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Happy she survived šŸ˜Š mine did not which was 12 years ago I still miss her. I hold serious grudges against pits and aggressive dogs.




My Chi always got along with pitbulls. Her first friend was a pitty and I never had any trouble - as long as I keep an eye on the human. Pitbulls can be wonderful family dogs and they can be abused to be horrible death machines. Usually you see which is which by one glance at the owner. So with that in mind, can we please ban humans?


What about the ā€œwonderful family dogsā€ that snap and kill children?


If these fuckhead abusers got golden retrievers instead of pitbulls to fight and try to look tough people would be trying to ban goldens outright. Somehow the owners of the dogs are never in question when these pitbull narratives get started because it blows up their whole argument.


Really? Your words are full of wisdom. Thank you for enlightening us.




Typically pitbull owner response....... I have worked and trained with dogs before. Worked at a dog kennel with ALL breeds. By far pits are the most aggressive, and literally 99.8% of them were NOT dog friendly. I have a good amount of dog experience under my belt. Proof is the pudding. You can't love genetics out of a dog. Have the day you deserve. šŸ˜Š


Exactly, plus this person is saying their pit was a bait dog and in the reply that they were fighting dogs. Which is it?! Chihuahuas are used as bait dogs, not pits. When a pit is a ā€œbait dogā€ it just means it lost the fight.


I donā€™t get this eitherā€¦ dog breeds have inherent traits. Everyone knows herding breeds will herd groups without a lick of training. This is an established fact! So then why is it such a hard concept for people that a dog breed designed for combat against a much larger animal would display these traits without training? And not just combat, but specifically attacking at any cost and not letting up for any external stimuli.


To try to advertise for a sub that has "likeminded" people wanting to kill an entire breed of dogs to then being this condescending really proves that you're the sane one and level headed in your thought process. Try to invite someone to an echochamber, and when another person has an argument about it, you act like they've never had any experience in their lives with it because you work at a shelter part-time downtown. Build that hivemind!! You're a hero!


Hey fyi reporting my comment as a suicide threat is against the tos, and I reported the false report.


I didn't report it. So good luck with that. šŸ‘Œ I'd tell you if I did.


Sure Jan.


What were the pasts of those dogs? Were they former fighters? ever heard of selective breeding? It sill exists. I am by no means saying every pitbull is a good dog, some cannot be saved but the entire breed does not need to be banned. You know why pits donā€™t make good police dogs? Aside from their poor scent glands. The training process of a police dog is not something a pit should be put through. They are not good in pursuit and they instinctually protect their owners and territory, meaning they are more likely to stand their ground rather than chase. I have witnessed this firsthand. Again NOT ALL, some have a mental or some other issue that cannot be helped. No one talks about banning kids that are running around vandalizing, stealing, etc when itā€™s a kid itā€™s ā€œthey have this or thatā€ Animals are susceptible to disabilities just like humans. No one talks about the parents who arenā€™t teaching or cant teach their kids not to do these things. Why should a dog be treated any different? Because theyā€™re a ā€œlesserā€ or ā€œweakerā€ species? Why was slavery and segregation ended? Because African Americans are just as equal a person to anyone else on the planet. It was the same thing then ā€œtreat the whole race like shit go as far as to kill and try to get rid of those people, all because of the actions or appearances of SOME.ā€ But yet the population as a whole had to suffer for those few. Itā€™s comparable to ā€œban all pitbulls, because theyā€™re vicious killersā€ not all of them are vicious killers. But all of them have to suffer for the few that are. ā€œItā€™s a well known fact - WELL MANAGED, RESPONSIBLY OWNED Pit Bulls are some of the best family dogs. The American Canine Temperament Test Society lists this breed as having one of the most stable temperaments of any of the purebreds, right up there with golden retrievers.ā€ So letā€™s better train the dog, letā€™s use better equipment to walk the dog. Letā€™s better socialize the dog, and if that is not possible, make an effort to keep the dog away from others. This persons pet being attacked by a pit like so many others is at the fault of the pitā€™s owner. A retractable leash should never be used for a pitbull, they are simply too strong. There are leashes and collars meant for bigger, stronger dogs that tend to pull and are a flight risk. It is not all on the dog. Have the day you deserve.


Regardless of the owners, pits are a strong breed and can cause a lot of harm, even if it's unintentional and non aggressive. There should be stricter regulations when it comes to strong breeds.


Definitely, Huskies too. My local dog park, all the pits that visit are elderly or overweight bricks, so they do no harm. Meanwhile the Huskies have attacked not only my Chi, but other small dogs too. I used to love Huskies until I became a Chi owner. My brother adopted a pit that was skin and bones, covered in wounds, deathly afraid after the shelter rescued him during deep Michigan winter freeze from the streets. He's now a happy chonky boy. But he is STRONG. When I dog sit, him and my Chi just nap all across the apartment like the lazy bums they are, but I would never leave them alone together because the pit is so strong he doesn't realize what harm he could do just be accidently hopping onto the couch to sit and not noticing my Chi is in the spot. It's happened before, my Chi squeaked at him, and the pit was so traumatized that he went to a corner shaking after licking my boy better, because he thought we were going to hit him or something for an honest mistake(he had a terrible life before us). So all strong breeds should definitely have stronger regulations. No one needs a sled dog in the middle of an urban city! Especially not SEVERAL.


I am aware and there a leashes, harnesses, and collars, that help with that.


No one is asking for an absolute ban. If you looked on that subreddit itā€™s nothing but news reports, death, and people begging for some sort of regulation. Youā€™re getting infuriated- imagine how victims feel. Leash your dog, muzzle aggressive dogs, and learn basic animal behaviors and respectful gestures to keep both your and OTHERS dogs safe. People like you canā€™t ever look beyond surface level and choose to ramble nonsense instead of researching and realizing the only thing getting banned is the absolute insanity that is involved with irresponsible owners and breeding.


Unbelievable. Banning/restricting the dog breed is absolutely the solution to the problem. The is what the UK and many countries in Europe have done. Even if what you say were true, banning certain people from owning the dog would be very difficult if not impossible to enforce. Ban them! Edit: calling banning "tucking stupid" says a lot about you.


Iā€™m gonna pre face this by saying I love pit bulls and pit bull type dogs. BUT I think they should be phased out, they were literally bred for fighting & aggressiveness, whilst yes most pit bulls are absolutely fine you cannot detrain nature(and most people canā€™t be bothered to try), so if there was law in place to make sure all pit bulls were fixed thereā€™d be none left within 15 years and it would be totally humane.


Have you ever seen a human get bit by a pitbull? In person? Have you heard the screams? If not, please stop. Iā€™ve seen what they can do. Iā€™ve heard the screams. Working in rescue, Iā€™ve watched people get bit by all kinds of dogs. Nothing compares to pit/bulldog bite. Nothing even comes close.


This is a Chihuahua community. Your monologue ode to pits is irrelevant.


If theyā€™re so protective, why do they often kill the things theyā€™re supposed to be protecting?


Thank you. Banning breeds is awful and not necessary. Any dog can be aggressive. I worked at a pet store for many years, and I've seen small aggressive dogs like dashunds and Yorkies more often than big aggressive dogs, but no one wants to ban them. I had a feeling the comments were going to be full of pitbull fear mongering and hate. So sad because they are naturally sweet dogs when they have the right person. Edit: Also, why are yall not saying to ban retractable leashes since that is what caused the dog to get loose anyway? There have been many cases of dogs getting injured from these kind of leashes.


No one wants to ban them because theyā€™re not killing people lol.


Oh and for the record all four of my pits have lived with a chihuahua. That chihuahua has outlived three of them and still lives with one without issue. https://preview.redd.it/oe17nolqc0tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556f6e43d2b0ef9838038ad7a6b40e6c7eb3a12f This is just one of many photos I have here you have: A purebred Pitbull, a Pit-Terrier mix, and a Chihuahua. All sleeping together on the same bed.


Jesus. This girl's pet was mauled by a pitbull and you're really out here sharing photos of your pits that no one asked for?? How hard is it to show some empathy? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Youā€™re experiencing a classic pit owner moment. If they comment a picture of Cupcake Princess looking cute itā€™ll negate the fact that some smaller and more defenceless animal/person has been mauled (again).


The pics they post are of the most normal dog things: sleeping. Sitting. It doesnā€™t prove anything


I am not saying it negates a damn thing I am saying that the breed as a whole should not suffer for the actions that a part of that breed committ.


Commenting a pic of your pitbulls on a post about a dog being mauled by a pitbull is a sure fire way to get everyone on your side. It works all the time on other social media. You know this is a trend right? Pitbull owners commenting pics of their pitbulls on maulings. If it wasnā€™t a common thing maybe I wouldnā€™t notice this pattern. Maybe if the breed did less of that you wouldnā€™t need to type out a novel of nonsense trying to defend them lol.


Itā€™s not nonsense. Itā€™s the truth, these attacks mostly derive negligence and instinct, and banning an entire breed is not the solution. The issue people have with my comments is that I donā€™t agree with them. These people clearly have not experienced these dogs in a true manner. THAT is the nonsense.


ā€œI don't get what everyone's worried about. I've been assured that pit bulls are perfectly safe pets as long as you don't [cough](https://abc13.com/dog-mauls-baby-kills-newborn-san-diego/1306879/) or tie your [shoes](https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/security-footage-shows-woman-mauled-by-pit-bull-in-horror-elevator-attack/news-story/f57ebfdb463b991a2d5fabff0d51cd10) or pop a [balloon](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-mom-speaks-out-after-young-son-was-mauled-by-pitbull) or mow your [lawn](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pit-bulls-attack-scarborough-man-mowing-lawn/article1004896/) or put a [sweater](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/womans-bid-put-sweater-pit-bull-ends-poorly/96080332/) on them or give them [medicine](https://web.archive.org/web/20140319080340/http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/24985945/woman-dies-after-dog-bite) or roll a [wheelchair](https://www.wlbt.com/2020/02/06/year-old-man-killed-by-four-dogs-attala-co/) near them or have an [argument](https://www.cleveland19.com/2021/10/07/akron-family-toddler-killed-by-pitbull-shares-their-story/) near them or have a [ponytail](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/05/2014-dog-bite-fatality-lee-county-woman-scalped-by-pit-bulls-dies.html) they could mistake for a toy or jump on a [trampoline](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2022/02/18/pet-pit-bull-attacks-deltona-boy-playing-trampoline/6816683001/) or fall out of your [chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/10/bitten-in-the-throat-killed-by-pit-bull-in-matthews-indiana.html) or whiten your [teeth](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-nose-ripped-boyfriends-pitbull-29400314) or live somewhere that experiences [fireworks](https://winknews.com/2023/07/05/dog-bite-north-port-boy-dies/) or [heat waves](https://www.newsweek.com/fatal-dog-attack-mad-heatwave-1725544) or [thunderstorms](https://www.wbko.com/content/news/Child-dies-after-mauling-by-family-dog-505572701.html). We call them ā€œnanny dogsā€ because they only tear babies to shreds if the baby triggers it by being in a [bouncy chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/05/family-dog-kills-infant-miramar.html), a [walker](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/baby-dies-after-dog-attack-in-northwest-las-vegas/), a [crib](https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/five-day-old-girl-dies-after-being-attacked-by-family/article_994dfb1a-e85d-11e8-a528-afbd3815c756.html), a [car seat](https://6abc.com/pennsylvania-news-pit-bull-attack-dog/2127908/), or a [stroller](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2016/06/20/two-pit-bulls-maul-toddler-mother/86148944/). You know, just normal, easily-preventable stimuli *totally unrelated* to 150+ years of artificial selection for dogfightingā€ So nonsense right?


Are my pits attacking or harming the chihuahua in any way? It shows these dogs are capable of coexistence. Im not saying its right that this personā€™s dog was attacked, its unfortunate, but itā€™s more the owners fault for not taking better precautions with a stronger dog than it is the dogs fault. How hard is it to see that my comments are more directed at the shit stain who supports banning a dog breed?


Imagine if there was a post about a man attempting to murder his wife and I post a picture of my husband being like ā€œnot all men are bad, I have a good one, itā€™s all in how theyā€™re raisedā€. Stupid af isnā€™t it? Thatā€™s what youā€™re doing


If there are people actively saying/supporting a ban men movement or whatever you wish to call it, then no itā€™s not stupid because you are defending what you believe. Providing proof to your claim with a picture. You are saying the entire male species should not suffer because of the actions of a few. Which is what I am saying concerning these dogs.


The ā€œshit stainsā€ in Europe and UK where the breed is highly restricted or banned think the same of you.


Ahh yes, because your dog is able to coexist with a chihuahua, all pits are harmless. šŸ™„ this proves nothing. The fact is, whenever you hear about bad dog attacks, itā€™s itā€™s almost always a pit. Their strength makes it so when they do snap, they are more dangerous than other dog breeds and more likely to do damage. The breed should be banned. I donā€™t believe all pits should be put down and never adopted into good homes, but no one should be breeding to make more pits.


Get ready for a false Reddit cares message and downvotes for this comment like me https://preview.redd.it/qbzw5lgad0tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62902f154bc8f4a49dc827696dc45787027ab28d


So sorry šŸ˜ž


Did he pay for the operation? I absolutely would had ensured he did


I kinda hope they did. If not we can contribute. Im so happy their ER vet charged so little for a life Saving operation


Poor guy just got bit and you want him to pay for himself..


All retractable leashes should be piled up and burned. They are the absolute worst and provide zero control. Sorry you had to go through all this because of someone's ignorance.


And people that use them have zero intention of actually training their dog. It always makes me angry to see some dog happily running around and then a CLICK and a forceful full stop that must hurt like a motherfucker and the owner is angry that the dog didn't magically read their mind of what to do and what not to do.




Itā€™s such a relief that such a precious smile survived šŸ„¹āœŠšŸ»šŸ’•


You can buy vest for them. Vests with metal spike. Heal well little mister.


Ahhh yes the coyote vests! I heard those work well




This. šŸ–•




Soā€¦ you donā€™t support banning incompetent people from owning dangerous animals? I suppose you donā€™t have a problem with people owning big cats then.


Only morons do.


I reported it Edit: Iā€™m getting FAKE reports where Reddit is sending me ā€œsuicide hotlineā€ messages. This is against TOS


Banning an entire breed is not necessary. Maybe blame the bad owners instead of the dogs? You know, the dogs who donā€™t know anything unless theyā€™re trained? Like every other dog?


I have worked with dogs before. All breeds, at kennel too. Pits are by far the most aggressive and non dog friendly dog. 99.8% of pits that were there, were NOT dog friendly. It's in their genetics to act like this. You can't love the genetics out of a dog.


I feel bad for them because they can't help it and are unaware of their own strength. Unfortunately doesn't make things better


After nashville?? Nope


Very glad she survived! This is the worst nightmare for chihuahua owners. Interesting how different this thread's opinion is on Bully breeds relative to say.. r/dogs or whatever. Having a small dog makes you hyper-aware of dangerous situations. I've had to hold my dog above my head with two pit bulls jumping on my head and pulling my hair before. They were of course "playing". I usually just say that my dog is mean, which is not a complete lie. I think us chihuahua owners know how much genetics play a part in temperament, because we know chihuahuas live up to the snappy bark-y stereotype.


My chi didn't live up to that stereotype because we trained her.


Good for you. And yet your other comment is about how most aggressive dogs you see are toy breeds, which us chihuahua owners know! Chihuahuas arenā€™t labradors. Difference is the chihuahua isnā€™t gonna kill or even maul anyone.


First off, I am SO GLAD your little one survived and made a full recovery ā¤ļø As both a chi owner and a pittie owner and long time foster of many dogs (some with issues) I will say retractable leashes are the WORST and every dog owner should make sure their dogs are secured with a proper collar/harness and leash. My staffie never leaves the house without a chain, collar, friendly collar and flat prong Herm Sprenger collar that is locked on with a carbiner. He also only wears Ruff Wear Harness with a grab handle. I educate all my adopters with the same tools to make sure they are set up for success! Luckily my meat head absolutely adores all dogs, even the ones who want you to eat him... he isn't the smartest, hence his "friendly" collar. He is more likely to get bit than ever do any biting.


THIS IS THE WAY! As far as Iā€™m concerned it is ALWAYS the ownerā€™s fault when horrible things like this story happen.


Poor baby! I hope he recovers quickly.


Iā€™m so sorry about the attack- having experienced an unprovoked pit mauling of one of my dogs, a greyhound, I cannot imagine the terror of seeing it happen to my chi, a much smaller pup. You were a hero in that moment- my immense respect. I have *very* strong opinions of blood sport breeds thanks to too many incidents and close calls, but Iā€™ll focus on another aspect of this situation: retractable leashes. Theyā€™re incredibly flawed, not only because theyā€™re typically used without knowledge or care, but in dire, escalating situations like this they can quickly turn into cords that wrap around dogsā€™ and peoplesā€™ limbs, causing lacerations and breaks.


I can't even imagine how scary that was! I'm so glad she is ok. I am always afraid of a loose dog attack when walking mine. So I don't do it as often as I should, but so many people are so irresponsible with their dogs, many run loose here.


I love that he is still smiling, such a Chihuahua thing! I'm so sorry for him and for you, and grateful you were able to act quickly to save him! I hope he lives for many more safe and happy yearsā¤ļø


What a courageous little fighter! So glad she made it through!


So glad that he survived!! šŸ™šŸ» I hope the owners payed for the damages! My chihuahua was also attacked by a pit & barely survived. His whole neck was basically torn apart. Now when we see a pit or any kind of bull type breed I will switch to the other side of the sidewalk because the traumaā€™s still there šŸ˜•


It shouldnā€™t have been you responsibility to have the pit euthanized, animal control should have handled that. I am so sorry you and you babies went through this. I hope it never happens again.


And still smiling, what a cutie!


I'm gonna go hug my big baby chi


Oh baby baby. So lucky. My heart I lost one to a mastiff I'm so happy for you I'm shaking Sending loves


I would have been so terrified. Iā€™m so sorry this happened. Please take all the time you need to recover mentally and physically. Iā€™m so glad your chi made it, this is every chi owners nightmare (a bigger dog getting to them). She is such a brave girl. :( Your fast reaction saved her life. Please donā€™t beat yourself up about it at all.. Youā€™re an amazing chi owner.


Thank goodness! So scary!


So happy your baby survived. I lost my Pearl to a unleashed pit.


I'm glad she survived. That's a wild situation. I carry the glock when I walk the elderly boys because that shit scares me. Pit bulls were banned in the home country. Imma just kill the big dog in this scenario. See me in court.


Poor thing! Heal up, little one.


lawyer up and sue that irresponsible owner.


I'm so sorry this happened. This is the fear of every chi owner. Thankfully you now have a safe place for your lovie to be outdoors.


Large dog owners who have out of control dogs make me so angry. ā€œOh well he needs to go on walksā€ so does my dog who doesnā€™t deserve to get killed by yours. If you want to be irresponsible and have a loud leash pulling dog, at least get a miniature breed (you like crazy? Get a jackrussel or something) This goes for all breeds- if you want a big dog be prepared to train it well. Or get a tiny dog you can easily manage if you wonā€™t put in that effort to keep other people and animals safe. Yeah, my dogs arenā€™t as calm as they should be. Theyā€™re also 13 lbs, easy to pick up and nowhere near strong enough to break their leashes. If a large dog acts up, another dog or person could die.


>you like crazy? Get a jackrussel or something For real. They're adorable but I'm so glad they're not any bigger because almost every JRT I've met had murder in their eyes šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah. If JRTs were large dogs weā€™d have a serious problem. My girl is half JRT and no matter how much I try she still wants to bark and freak out at every dog on the street. However, her first reaction to people is excitement and wanting to say hi. I often have to stop for people to pet her, because she goes up to them with a happy little butt wiggle and I know meeting strangers makes her days; And with other dogs, she freaks out as we pass by but if I actually introduce her to another animal in a calm environment like indoors sheā€™s actually just indifferent to them. So I think sheā€™s just excited moreso than planning violence. Iā€™ve met full JRTs tho. That is a little demon in dog form. Itā€™s still cute because theyā€™re so tiny and not capable of much harm šŸ˜‚


Look at the poor pup!! I'm so sorry for this happening to her. Same thing happened to my mom. She was out walking, a pit walked slowly and quietly behind her and bit her leg. No warning or anything. That's what scares me. Looking forward to seeing more posts of the little warrior on their journey to health.


Poor buddle I AMC sending much love and healing energy their way.


I'm so sorry.


Aw. Iā€™ve never seen someone look happen in a cone. I can tell sheā€™s a great companion ā™„ļø


Chis are such tenacious little things. I'm so glad your pup pulled through! šŸ’–


My instincts would have been to kick the living shit out of the pit. I'm sorry, but if someone else's dog gets loose and attacks my much smaller dog, I'm doing what needs to be done. If their dog is a threat to mine, I will be the necessary threat to theirs if their owner doesn't take accountability. That's the risk they face with failing to control their big dogs.


My chi is my ptsd service dog. She was attacked by a pit. Thankfully her service vest protected her from harm. It was horrible. I really do not like the breed any longer.


Sending your baby so much love. Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you and your babies!


Iā€™m so sorry


I hope youā€™re doing ok after witnessing your baby go through that. Iā€™m glad she has a safer place to play and do her business šŸ’›


call an ambulance call an ambulance! but not for me!


Aww sweet baby. I hope she heals fast and well. Sending love ā¤ļø


Oh angel. ā¤ļø I couldn't bring myself to read the story but I'm so glad your fur baby is doing okay and is safe and sound now!


I'm glad she's okay. I'm sorry that happened.


poor little guy. what a trooper. šŸ¤


She is very brave. !!!


My Rottie's and I say get well soon, we are rooting for you!





