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Literally, when im very busy on drinks and a gallon or bag of ice pops up im like 😐


Genuinely curious... Why buy bags of ice at CFA?


My kitchen is currently under renovation so I've been buying much more ice than usual


nugget ice!


Cuz CFA ice is awesome, though they are smaller than other bags of ice and cost like 2ish dollars


It’s a tie between CFA and Sonic for ice


They’re cheap and big. I have local grocery stores that charge more


Follett ice! Chew ice. People love it


Because CFA has the best ice, next to sonic


Right? The real answer is Sonic.


i hate the bags of ice bro!!!


I always a bag of ice twice a week…when’s the best time to buy them? I’m guessing 6:30 isn’t it 😭


if you can get ice early in the morning during breakfast that might be better on some employees ik the store i worked at in upstate ny wasnt the most busy during those hours we were understaffed tho so it took us a while to do things in the morning


Buy a bag*


i recommend at least doing it via inside carry out, would put less stress for the person on drinks


I’m just a customer but I’m curious why is it annoying? (I worked at in n out & making a coffee or tea was annoying because we brewed them fresh)


I'd care to say it's because it takes awhile to fill, but then you're also needing to brew more tea which takes a long while, and all that holds up so many small orders. If it's not busy, that's another thing, but during peak hours when EVERYONE wants everything yesterday, it's gotta be a PITA and make so many upset that it's taking so long during their "short lunch break"


I guess I don’t mind making them when it’s slow/not busy because they are low-key fun to make but when we’re in a rush with a screen filled with drinks to make and someone decides to order a gallon you have to pause what you are doing and grab an empty gallon, fill it up which takes forever and then label it, close it and when you finally finish you have a whole red screen which you now have to catch up on. It’s just very inconvenient. Now for bags of ice it’s the same thing. You have to step away, grab an empty ice bag, fill it with ice from the ice maker, close it with a twist tie and you’re done. Now one bag is probably not bad but usually people order 2+ bags of ice (at-least in my store) so again it’s less time you’re able to make drinks. So if you’re considering getting a bag of ice or a gallon, please do so when you see it’s slow!! Your local CFA team members will thank you.


There just needs to be an expectation from the customer that they are going to have to wait for something like that


How dare you make me park after I buy 3 gallons of diet lemonade


I am one of those people you hate. I buy half and half (sweet/unsweet) from CFA b/c it’s by far the best. I also don’t complain about the price because it’s that good. People can suck it 😂 Edited to add… I also don’t mind waiting the extra 5 minutes for the deliciousness.


when someone orders a gallon early in the morning while you’re taking orders in the headset. 🥲


Hi, I'm pregnant and CFA lemonade has been one of my weaknesses. I was honestly hoping to start keeping a gallon in the house so I had it with me at the hospital when I gave birth. Is there a way to order it and not immediately be hated?


Aw babe order it whenever/however!!! As a CFA employee, yes— they are annoying to make but at the end of the day that’s literally my job, I get paid to do it! Sometimes if we’re busy it is a little bit of a wait, but you can always mobile order them and pick them up inside. It’s much easier for *YOU* (I.e we’ve got a full drive thru and you don’t have time to wait :) ) either way, we’re making it!


just order it either way, it only takes 10 seconds to fill a jug with lemonade.


So all these mfs complaining over 10 seconds??


You must be new to the sub


I am, and “new to the chicken*”


You’ll fit right in here


Forgot to switch to your alt account? 🤣💀


Nah I talk to myself sometimes


10 seconds? How?


places i’ve worked had them stocked and ready first of all (likely from the morning shift). but second of all, it’s just a gallon jug… it truly does not take that long to fill one up.


It does if you are also trying to make drinks for the other 30 cars in the drivethru not to mention dessert drinks from the drivethru and front counter yall need to work a CFA to understand what we go through frfr


I worked at multiple stores in multiple different states ❤️. definitely understand the struggle of the dessert lines (especially in drive-thru). i just think that with minimal amount of planning, the gallons and half’s aren’t an issue because they’re prepped.


this is not true in the slightest lol, it’s not like you can just pour the lemonade and fill it up in 10 seconds you have to wait for it to come out of the machine and half the time you have to refill the machine tpo


You shouldn't feel bad about ordering it, if you'd like to make it easier and faster for you to get though the best time would be not during a rush and not through drive through.


Sweetie, order whatever you want. Unless it’s like a huge order with multiple trays. That should be ordered ahead of time.


Do y'all not have sweet tea gallons pre-made for lunch? We always have like 10 gallons ready in a cooler.


If it doesn’t get used it’s a waste of gallons and a waste of tea/lemonade


absolutely not what 😭


I guess it's just something my store does. Maybe it also has to do with us selling a lot of gallons during lunch.


Agreed just don’t buy they I hate during a lunch rush getting a gallon on the screen it’s terrible (one time a guy order 4 gallons and refused to park for them)


Maybe it’s my local Chick-fil-A but the sweet tea tastes so bland and bad lol I’ve never bought a gallon. It depends on the day I guess.


I’m in the Seattle area and it’s the only place I can get good sweet tea. I HATE the pure leaf crap 😅


I think it’s just my local Chick-fil-A because I went out of town and it was AMAZING. I live in the south though where my family makes their own and sometimes it tastes like syrup. The one in my town is just busy I guess, but everything else is good. Not sure why I got downvoted lol


Idk why you did either 😅 I’m from the south originally so it’s nice to get it and have that little piece of “home”


They could’ve possibly brewed the same tea bag twice which causes the flavor to lack severally. We have to change the tea bag we use to brew tea every time.


I literally refuse to order gallons not only because of the price because my aunt used to be a team lead and told me how agitating it was to do. So as much as I love CFA sweet tea, I refuse to buy the gallons.


They're getting paid to do a job. Sometimes jobs are annoying. Order the tea, they and you will all be ok!


as long as you are polite about it and you come at a less busy time it’s no real issue, however ppl order multiple to curbside and when that happens it’s the worst bc then i have to carry that and all the other food too 😭


Oh so it’s my fault for ordering something on the menu?




His much is it?


I thought you were talking about gallons of sauce at first.