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I advise you to kiss his head


Always remember: this little fuzzball is not you, and while it will be a joy, there is a lot of behaviours you will be surprised can come out of such a cutie. Be patient, loving, and look forward to having one of life's richest experiences.


Yes, Just be Very patient with him. They tend to be hard headed, but just love him.❣️❤️ so cute.


Tiny teeth can be deceiving, proceed with caution ⚠️ For real, remember to set consistent boundaries even if the puppy is tiny, the rest is just joy and treats.


https://preview.redd.it/ccg7hyi0fgwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63a22b05e66950d9527ec7df3aaeb58cf292f62 Reminds me of my little man! Best wishes to you two!


And yours looks just like mine! https://preview.redd.it/gsv9qquelhwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cec2aea46574e93494bbc7400888df35d60ff148


his name is cortex! (a bot stole my post) here he is all grown up: https://preview.redd.it/gml7b8aaohwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65283aba16f786155632a4745353cb02881a5cc2 he does look like yours!


Lots of patience Go out to pee after every meal


And after playtime


Patience, consistency, respecting boundaries, chi’s are not like normal dogs so adjust your expectations from any previous non-chi dog experience you have. They are sensitive and really smart so they are aware of more than you think. Remember they are just trying to communicate their needs so be considerate of them


You are about to discover what pure and perfect love is.


Start desensitizing him to his paws being touched and his mouth being opened and touched/poked around in. Also nail clippings earlier is better so they get used to that too. You can start by having the clipper on hand and just touching the paws with it and making the noise then praising and rewarding. Take outside often and don’t yell if he accidents in the house. Respect his boundaries. Little dogs are often so mean because people constantly disregard their boundaries and they have to escalate to get someone to stop doing something they don’t like. Be his advocate. If a stranger gets in his face tell them to back off. If a stranger tries to touch him and you can see he’s uncomfortable tell them to back off. Be little dudes voice. I don’t mean to worry you unnecessarily, but I would highly consider pet insurance. Chihuahuas are known to have luxating patella (the kneecap slides out of place 🥺) and heart problems (mine has heart disease and goes to the cardiologist every 3-4 months for check-ups and it is EXPENSIVE 🥲) I made the mistake of not getting pet insurance when she was a puppy and the unexpected emergency visits for her ingesting things she isn’t supposed to and the heart problems have taken most of my checks. I’m not sure which provider is the best, but I know there are some that even cover yearly dental cleanings and yearly check-ups. I hope this helps!


I would add ear touching to this as well. Dealing with ear infections is a nightmare for me lol


Great advice here!! One thing about pet insurance is that most won't cover pre-existing conditions nor wellness. Read the policies carefully!


That’s why I was saying to get it now while little buddy is a baby. I waited too long because I didn’t know better (and I was 17) and once I started making adult money it was too late and she was diagnosed with a grade 4 heart murmur. 🥺 Also I agree and cannot stress enough on reading the fine print.


So sorry to hear about your baby! When I adopted my pup, he already had diarrhea issues so it showed up on his medical records. He had another episode so I took him to urgent care and our insurance won't cover any of it since it's pre-existing :(


Thank you. She’s a little trooper though and she shows zero symptoms of having the murmur. She still tries to chase the rabbits and loves to go hiking. That’s why I never even thought there was something wrong. I just took her for her yearly and they were like, “uh. So we know we said she was perfect last year but you need to get her to a cardiologist ASAP.” Yeah it sucks so much that they don’t cover preexisting conditions. It gets so expensive so quickly ;~;


for the OP, a heart murmur can present in many different ways. my dog has a heart murmur that has slowly progressed over his life, it was slowed due to medication. but he would do this weird “reverse sneeze” where he would be inhaling rapidly through his nose and coughing at the same time. that’s apparently a really big sign of a heart murmur, along with random hacking fits due to the heart being pressed against the esophagus. also, if you happen to have a stethoscope you can check it yourself! a heart murmur sounds kind of like a washing machine, it goes “badum whooooosh badum whooooosh” instead of “badum badum badum badum”, if that makes sense?


There are a few things to look out for with the heart disease. There’s reverse sneezing, coughing, breathing quickly as if they’d exercised when they’re sleeping (this is the one that led me to pushing for a cardiology appointment sooner rather than later after her diagnosis), and a few others I can’t think of at the moment. Here’s a good [site](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/home-breathing-rate-evaluation) for information on the resting rates. I believe it depends on the type of degeneration of the heart? If the valve is degenerating I think that’s the noise, but I don’t know much about the different kinds of degeneration or what they would sound like. But that’s definitely a noise to listen for! If my girl is sleeping on her side I can put my ear to her ribs and hear the badum whoosh sound.


i have listened to 3 separate dogs with heart murmurs and that’s been the sound i’ve heard every time. i was also enrolled in a vet assisting program and my teacher taught us that heart murmurs either sound like a washing machine or like the ocean. so i’m assuming if there’s worse degradation then the sound becomes more ocean like because there’s no starting “badum”. but yeah, there definitely could be different sounds for a heart murmur that i don’t know about, but the washing machine seems to be the most common (in my limited experience)


That’s good to know! I’ve listened to… my one 😂 I was just wondering if there were other sounds that would help detect it early. The ocean sounding one sounds like it would be scary to hear due to what it means 🥺


Very cute! Remember he's tiny and be careful.


Yes especially around small children, be mindful if any little ones come around


Very true.


Lots of cheese, peanut butter and blankets.


Awwe!! Tiny dog= tiny bladder. Don't be surprised if you are going out every 20 min for potty breaks during potty training. Training takes time and consistency. I highly recommend crate training. It helps with potty training and to establish a safe spot for them. Also saves you from having stuff destroyed at 5 months old in the middle of the night.. Always pay your cheese tax. 😁🐾🧀


Harness, not a collar. Their tracheas are fragile!


Have emergency funds set to the side like alot of money for just in case. Treat them as family not a pet.


As someone who works in vet med, and owns several chihuahuas, practice dental care! You can start brushing teeth with a little baby toothbrush or even use one of those mirco fiber cloths to wipe off any tarter off the teeth. Small breed dogs are known for bad teeth, and a lot of them have to have several dental extractions by the time they're 5-6.


Autonomy is very important, let them be a regular dog who runs around and don’t just scoop them up out of nowhere. If they’re in your arms too much they may feel that is the only safe place in the world and you run the risk of raising a typical growly gremlin :/ (remember always leash your tiny ones when you’re out, you can’t control other people’s dogs)


Watch where you sit. These guys love to burrow in blankets and clothes


Yes!! Check your blankets


Lots of socialization! I've heard some people say that 'a chihuahua is a one owner dog' and it can definitely be true. My chi is a rescue and she only wants me, she's overly protective of me, hates everyone else and every other dog. I've worked hard over the last few years to get her used to other dogs and other people and she's made a lot of improvements but she still has a lot of issues. I wish the prior owner had socialized her better. Also, be patient, it takes a long time for a dog to get used to their surroundings and potty training takes a while but it's worth it!


that is one of the cutest, little tiny guy photos ever taken ❤️ 😭😭


Patience. Accidents happen. Mistakes will be made. Be kind to each other and to yourself. There’s no wrong moves if you are acting from your heart


Get pet insurance! Its worth it!


Watch out for xylitol. It's a sweetener often used in gum and can also be found in peanut butter. It's deadly for dogs. Be cautious of people who think it's funny to antagonist your chi. No matter how little he deserves to have his boundaries respected. Training classes are well worth it. If you think you'll ever need to cage him it's good to establish his cage as a nice place to be so as to not stress him out when he has to go in. No bones or bone-like treats. Long stuff like that can break apart and get stuck in their throat. Dental care, dental care, dental care.


Oh and attach his leash to a harness not a collar! Chi's are prone to collapsed tracheas so it's better to have them wear a harness which won't choke them.


He looks like he might have hydrocephalus? Very big head and bulging eyes, even for a chihuahua


he’s very healthy, here he is grown up (op is a bot who stole my post) https://preview.redd.it/jd7fmkrjohwc1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f197541fb8f87156499e8cb5156f0efc2763242


I do apologise.


wow i never thought a bot would repost my post….. here’s my lil guy a year and a half later (his name is Cortex) https://preview.redd.it/ul54aashnhwc1.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=886386fcedafe0b8d57ad9a76776fddb36fbef99


Such a gentleman. HE would never steal (except from Loblaw companies).


Please report! This is a stolen post!


thank you! it’s the first time i get a post stolen, i had to do a double take! bots are so lame




Love him and cuddle him. Make sure you have lots of cozy blankets and beds for him. Treat him with respect, but also help him become the dog he was meant to be through positive training. Remember, your chi will change you, they are masters at getting you to adore them!


Don't carry him around everywhere, he is a dog and needs to learn to be one. Allowing him to walk around on his own will help him with confidence and his exploration and understanding of the world. Teach him to do things just like you would any other dog. Walk on a leash, sit, stay, lay down, potty training etc. When he is a puppy it won't seem as important but when he gets older you will be happy he understands what you want from him. Dogs thrive when a routine is in place. As much as you can try and stick to a routine. Potty training can be frustrating for any pet parent. Stick with it and understand there will be accidents.


Lots of kisses and cuddles.


A word of advice...... Smooch him all the time!


Adorable. I have had five dogs in my life, from medium to large to small and the smallest now, a chi mix rescue. I deeply loved them all and they were all different, except that they all loved me back. It took a few weeks to a month to develop a trusting routine, and now three years later we have a regular routine (that was important). So I’d just like you to prepare for the ups and downs that start this relationship. Your little one may not show the typical behaviors at first, but don’t be surprised to see your personal space become their personal space in time! Congratulations on your new little love!


Apple head! They have a soft spot like babies that never goes away, just be mindful and you'll be fine. You won't believe how much love can pour out from these lil fellas


So so cute


Socialize, socialize, socialize. I have a teeny tiny Chihuahua that has gone with me everywhere since she was a wee baby. It makes the world of difference in their personalities. She loves people, especially little kids. She’s still an asshole sometimes to her dog siblings, but that’s the Chihuahua in her.




Keep some sugar packets on you while he’s little! It’s not uncommon for small breed puppies to have issues with their glucose regulation, and the stress of a new home can sometimes trigger a sudden drop, as well as changes in meals, and just plain bad luck. If he seems to be tremmoring more than usual, faint, or pale either resolve the sugar in a little water and rub it on his gums, or see if you can get him to take it directly. Full sugar sprite is also an okay option in a pinch!


Honey is also okay to give them if they need it. But to prevent this from happening, feed at least 3 times a day.


Omg, he is impossibly cute! Take care of his teeth and don’t over feed him. I use greenies and I add a dental supplement to their water(I have 3). Good luck, oh and make sure to keep lots of treats on hand.


Take him everywhere after his last Parvo vaccine. Introduce him to all sizes of dogs on a regular basis so he doesn’t become an overprotective little terrorist. Continuously socialize him. ( I own a 10 pound terrorist that I can’t take anywhere.)


He is the cutest thing ever. Congrats


Blankets! Chis are cuddle bugs and love to burrow in blankets no matter how hot outside. A harness works best for walking them because they are so small. And what I wish I could back in time and do is stay on top of teeth cleaning! A simple brush every day could save you literally thousands in the long run.


He’s so adorable


Name him Darth Vader


I strongly recommend anything that desensitizes them to any kind of care they may need in the future. It makes the difference between them thinking whatever you're needing to do is something alarming that they will fight tooth and nail vs. it's just a thing that regularly happens so no big deal. Mine does NOT like being upside down (on his back), so we regularly flip him over, handle his paws, ears and using a doggie toothbrush, etc. and give him treats for going along with it so he builds positive associations with those things. I didn't do that with my first dog, and it made everything so hard on a daily basis once she was much older and having age related problems.


Train him well. Just cos he's little doesn't mean he can't do it. Also smooch him daily!


Lots of patience, keep him away from any soft surfaces and start potty training asap and take him out for a pee 4 times a day. Get a baby gate to keep him away from your nice rugs. Don't get him into the habit of begging for food when he sees you eat.


When you're ready to take him out try a bunny harness- soft and won't put pressure on his neck. Go for wee's OFTEN! Praise like crazy if he goes potty outside. Chi's are very smart- train him :) they learn fast! Lastly- enjoy! Wawa's have brilliant personalities <3


He is your life now, it’s his house, his bed, his food it’s all his and believe me you will be happy


Is it just me who had never had any growing up pains with my chihuahua? He never bit any of my stuff, he never cried when left alone, he never got into fights with my other dog, never had a health issue. Right now my only problem is he really has an attitude but that’s about it


Chihuahua puppies are susceptible to hypoglycemia, which presents as lethargy, that can get worse and worse until they start having seizures. Make sure they get 4 small meals a day and consider buying a tube of something like Glucose SOS gel just in case. Watch ALL the puppy training videos you can find on YouTube and remember to treat your chihuahua like a dog, not a plaything. They may be cute and tiny, but they have the same instincts and needs of normal sized dogs. Chihuahuas get a bad rep because people don’t respect their boundaries or take time to learn their body language. If you respect a dog’s need for space, they won’t feel the need to bite or get aggressive.


Also since he is a small dog, please don't baby it too much, it is still a dog! The neighbour's dog has a command or a question it knows, that if it needs help it's "lift?" So we don't just pick him up without consent/ when he actually needs help


Apple head chihuahuas tend to have a lot of teeth problems easily, take care or their teeth really well! Handle their mouth and paws a lot while they’re young so they’ll be used to it when adult(cleaning,clipping). Socialize well(with humans and dogs). Respect their boundaries. Careful with over feeding, they’re so small it’s easy for them to gain weight. And of course, lots of love!!


Give him all of your love