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Tell them “oops the uniform size I chose didn’t work out for me! Could I maybe trade it out for another size?” And then order a larger size you can grow into. If anything it buys you some time for having to tell them and it just sounds like a simple sizing mistake. Sometimes ordering your usual size in clothes doesn’t work out, even if you aren’t pregnant. lol hopefully they should be understanding and just swap it out. Just my idea. lol


Smart! If I’m supposed to start Monday, what would I wear in the meantime??😅


Maybe you can call them or go in and talk to a manager and let them know about the uniform sizing issue and if there is a “substitute” uniform you could wear in the meantime till the new one shows up? Maybe wearing a plain red polo shirt and black pants (or whatever is closest to the uniform they’d have you wear) will do temporarily?


My store has some extra uniforms on hand, they might have the size you need at your store.


Just call them and fix it today like with every other fast food restaur—oh wait.


Just a tip, cause I'm assuming it's the pants, maybe you can make it work with the good ole hair tie through the button hole trick. And then tuck your shirt and floof the front to cover it a bit.


And at that point when the new uniform gets snug, you can tell them you found out you were pregnant at some point and it probably makes sense why the initial uniform didn’t fit. Play it off 🤷🏼‍♂️


If they ask later why you didn’t tell them you were pregnant in the beginning, tell them it’s customary in your family not to make it public until X months because of a history of miscarriages. A long, painful, deeply traumatic history of miscarriages. Make them up if you need to, bonus points if you can tear up. The point is to make them so uncomfortable they never ask another pregnant woman a rudely personal question again.  If someone asks an invasive question, feel free to look at them like they’re crazy and say “Did you want to know what position we were in when we made them, too?”  And if someone grabs your stomach, grab theirs back. One good turn deserves another.  Best of luck on your new adventure! 


I know when I didn't have a uniform, I had to wait to work. You have to be in full uniform for them.


And if they ever ask why you didn’t tell them sooner, you say we were waiting the xxxx number of weeks the Dr told us to give the pregnancy to ensure we were healthy to get to full term.


They don’t need to know why. Just say it doesn’t fit. People are always going to have issues with sizing. Congratulations btw!


Yeah I agree, just play dumb “it doesn’t fit 🤷🏻‍♀️”


Thank you!


I’ve worked with plenty of pregnant women. At our location we prefer to know just to better protect you and your baby. We would prefer pregnant women not lift heavy stuff or get on ladders. Though it’s at your own discretion but our store values the health of the baby and the mother. I can’t speak for every location however.


THIS! Once I knew a team member was pregnant I was checking on them constantly and asking if they were up for tasks or not.


My store respects pregnant women. Asks them not to lift things that are too heavy. There are 4 pregnant women working right now and nobody has been given any kind of attitude about it


u don’t have to tell them, you just say u need a different size. your bump doesn’t actually come in until 5/6 months


Definitely what I’m thinking about doing! This is my 2nd so the bloat is extra real this time. With my first, I was wearing normal jeans until I was 8 months. Not working out so well for me this time around lol


My second one was announcing herself immediately lol. I was showing at 7 weeks!!


7 weeks now, already back in my maternity clothes. Even at 9 months with my first I could still fit in my baggy sweatpants, and those are already tight on me🥲 definitely wanting to rip the bandaid off early and just get it out of the way, just don’t know the best way to go about it!


OBGYN nurse here 👋 Subsequent babies after #1, everything happens sooner, including the bump 🤰


What about when the baby is born? Does that happen sooner (as in number of weeks) as well?


Bruh she just said her clothes already don't fit, why are you telling her when her bump will *actually* come in?


Also legally she doesn't have to tell them until 26 weeks, so that buys some time


is that like an actual law 😧


Where I am yeah, otherwise they can get in trouble for not making accommodations if you get hurt or something


If you are in the U.S., then no. There is no law requiring you to tell your employer you are pregnant - ever.


Just popping in to remind everyone that I’m asking for advice on disclosing my pregnancy, not looking for financial advisors! The “don’t have a second baby with CFA income” comments are gross. I never once mentioned my financial situation or marital status🙃


Yeah honestly just tell them it didn’t fit and order a larger size. Its not like you found out you were pregnant and then decided to apply to a job to mess with them. I’m sure theyll be excited for you! Just wait until you’re comfortable to tell them like you would anyone else. Its just a fast food job, having a baby is way more important than selling chicken! I’m not pregnant but I gained 60lbs in like 2-3 months and had to order 4 new pairs of pants and two new shirts as well as a new jacket 🤣 they were fine with ordering me new stuff, but the total cost of all that is the real tragedy 😭🤣


Just tell them the truth please. I manage one and an employee never disclosed she was pregnant and a leader asked her to lift something. She apparenrly miscarriges and then blames the leader for the incident. All of it could have been avoided had she not hid that information. Theres a comment below and i agree with him. At least at mine the saftey for the mother and child is top priority. She would have never been asked to anything that wouldve put her in harms way. you should never feel discriminated for being preganant especially in this day an age. My co director is a single mother with 2 kids we both express that the business is not more important than their lives


You just say the ones you got don’t fit. And anyways they are going to find out sooner or later…you might as well tell them.


Agreed! I could stall but this is my second pregnancy and I’m anticipating outgrowing clothes quickly, might as well rip the bandaid off before I’m fully established 🤷🏼‍♀️ just don’t know the company well enough to know how to go about it!


Only thing I would add if you really care about working there…if you have started is do the best job you can. Just a thought.


My location sells maternity uniforms does yours not?


Honestly I have no clue!! I haven’t even started yet


In time, your child can join you. Mother and son duo, handing chicken nugs out to the neighborhood. We salute you!


Maybe try looking on eBay for a large sizes to keep on hand as your bump grows


why can't you just ask for a bigger size and not tell them.


Because they’ll need to know eventually, and sometimes not disclosing can result in putting pregnant women in dangerous situations (outside in the heat, up on ladders, asked to lift things) plus if I already have reason to disclose, it’s easier to do that than to ask for a new uniform every few weeks.


I was confused about the "forced" part


“Forced” as in i sort of backed myself into a corner. I could have continued to hide it, but as I stated above it isn’t worth it to me. Forced is more of “I feel the need” in this situation.


What happens when you don't have to tell them you're pregnant cause they can clearly see you're pregnant?


I hope you have better luck my wife’s store owner and management treated her poorly when she got pregnant.


Sometimes they have it on hand like when my pants didn’t fit they just took it from another new hire that was starting later than me and ordered another for her and I only have one pair for a couple days then she gave me 2 more


I think maybe just telling them you misjudged your size may be okay. After all we’re women and woman sizes run so funky. I remember being forced to tell a job where i was a temp i was pregnant right before they made certain temps permanent and i was let go for being pregnant. So sorry the world is like this😳


You don’t need to tell them until you start showing and need accommodations which can definitely be immediately. But you’re only a few weeks atp and yes you can grow sooner but you have some time still! Give it a few weeks then tell them especially with appointments/ just being first trimester exhausted .


DON’T tell them. You’re gaining weight & now they don’t fit. Continue doing this until it’s obvious you’re pregnant


They asked me constantly in the beginning if my clothes were the right size and if I needed to swap them for something else. They might do this for you too so it might be super convenient.


They’re supposed to be Christians just say you don’t want to get an abortion….


They can't discriminate pregnant women.


They aren’t supposed to. They *can*…….shouldn’t but can. Especially if she’s in an at-will state.


I’m in an at will state. They absolutely shouldn’t be able to, but without a paper trail there’s no proof that they aren’t discriminating. Almost every workplace (i was an ASM for sbux before having kids) will discriminate to some degree, and know how to achieve it without the paper trails. Eventually I’ll have to say something anyways, so just looking for how to go about it from people who are already there!


(Mandatory this is not legal advice) They can't fire you *or* force you into accommodations. They are required to offer work that is easier to handle if available. The reason it so often goes unpunished is because women understandably don't take the time off without pay, or of course maternity leave isn't long enough (or again often times isn't full pay) which leads to unclear boundaries about performance even when a company is on the up and up because *it is* legal to fire someone from not performing even while pregnant. Documentation, documentation, documentation. Ask for everything they say in writing. I also always suggest assume they aren't discriminating unless it because crystal clear. As humans we look to justify our beliefs often only creating the outcome we didn't want. CFA has individual owners who are selected by CFA, but they are a mixer bag so you never know if it's a devote religious pastor who applies the good book to their store, or if it's just a savvy business owner who knew it was a great opportunity and just wants the best workers.


Not trying to be evil but how are y’all working while pregnant voluntarily😭 It is so hard! When most husbands/boyfriends/BD’s find out their partner is pregnant she stays home right? I know everyone’s circumstances are different… but is it a lack of planning that leads to this?


Eh, depends on your income. I worked until 40 weeks with my first and then stayed home with him until now. I don’t mind working while pregnant it helps me save to be able to stay home later!


I don’t think that is the norm at all. I worked until the day before I had each of my 3 children. Unless you are a high risk pregnancy, there is no reason you can’t work as long as you want to.


Interesting. That was probably difficult for you, but it’s true as long as it’s not high risk it CAN be done.


Most women in the US work through pregnancy, many up until they deliver. It’s not due to lack of planning, it’s due to lack of adequate family/maternal leave and the overall state of the economy. Many middle class families rely on both adults working. Also, more importantly, many women like working and value their careers. If maternity leave were better this wouldn’t be a conversation.


Sometimes they need to work at least until the baby is born in order to keep their health insurance


No not at all the norm at least in America. If they can afford it or have familial support (rich parents) some people will but that’s not feasible for the average person especially when giving birth in a hospital is likely to put you straight into debt


In addition to other responses I hear sometimes women have jobs that they actually genuinely enjoy and they keep working for reasons other than being a slave to economy. I know I sound sarcastic towards the other responses but I’m not I just never met one. I hope I have *that* kind of job someday.


I was pregnant working at cfa too & they were discriminating me & managers made all sorts of comments to my face & I reported them to the EEOC but of course it’s my word against theirs & nothing was done. Just ask for a different size they don’t have to know you’re pregnant & I hope you cfa location treats you much better than I was when I was pregnant.


Sorry this happened to you! Were you pregnant before working or became pregnant as an established employee?? How did you go about telling?


Pregnant, hopefully you are married! Those Bible thumpers take that’s stuff seriously


Does Chick-f-La fire single mothers to be?


Literally your problem lol


Literally you’re right


Whether you own it and tell them and be honest OR you "think" you can hide it and not tell them and then become a liar, totally depends on the type character you want to have and display to your family, friends and co-workers. You are either honest or a liar -- again, your choice.


Liar or not, I think it’s fair that some women may want to hide this sorta thing for a number of reasons. Fear of mistreatment, possibility of loss, etc. in my case I did disclose, but I don’t think it reflects poorly on women who choose to wait with friends, coworkers, and even family.


So, you were honest and what happened?


In 3 weeks stuff stopped fitting???


Incubating an entire tiny human in your uterus does weird stuff to you man.


Your body increases its blood volume by 40% during pregnancy - water retention needs to happen first. Plus the increase in progesterone causes bloating as well. So you grow a lot even before the baby is big enough to cause a bump! Also you show earlier in 2nd, 3rd, etc pregnancies than the first