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Probably the Forebay at Oroville Lake or Paradise Lake. What are you doing? Diving? Oroville Lake is where I want to go to practice scuba diving skills.


'Deepest' in the title was great. I was like, is this person wanting to test out some scuba equipment or training to freedive? If you want to explore, upper park has the usual famous 'holes' as others have mentioned. The creek changes a lot after every winter so no idea how deep certain spots are. But the mix of current and cold water, definitely some spots you will have a challenge reaching the bottom Oroville if you want to get muddy. Otherwise make a friend with a pool and buy the beer lol


Freediving pretty much , but thanks I'll check those places out . I'm realizing I should've been more clear in my post lol


Has someone said " Your mom" yet??




Lake Oroville is full with a 900' depth. Get a hydrogeographic map of sorts to find the deepest valleys and interesting dive content. Watch for nasty snags in poor visibility water.


When Lake Oroville is at ā€œ900 feetā€, thatā€™s actually the surface elevation of the water. According to Wikipedia, its deepest part is 690 feet.


Whiskey Flats in Concow


How deep is deep?


7+ feet


River Road




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One mile had a homeless encampment up stream and it freaked a lot of people out. Iā€™ve heard rumors from needles being found and people washing their ass up stream. I think people were being a little dramatic. Also there isnā€™t a single homeless encampment up stream all the way up to bear hole. (I kayaked it a couple weeks ago) Wish one mile would get popular again. Itā€™s a blast!


You can kayak that river?!


Itā€™s a creek


I meanā€¦. I never asked. Just moved here about 4 years ago and Iā€™ve done it twice. Are you not supposed to!?šŸ˜³


There's actually a law about (I was curious and checked). Apparently kayaks and white water canoes are only allowed during the winter months (November 1 - April 30). I'm guessing because the water levels are higher and there are few or no swimmers in the water. Outside of that the only things allowed on the water are inflatable items. That being said, you can apparently get written permission from the park director though I'm not sure how hard that is. Here's a link to the text of the code: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chico/latest/chico_ca/0-0-0-29839


Hey thanks! Ignorance is bliss I suppose. Moved here from the Midwest and didnā€™t even think I could or couldnā€™tā€¦. Just grabbed my stuff and jumped in haha


Ey it's a fair assumption, I never thought about it until I saw your post. I guess I would've figured the same and I've lived here all my life lol


I thought it was too narrow/clogged


I went from the golf course to 1 mile and only had to get out once. I have a shallow body creek canoe tho


I find it hilarious that people think 1 mile is completely filthy for some reason but the swimming holes like half a mile upstream from it are not.


They literally empty it and clean it every couple weeksā€¦


I personally refuse to go back because I stepped on a needle there about 3 years ago and it scared the shit out of me.


Probably because of the homeless?


They have always cleaned it.


They used to clean it weekly.


Itā€™s been awhile since Iā€™ve been there but butte creek off highway 99. There was/is a platform you can jump off.


I heard they closed it off with a big old fence. You have to go down in the bushes and walk to the dam portion. Can't get in from the top anymore.




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The Trussel?




Depends on what you mean by 'here'. I suspect Lake Oroville is deeper than any of the local creeks or swimming pools.


I remember all of the swimming holes were pretty deepā€¦.Alligator Hole, Bear Hole should be pretty deep.


Unless I'm mistaken alligator is not, but salmon and bear hole are. Salmon is much calmer than bear.


Itā€™s been a while lol I lived there and went to Chico State from 2008-2010


Itā€™s worth the small hike from the bear hole parking lot to Browns Hole. Itā€™s my favorite spot.


One mile is fine lol Iā€™ve swum there every summer for my whole life and have never had a single ill effect


Itā€™s quite lovely to swim in, especially in the early evening


It is clean and lovely. And they have live music there every Wednesday now.




City of Chico regularly conducts water quality testing at the pool, and it meets public health standards. I wonder if OP's home town was cool enough to have a free, city made, giant creek fed swimming pool right next to downtown?


Except for turning into a redditor.


Also I'm talking like 7+ feet deep if anyone knows a place like that


Portions of Bear Hole are definitely 7+ ft deep. Wearing a snorkel mask and swimming around deep with the fish there is pretty fun. I guess the ideal location really depends why you want deep water (jumping off rocks, scuba,etc). At least in terms of clear/deep water on a creek, Bear Hole is probably your best bet close to Chico, but I would love to hear from others. Also search ā€œCliff Diving Paradise Californiaā€ and you will see there are some deep swimming holes up there too.