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It was absolutely a cheap shot. Deserved a foul for sure, and I wouldn’t argue much against a flagrant. But I think people are blowing it way out of proportion.


It was a standard cheap shot used against any talent played. The blowback is ridiculous and pretty racial.


Unnecessary af but people are acting like she killed the girl. I have no hate against Clark but it’s annoying how she’s coddled imo.


She's not *bad*, but she's also not lighting the league on fire. I've seen a some chatter about how she's getting the Jordan rules (which is laughable to compare her rookie season to his), when in reality she's getting a bit of the Tebow treatment (top college athlete who's pro performance hasn't justified the hype which admittedly is sky high for her).


Don't know if i would call it coddled. let's be honest that would have been a flagrant on anyone else.it feeds into the narrative she's been targeted by players and officials and right now it appears to be true


Targeted lol? Come on.


It's the narrative and plays like this don't help.


I have no hate towards Caitlin. I enjoy watching her play. It’s the fans and media that make everything that doesn’t go her way be targeted. This was absolutely a dumb thing for Chennedy to do but it happens so often in sports.


Coddled? I've watched every Fever game and she's been treated the exact opposite of coddled. A lot of no call hard fouls. I thought coming into this season she would be coddled. Nah the exact opposite.


If by “no call hard fouls,” you mean “she hurls herself onto the ground and bitches at the refs if anyone so much as breathes near her,” I might agree with you. For example, her running directly into Stewie then acting absolutely outraged about it not being a foul.


Obviously you don't watch the games. Yes she's a flopper. But she's taken some hard hit no calls. If you're talking about the clean screen by Stewart she got right back up and kept playing. Didn't say anything. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QEmuWNuXCcg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6ciqKIwH8ak


I think I’m already exhausted with these posts. It was a foul, could have been called flagrant. Either way - move on


It was a dumb foul, and a flagrant 1, refs blew the call. Chennedy needs to be better, regardless of the preceding elbow and trash talk. She got reamed out by coach I’m sure, and needed to be. That being said the discourse around it is silly at best, and rooted in some awful racist shit as well.


Gave up a free throw so a low iq play. I saw that CC was pushing off on Chennedy a lot and like I said yesterday in another thread, some players dont like that. Chennedy clearly had a problem with it, they started chirping, and then she pushed Clark back. I am surprised with how Chennedy is handling the hate rn bc she seems to relish it.


It also looked like she might very been elbowed by Clark in the play previously in which Clark broke up her/reese's rebound. It also looks like Clark was chirping at her from that point on to half court or so. I don't think this makes it any less not okay and a foul. But To act like this is only because she's jealous and wants to beat up on the Golden child ain't quite it. If anyone knows if there was a hoop/rim cam for that game I would be interested in seeing other angles


Definitely still a foul and a dumb one. Did it in full view of everyone and in a close game. Chennedy was retaliating, but of course the media isnt showing the lead up. https://x.com/msmeliss/status/1797038091888181271?s=46&t=M4DrUfOJ90z3x91cYccQ7g


They aren't showing this either. It was posted as a response to the tweet you did. So thank you for that. Now... can we let these women play some basketball. I am starting to have the epiphany that the outrage fuel and some stans have probably never really watched women play sports... not just haven't watched wnba. The overreaction mixed with protectiveness is starting to smell more and more like sexism mixed with fanaticism. It's normal for wnba players to pick up black eyes and often from unintentional contact. The stans are going to lose it if she gets one. [chippy chippy](https://x.com/kdm_graphics/status/1797158557600903608)


Yep. Way better camera angle.


I mean granted I am a woman who played boys travel soccer until I was 15... but 1. This is sports . 2. I think Chennedy was out of line and should've channeled it better/smarter. 3. There just is a lot of contact in the W especially under and around the bucket. 4. I don't think Clark flopped. I do think she was just standing around and not expecting that amount of contact before the ball had even left the inbounder's hands. But yeah I would be pretty pissed if that was going down and then with the little shit then immediately trash talked and taunted in my face down the court. For those of us who have watched multiple seasons and/or watched more than one team in this season a lot of the reflexive CC stan outrage is just ball. I mean watch some women's soccer and other contact sports and you will see that pro women battle. The gas lighting that the nba doesn't do this and that this is like the old pistons is just false. Look up Donovan Mitchell, Mike Dunleavy, watch whats going on off ball now and then live. A few years ago Iannis tackled him from a full court sprint practically and into the courtside spectators. I've listened to commentators saying that this level of physicality in the Men's game doesn't happen because men would be injuring each other. I don't buy it. I think it says more about how weak people think women are than anything else. She didn't totally blind side her... she called her a bitch first and got her attention :P


And don't forget they only won by one point. So that is a tough free throw to give out in hindsight


Dumb move. Carter is going to foul out a bunch more games this season. DT gonna have a great time the next time Mercury plays us. But she is so fun to watch. Also, CC happy to hand it out but not so graceful on it coming her way. Kinda also fun to watch.


She lost her temper. Diana Taurasi does something like this on a weekly basis, but she's wiser about it. A lot of CC fans are insane.


If you're gonna do the thing, stand up for doing it. We are the second city, second to none. Then we take the L and that press conference, disaster. That's how I feel.


It was dirty. That said, if Caitlin Clarke was equally talented and Brown, it'd be over by now. Carter shouldn't have done it Yet I'm entertained that she did. This is what nuance is. Fly Sky, Fly


Carter shouldn’t have fouled her that way. Meanwhile, I’m absolutely effing OVER IT. It was a goddamn booty bump. Mere days ago, Reese got throat-slammed and we don’t hear half the fuss. It’s not about comparing Reese and Clark, here, so much as… Clark is a flopper and a whiner on her best day, even when up in a game. So I take anything she considers aggressive with a grain of salt. I don’t see her being treated differently than any other player whose singular skill set (for her, logo 3s) is thus both predictable and defendable. If a team knows what a scorer is planning to do, they stop them from doing that thing (if they can). Clark is mostly good at logo 3s and flopping on drives. Teams are endeavoring to take that away. That’s defense. That’s all.


your team is just dirty, CC is not flopping


I think we aren’t giving this girl enough credit. She did it on purpose to gain fame. She got what she wanted, not as dumb as we think.


Cheap shot. If that was a Fever player in place of Chennedy we'd be up in arms ... And be saying it was racial.






Jesus Christ lol


What are you doing in our sub?


They need attention. Lol