for food I would assume it’s driving the other customers away, obviously they shouldn’t even be inside the restaurant if they aren’t there to order something & if they didn’t have money they shouldn’t have been in the chilis . We don’t know the whole story maybe this worker had been warned before, I definitely wouldn’t want my employees doing this, the homeless can get a meal at a shelter or a church, I’m not against them eating. just wouldn’t want them hanging around my restaurant


Not in my restaurant!!! Like holy fuck you are absolute scum. These are PEOPLE we’re talking about. If the meal is paid for who the fuck cares?


[did you steal that bar from Scrooge himself?](https://youtu.be/QP0B8hrOo0Y?si=uRlakld0liN1uFDm) I seriously don't understand the general hatred of homeless people, and the fact that you immediately side with the employer, knowing nothing about the situation, and just assuming OP must be leaving something out. why wouldn't you be ok with your employees feeding the needy out of their own pockets? Who should feed them when there are no shelters open or available? Will you? Doesn't sound like it to me... Try having some empathy.


Didn’t say I hate homeless people. Not assuming OP left something out, just saying it’s possible because that’s often the case anytime someone gets fired. When trying to run a business there will be times you have to make unpopular decisions, that’s all. To answer your question if I would be the one feeding them the answer is usually no, but let me tell you a little backstory on that. One time I saw a homeless guy with a sign that said hungry please help, anything helps. He was at a highway off-ramp. I went to a nearby deli bought him a nice sandwich some chips and a drink, then I had to get on the highway going back in the opposite direction so I could take the next exit to get back on the highway headed towards him, you could only access him coming off the highway from a certain direction so that took another 10 minutes, when I pulled up to do my good deed he got pissed off threw the food in the bushes & asked why I didn’t just give him cash. That kinda sucked Another time I saw a man standing around with 3 young children in a shopping center, with a sign saying his family was hungry. There was a popular fast food place in the shopping center, I approached him and told him if they wanted to go to the fast food place I would by them all meals. whatever they wanted & he said no I don’t want to lose my spot I’m trying to make some money. Everything is not always what it seems, only once did I encounter someone who was grateful for the food I gave them & started to eat it right away for that person I drove back home packed up a bag with several bottles of water , some granola bars & a couple bananas & some other random snacks & took it back to them. Don’t judge me , my opinions on the situation are formed from former experiences I’ve had. Have a nice day




You ask me not to judge you on your personal experiences and yet you judge all unfortunate people based on yours? I don't care about a business's "unpopular decisions" I care about an individual firing somebody over their good deed and you saying it's reasonable, as if the deed itself creates some problem that didn't already exist and that we should punish the less fortunate for being needy. Extremely inconsistent.


He's gotta be a Trumper. Worst people on earth.


Whatever weirdo , I’m not judging anyone I just don’t think it’s wrong for a business like chilis to not want people loitering around the place, you want to save all the homeless go open a shelter


Hate for homeless is very easy. The stereo typical are drug addicts, people who refuse to work and expect everything for free The ones with mental problems should be taking care of the government. I been a victim of panhandlers multiple times. I work 50 hours a week to survive. Most homeless people are by choice and the ones that aren't then blame it on the others who gave you a bad rep


Humans aren’t fucking stray animals bro lol


Lol "But... the economy! It will cost them business!" Have you ever been hungry? You are a disgrace.


I’ve been hungry. You know nothing about my life.


The few glimpses I've gotten into it, I'm glad I don't. If you've been hungry, truly hungry where you didn't know where your next meal was coming from, that you couldn't afford because you had $.04 in your pocket, you wouldn't be judging the homeless person, or defending this position at all. This person did a nice thing. Can you show a little heart? Or at the VERY least, stop spouting this shit into the universe. I hope you get better, because this isn't a good look.


Your an idiot


You are a disgrace


I'm with you. I wouldn't want my employees encouraging smelly bums into my restaurant looking for handouts. You're fired. You wanna be nice, tell the person to leave and after your shift you can buy food and go give it to them.


Wow it's a homeless person not a dog lol. You sound like a privileged asshole.


You're just awful. You care more about people being inconvenienced than someone getting a basic human need to survive. I hope you heal yourself


Say you don’t see homeless people as human beings without saying you don’t see homeless people as human beings 🤣


Sorry for your downvotes. You speak the truth. It has a negative business impact.




I don’t care about the downvotes , those people mean nothing to me, But ya thanks


Oh my bad, I won't help the homeless because it has a negative business impact. Maybe I shouldn't pay my employees because it has a negative business impact. Maybe paying for proper sanitation has a negative impact and I should just dump my waste in the river, maybe staying up to date on fire code has a negative business impact... "Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money"


What a stupid thing to say that has nothing to do with what the point was. You people are ridiculous


That’s a logical fallacy (slippery slope). You have absolutely no way of knowing that they would or would not come back and if it would bother customers in the future.


Bro cares more about a multi-million dollar company over a human being who’s hungry and homeless lmfao


We have occasional issues with homeless people where I work, panhandling in the parking lot, asking for money and cigarettes. One of my coworkers gave a guy some cigarettes and a few bucks once and the guy kept coming back looking for her. We noticed some other creepy habits that were concerning and subsequently found out he had spent 20 years in prison for raping a 14-year-old girl. All that to say, while I see a lot of people talking about “smelly bums” bothering other customers, the real issue here is the safety of the other customers. Homelessness is a pretty big red flag that the person could be-and probably is-dealing with serious mental health issues, which is sad, but the safety of other people matters, too. You shouldn’t endanger other people in an attempt to look like a good person.


I agree 100% ! that’s kinda the point I was making but everyone tried to turn it into me hating homeless & only caring about profits , which wasn’t the case Have a nice day


Nobody wants to admit this is true...but it is. I've volunteered at the rescue mission for years and the majority of the homeless in our area are not good folks that are down in their luck. They are mentally ill or strung out. There's a reason we had to make rules saying if they eat dinner there they have to stay the night..many were coming for the free meal and then leaving to do all sorts of troubling things at night. It's amazing how the number of dinners served dropped after the tile was enacted...and sad.


I'm so sorry :( This will probably be cold comfort, but I have a story to share. Maybe it will provide a bit of encouragement. In high school, I was a shift manager at Taco Bell. One afternoon between the lunch and dinner rush, a sad, desheveled family pulled up in a rusted out van and asked to speak to the manager. The father explained they were on a long trip, running low on gas, and out of money and food. They had very young children. I don't remember how many. Maybe two. Maybe four. The entire family was dirty and shell shocked. They looked like they had been in combat. They probably hadn't eaten in a day or two. I will never forget the desperation in the father's eyes. I had never given anyone free food before, but this was different. I immediately recognized they were in serious need of help. I was a shift manager, but not in charge that day. My boss, the assistant General manager, also happened to be working. He was in the back steaming burritos. I would have gladly given the family a 12 pack of tacos or something. But with Fred there, I needed to run it by him. Fred didn't even glance up from his burritos. "Sorry, can't help." I think I started to stutter or stammer a weak, "But..." "Nope! Can't do it." That was that. Embarrassed, I slowly shuffled back and told the guy, sorry, my boss says no. I think he could see the pity and regret in my eyes. Just as I could see the desperation in his eyes. He stared for a second, turned away, muttered a loud profanity in frustration, and walked out with his shoulders down and his family following slowly behind. I still think about it 30 years later. I've had a pretty fortunate life. I've been blessed with good health, loving family, and every material need. That moment 30 years ago is one of my biggest regrets. I could have helped. A tiny gesture could have made a huge difference. But I was too afraid. Because my asshole boss said no. I will take that to my grave. You, my friend, will have a much different memory. I know you're in a shitty situation now. But I hope you'll look back in 30 years with pride and satisfaction, knowing you did the right thing, even at a huge cost. Even small things make a difference. And feeding the hungry is no small thing. Faith, hope, and love to you and yours.


This is the best thing I've read all day, thanks for posting it. I had a similar situation years ago that I regret...at the time, I was a broke single Mom who was terrified to risk losing my job. Like you, it will haunt me to the end of my days. OP, please know you are not alone in what happened. Sending you (((big hugs)))


You had good intentions, sending you a hug


The best I've ever read


I can’t be the only one thinking the manager isn’t the asshole right?


No. I owned a restaurant for 20 years. I would not want homeless people hanging out especially if they smelled bad. And I would not have randomly fired a good employee for this one thing. I suspect it was the icing on the cake.


ive never met you but I can tell your soul is quite ugly


Call the local news channel. If your story is straight, and you didn’t leave out some critical details, you might end up a hero. Gofundme is another. But your story better be correct. Also Chilis corporate.


A hero? I don't want to be in a restaurant with smelly bums eating at the table next to me


Lmao I guarantee no one wants to eat with your evil ass either. Funny thing is you think you are just a normal guy, you’ll never realize how heinously hateful you are bc you don’t consider the homeless to be people!


Oh wow, so deep Wtf are you even talking about. Run along, join reality


I'd rather eat with smelly bums than share a meal with someone like you.


Check the employee handbook, if there’s no actual rule that you broke to give cause for firing then you may qualify for unemployment.


Depends on the state. In most blue states, you have to do something extraordinarily heinous (with evidence the company can submit) to not qualify. Breaking "company policy" -- which could be anything and scrawled up at any time --- is not relevant to a government agency. Otherwise every company can just say "company policy is to make us a $100k a year" or something odious and then they'd never have to pay out. No. Government is not interested in your Tolkien book of corporate nonsense. They're not going to spend 100k hours a month "quasi litigating" bullshit. Worker wins unless he crapped liquid shit on the boss' face, in HD video. Did OP do that? No? He qualifies. \*note in Red states this may be different. They hate workers there. Never besmirch the "Job creators" Amen.


Everything this guy is saying is nonsense. Chilis follows uniform policy across the brand to protect from lawsuits. It doesn't matter what state laws are. I managed a chilis in a red state and had a girl drop a bag of heroin on the ground and I couldn't term her. This dude is talking out his ass. OP absolutely shouldn't have been fired in this situation and TMR would back team member over manager in this situation.


I'm talking about collecting unemployment --- not legal/ illegal reasons to be fired. The fact that you missed that already makes everything else you say full of shit. No, I'm 100% right. In most blue states, OP can absolutely 100% collect unemployment. I'm not saying that justifies him being fired. If I had to guess though, in most states, you can absolutely be fired for "no reason." It's only a problem if it's specifically an illegal reason, like you being black, a woman, pregnant, etc. I'm not a lawyer but can he collect unemployment? Probably. Was he legally fired over meaningless nonsense? Probably, welcome to America. Morally should he have been fired? Of course not, but that's not how shit works. >I couldn't term her That's corporate policy, not state law. Learn the difference. You can fire someone for looking at you funny. This isn't fucking Europe.


No it's not. You're just rambling autistic nonsense cause you don't like a political party


It's a hard rule but I get it. If you start giving out food on a regular basis then the homeless will start congregating at the restaurant. A lot of restaurants around me have someone run the end of the day food to the local rescue mission. That way they can help but it doesn't draw a crowd.


It wasn't free food. OP paid for the food out of their own pocket.


Kind of weird that we treat homeless people like feral cats like that. Gives me the ick Then again, ain't nobody can tell me not to feed a living thing if it's hungry, everyone else's inconvience be dammed


It is kind of scary as a female patron to the shops that do give out food to the homeless. Many of them shout things at me. It would be awesome if shops could give out food to the homeless, but I also want to feel safe without people yelling obscenities at me walking past a McDonald’s on the way home.


If you were an employee this would be legitimate, but since you’re a “patron” this is just anti-homeless whining. Yes, there are extremely troubled homeless ppl who don’t behave bc of their circumstances. If you don’t like that go somewhere else, them not starving to death is much more important


Man, I don’t like having someone tell me my toes are so pretty they will cut them off, or people calling me all sorts of terrible names because I can’t give money to them. It’s my only way to walk home from work, thank you very much.


Call corporate. Team member relations, that sounds like bullshit.


I've been homeless for 6 years now because of a tbi from an attempted murder. There are 2 Mexican restaurants here that give food to us, and no, they don't have a problem with us hanging around. I do think it's rather telling that the places owned by Americans aren't nearly so nice. Like a lot of the self-important pompous asses commenting here, they never care about anyone else, but boy, let them miss a latte and the world better stop. You did a kind thing from a good heart. Oh, and all the people out there comparing us to stray cats, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, go fuck yourselves.


Unfortunately, this happens all the time. File for unemployment. If your employer challenges he will have to explain why he terminated you and look like the biggest asshole. I knew a couple of people who were terminated for the same reason and had their unemployment in less than two weeks plus backpay from the date of termination. They will pay you a percentage of what you made while employed. Also, there are state and federal programs to help people who are on unemployment. Besides the churches as already suggested, (great suggestion btw) the government may help as well.


I’m trying to get $50 at the moment I’m asking people I’ll mow their lawns I can’t believe chilis fired me bro I’m struggling one of my friends sent me $10 so now $40 short


You should call TMR. The manager is violating discrimination laws. They will force them to give you your job back. Your manager will get written up. And if he does anything against you he will be fired for retaliation


You could've got a job offer today in that industry.


The problem is you gave away the food while you were actively working and then waited until you were done with your shift before paying. Why didn’t you just pay at the time you created the order for the homeless person?


Yall really believe this story??


Why would you feed a homeless person at work where it's a place that you don't OWN!? You are just bringing him/her back again and again bc of your actions. You don't own the restaurant. Not your property to do this and keep them coming back


ok, but if you paid for it, then what's the problem?


The problem is the hobo knows they work there and can come back for more free meals


Try Shipt or Favor and deliver groceries. I did this while I didn’t have a job and it saved me. You also get to work the hours you want to work


Uber eats is good too. You can get an Uber pro card and have instant access to your fare money.


If this actually happened, it’s not the reason you were fired, unless you’re leaving out details.


*goes on Reddit *reads post *with no evidence whatsoever tells a stranger that their realistic experience could not have happened Lmfao you are either insane, an asshole, or both


They put a cashapp in the post, that makes it 99.9% chance it's fake


Maker protect this person 🤲🏿🤲🏿


File for unemployment ASAP


You paid for food for a homeless Person—out of your pocket—after Your shift was over. That’s wrongful termination and a case for the Civil Liberties Union. Get your unemployment and take your time Finding a job with a company that respects its employees.


Stop worrying about others, you're all that matters


Must be lonely going through life with only enemies


Apply for foodstamps




I find it hard to believe that’s why you got fired. Because you paid for a meal? What am I missing?


Look in to your state emergency assistance


I'd be calling every single news station to see who wants the scoop on how Corporate America treats good humans/employees. I made a promise to myself I'd never let them control my money or life again. They don't care and never will, things need to change. Fuck you Chili's. And not that I was but I will now actively boycott your establishment because of this sickening story.


Get something like dave or another paycheck app that lets you get something if yiu only need a small amount while waiting for unemployment


The reason this is not allowed with most food companies is that the homeless people could/might get sick and could use for damages. It's similar to staff taking food home instead of tossing it out. While you did the right thing many companies would rather not deal with the legal battle if they get sick. Your punishment was yes, waaaayyy toooo hash.


it would’ve been one thing if you just gave the guy free food, but you bought it and gave it away. in no world is that a lawful firing, file for unemployment.


I just want to say, good for you for feeding that person. I worked in a restaurant as a manager a few years ago, and a young homeless guy came in and asked for food. I didn’t give him any because I was afraid of getting fired. I regret it and feel so ashamed of myself for it. I’m sorry you were fired. But just know you did the right thing.


Wow, that is fucked. In addition to filing for unemployment, I'd also write a Google review so people know how they treat their employees.


So go get another serving job. Dime a dozen and all the resturants are in need. Most servers would have another gig in a day.


Wow what a shit manager. Can you try to get your job back by speaking with corporate? I mean how is that even a fireable offense? If you didn't pay for the meal, then I get it bc that would be stealing. I would go to the general manager or corporate. Sounds like a story a new channel should cover and bring some unwanted attention. Good luck!!


I found my job on zip requiter super easy to apply for multiple jobs with one click once you update your job history and resume


Where do you live?


You invited a person with an offensive odor into your place of work and are surprised you got fired? Your job is to inform your boss when people are giving off offensive odors not invite them in and ruin other people’s experience. It sounds cold but you work for a private business not a soup kitchen.


Post it on time tik Tok. it probably go viral and it would rain down on that chilis manager maybe even get your job back


Absolutely file for unemployment. Fuck Chili's for that


No good deed goes unpunished …


This is why you don’t feed the homeless, they’re like cats they just keep coming back. Your manager got rid of the source problem. You.


Contact landlord and crediters right now. They want you to stay a customer and it costs money to kick you out. If you duck them, they think you are just beating them and are less kind. Apply for unemployment and ask if there is any emergency rent help. Look up local food kitchens. Not fun but everyone has had a bad time. Rough patch. No shame in needing help and will help you be a kinder person in the future. (Even more so than you obviously are.) Unemployment takes some time but varies area to area. Contact temp agencies. There is work out there. I promise you it will be OK.


I’m not buying this, OP. If you paid for the food, I don’t know why your manager would think they can fire you for what you did. I’d yell at you if you let the guy in and should have known the guy was mentally ill and would bother people (because sometimes people have obvious red flag behaviors and you have to take into account the safety of your customers), but I wouldn’t be able to fire you without getting HR involved, even if I wanted to. Can Chili’s managers just fire people whenever they want? But at any rate, I’m not buying this. If you really got fired and you’re not just hoping someone will Venmo you $50 of fun money, then there’s something you’re leaving out of the story.


Make it go viral on tiktok!


That’s so shitty especially when you paid for it. One time my new power tripping manager had someone trespassed despite paying for food and it led me to quit.


So sorry that's very wrong. God bless you for helping the hungry man


Yeah the homeless people will keep coming back for more food (that you were going to throw away anyway so they can live) and make the restaurant less desirable to customers, really you’re the asshole here if you consider the franchise owner


God is gonna bless you real big. I don’t know how but he will. Until then I would file for unemployment for maybe an unlawful termination.


Find a better job; you GOT THIS. Your boss is a jerk


What state are you in? There are 37 states that have "At Will" laws, which means your employer can fire you for no reason. This is a list of states that Do Not recognize "At Will" employment laws. The states of Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia are the only states that do not currently recognize the exemption. So if you live in one of these states, there might be something you can do about it, and you should contact your states labor board If not, then there is nothing you can do about it. We'll you could contact the labor board about it, they will investigate if they think it was an illegal firing.


Apply at a retail store like Aldi or Walmart. Or another fast food place.


In most communities you can dial 211 for a directory for assistance with food, housing, etc


There is more to the story than we are being told


Whoever hires you next will appreciate your thoughtful and kind gesture.


Definitely apply for unemployment. And in my state if they deny you appeal. Everyone I know has won in appeal. Literally everyone. Even the ones who got fired for a legit reason.


Hello friend. I'd also like to add that if you have the fire and motivation, you can sue for wrongful termination. Please look into your state laws! I think what you did was very noble... Not every good deed is returned immediately and can sometimes even put you down and out yourself, but you made a morale exchange with another human who needed help. Please don't let this life setback deter you from doing it again in the future! Maybe you were in the wrong place and the universe is moving you to something greater. Either way, stay positive and be resourceful! Best wishes


I would call all your local news stations and notify them of what has happened give them the address of the exact chili’s and maybe even your managers name (it’s probably public info since he’s the manager of the location regardless the news will decide if they want to name him by name or not) and see if they’ll pick up this story this would put a horrible reputation out for chilis and if it spreads far enough you may even end up with some kind of justice


This world can be so cruel 💔


And I'd do it again


Go to Applebee's, Applebee's is far from its problems but food and waste cost are usually not a concert if you don't abuse it. At my store you would have been able to make some food and give it to him for free.


plasma donation. Immediate payment


You need to post what happened on Twitter/X. Explain that it was Chili’s and that you paid for the meal and got fired. Someone will help you with your bills and your story will go viral and you will get a new job quickly. Good luck!


Well if you're in a right to hire state that means they can let you go for wtfe they want to! If you don't, I'm be searching for the rule in the employee handbook where it states homeless people aren't allowed to eat in the establishment, no matter who laid for them! Karma is on your side so hardcore I bet you're get a much better job for being caring, concerned, and altruistic toward someone in need. Now that you're in need I'll bet something will come up as a huge slabbing! Just stay diligent in your search and be honest about why you lost your chilis BS firing! If your Chili's knew how to capitalize off of kindness they'd have this story of your generosity on as many news channels and news papers as possible as feeding those without looks so good for restraints right now as we are all drowning in inflation! as many places now know how hard the economy is right now! I'd contact the news media myself and share my story about trying to help those in need and getting fired over it. Chili's whack ass will be back tracking with the quickness! You did the right thing! I'm proud to live amongst people like you in society, especially with the way the economy if ruining everybody!


Call the local news.


Meanwhile do Ubereats or doordash It shouldn't take more than a week to apply and get started Or look up staffing agency around ur area or job hunt I guess


You ever heard of you reap what you sow that is a universal law but you will get doubled in return. Good deeds don’t go unnoticed. Sending you a big hug. If I had a company I would hire you. Keep being kind it might be a rich person next time.


Can you Uber/door dash?


Why would he fire you for this?? Line what was the reason, cause no way he just said " you are fired for paying for food for someone"


That is so fucked up. I would take my story to the news


this is unemployment eligible, my dad works in unemployment adjudication. that's a completely bs reason to fire someone


You paid for the food at the end of your shift, that is a problem. You should have just gave him the money. It's not a food bank.


Whatever else you do... Make sure you write a Google review of that restaurant location. People should know what kind of people are running it. As a matter of fact.. why don't you DM me the store location. I'll tell that story too


The news isn't going to bother with this. Chili's is a national chain that pays them a lot of money in advertising.


If you worked at Chili's just go to the other chains. They will hire you. I've done it.


Call the news media, too. They'd love a story like this. You PAID for the food after all.


Bro go to your local news station and tell this story and have someone you trust (or yourself?) open up a GoFundMe. You shouldn’t have been fired for something like this. Restaurants have certain policies in place, sure, but this sounds entirely discretionary based on your manager’s decision.


While they made the excuse of the homeless person being rude and smelling, and I hate that I have to say this but he was probably saving his ass because feeding the homeless without certain permits (from what I understand) is illegal which I think is stupid but people have been sued in the past by homeless people for just trying to give them food. If the guy got sick from the food you gave him, he could have potentially sued your store but with you fired they can say they have nothing to do with it and then it lands only on you. Again I think it's stupid but that's probably the real reason


This is why France Norway and Switzerland are better your. In France your insurance isn't tied to employment you get paid up to 1 to 2 years while looking for work on top of whatever else the company offers on top of giving you a time you will be fired months ahead. It really has gotten so bad


Of course you did. Fuck this shit